165 resultados para Singular Trajectories
We present an open-source, realtime, embedded implementation of a foot-mounted, zero-velocity-update-aided inertial navigation system. The implementation includes both hardware design and software, uses off-the-shelf components and assembly methods, and features a standard USB interface. The software is written in C and can easily be modified to run user implemented algorithms. The hardware design and the software are released under permissive open-source licenses and production files, source code, documentation, and further resources are available at www.openshoe.org. The reproduction cost for a single unit is below $800, with the inertial measurement unit making up the bulk ($700). The form factor of the implementation is small enough for it to be integrated in the sole of a shoe. A performance evaluation of the system shows a position errors for short trajectories (<;100 [m]) of ± 0.2-1% of the traveled distance, depending on the shape of trajectory.
The predictability of a chaotic series is limited to a few future time steps due to its sensitivity to initial conditions and the exponential divergence of the trajectories. Over the years, streamflow has been considered as a stochastic system in many approaches. In this study, the chaotic nature of daily streamflow is investigated using autocorrelation function, Fourier spectrum, correlation dimension method (Grassberger-Procaccia algorithm) and false nearest neighbor method. Embedding dimensions of 6-7 obtained indicates the possible presence of low-dimensional chaotic behavior. The predictability of the system is estimated by calculating the system’s Lyapunov exponent. A positive maximum Lyapunov exponent of 0.167 indicates that the system is chaotic and unstable with a maximum predictability of only 6 days. These results give a positive indication towards considering streamflow as a low dimensional chaotic system than as a stochastic system.
The performance analysis of adaptive physical layer network-coded two-way relaying scenario is presented which employs two phases: Multiple access (MA) phase and Broadcast (BC) phase. The deep channel fade conditions which occur at the relay referred as the singular fade states fall in the following two classes: (i) removable and (ii) non-removable singular fade states. With every singular fade state, we associate an error probability that the relay transmits a wrong network-coded symbol during the BC phase. It is shown that adaptive network coding provides a coding gain over fixed network coding, by making the error probabilities associated with the removable singular fade states contributing to the average Symbol Error Rate (SER) fall as SNR-2 instead of SNR-1. A high SNR upper-bound on the average end-to-end SER for the adaptive network coding scheme is derived, for a Rician fading scenario, which is found to be tight through simulations. Specifically, it is shown that for the adaptive network coding scheme, the probability that the relay node transmits a wrong network-coded symbol is upper-bounded by twice the average SER of a point-to-point fading channel, at high SNR. Also, it is shown that in a Rician fading scenario, it suffices to remove the effect of only those singular fade states which contribute dominantly to the average SER.
We interpret a normal surface in a (singular) three-manifold in terms of the homology of a chain complex. This allows us to study the relation between normal surfaces and their quadrilateral coordinates. Specifically, we give a proof of an (unpublished) observation independently given by Casson and Rubinstein saying that quadrilaterals determine a normal surface up to vertex linking spheres. We also characterize the quadrilateral coordinates that correspond to a normal surface in a (possibly ideal) triangulation.
The predictability of a chaotic series is limited to a few future time steps due to its sensitivity to initial conditions and the exponential divergence of the trajectories. Over the years, streamflow has been considered as a stochastic system in many approaches. In this study, the chaotic nature of daily streamflow is investigated using autocorrelation function, Fourier spectrum, correlation dimension method (Grassberger-Procaccia algorithm) and false nearest neighbor method. Embedding dimensions of 6-7 obtained indicates the possible presence of low-dimensional chaotic behavior. The predictability of the system is estimated by calculating the system's Lyapunov exponent. A positive maximum Lyapunov exponent of 0.167 indicates that the system is chaotic and unstable with a maximum predictability of only 6 days. These results give a positive indication towards considering streamflow as a low dimensional chaotic system than as a stochastic system.
