181 resultados para galaxies: active


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Experimental studies have observed significant changes in both structure and function of lysozyme (and other proteins) on addition of a small amount of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) in aqueous solution. Our atomistic molecular dynamic simulations of lysozyme in water-DMSO reveal the following sequence of changes on increasing DMSO concentration. (i) At the initial stage (around 5% DMSO concentration) protein's conformational flexibility gets markedly suppressed. From study of radial distribution functions, we attribute this to the preferential solvation of exposed protein hydrophobic residues by the methyl groups of DMSO. (ii) In the next stage (10-15% DMSO concentration range), lysozome partially unfolds accompanied by an increase both in fluctuation and in exposed protein surface area. (iii) Between 15-20% concentration ranges, both conformational fluctuation and solvent accessible protein surface area suddenly decrease again indicating the formation of an intermediate collapse state. These results are in good agreement with near-UV circular dichroism (CD) and fluorescence studies. We explain this apparently surprising behavior in terms of a structural transformation which involves clustering among the methyl groups of DMSO. (iv) Beyond 20% concentration of DMSO, the protein starts its final sojourn towards the unfolding state with further increase in conformational fluctuation and loss in native contacts. Most importantly, analysis of contact map and fluctuation near the active site reveal that both partial unfolding and conformational fluctuations are centered mostly on the hydrophobic core of active site of lysozyme. Our results could offer a general explanation and universal picture of the anomalous behavior of protein structure-function observed in the presence of cosolvents (DMSO, ethanol, tertiary butyl alcohol, dioxane) at their low concentrations. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3694268]


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We present global multidimensional numerical simulations of the plasma that pervades the dark matter haloes of clusters, groups and massive galaxies (the intracluster medium; ICM). Observations of clusters and groups imply that such haloes are roughly in global thermal equilibrium, with heating balancing cooling when averaged over sufficiently long time- and length-scales; the ICM is, however, very likely to be locally thermally unstable. Using simple observationally motivated heating prescriptions, we show that local thermal instability (TI) can produce a multiphase medium with similar to 104 K cold filaments condensing out of the hot ICM only when the ratio of the TI time-scale in the hot plasma (tTI) to the free-fall time-scale (tff) satisfies tTI/tff? 10. This criterion quantitatively explains why cold gas and star formation are preferentially observed in low-entropy clusters and groups. In addition, the interplay among heating, cooling and TI reduces the net cooling rate and the mass accretion rate at small radii by factors of similar to 100 relative to cooling-flow models. This dramatic reduction is in line with observations. The feedback efficiency required to prevent a cooling flow is similar to 10-3 for clusters and decreases for lower mass haloes; supernova heating may be energetically sufficient to balance cooling in galactic haloes. We further argue that the ICM self-adjusts so that tTI/tff? 10 at all radii. When this criterion is not satisfied, cold filaments condense out of the hot phase and reduce the density of the ICM. These cold filaments can power the black hole and/or stellar feedback required for global thermal balance, which drives tTI/tff? 10. In comparison to clusters, groups have central cores with lower densities and larger radii. This can account for the deviations from self-similarity in the X-ray luminositytemperature () relation. The high-velocity clouds observed in the Galactic halo can be due to local TI producing multiphase gas close to the virial radius if the density of the hot plasma in the Galactic halo is >rsim 10-5 cm-3 at large radii.


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Obtaining correctly folded proteins from inclusion bodies of recombinant proteins expressed in bacterial hosts requires solubilization with denaturants and a refolding step. Aggregation competes with the second step. Refolding of eight different proteins was carried out by precipitation with smart polymers. These proteins have different molecular weights, different number of disulfide bridges and some of these are known to be highly prone to aggregation. A high throughput refolding screen based upon fluorescence emission maximum around 340 nm (for correctly folded proteins) was developed to identify the suitable smart polymer. The proteins could be dissociated and recovered after the refolding step. The refolding could be scaled up and high refolding yields in the range of 8 mg L-1 (for CD4D12, the first two domains of human CD4) to 58 mg L-1 (for malETrx, thioredoxin fused with signal peptide of maltose binding protein) were obtained. Dynamic light scattering (DLS) showed that polymer if chosen correctly acted as a pseuclochaperonin and bound to the proteins. It also showed that the time for maximum binding was about 50 min which coincided with the time required for incubation (with the polymer) before precipitation for maximum recovery of folded proteins. The refolded proteins were characterized by fluorescence emission spectra, circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, melting temperature (T-m), and surface hydrophobicity measurement by ANS (8-anilinol-naphthalene sulfonic acid) fluorescence. Biological activity assay for thioredoxin and fluorescence based assay in case of maltose binding protein (MBP) were also carried out to confirm correct refolding. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this letter, we investigate the circular differential deflection of a light beam refracted at the interface of an optically active medium. We show that the difference between the angles of deviation of the two circularly polarized components of the transmitted beam is enhanced manyfold near total internal reflection, which suggests a simple way of increasing the limit of detection of chiro-optical measurements. (C) 2012 Optical Society of America


