141 resultados para Three-dimensional (3D)


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The compressive behavior of graphene foam (GF) and its polymer (polydimethyl siloxane) (PDMS) infiltrated structure are presented. While GF showed an irreversible compressibility, the GF/PDMS structure revealed a highly reversible mechanical behavior up to many cycles of compression and also possesses a six times higher compressive strength. In addition, the strain rate demonstrated a negligible effect on both the maximum achieved stress and energy absorption in the GF/PDMS structure. The mechanical responses of both GF and GF/PDMS structure are compared with carbon nanotubes based cellular structure and its composite with PDMS, where GF/PDMS presented a dominant mechanical characteristic among other carbon based micro foam structures. Therefore, the improved mechanical properties of GF/PDMS suggest its potential for dampers, cushions, packaging, etc.


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We develop the formalism of quantum mechanics on three-dimensional fuzzy space and solve the Schrodinger equation for the free particle, finite and infinite fuzzy wells. We show that all results reduce to the appropriate commutative limits. A high energy cut-off is found for the free particle spectrum, which also results in the modification of the high energy dispersion relation. An ultra-violet/infra-red duality is manifest in the free particle spectrum. The finite well also has an upper bound on the possible energy eigenvalues. The phase shifts due to scattering around the finite fuzzy potential well are calculated.


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Heat transfer rate and pressure measurements were made upstream of surface pro-tuberances on a flat plate and a sharp cone subjected to hypersonic flow in a conventional shock tunnel. Heat flux was measured using platinum thin-film sensors deposited on macor substrate and the pressure measurements were made using fast acting piezoelectric sensors. A distinctive hot spot with highest heat flux was obtained near the foot of the protuberance due to heavy vortex activity in the recirculating region. Schlieren flow visualization was used to capture the shock structures and the separation distance ahead of the protrusions was quantitatively measured for varying protuberance heights. A computational analysis was conducted on the flat plate model using commercial computational fluid dynamics software and the obtained trends of heat flux and pressure were compared with the experimental observation. Experiments were also conducted by physically disturbing the laminar boundary layer to check its effect on the magnitude of the hot spot heat flux. In addition to air, argon was also used as test gas so that the Reynolds number can be varied. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Asymptotically-accurate dimensional reduction from three to two dimensions and recovery of 3-D displacement field of non-prestretched dielectric hyperelastic membranes are carried out using the Variational Asymptotic Method (VAM) with moderate strains and very small ratio of the membrane thickness to its shortest wavelength of the deformation along the plate reference surface chosen as the small parameters for asymptotic expansion. Present work incorporates large deformations (displacements and rotations), material nonlinearity (hyperelasticity), and electrical effects. It begins with 3-D nonlinear electroelastic energy and mathematically splits the analysis into a one-dimensional (1-D) through-the-thickness analysis and a 2-D nonlinear plate analysis. Major contribution of this paper is a comprehensive nonlinear through-the-thickness analysis which provides a 2-D energy asymptotically equivalent of the 3-D energy, a 2-D constitutive relation between the 2-D generalized strain and stress tensors for the plate analysis and a set of recovery relations to express the 3-D displacement field. Analytical expressions are derived for warping functions and stiffness coefficients. This is the first attempt to integrate an analytical work on asymptotically-accurate nonlinear electro-elastic constitutive relation for compressible dielectric hyperelastic model with a generalized finite element analysis of plates to provide 3-D displacement fields using VAM. A unified software package `VAMNLM' (Variational Asymptotic Method applied to Non-Linear Material models) was developed to carry out 1-D non-linear analysis (analytical), 2-D non-linear finite element analysis and 3-D recovery analysis. The applicability of the current theory is demonstrated through an actuation test case, for which distribution of 3-D displacements are provided. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, three dimensional impact angle control guidance laws are proposed for stationary targets. Unlike the usual approach of decoupling the engagement dynamics into two mutually orthogonal 2-dimensional planes, the guidance laws are derived using the coupled dynamics. These guidance laws are designed using principles of conventional as well as nonsingular terminal sliding mode control theory. The guidance law based on nonsingular terminal sliding mode guarantees finite time convergence of interceptor to the desired impact angle. In order to derive the guidance laws, multi-dimension switching surfaces are used. The stability of the system, with selected switching surfaces, is demonstrated using Lyapunov stability theory. Numerical simulation results are presented to validate the proposed guidance law.