The design of modulation schemes for the physical layer network-coded two-way MIMO relaying scenario is considered, with the denoise-and-forward protocol which employs two phases: Multiple Access phase and Broadcast phase. It is shown that for MIMO two-way relaying, the minimum distance of the effective constellation at the relay becomes zero when all the rows of the channel fade coefficient matrix belong to a finite number of vector subspaces referred to as the singular fade subspaces. The singular fade subspaces can be classified into two kinds based on whether their harmful effects can be removed or not: (i) the removable and (ii) the non-removable singular fade subspaces. It is shown that network coding maps obtained by the completion of appropriate partially filled Latin Rectangles can remove the harmful effects of all the removable singular fade subspaces. For 2(lambda)-PSK signal set, the removable and non-removable singular fade subspaces are characterized and, it is shown that the number of non-removable singular fade subspaces is a small fraction of the total number of singular fade subspaces and this fraction tends to zero as the constellation size tends to infinity. The Latin Rectangles for the case when the end nodes use different number of antennas are shown to be obtainable from the Latin Squares for the case when they use the same number of antennas. Also, the network coding maps which remove all the removable singular singular fade subspaces are shown to be obtainable from a small set of Latin Squares. The removal of all the singular fade subspaces by properly choosing the network coding map, provides a gain of 5.5 dB over the conventional Exclusive-OR network coding, in a Rayleigh fading scenario with 2 antennas at the end nodes and one antenna at the relay node, for 4-PSK signal set.
Several concepts have been developed in the recent years for nanomaterial based integrated MEMS platform in order to accelerate the process of biological sample preparation followed by selective screening and identification of target molecules. In this context, there exist several challenges which need to be addressed in the process of electrical lysis of biological cells. These are due to (i) low resource settings while achieving maximal lysis (ii) high throughput of target molecules to be detected (iii) automated extraction and purification of relevant molecules such as DNA and protein from extremely small volume of sample (iv) requirement of fast, accurate and yet scalable methods (v) multifunctionality toward process monitoring and (vi) downward compatibility with already existing diagnostic protocols. This paper reports on the optimization of electrical lysis process based on various different nanocomposite coated electrodes placed in a microfluidic channel. The nanocomposites are synthesized using different nanomaterials like Zinc nanorod dispersion in polymer. The efficiency of electrical lysis with various different electrode coatings has been experimentally verified in terms of DNA concentration, amplification and protein yield. The influence of the coating thickness on the injection current densities has been analyzed. We further correlate experimentally the current density vs. voltage relationship with the extent of bacterial cell lysis. A coupled multiphysics based simulation model is used to predict the cell trajectories and lysis efficiencies under various electrode boundary conditions as estimated from experimental results. Detailed in-situ fluorescence imaging and spectroscopy studies are performed to validate various hypotheses.
Buoyant jets in natural ventilation of a model room with water as the fluid medium have been studied. A constant heat flux has been maintained on the bottom surface of the room. The buoyancy causes flow to enter through the bottom opening and leave through the top opening. The shadowgraph technique is used for visualization. At the inlet, a negatively buoyant jet is observed, whereas a positively buoyant jet is observed at the outlet. The theoretical results for the centerline trajectories of these buoyant jets using both Gaussian and top-hat profiles are discussed considering the variation of the entrainment coefficient with the local Froude number and the variation of the spreading ratio of buoyancy to velocity profile with the distance from the source. The shape of the profiles is found to evolve from top-hat to Gaussian geometry.
