164 resultados para core-satellite


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An in situ seeding growth methodology towards the preparation of core-shell nanoparticles composed of noble metals has been developed by employing trimethylamine borane (TMAB) as the reducing agent. Being a weak reducing agent, TMAB is able to distinguish the smallest reduction potential window of any two metals which renders selective reduction of metal ions thus affording a core-shell architecture of the nanoparticles. A dramatic effect of solvent was noted during the reduction of Ag+ ions: an immediate reduction took place at room temperature when dry THF was used as solvent however, usage of wet THF (THF used directly from the bottle) brings out the reduction only at reflux conditions. In the case of Au and Pd nanoparticles, preparation was found to be independent of the quality of solvent used. Au nanoparticles are realized at room temperature whereas reflux conditions are required in the case of Pd nanoparticles. This difference in behavior of the monometallic nanoparticles was successfully exploited to construct different noble metal nanoparticles with core-shell architectures such as Au@Ag, Ag@Au, and Ag@Pd. Transformation of these core-shell nanoparticles to their thermodynamically stable alloy counterparts is also demonstrated under very mild conditions reported to date.


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Kinetically frustrated bosons at half filling in the presence of a competing nearest-neighbor repulsion support a wide supersolid regime on the two-dimensional triangular lattice. We study this model on a two-leg ladder using the finite-size density-matrix renormalization-group method, obtaining a phase diagram which contains three phases: a uniform superfluid (SF), an insulating charge density wave (CDW) crystal, and a bond ordered insulator (BO). We show that the transitions from SF to CDW and SF to BO are continuous in nature, with critical exponents varying continuously along the phase boundaries, while the transition from CDW to BO is found to be first order. The phase diagram is also found to contain an exactly solvable Majumdar Ghosh point, and reentrant SF to CDW phase transitions.


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Structural characterizations using XRD and C-13 NMR spectroscopy of two rodlike mesogens consisting of (i) three phenyl ring core with a polar cyano terminal and (ii) four phenyl ring core with flexible dodecyl terminal chain are presented. The three-ring-core mesogen with cyano terminal exhibits enantiotropic smectic A phase while the four-ring mesogen reveals polymesomorphism and shows enantiotropic nematic, smectic C, and tilted hexatic phases. The molecular organization in the three-ring mesogen is found to be partial bilayer smectic Ad type, and the interdigitation of the molecules in the neighboring layers is attributed to the presence of the polar terminal group. For the four-ring mesogen, the XRD results confirm the existence of the smectic C and the tilted hexatic mesophases. A thermal variation of the layer spacing across the smectic C phase followed by a discrete jump at the transition to the tilted hexatic phase is also observed. The tilt angles have been estimated to be about 45 degrees in the smectic C phase and about 40 degrees in tilted hexatic phase. C-13 NMR results indicate that in the mesophase the molecules are aligned parallel to the magnetic field. From the C-13-H-1 dipolar couplings determined from the 2D experiments, the overall order parameter for the three-ring mesogen in its smectic A phase has been estimated to be 0.72 while values ranging from 0.88 to 0.44 have been obtained for the four-ring mesogen as it passes from the tilted hexatic to the nematic phase. The orientations of the different rings of the core unit with respect to each other and also with respect to the long axis of the molecule have also been obtained.


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While phosphotyrosine modification is an established regulatory mechanism in eukaryotes, it is less well characterized in bacteria due to low prevalence. To gain insight into the extent and biological importance of tyrosine phosphorylation in Escherichia coli, we used immunoaffinity-based phosphotyrosine peptide enrichment combined with high resolution mass spectrometry analysis to comprehensively identify tyrosine phosphorylated proteins and accurately map phosphotyrosine sites. We identified a total of 512 unique phosphotyrosine sites on 342 proteins in E. coli K12 and the human pathogen enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) O157:H7, representing the largest phosphotyrosine proteome reported to date in bacteria. This large number of tyrosine phosphorylation sites allowed us to define five phosphotyrosine site motifs. Tyrosine phosphorylated proteins belong to various functional classes such as metabolism, gene expression and virulence. We demonstrate for the first time that proteins of a type III secretion system (T3SS), required for the attaching and effacing (A/E) lesion phenotype characteristic for intestinal colonization by certain EHEC strains, are tyrosine phosphorylated by bacterial kinases. Yet, A/E lesion and metabolic phenotypes were unaffected by the mutation of the two currently known tyrosine kinases, Etk and Wzc. Substantial residual tyrosine phosphorylation present in an etk wzc double mutant strongly indicated the presence of hitherto unknown tyrosine kinases in E. coli. We assess the functional importance of tyrosine phosphorylation and demonstrate that the phosphorylated tyrosine residue of the regulator SspA positively affects expression and secretion of T3SS proteins and formation of A/E lesions. Altogether, our study reveals that tyrosine phosphorylation in bacteria is more prevalent than previously recognized, and suggests the involvement of phosphotyrosine-mediated signaling in a broad range of cellular functions and virulence.


