132 resultados para density dependent thinning


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With high-resolution photoemission spectroscopy measurements, the density of states (DOS) near the Fermi level (E-F) of double perovskite Sr2FeMoO6 having different degrees of Fe/Mo antisite disorder has been investigated with varying temperature. The DOS near E-F showed a systematic depletion with increasing degree of disorder, and recovered with increasing temperature. Altshuler-Aronov (AA) theory of disordered metals well explains the dependences of the experimental results. Scaling analysis of the spectra provides experimental indication for the functional form of the AA DOS singularity.


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EEG recordings are often contaminated with ocular artifacts such as eye blinks and eye movements. These artifacts may obscure underlying brain activity in the electroencephalogram (EEG) data and make the analysis of the data difficult. In this paper, we explore the use of empirical mode decomposition (EMD) based filtering technique to correct the eye blinks and eye movementartifacts in single channel EEG data. In this method, the single channel EEG data containing ocular artifact is segmented such that the artifact in each of the segment is considered as some type of slowly varying trend in the dataand the EMD is used to remove the trend. The filtering is done using partial reconstruction from components of the decomposition. The method is completely data dependent and hence adaptive and nonlinear. Experimental results are provided to check the applicability of the method on real EEG data and the results are quantified using power spectral density (PSD) as a measure. The method has given fairlygood results and does not make use of any preknowledge of artifacts or the EEG data used.


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The crystal structure of the N,N,N',N'-tetramethylethylenediammonium dithiocyanate salt has been examined by experimental charge density studies from high-resolution X-ray diffraction data. The corresponding results are compared with multipole refinements, using theoretical structure factors obtained from a periodic density functional theory calculation at the B3LYP level with a 6-31G** basis set. The salt crystallizes in space group P (1) over bar and contains only a single ion pair with an inversion center in the cation. The salt has thus one unique classical N+-H center dot center dot center dot(NCS)(-) hydrogen bond but also has six other weaker interactions: four C-H center dot center dot center dot S, one C-H center dot center dot center dot N, and one C-H center dot center dot center dot C-pi. The nature of all these interactions has been examined topologically using Bader's quantum theory of "atoms in molecules" and all eight of the Koch-Popelier criteria. The experimental and theoretical approaches agree well and both show that the inter-ion interactions, even in this simplest of systems, play an integrated and complex role in the packing of the ions in the crystal. Electrostatic potential maps are derived from experimental charge densities. This is the first time such a system has been examined in detail by these methods.


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This paper presents design of a Low power 256x72 bit TCAM in 0.13um CMOS technology. In contrast to conventional Match line (ML) sensing scheme in which equal power is consumed irrespective of match or mismatch, the ML scheme employed in this design allocates less power to match decisions involving a large number of mismatched bits. Typically, the probability of mismatch is high so this scheme results in significant CAM power reduction. We propose to use this technique along with pipelining of search operation in which the MLs are broken into several segments. Since most words fail to match in first segment, the search operation for subsequent segments is discontinued, resulting in further reduction in power consumption. The above architecture provides 70% power reduction while performing search in 3ns.


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We propose certain discrete parameter variants of well known simulation optimization algorithms. Two of these algorithms are based on the smoothed functional (SF) technique while two others are based on the simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA) method. They differ from each other in the way perturbations are obtained and also the manner in which projections and parameter updates are performed. All our algorithms use two simulations and two-timescale stochastic approximation. As an application setting, we consider the important problem of admission control of packets in communication networks under dependent service times. We consider a discrete time slotted queueing model of the system and consider two different scenarios - one where the service times have a dependence on the system state and the other where they depend on the number of arrivals in a time slot. Under our settings, the simulated objective function appears ill-behaved with multiple local minima and a unique global minimum characterized by a sharp dip in the objective function in a small region of the parameter space. We compare the performance of our algorithms on these settings and observe that the two SF algorithms show the best results overall. In fact, in many cases studied, SF algorithms converge to the global minimum.


