143 resultados para Zeitschrift


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A solid state e.m.f. cell with yttria-doped thoria as the electrolyte and a mixture of Cr + Cr sub 2 O sub 3 as the reference electrode, was employed for the measurement of the activity of manganese in the Co--Mn system at 1760 deg K, for 0.3 > X sub Mn > 0.05. The liquid alloy was contained in an alumina crucible and saturated with MnAl sub 2+2x O sub 4+3x . The cell can be represented by Pt, W, (Co--Mn) + MnAl sub 2+2x O sub 4+3x + Al sub 2 O sub 3 /ThO sub 2 --Y sub 2 O sub 3 /Cr + Cr sub 2 O sub 3 , Pt. The activity of manganese shows negative deviations from Raoult's law. The activities in the Co--Mn system are intermediate between those in the Fe--Mn and Ni--Mn systems. The Gibbs' energies of mixing in these systems follow the trends given by Miedema's model. 14 ref.--AA.


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The equilibrium partial pressures of Mn over bcc Cr--Mn alloys have been measured using Knudsen cell technique in the temp. range 1200-1500K. The alloys in particulate form were contained in thoria crucibles inside Knudsen cells made of tungsten. The rates of mass loss of each cell under vacuum was monitered as a function of time at constant temp. using a microbalance. Activities exhibit mild negative deviations from Raoult's law, contrary to indications from an earlier study using a fused salt emf technique. The Cr--Mn system is characterized by negative enthalpy and excess entropy of mixing. There is close similarity between the composition dependence of enthalpy and excess entropy. These findings suggest strong vibrational and negligible magnetic contributions to excess entropy of mixing in bcc phase at high temp. 10 ref.--AA


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The thermodynamic properties of liquid unsaturated Co--O solutions have been determined by electrochemical measurements using (Y sub 2 O sub 3 )ThO sub 2 as solid electrolyte. The cell can be represented as, Pt. MoO sub 2 + Mo | (Y sub 2 O sub 3 )ThO sub 2 | O sub Co , tungsten, Pt, Emf of the cell was measured as a function of oxygen concentration in liquid Co at 1798, 1873 and 1973K. Least-mean squares regression analysis of the experimental data gives for the free energy of solution of diatomic oxygen in liquid Co Delta G exp 0 sub O(Co) = --84935--7.61 T ( plus/minus 400) J/g-atom and self interaction parameter for oxygen epsilon exp O sub O = --97240/T + 40.52 ( plus/minus 1) where the standard state for O is an infinitely dilute solution in which the activity is equal to atomic percent. The present data are discussed in comparison with those reported in the literature and the phase diagram for the Co--O system. 18 ref.--AA.


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The activity of Cr in solid Cr-Mo alloys has been measured at 1873 K using a metal-oxide-gas equilibrium technique. Thin foils of Mo were equilibrated with solid Cr203 under flowing gas mixtures of argon, hydrogen and watervapourof known composition. The equilibrium concentration of Cr in Mo was determined by chemical analysis. These measurements indicate positive deviations from Raoult's law. The activity data obtained in the study at 1873 K are combined with free energy of mixing at 1471 K, calorimetric enthalpy of mixing at 1673 K, and experimental evidence of phase separation at lower temperatures, reported in the literature, to obtain an optimised set of thermodynamic parameters for the Cr-Mosystem in the solid state.


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The oxygen concentration of liquid cobalt in equilibrium with cobalt aluminate and a-alumina has been measured by suction sampling and crucible quenching techniques at temperatures between 1770 and 1975 K. Experiments were made with cobalt of high and low initial oxygen contents, and with and without the addition of cobalt aluminate. The effect of temperature on the equilibrium oxygen content is represented by the equation, log (at.% 0) = -10,4001T(K) + 4.64 (±0.008). The composition of the spinel phase, CoO.(1+x)AI20 3, saturated with alumina, has been determined by electron probe microanalysis. The values of x are 0.22 at 1770 Kand 0.28 at 1975 K. The oxygen potential corresponding to the three-phase equilibrium between cobalt, aluminate and alumina, and the standard Gibbs' energy of formation of nonstoichiometric cobalt aluminate are evaluated by combining the results of this study with recently published data on the activity of oxygen in liquid cobalt. Implications of the present results to aluminium deoxidation of liquid cobalt are discussed.


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The Gibbs' energy offormation of the intermetallic compound URh3has been measured in the temperature range 980 to 1320 K using an oxide solid state cell incorporating yttria-doped thoria as the solid electrolyte and a mixture of manganese and manganese oxide as the reference electrode. The cell can be represented as Pt, Mn + MnO I (Y203)Th02 I Rh + URh3 + U02 + x' Rh, Pt The reversible emf of the cell was a linear function of temperature E = 15.60 +0.0237 T (±0.8) mY. Using auxiliary thermodynamic data for MnO and U02+ x the Gibbs' energy of formation of URh3 from component metals has been computed. The results can be expressed by the equation L'.G?< URh3 > = -316240 + 13.22 T (± 3000) J mol-1. The "third-law" enthalpy of formation of URh3at 298 K is -293.2 (± 4) kJ mol-1, significantly more negative than the value of -181.5 kJ mol-1 calculated using Miedema's model.