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Magnetic manipulation finds diverse applications in actuation, characterization, and manipulation of micro-and nano-scale samples. This paper presents the design and development of a novel magnetic micro-manipulator for application of three-dimensional forces on a magnetic micro-bead. A simple analytical model is proposed to obtain the forces of interaction between the magnetic micromanipulator and a magnetic micro-bead. Subsequently, guidelines are proposed to perform systematic design and analysis of the micro-manipulator. The designed micro-manipulator is fabricated and evaluated. The manipulator is experimentally demonstrated to possess an electrical bandwidth of about 1 MHz. The ability of the micro-manipulator to apply both in-plane and out-of-plane forces is demonstrated by actuating permanent-magnet micro-beads attached to micro-cantilever beams. The deformations of the micro-cantilevers are also employed to calibrate the dependence of in-plane and out-of-plane forces on the position of the micro-bead relative to the micro-manipulator. The experimentally obtained dependences are found to agree well with theory. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Using first principles calculations, we show that the overlapping defects in bi-layer graphene (both AA-and AB-stacked) interact forming inter-layer covalent bonds, giving rise to two-dimensional (2D) clipped structures, without explicit use of functional groups. These clipped structures can be transformed into one-dimensional (1D) double wall nanotubes (DWCNT) or multi-layered three dimensional (3D) bulk structures. These clipped structures show good mechanical strength due to covalent bonding between multi-layers. Clipping also provides a unique way to simultaneously harness the conductivity of both walls of a double wall nanotube through covalently bonded scattering junctions. With additional conducting channels and improved mechanical stability, these clipped structures can lead to a myriad of applications in novel devices. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Direct measurement of three-dimensional (3-D) forces between an atomic force microscope (AFM) probe and the sample benefits diverse applications of AFM, including force spectroscopy, nanometrology, and manipulation. This paper presents the design and evaluation of a measurement system, wherein the deflection of the AFM probe is obtained at two points to enable direct measurement of all the three components of 3-D tip-sample forces in real time. The optimal locations for measurement of deflection on the probe are derived for a conventional AFM probe. Further, a new optimal geometry is proposed for the probe that enables measurement of 3-D forces with identical sensitivity and nearly identical resolution along all three axes. Subsequently, the designed measurement system and the optimized AFM probe are both fabricated and evaluated. The evaluation demonstrates accurate measurement of tip-sample forces with minimal cross-sensitivities. Finally, the real-time measurement system is employed as part of a feedback control system to regulate the normal component of the interaction force, and to perform force-controlled scribing of a groove on the surface of polymethyl methacrylate.


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Here, we report the synthesis of TiO2/BiFeO3 nano-heterostnicture (NH) arrays by anchoring BiFeO3 (BFO) particles on on TiO2 nanotube surface and investigate their pseudocapacitive and photoelectrochemical properties considering their applications in green energy fields. The unique TiO2/BFO NHs have been demonstrated both as energy conversion and storage materials. The capacitive behavior of the NHs has been found to be significantly higher than that of the pristine TiO2 NTs, which is mainly due to the anchoring of redox active BFO nanoparticles. A specific capacitance of about 440 F g(-1) has been achieved for this NHs at a current density of 1.1 A g(-1) with similar to 80% capacity retention at a current density of 2.5 A g(-1). The NHs also exhibit high energy and power performance (energy density of 46.5 Wh kg(-1) and power density of 1.2 kW kg(-1) at a current density of 2.5 A g(-1)) with moderate cycling stability (92% capacity retention after 1200 cycles). Photoelectrochemical investigation reveals that the photocurrent density of the NHs is almost 480% higher than the corresponding dark current and it shows significantly improved photoswitching performance as compared to pure TiO2 nanotubes, which has been demonstrated based the interfacial type-II band alignment between TiO2 and BFO.


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Ultralight and macroporous three-dimensional reduced graphene oxide (rGO) foams are prepared by lyophilization (freeze-drying) technique to avoid a conventional template method. This method allows tailoring the porosity of the foams by varying the weight percentages of graphene oxide dispersions in water. Three different rGO foams of 0.2, 0.5 and 1.0 wt% are used for NO2 sensing. Sensing response from the tailored structure of rGO is found to be directly related to the density. A maximum of 20% sensing response is observed for a higher porosity of the structure, better than the known results so far on graphene foams in the literature. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Staphylococcus aureus necrotizing pneumonia is recognized as a toxin-mediated disease, yet the tissue-destructive events remain elusive, partly as a result of lack of mechanistic studies in human lung tissue. In this study, a three-dimensional (3D) tissue model composed of human lung epithelial cells and fibroblasts was used to delineate the role of specific staphylococcal exotoxins in tissue pathology associated with severe pneumonia. To this end, the models were exposed to the mixture of exotoxins produced by S. aureus strains isolated from patients with varying severity of lung infection, namely necrotizing pneumonia or lung empyema, or to purified toxins. The necrotizing pneumonia strains secreted high levels of alpha-toxin and Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL), and triggered high cytotoxicity, inflammation, necrosis and loss of E-cadherin from the lung epithelium. In contrast, the lung empyema strain produced moderate levels of PVL, but negligible amounts of alpha-toxin, and triggered limited tissue damage. alpha-toxin had a direct damaging effect on the epithelium, as verified using toxin-deficient mutants and pure alpha-toxin. Moreover, PVL contributed to pathology through the lysis of neutrophils. A combination of alpha-toxin and PVL resulted in the most severe epithelial injury. In addition, toxin-induced release of pro-inflammatory mediators from lung tissue models resulted in enhanced neutrophil migration. Using a collection of 31 strains from patients with staphylococcal pneumonia revealed that strains producing high levels of alpha-toxin and PVL were cytotoxic and associated with fatal outcome. Also, the strains that produced the highest toxin levels induced significantly greater epithelial disruption. Of importance, toxin-mediated lung epithelium destruction could be inhibited by polyspecific intravenous immunoglobulin containing antibodies against alpha-toxin and PVL. This study introduces a novel model system for study of staphylococcal pneumonia in a human setting. The results reveal that the combination and levels of alpha-toxin and PVL correlate with tissue pathology and clinical outcome associated with pneumonia.