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The fluorescence quenching studies of carboxamide namely (E)-N-(3-Chlorophenyl)-2-(3,4,5-trimethoxybenzylideneamino)-4,5,6,7 tetrahydrobenzob]thiophene-3-carboxamide ENCTTTC] by aniline and carbon tetrachloride in six different solvents namely toluene, cyclohexane, n-hexane, n-heptane, n-decane and n-pentane have been carried out at room temperature with a view to understand the quenching mechanisms. The Stern-Volmer (S-V) plots have been found to be nonlinear with a positive deviation for all the solvents studied. In order to interpret these results we have invoked the ground state complex formation and sphere of action static quenching models. Using these models various quenching rate parameters have been determined. The magnitudes of these parameters suggest that sphere of action static quenching model agrees well with the experimental results. Hence the positive deviation is attributed to the static and dynamic quenching. Further, with the use of Finite Sink approximation model, it was possible to check these bimolecular reactions as diffusion-limited and to estimate independently distance parameter R' and mutual diffusion coefficient D. Finally an effort has been made to correlate the values of R' and D with the values of the encounter distance R and the mutual coefficient D determined using the Edward's empirical relation and Stokes Einstein relation. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Rathour RK, Narayanan R. Influence fields: a quantitative framework for representation and analysis of active dendrites. J Neurophysiol 107: 2313-2334, 2012. First published January 18, 2012; doi:10.1152/jn.00846.2011.-Neuronal dendrites express numerous voltage-gated ion channels (VGICs), typically with spatial gradients in their densities and properties. Dendritic VGICs, their gradients, and their plasticity endow neurons with information processing capabilities that are higher than those of neurons with passive dendrites. Despite this, frameworks that incorporate dendritic VGICs and their plasticity into neurophysiological and learning theory models have been far and few. Here, we develop a generalized quantitative framework to analyze the extent of influence of a spatially localized VGIC conductance on different physiological properties along the entire stretch of a neuron. Employing this framework, we show that the extent of influence of a VGIC conductance is largely independent of the conductance magnitude but is heavily dependent on the specific physiological property and background conductances. Morphologically, our analyses demonstrate that the influences of different VGIC conductances located on an oblique dendrite are confined within that oblique dendrite, thus providing further credence to the postulate that dendritic branches act as independent computational units. Furthermore, distinguishing between active and passive propagation of signals within a neuron, we demonstrate that the influence of a VGIC conductance is spatially confined only when propagation is active. Finally, we reconstruct functional gradients from VGIC conductance gradients using influence fields and demonstrate that the cumulative contribution of VGIC conductances in adjacent compartments plays a critical role in determining physiological properties at a given location. We suggest that our framework provides a quantitative basis for unraveling the roles of dendritic VGICs and their plasticity in neural coding, learning, and homeostasis.


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We study theoretically the hydrodynamics of a fluid drop containing oriented filaments endowed with active contractile or extensile stresses and placed on a solid surface. The active stresses alter qualitatively the wetting properties of the drop, leading to new spreading laws and novel static drop shapes. Candidate systems for testing our predictions include cytoskeletal extracts with motors and ATP, suspensions of bacteria or pulsatile cells, or fluids laden with artificial self-propelled colloids.


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Ce0.88Si0.1Pt0.02O2-d and Ce0.88Al0.1Pt0.02O2-d catalysts were synthesized by using a low-temperature sonochemical method and characterized by using XRD, TEM, XPS, FTIR, and BET surface analyzer. The catalytic activities of these compounds were investigated for the watergas shift reaction in the temperature range of 140-440 degrees C. The substitution of Si in Ce0.98Pt0.02O2-d increased the releasing capacity of lattice oxygen, whereas the substitution of Al decreased the reducibility of Ce0.98Pt0.02O2-d, as evidenced by hydrogen temperature-programmed reduction studies. However, both the catalysts showed a considerable improvement in terms of activity and stability compared to Ce0.98Pt0.02O2-d. The combined activity measurement and characterization results suggest that the increase in the oxygen vacancy, which acts as a dissociation center for water, is the primary reason for the improvement in the activity of modified Ce0.98Pt0.02O2-d. Both the catalysts are 100?% selective toward H2 production, and approximately 99?% conversion of CO to CO2 was observed at 260 and 270 degrees C for Ce0.88Si0.1Pt0.02O2-d and Ce0.88Al0.1Pt0.02O2-d, respectively. These catalysts do not deactivate during the daily startup/shutdown operations and are sustainable even after prolonged reaction. Notably, these catalysts do not require any pretreatment or activation during startup/shutdown operations.


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We consider a visual search problem studied by Sripati and Olson where the objective is to identify an oddball image embedded among multiple distractor images as quickly as possible. We model this visual search task as an active sequential hypothesis testing problem (ASHT problem). Chernoff in 1959 proposed a policy in which the expected delay to decision is asymptotically optimal. The asymptotics is under vanishing error probabilities. We first prove a stronger property on the moments of the delay until a decision, under the same asymptotics. Applying the result to the visual search problem, we then propose a ``neuronal metric'' on the measured neuronal responses that captures the discriminability between images. From empirical study we obtain a remarkable correlation (r = 0.90) between the proposed neuronal metric and speed of discrimination between the images. Although this correlation is lower than with the L-1 metric used by Sripati and Olson, this metric has the advantage of being firmly grounded in formal decision theory.