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The activity of strontium in liquid Al-Sr alloys (X(Sr) less-than-or-equal-to 0.17) at 1323 K has been determined using the Knudsen effusion-mass loss technique. At higher concentrations (X(Sr) greater-than-or-equal-to 0.28), the activity of strontium has been determined by the pseudoisopiestic technique. Activity of aluminium has been derived by Gibbs-Duhem integration. The concentration - concentration structure factor of Bhatia and Thornton at zero wave vector has been computed from the thermodynamic data. The behaviour of the mean square thermal fluctuation in composition and the thermodynamic mixing functions suggest association tendencies in the liquid state. The associated solution model with Al2Sr as the predominant complex can account for the properties of the liquid alloy. Thermodynamic data for the intermetallic compunds in the Al-Sr system have been derived using the phase diagram and the Gibbs' energy and enthalpy of mixing of liquid alloys. The data indicate the need for redetermination of the phase diagram near the strontium-rich corner.


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he thermodynamic acitivity of chromium in liquid Cu-Cr alloys is measured in the temperature range from 1473 to 1873 K using the solid state cell: Pt, W, Cr + Cr2O3 |(Y2O3) ThO2|Cu - Cr + Cr2O3, Pt The activity of copper and the Gibbs energy of mixing of the liquid alloy are derived. Activities exhibit large positive deviations from Raoult's law. The mixing properties can be represented by a pseudo-subregular solution model in which the excess entropy has the same type of functional dependence on composition as the enthalpy of mixing: ΔGE = XCr(1 - XCr)[60880 - 18750 XCr)-- T(16.25 - 7.55 XCr)]J mol-1 Pure liquid Cu and Cr are taken as the reference states. The results predict a liquid-liquid metastable miscibility gap, with TC = 1787 (±3) K and XCr = 0.436 (±0.02), lying below the liquidus. The results obtained in this study are in general agreement with experimental information reported in the literature, but provide further refinement of the thermodynamic parameters.


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Energy and charge aspects of two types of ion association - between oppositely-charged and between like-charged species - were quantified using the topological analysis of the electron density function derived from the low-temperature X-ray diffraction experiment for a crystal of aminoacetonitrile picrate (sp. gr. Cmca, Z = 8, R = 0.0187), providing an experimental evidence of their ``equal rights'' in crystal packing formation.


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Let be a smooth real surface in and let be a point at which the tangent plane is a complex line. How does one determine whether or not is locally polynomially convex at such a p-i.e. at a CR singularity? Even when the order of contact of with at p equals 2, no clean characterisation exists; difficulties are posed by parabolic points. Hence, we study non-parabolic CR singularities. We show that the presence or absence of Bishop discs around certain non-parabolic CR singularities is completely determined by a Maslov-type index. This result subsumes all known facts about Bishop discs around order-two, non-parabolic CR singularities. Sufficient conditions for Bishop discs have earlier been investigated at CR singularities having high order of contact with . These results relied upon a subharmonicity condition, which fails in many simple cases. Hence, we look beyond potential theory and refine certain ideas going back to Bishop.


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The purpose of this article is to study Lipschitz CR mappings from an h-extendible (or semi-regular) hypersurface in . Under various assumptions on the target hypersurface, it is shown that such mappings must be smooth. A rigidity result for proper holomorphic mappings from strongly pseudoconvex domains is also proved.


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We prove that every isometry from the unit disk Delta in , endowed with the Poincar, distance, to a strongly convex bounded domain Omega of class in , endowed with the Kobayashi distance, is the composition of a complex geodesic of Omega with either a conformal or an anti-conformal automorphism of Delta. As a corollary we obtain that every isometry for the Kobayashi distance, from a strongly convex bounded domain of class in to a strongly convex bounded domain of class in , is either holomorphic or anti-holomorphic.


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Wilking has recently shown that one can associate a Ricci flow invariant cone of curvature operators , which are nonnegative in a suitable sense, to every invariant subset . In this article we show that if is an invariant subset of such that is closed and denotes the cone of curvature operators which are positive in the appropriate sense then one of the two possibilities holds: (a) The connected sum of any two Riemannian manifolds with curvature operators in also admits a metric with curvature operator in (b) The normalized Ricci flow on any compact Riemannian manifold with curvature operator in converges to a metric of constant positive sectional curvature. We also point out that if is an arbitrary subset, then is contained in the cone of curvature operators with nonnegative isotropic curvature.