The design of modulation schemes for the physical layer network-coded two-way relaying scenario is considered with a protocol which employs two phases: multiple access (MA) phase and broadcast (BC) phase. It was observed by Koike-Akino et al. that adaptively changing the network coding map used at the relay according to the channel conditions greatly reduces the impact of MA interference which occurs at the relay during the MA phase and all these network coding maps should satisfy a requirement called the exclusive law. We show that every network coding map that satisfies the exclusive law is representable by a Latin Square and conversely, that this relationship can be used to get the network coding maps satisfying the exclusive law. The channel fade states for which the minimum distance of the effective constellation at the relay become zero are referred to as the singular fade states. For M - PSK modulation (M any power of 2), it is shown that there are (M-2/4 - M/2 + 1) M singular fade states. Also, it is shown that the constraints which the network coding maps should satisfy so that the harmful effects of the singular fade states are removed, can be viewed equivalently as partially filled Latin Squares (PFLS). The problem of finding all the required maps is reduced to finding a small set of maps for M - PSK constellations (any power of 2), obtained by the completion of PFLS. Even though the completability of M x M PFLS using M symbols is an open problem, specific cases where such a completion is always possible are identified and explicit construction procedures are provided. Having obtained the network coding maps, the set of all possible channel realizations (the complex plane) is quantized into a finite number of regions, with a specific network coding map chosen in a particular region. It is shown that the complex plane can be partitioned into two regions: a region in which any network coding map which satisfies the exclusive law gives the same best performance and a region in which the choice of the network coding map affects the performance. The quantization thus obtained analytically, leads to the same as the one obtained using computer search for M = 4-PSK signal set by Koike-Akino et al., when specialized for Simulation results show that the proposed scheme performs better than the conventional exclusive-OR (XOR) network coding and in some cases outperforms the scheme proposed by Koike-Akino et al.
Network theory applied to protein structures provides insights into numerous problems of biological relevance. The explosion in structural data available from PDB and simulations establishes a need to introduce a standalone-efficient program that assembles network concepts/parameters under one hood in an automated manner. Herein, we discuss the development/application of an exhaustive, user-friendly, standalone program package named PSN-Ensemble, which can handle structural ensembles generated through molecular dynamics (MD) simulation/NMR studies or from multiple X-ray structures. The novelty in network construction lies in the explicit consideration of side-chain interactions among amino acids. The program evaluates network parameters dealing with topological organization and long-range allosteric communication. The introduction of a flexible weighing scheme in terms of residue pairwise cross-correlation/interaction energy in PSN-Ensemble brings in dynamical/chemical knowledge into the network representation. Also, the results are mapped on a graphical display of the structure, allowing an easy access of network analysis to a general biological community. The potential of PSN-Ensemble toward examining structural ensemble is exemplified using MD trajectories of an ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (UbcH5b). Furthermore, insights derived from network parameters evaluated using PSN-Ensemble for single-static structures of active/inactive states of 2-adrenergic receptor and the ternary tRNA complexes of tyrosyl tRNA synthetases (from organisms across kingdoms) are discussed. PSN-Ensemble is freely available from http://vishgraph.mbu.iisc.ernet.in/PSN-Ensemble/psn_index.html.
In the design of modulation schemes for the physical layer network-coded two way relaying scenario with two phases (Multiple access (MA) Phase and Broadcast (BC) Phase), it was observed by Koike-Akino et al. that adaptively changing the network coding map used at the relay according to the channel conditions greatly reduces the impact of multiple access interference and all these network coding maps should satisfy a requirement called the exclusive law. In [11] the case in which the end nodes use M-PSK signal sets is extensively studied using Latin Squares. This paper deals with the case in which the end nodes use square M-QAM signal sets. In a fading scenario, for certain channel conditions, termed singular fade states, the MA phase performance is greatly reduced. We show that the square QAM signal sets lead to lesser number of singular fade states compared to PSK signal sets. Because of this, the complexity at the relay is enormously reduced. Moreover lesser number of overhead bits are required in the BC phase. We find the number of singular fade states for PAM and QAM signal sets used at the end nodes. The fade state γejθ = 1 is a singular fade state for M-QAM for all values of M and it is shown that certain block circulant Latin Squares remove this singular fade state. Simulation results are presented to show that QAM signal set perform better than PSK.