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The sensing of carbon dioxide (CO2) at room temperature, which has potential applications in environmental monitoring, healthcare, mining, biotechnology, food industry, etc., is a challenge for the scientific community due to the relative inertness of CO2. Here, we propose a novel gas sensor based on clad-etched Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) with polyallylamine-amino-carbon nanotube coated on the surface of the core for detecting the concentrations of CO2 gas at room temperature, in ppm levels over a wide range (1000 ppm-4000 ppm). The limit of detection observed in polyallylamine-amino-carbon nanotube coated core-FBG has been found to be about 75 ppm. In this approach, when CO2 gas molecules interact with the polyallylamine-amino-carbon nanotube coated FBG, the effective refractive index of the fiber core changes, resulting in a shift in Bragg wavelength. The experimental data show a linear response of Bragg wavelength shift for increase in concentration of CO2 gas. Besides being reproducible and repeatable, the technique is fast, compact, and highly sensitive. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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In this paper we investigate the effect of core-shell structure of Sodium Alginate based hydrogel beads and their size on certain activation threshold concentration of water for applications in swelling and pH sensing. This type of hydrogel experiences diffusive pressure due to transport of certain free charges across its interface with a solvent or electrolyte. This process is essentially a dynamic equilibrium of the electric force field, stress in the polymeric network with cage like structure and molecular diffusion including phase transformation due to pressure imbalance between the hydrogel and its surroundings. The effect of pH of the solvant on the swelling rate of these beads has been studied experimentally. A mathematical model of the swelling process has been developed by considering Nernst-Planck equation representing the migration of mobile ions and Er ions, Poisson equation representing the equilibrium of the electric field and mechanical field equation representing swelling of the gel. An attempt has been made to predict the experimentally observed phenomena using these numerical simulations. It is observed experimentally that certain minimum concentration called activation threshold concentration of the water molecules must be present in the hydrogel in order to activate the swelling process. For the required activation threshold concentration of water in the beads, the pH induced change in the rate of swelling is also investigated. This effect is analyzed for various different core-shell structures of the beads.


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This article presents the results of a study using satellite remote sensing techniques to evaluate the current status of canal system performance in terms of the spatial and temporal mismatch between water requirements and water releases within the command area The Rajolibanda Diversion Scheme(RDS)is the only operational major irrigation project in the drought prone district of Mahaboobnagar in Andra Pradesh. It is an inter-state project between Karnataka and Andra Pradesh which comprises of an anicut constructed in Karnataka in 1995 across river Thungabhdra and a 143 km long left bank main canel. The initial 42.6 km of the canel lies in Karnataka consisting of 12 distributaries and servers and serves an localised ayacut of 2739ha. In Andra Pradesh, the latter stretch of the main canal consists of distributaries 12A to 40, is localised to serve an ayacut of 35,410 ha.of which 14,215 ha during kharif season,19,332 ha, during rabi season and 1,863 ha.of perennial crops


