214 resultados para gravitational search algorithm


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A residual-based strategy to estimate the local truncation error in a finite volume framework for steady compressible flows is proposed. This estimator, referred to as the -parameter, is derived from the imbalance arising from the use of an exact operator on the numerical solution for conservation laws. The behaviour of the residual estimator for linear and non-linear hyperbolic problems is systematically analysed. The relationship of the residual to the global error is also studied. The -parameter is used to derive a target length scale and consequently devise a suitable criterion for refinement/derefinement. This strategy, devoid of any user-defined parameters, is validated using two standard test cases involving smooth flows. A hybrid adaptive strategy based on both the error indicators and the -parameter, for flows involving shocks is also developed. Numerical studies on several compressible flow cases show that the adaptive algorithm performs excellently well in both two and three dimensions.


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The simultaneous state and parameter estimation problem for a linear discrete-time system with unknown noise statistics is treated as a large-scale optimization problem. The a posterioriprobability density function is maximized directly with respect to the states and parameters subject to the constraint of the system dynamics. The resulting optimization problem is too large for any of the standard non-linear programming techniques and hence an hierarchical optimization approach is proposed. It turns out that the states can be computed at the first levelfor given noise and system parameters. These, in turn, are to be modified at the second level.The states are to be computed from a large system of linear equations and two solution methods are considered for solving these equations, limiting the horizon to a suitable length. The resulting algorithm is a filter-smoother, suitable for off-line as well as on-line state estimation for given noise and system parameters. The second level problem is split up into two, one for modifying the noise statistics and the other for modifying the system parameters. An adaptive relaxation technique is proposed for modifying the noise statistics and a modified Gauss-Newton technique is used to adjust the system parameters.


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A global recursive bisection algorithm is described for computing the complex zeros of a polynomial. It has complexityO(n 3 p) wheren is the degree of the polynomial andp the bit precision requirement. Ifn processors are available, it can be realized in parallel with complexityO(n 2 p); also it can be implemented using exact arithmetic. A combined Wilf-Hansen algorithm is suggested for reduction in complexity.


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The letter reports an algorithm for the folding of programmable logic arrays. The algorithm is valid for both column and row folding, although it has been presented considering only the simple column folding. The pairwise compatibility relations among all the pairs of the columns of the PLA are plotted in a matrix called the compatibility matrix of the PLA. A foldable compatibility matrix (FCM), a new concept defined in the letter, is then derived from the compatibility matrix. Once an FCM is obtained, the ordered pairs of fold-able columns and the reordering of the rows are readily determined


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The velocity ratio algorithm developed from a heuristic study of transfer matrix multiplication has been employed to bring out the relative effects of the elements constituting a linear, one-dimensional acoustic filter, the overall dimensions of which are fixed, and synthesize a suitable straight-through configuration for a low-pass, wide-band, non-dissipative acoustic filter. The potential of the foregoing approach in applications to the rational design of practical acoustic filters such as automotive mufflers is indicated.


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A modification in the algorithm for the detection of totally symmetric functions as expounded by the author in an earlier note1 is presented here. The modified algorithm takes care of a limited number of functions that escape detection by the previous method.


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The application of an algorithm shows that maximum uniformity of film thickness on a rotating substrate is achieved for a normalized source-to-substrate distance ratio, h/r =1.183.


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A divide-and-correct algorithm is described for multiple-precision division in the negative base number system. In this algorithm an initial quotient estimate is obtained from suitable segmented operands; this is then corrected by simple rules to arrive at the true quotient.


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An algorithm is described for developing a hierarchy among a set of elements having certain precedence relations. This algorithm, which is based on tracing a path through the graph, is easily implemented by a computer.


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Abstract is not available.


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TRAUTMAN has postulated1 that the usual space−time singularity occurring in classical cosmological models and in the gravitational collapse of massive objects could be averted if intrinsic spin effects are incorporated into general relativity by adding torsion terms to the usual Einstein field equations, that is through the Einstein−Cartan theory. Invoking a primordial magnetic field for aligning all the individual nuclear spins he shows that his universe consisting of 1080 aligned neutrons collapses to a minimum radius of the order of 1 cm with a corresponding matter density of 1055 g cm-3.


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Described here is a deterministic division algorithm in a negative-base number system; here, the divisor is mapped into a suitable range by premultiplication, so that the choice of the quotient digit is deterministic.


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The possibility of observing gravitational spin precession due to spin-orbit coupling in a binary pulsar system is considered. An analysis is presented which can aid in delineating the relevant physical effects from pulse-structure data. In this analysis, it is assumed that the pulsar radiation emanates from a cone whose axis is tilted with respect to the axis of rotation. It is found that the time-averaged pulse width and polarization sweep vary periodically with time and that this variation has a periodicity of the order of the spin-precession frequency averaged over a complete revolution. It is concluded that for an orbital period of about 180 years, it suffices to measure polarization data with an accuracy of a few parts in 100 over a period of six months to a year in order to uncover the effects of spin precession. The consistency of the analysis is checked, and the calculations are applied to a recently discovered binary pulsar.


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A method that yields optical Barker codes of smallest known lengths for given discrimination is described.


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In this paper we consider the problem of computing an “optimal” popular matching. We assume that our input instance View the MathML source admits a popular matching and here we are asked to return not any popular matching but an optimal popular matching, where the definition of optimality is given as a part of the problem statement; for instance, optimality could be fairness in which case we are required to return a fair popular matching. We show an O(n2+m) algorithm for this problem, assuming that the preference lists are strict, where m is the number of edges in G and n is the number of applicants.