The Girsanov linearization method (GLM), proposed earlier in Saha, N., and Roy, D., 2007, ``The Girsanov Linearisation Method for Stochastically Driven Nonlinear Oscillators,'' J. Appl. Mech., 74, pp. 885-897, is reformulated to arrive at a nearly exact, semianalytical, weak and explicit scheme for nonlinear mechanical oscillators under additive stochastic excitations. At the heart of the reformulated linearization is a temporally localized rejection sampling strategy that, combined with a resampling scheme, enables selecting from and appropriately modifying an ensemble of locally linearized trajectories while weakly applying the Girsanov correction (the Radon-Nikodym derivative) for the linearization errors. The semianalyticity is due to an explicit linearization of the nonlinear drift terms and it plays a crucial role in keeping the Radon-Nikodym derivative ``nearly bounded'' above by the inverse of the linearization time step (which means that only a subset of linearized trajectories with low, yet finite, probability exceeds this bound). Drift linearization is conveniently accomplished via the first few (lower order) terms in the associated stochastic (Ito) Taylor expansion to exclude (multiple) stochastic integrals from the numerical treatment. Similarly, the Radon-Nikodym derivative, which is a strictly positive, exponential (super-) martingale, is converted to a canonical form and evaluated over each time step without directly computing the stochastic integrals appearing in its argument. Through their numeric implementations for a few low-dimensional nonlinear oscillators, the proposed variants of the scheme, presently referred to as the Girsanov corrected linearization method (GCLM), are shown to exhibit remarkably higher numerical accuracy over a much larger range of the time step size than is possible with the local drift-linearization schemes on their own.
The analysis of modulation schemes for the physical layer network-coded two way relaying scenario is presented which employs two phases: Multiple access (MA) phase and Broadcast (BC) phase. Depending on the signal set used at the end nodes, the minimum distance of the effective constellation seen at the relay becomes zero for a finite number of channel fade states referred as the singular fade states. The singular fade states fall into the following two classes: (i) the ones which are caused due to channel outage and whose harmful effect cannot be mitigated by adaptive network coding called the non-removable singular fade states and (ii) the ones which occur due to the choice of the signal set and whose harmful effects can be removed called the removable singular fade states. In this paper, we derive an upper bound on the average end-to-end Symbol Error Rate (SER), with and without adaptive network coding at the relay, for a Rician fading scenario. It is shown that without adaptive network coding, at high Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), the contribution to the end-to-end SER comes from the following error events which fall as SNR-1: the error events associated with the removable and nonremovable singular fade states and the error event during the BC phase. In contrast, for the adaptive network coding scheme, the error events associated with the removable singular fade states fall as SNR-2, thereby providing a coding gain over the case when adaptive network coding is not used. Also, it is shown that for a Rician fading channel, the error during the MA phase dominates over the error during the BC phase. Hence, adaptive network coding, which improves the performance during the MA phase provides more gain in a Rician fading scenario than in a Rayleigh fading scenario. Furthermore, it is shown that for large Rician factors, among those removable singular fade states which have the same magnitude, those which have the least absolute value of the phase - ngle alone contribute dominantly to the end-to-end SER and it is sufficient to remove the effect of only such singular fade states.
We consider the problem of generating a realistic coherent phantom track by a group of ECAVs (Electronic Combat Aerial Vehicles) to deceive a radar network. The phantom track considered is the trajectory of a missile guided by proportional navigation. Sufficient conditions for the existence of feasible ECAV trajectories to generate the phantom track is presented. The line-of-sight guidance law is used to control the ECAVs for practical implementation. A performance index is developed to assess the performance of the ECAVS. Simulation results for single and multiple ECAVs generating the coherent phantom track are presented.
We apply to total cross-sections our model for soft gluon resummation in the infrared region. The model aims to probe large distance interactions in QCD. Our ansatz for an effective coupling for gluons and quarks in the infrared region follows an inverse power law which is singular but integrable. In the context of an eikonal formalism with QCD mini-jets, we study total hadronic cross-sections for protons, pions, photons. We estimate the total inelastic cross-section at LHC comparing with recent measurements and update previous results for survival probability.