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Rapid advancements in multi-core processor architectures coupled with low-cost, low-latency, high-bandwidth interconnects have made clusters of multi-core machines a common computing resource. Unfortunately, writing good parallel programs that efficiently utilize all the resources in such a cluster is still a major challenge. Various programming languages have been proposed as a solution to this problem, but are yet to be adopted widely to run performance-critical code mainly due to the relatively immature software framework and the effort involved in re-writing existing code in the new language. In this paper, we motivate and describe our initial study in exploring CUDA as a programming language for a cluster of multi-cores. We develop CUDA-For-Clusters (CFC), a framework that transparently orchestrates execution of CUDA kernels on a cluster of multi-core machines. The well-structured nature of a CUDA kernel, the growing popularity, support and stability of the CUDA software stack collectively make CUDA a good candidate to be considered as a programming language for a cluster. CFC uses a mixture of source-to-source compiler transformations, a work distribution runtime and a light-weight software distributed shared memory to manage parallel executions. Initial results on running several standard CUDA benchmark programs achieve impressive speedups of up to 7.5X on a cluster with 8 nodes, thereby opening up an interesting direction of research for further investigation.


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Naturally occurring spin-valve-type magnetoresistance (SVMR), recently observed in Sr2FeMoO6 samples, suggests the possibility of decoupling the maximal resistance from the coercivity of the sample. Here we present the evidence that SVMR can be engineered in specifically designed and fabricated core-shell nanoparticle systems, realized here in terms of soft magnetic Fe3O4 as the core and hard magnetic insulator CoFe2O4 as the shell materials. We show that this provides a magnetically switchable tunnel barrier that controls the magnetoresistance of the system, instead of the magnetic properties of the magnetic grain material, Fe3O4, and thus establishing the feasibility of engineered SVMR structures. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Aerosol absorption is poorly quantified because of the lack of adequate measurements. It has been shown that the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) aboard EOS-Aura and the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aboard EOS-Aqua, which fly in formation as part of the A-train, provide an excellent opportunity to improve the accuracy of aerosol retrievals. Here, we follow a multi-satellite approach to estimate the regional distribution of aerosol absorption over continental India for the first time. Annually and regionally averaged aerosol single-scattering albedo over the Indian landmass is estimated as 0.94 +/- 0.03. Our study demonstrates the potential of multi-satellite data analysis to improve the accuracy of retrieval of aerosol absorption over land.


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We study a system of hard-core bosons at half-filling in a one-dimensional optical superlattice. The bosons are allowed to hop to nearest-and next-nearest-neighbor sites. We obtain the ground-state phase diagram as a function of microscopic parameters using the finite-size density-matrix renormalization-group method. Depending on the sign of the next-nearest-neighbor hopping and the strength of the superlattice potential the system exhibits three different phases, namely the bond-order (BO) solid, the superlattice induced Mott insulator (SLMI), and the superfluid (SF) phase. When the signs of both hopping amplitudes are the same (the unfrustratedase), the system undergoes a transition from the SF to the SLMI at a nonzero value of the superlattice potential. On the other hand, when the two amplitudes differ in sign (the frustrated case), the SF is unstable to switching on a superlattice potential and also exists only up to a finite value of the next-nearest-neighbor hopping. This part of the phase diagram is dominated by the BO phase which breaks translation symmetry spontaneously even in the absence of the superlattice potential and can thus be characterized by a bond-order parameter. The transition from BO to SLMI appears to be first order.