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We have measured near normal incidence far-infrared (FIR) reflectivity spectra of a single crystal of TbMnO3 from 10 K to 300 K in the spectral range of 50 cm(-1)-700 cm(-1). Fifteen transverse optic (TO) and longitudinal optic (LO) modes are identified in the imaginary part of the dielectric function epsilon(2)(omega) and energy loss function Im(-1/epsilon(omega)), respectively. Some of the observed phonon modes show anomalous softening below the magnetic transition temperature T-N (similar to 46 K). We attribute this anomalous softening to the spin-phonon coupling caused by phonon modulation of the superexchange integral between the Mn3+ spins. The effective charge of oxygen (Z(O)) calculated using the measured LO-TO splitting increases below TN.


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Designing an ultrahigh density linear superlattice array consisting of periodic blocks of different semiconductors in the strong confinement regime via a direct synthetic route remains an unachieved challenge in nanotechnology. We report a general synthesis route for the formulation of a large-area ultrahigh density superlattice array that involves adjoining multiple units of ZnS rods by prolate US particles at the tips. A single one-dimensional wire is 300-500 nm long and consists of periodic quantum wells with a barrier width of 5 nm provided by ZnS and a well width of 1-2 nm provided by CdS, defining a superlattice structure. The synthesis route allows for tailoring of ultranarrow laserlike emissions (fwhm approximate to 125 meV) originating from strong interwell energy dispersion along with control of the width, pitch, and registry of the superlattice assembly. Such an exceptional high-density superlattice array could form the basis of ultrahigh density memories in addition to offering opportunities for technological advancement in conventional heterojunction-based device applications.


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In this paper we first present the 'wet N2O' furnace oxidation process to grow nitrided tunnel oxides in the thickness range 6 to 8 nm on silicon at a temperature of 800 degrees C. Electrical characteristics of MOS capacitors and MOSFETs fabricated using this oxide as gate oxide have been evaluated and the superior features of this oxide are ascertained The frequency response of the interface states, before and after subjecting the MOSFET gate oxide to constant current stress, is studied using a simple analytical model developed in this work.


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Structural, optical and magnetic studies of Co-doped ZnO have been carried out for bulk as well as thin films. The magnetic studies revealed the superparamagnetic nature for low-temperature synthesized samples, indicating the presence of cobalt metallic clusters, and this is supported by the optical studies. For the high-temperature sintered samples one obtains paramagnetism. The optical studies reveal the presence of Co2+ ions in the tetrahedral sites indicating proper doping. Interestingly, the films deposited by laser ablation from the paramagnetic target showed room temperature ferromagnetism. It appears that the magnetic nature of this system is process dependent.


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This paper presents the results of shaking table tests on model reinforced soil retaining walls in the laboratory. The influence of backfill relative density on the seismic response was studied through a series of laboratory model tests on retaining walls. Construction of model retaining walls in the laminar box mounted on shaking table, instrumentation and results from the shaking table tests are described in detail. Three types of walls: wrap- and rigid-faced reinforced soil walls and unreinforced rigid-faced walls constructed to different densities were tested for a relatively small excitation. Wrap-faced walls are further tested for higher base excitation at different frequencies and relative densities. It is observed from these tests that the effect of backfill density on the seismic performance of reinforced retaining walls is pronounced only at very low relative density and at the higher base excitation. The walls constructed with higher backfill relative density showed lesser face deformations and more acceleration amplifications compared to the walls constructed with lower densities when tested at higher base excitation. The response of wrap- and rigid-faced retaining walls is not much affected by the backfill relative density when tested at smaller base excitation. The effects of facing rigidity were evaluated to a limited extent. Displacements in wrap-faced walls are many times higher compared to rigid-faced walls. The results obtained from this study are helpful in understanding the relative performance of reinforced soil retaining walls constructed to when subjected to smaller and higher base excitation for the range of relative density employed in the testing program. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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As a liquid is progressively supercooled toward its glass transition temperature, an intriguing weakening of the wavenumber (q) dependence of the structural relaxation time tau(q) in the intermediate-to-large q limit is observed both in experiments and simulation studies. Neither continuous Brownian diffusive dynamics nor discontinuous activated events can alone explain the anomalous wavenumber dependence. Here we use our recently developed theory that unifies the mode coupling theory for continuous dynamics, with the random first order transition theory treatment of activated discontinuous motion as a nucleationlike instanton process to understand the wavenumber dependence of density relaxation. The predicted smooth change in mechanism of relaxation from diffusive to activated, in the crossover regime, is wavevector dependent and appears to be responsible for the observed subquadratic,nalmost linear, q dependence of the relaxation time.