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We address the problem of identifying the constituent sources in a single-sensor mixture signal consisting of contributions from multiple simultaneously active sources. We propose a generic framework for mixture signal analysis based on a latent variable approach. The basic idea of the approach is to detect known sources represented as stochastic models, in a single-channel mixture signal without performing signal separation. A given mixture signal is modeled as a convex combination of known source models and the weights of the models are estimated using the mixture signal. We show experimentally that these weights indicate the presence/absence of the respective sources. The performance of the proposed approach is illustrated through mixture speech data in a reverberant enclosure. For the task of identifying the constituent speakers using data from a single microphone, the proposed approach is able to identify the dominant source with up to 8 simultaneously active background sources in a room with RT60 = 250 ms, using models obtained from clean speech data for a Source to Interference Ratio (SIR) greater than 2 dB.


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Western Blot analysis is an analytical technique used in Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Immunogenetics and other Molecular Biology studies to separate proteins by electrophoresis. The procedure results in images containing nearly rectangular-shaped blots. In this paper, we address the problem of quantitation of the blots using automated image processing techniques. We formulate a special active contour (or snake) called Oblong, which locks on to rectangular shaped objects. Oblongs depend on five free parameters, which is also the minimum number of parameters required for a unique characterization. Unlike many snake formulations, Oblongs do not require explicit gradient computations and therefore the optimization is carried out fast. The performance of Oblongs is assessed on synthesized data and Western Blot Analysis images.


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We construct a hydrodynamic theory of noisy, apolar active smectics in bulk suspension or on a substrate. Unlike purely orientationally ordered active fluids, active apolar smectics can be dynamically stable in Stokesian bulk suspensions. Smectic order in these systems is quasilong ranged in dimension d = 2 and long ranged in d = 3. We predict reentrant Kosterlitz-Thouless melting to an active nematic in our simplest model in d = 2, a nonzero second-sound speed parallel to the layers in bulk suspensions, and that there are no giant number fluctuations in either case. We also briefly discuss possible instabilities in these systems. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.118102


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Active galactic nucleus (AGN) jets carry more than sufficient energy to stave off catastrophic cooling of the intracluster medium (ICM) in the cores of cool-core clusters. However, in order to prevent catastrophic cooling, the ICM must be heated in a near-isotropic fashion and narrow bipolar jets with P-jet = 10(44-45) erg s(-1), typical of radio AGNs at cluster centers, are inefficient in heating the gas in the transverse direction to the jets. We argue that due to existent conditions in cluster cores, the supermassive black holes (SMBHs) will, in addition to accreting gas via radiatively inefficient flows, experience short stochastic episodes of enhanced accretion via thin disks. In general, the orientation of these accretion disks will be misaligned with the spin axis of the black holes (BHs) and the ensuing torques will cause the BH's spin axis (and therefore the jet axis) to slew and rapidly change direction. This model not only explains recent observations showing successive generations of jet-lobes-bubbles in individual cool-core clusters that are offset from each other in the angular direction with respect to the cluster center, but also shows that AGN jets can heat the cluster core nearly isotropically on the gas cooling timescale. Our model does require that the SMBHs at the centers of cool-core clusters be spinning relatively slowly. Torques from individual misaligned disks are ineffective at tilting rapidly spinning BHs by more than a few degrees. Additionally, since SMBHs that host thin accretion disks will manifest as quasars, we predict that roughly 1-2 rich clusters within z < 0.5 should have quasars at their centers.


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Highly stable, branched gold nanoworms are formed spontaneously in an acetamide-based room temperature molten solvent without any additional external stabilizing or aggregating agent. The nanoworms can be anchored onto solid substrates such as indium tin oxide (ITO) without any change in morphology. The anchored nanoworms are explored as substrates for surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) studies using non-fluorescent 4-mercaptobenzoic acid (4-MBA) and fluorescent rhodamine 6G (R6G) as probe molecules. The anchored nanostructured particles respond to near IR (1064 nm) as well as visible (785, 632.8 and 514 nm) excitation lasers and yield good surface enhancement in Raman signals. Enhancement factors of the order 10(6)-10(7) are determined for the analytes using a 1064 nm excitation source. Minimum detection limits based on adsorption from ethanolic solutions of 1028 M 4-MBA and aqueous solutions of 1027 M R6G are achieved. Experimental Raman frequencies and frequencies estimated by DFT calculations are in fairly good agreement. SERS imaging of the nanostructures suggests that the substrates comprising of three dimensional, highly interlinked particles are more suited than particles fused in one dimension. The high SERS activity of the branched nanoworms may be attributed to both electromagnetic and charge transfer effects.


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