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Mechanical behavior of three-dimensional cellular assembly of graphene foam (GF) presented temperature dependent characteristics evaluated at both low temperature and room temperature conditions. Cellular structure of GF comprised of polydimethyl siloxane polymer as a flexible supporting material demonstrated 94% enhancement in the storage modulus as compared to polymer foam alone. Evaluation of frequency dependence revealed an increase in both storage modulus and tan delta with the increase in frequency. Moreover, strain rate independent highly reversible behavior is measured up to several compression cycles at larger strains. It is elucidated that the interaction between graphene and polymer plays a crucial role in thermo-mechanical stability of the cellular structure. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Slow intrinsic fluctuations of resistance, also known as the flicker noise or 1/f-noise, in the surface transport of strong topological insulators (TIs) is a poorly understood phenomenon. Here, we have systematically explored the 1/f-noise in field-effect transistors (FET) of mechanically exfoliated Bi1.6Sb0.4Te2Se TI films when transport occurs predominantly via the surface states. We find that the slow kinetics of the charge disorder within the bulk of the TI induces mobility fluctuations at the surface, providing a new source of intrinsic 1/f-noise that is unique to bulk TI systems. At small channel thickness, the noise magnitude can be extremely small, corresponding to the phenomenological Hooge parameter gamma(H) as low as approximate to 10(-4), but it increases rapidly when channel thickness exceeds similar to 1 mu m. From the temperature (T)-dependence of noise, which displayed sharp peaks at characteristic values of T, we identified generation-recombination processes from interband transitions within the TI bulk as the dominant source of the mobility fluctuations in surface transport. Our experiment not only establishes an intrinsic microscopic origin of noise in TI surface channels, but also reveals a unique spectroscopic information on the impurity bands that can be useful in bulk TI systems in general.


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Metastasis is clinically the most challenging and lethal aspect of breast cancer. While animal-based xenograft models are expensive and time-consuming, conventional two-dimensional (2D) cell culture systems fail to mimic in vivo signaling. In this study we have developed a three-dimensional (3D) scaffold system that better mimics the topography and mechanical properties of the breast tumor, thus recreating the tumor microenvironment in vitro to study breast cancer metastasis. Porous poly(e-caprolactone) (PCL) scaffolds of modulus 7.0 +/- 0.5 kPa, comparable to that of breast tumor tissue were fabricated, on which MDA-MB-231 cells proliferated forming tumoroids. A comparative gene expression analysis revealed that cells growing in the scaffolds expressed increased levels of genes implicated in the three major events of metastasis, viz., initiation, progression, and the site-specific colonization compared to cells grown in conventional 2D tissue culture polystyrene (TCPS) dishes. The cells cultured in scaffolds showed increased invasiveness and sphere efficiency in vitro and increased lung metastasis in vivo. A global gene expression analysis revealed a significant increase in the expression of genes involved in cell cell and cell matrix interactions and tissue remodeling, cancer inflammation, and the PI3K/Akt, Wnt, NF-kappaB, and HIFI signaling pathways all of which are implicated in metastasis. Thus, culturing breast cancer cells in 3D scaffolds that mimic the in vivo tumor-like microenvironment enhances their metastatic potential. This system could serve as a comprehensive in vitro model to investigate the manifold mechanisms of breast cancer metastasis.


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We report the magnetic-field-dependent shift of the electron chemical potential in bulk, n-type GaAs at room temperature. A transient voltage of similar to 100 mu V was measured across a Au-Al2O3-GaAs metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitor in a pulsed magnetic field of similar to 6 T. Several spurious voltages larger than the signal that had plagued earlier researchers performing similar experiments were carefully eliminated. The itinerant magnetic susceptibility of GaAs is extracted from the experimentally measured data for four different doping densities, including one as low as 5 x 10(15) cm(-3). Though the susceptibility in GaAs is dominated by Landau-Peierls diamagnetism, the experimental technique demonstrated can be a powerful tool for extracting the total free carrier magnetization of any electron system. The method is also virtually independent of the carrier concentration and is expected to work better in the nondegenerate limit. Such experiments had been successfully performed in two-dimensional electron gases at cryogenic temperatures. However, an unambiguous report on having observed this effect in any three-dimensional electron gas has been lacking. We highlight the 50 year old literature of various trials and discuss the key details of our experiment that were essential for its success. The technique can be used to unambiguously yield only the itinerant part of the magnetic susceptibility of complex materials such as magnetic semiconductors and hexaborides, and thus shed light on the origin of ferromagnetism in such systems.