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We report detailed evidence for a new paleo-suture zone (the Kumta suture) on the western margin of southern India. The c. 15-km-wide, westward dipping suture zone contains garnet-biotite, fuchsite-haematite, chlorite-quartz, quartz-phengite schists, biotite augen gneiss, marble and amphibolite. The isochemical phase diagram estimations and the high-Si phengite composition of quartz-phengite schist suggest a near-peak condition of c. 18 kbar at c. 550 degrees C, followed by near-isothermal decompression. The detrital SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages from quartz-phengite schist give four age populations ranging from 3280 to 2993 Ma. Phengite from quartz-phengite schist and biotite from garnet-biotite schist have K-Ar metamorphic ages of ca. 1326 and ca. 1385 Ma respectively. Electron microprobe-CHIME ages of in situ zircons in quartz-phengite schist (ca. 3750 Ma and ca. 1697 Ma) are consistent with the above results. The Bondla ultramafic-gabbro complex in the west of the Kumta suture compositionally represents an arc with K-Ar biotite ages from gabbro in the range 1644-1536 Ma. On the eastern side of the suture are weakly deformed and unmetamorphosed shallow westward-dipping sedimentary rocks of the Sirsi shelf, which has the following upward stratigraphy: pebbly quartzite/sandstone, turbidite, magnetite iron formation, and limestone; farther east the lower lying quartzite has an unconformable contact with ca. 2571 Ma quartzo-feldspathic gneisses of the Dharwar block with a ca. 1733 Ma biotite cooling age. To the west of the suture is a c. 60-km-wide Karwar block mainly consisting of tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) and amphibolite. The TTGs have U-Pb zircon magmatic ages of ca. 3200 Ma with a rare inherited core age of ca. 3601 Ma. The K-Ar biotite cooling age from the TTGs (1746 Ma and 1796 Ma) and amphibolite (ca. 1697 Ma) represents late-stage uplift. Integration of geological, structural and geochronological data from western India and eastern Madagascar suggest diachronous ocean closure during the amalgamation of Rodinia; in the north at around ca. 1380 Ma, and a progression toward the south until ca. 750 Ma. Satellite imagery based regional structural lineaments suggests that the Betsimisaraka suture continues into western India as the Kumta suture and possibly farther south toward a suture in the Coorg area, representing in total a c. 1000 km long Rodinian suture. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Semiconductor nanocrystals of different formulations have been extensively studied for use in thin-film photovoltaics. Materials used in such devices need to satisfy the stringent requirement of having large absorption cross sections. Hence, type-II semiconductor nanocrystals that are generally considered to be poor light absorbers have largely been ignored. In this article, we show that type-II semiconductor nanocrystals can be tailored to match the light-absorption abilities of other types of nanostructures as well as bulk semiconductors. We synthesize type-II ZnTe/CdS core/shell nanocrystals. This material is found to exhibit a tunable band gap as well as absorption cross sections that are comparable to (die. This result has significant implications for thin-film photovoltaics, where the use of type-II nanocrystals instead of pure semiconductors can improve charge separation while also providing a much needed handle to regulate device composition.


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For the first time, two units of KTA have been linked to three units of cyst-di-OMe. The reaction is noteworthy since it involves the formation of six amide bonds leading to a three-fold symmetric 23-cyclophane (3) harboring a cluster of three S-S bridges. The major product is a di-imide (4), arising from the interaction of a cystine NH with a neighbouring activated ester. A third reaction of tethering KTA with a single cyst-di-OMe unit afforded the flexible compound 6 and, with benzidine, the novel linker directed 7 with orthogonally disposed anchor modules.


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Dendrimers as vectors for gene delivery were established, primarily by utilizing few prominent dendrimer types so far. We report herein studies of DNA complexation efficacies and gene delivery vector properties of a nitrogen-core poly(propyl ether imine) (PETIM) dendrimer, constituted with 22 tertiary amine internal branches and 24 primary amines at the periphery. The interaction of the dendrimer with pEGFPDNA was evaluated through UV-vis, circular dichroism (CD) spectral studies, ethidium bromide fluorescence emission quenching, thermal melting, and gel retardation assays, from which most changes to DNA structure during complexation was found to occur at a weight ratio of dendrimer:DNA similar to 2:1. The zeta potential measurements further confirmed this stoichiometry at electroneutrality. The structure of a DNA oligomer upon dendrimer complexation was simulated through molecular modeling and the simulation showed that the dendrimer enfolded DNA oligomer along both major and minor grooves, without causing DNA deformation, in 1:1 and 2:1 dendrimer-to-DNA complexes. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) studies on dendrimer-pEGFP DNA complex showed an increase in the average z-height as a result of dendrimers decorating the DNA, without causing a distortion of the DNA structure. Cytotoxicity studies involving five different mammalian cell lines, using 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazolium bromide] (MTT) assay, reveal the dendrimer toxicity profile (IC50) values of similar to 400-1000 mu g mL(-1), depending on the cell line tested. Quantitative estimation, using luciferase assay, showed that the gene transfection was at least 100 times higher when compared to poly(ethylene imine) branched polymer, having similar number of cationic sites as the dendrimer. The present study establishes the physicochemical behavior of new nitrogen-core PETIM dendrimer-DNA complexes, their lower toxicities, and efficient gene delivery vector properties.