130 resultados para Relativistic mean-field theories


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It is shown that the euclideanized Yukawa theory, with the Dirac fermion belonging to an irreducible representation of the Lorentz group, is not bounded from below. A one parameter family of supersymmetric actions is presented which continuously interpolates between the N = 2 SSYM and the N = 2 supersymmetric topological theory. In order to obtain a theory which is bounded from below and satisfies Osterwalder-Schrader positivity, the Dirac fermion should belong to a reducible representation of the Lorentz group and the scalar fields have to be reinterpreted as the extra components of a higher dimensional vector field.


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Several recent theoretical and computer simulation studies have considered solvation dynamics in a Brownian dipolar lattice which provides a simple model solvent for which detailed calculations can be carried out. In this article a fully microscopic calculation of the solvation dynamics of an ion in a Brownian dipolar lattice is presented. The calculation is based on the non‐Markovian molecular hydrodynamic theory developed recently. The main assumption of the present calculation is that the two‐particle orientational correlation functions of the solid can be replaced by those of the liquid state. It is shown that such a calculation provides an excellent agreement with the computer simulation results. More importantly, the present calculations clearly demonstrate that the frequency‐dependent dielectric friction plays an important role in the long time decay of the solvation time correlation function. We also find that the present calculation provides somewhat better agreement than either the dynamic mean spherical approximation (DMSA) or the Fried–Mukamel theory which use the simulated frequency‐dependent dielectric function. It is found that the dissipative kernels used in the molecular hydrodynamic approach and in the Fried–Mukamel theory are vastly different, especially at short times. However, in spite of this disagreement, the two theories still lead to comparable results in good agreement with computer simulation, which suggests that even a semiquantitatively accurate dissipative kernel may be sufficient to obtain a reliable solvation time correlation function. A new wave vector and frequency‐dependent dissipative kernel (or memory function) is proposed which correctly goes over to the appropriate expressions in both the single particle and the collective limits. This form is expected to lead to better results than all the existing descriptions.


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A theoretical analysis of the three currently popular microscopic theories of solvation dynamics, namely, the dynamic mean spherical approximation (DMSA), the molecular hydrodynamic theory (MHT), and the memory function theory (MFT) is carried out. It is shown that in the underdamped limit of momentum relaxation, all three theories lead to nearly identical results when the translational motions of both the solute ion and the solvent molecules are neglected. In this limit, the theoretical prediction is in almost perfect agreement with the computer simulation results of solvation dynamics in the model Stockmayer liquid. However, the situation changes significantly in the presence of the translational motion of the solvent molecules. In this case, DMSA breaks down but the other two theories correctly predict the acceleration of solvation in agreement with the simulation results. We find that the translational motion of a light solute ion can play an important role in its own solvation. None of the existing theories describe this aspect. A generalization of the extended hydrodynamic theory is presented which, for the first time, includes the contribution of solute motion towards its own solvation dynamics. The extended theory gives excellent agreement with the simulations where solute motion is allowed. It is further shown that in the absence of translation, the memory function theory of Fried and Mukamel can be recovered from the hydrodynamic equations if the wave vector dependent dissipative kernel in the hydrodynamic description is replaced by its long wavelength value. We suggest a convenient memory kernel which is superior to the limiting forms used in earlier descriptions. We also present an alternate, quite general, statistical mechanical expression for the time dependent solvation energy of an ion. This expression has remarkable similarity with that for the translational dielectric friction on a moving ion.


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This work deals with the effects of weak nonlinearity and weak dissipation on a linear wave in relativistic gasdynamics. Using perturbation and asymptotic expansions, a relativistic analogue of generalised one-dimensional Burgers' equation of classical gasdynamics is derived to describe far-field description of the wave. Steady state solution is presented for strict one-dimensional case.


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Lanthanum doped lead titanate thin films are the potential candidates for the capacitors, actuators and pyroelectric sensor applications due to their excellent dielectric, and ferroelectric properties. Lanthanum doped lead titanate thin films are grown on platinum coated Si substrates by excimer laser ablation technique. A broad diffused phase transition with the maximum dielectric permittivity (ϵmax) shifting to higher temperatures with the increase of frequency, along with frequency dispersion below Tc, which are the signatures of the relaxor like characteristics were observed. The dielectric properties are investigated from −60°C to 200°C with an application of different dc fields. With increasing dc field, the dielectric constant is observed to reduce and phase transition temperature shifted to higher temperature. With the increased ac signal amplitude of the applied frequency, the magnitude of the dielectric constant is increasing and the frequency dispersion is observed in ferroelectric phase, whereas in paraelectric phase, there is no dispersion has been observed. The results are correlated with the existing theories.


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In the present work, the effect of longitudinal magnetic field on wave dispersion characteristics of equivalent continuum structure (ECS) of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) embedded in elastic medium is studied. The ECS is modelled as an Euler-Bernoulli beam. The chemical bonds between a SWCNT and the elastic medium are assumed to be formed. The elastic matrix is described by Pasternak foundation model, which accounts for both normal pressure and the transverse shear deformation. The governing equations of motion for the ECS of SWCNT under a longitudinal magnetic field are derived by considering the Lorentz magnetic force obtained from Maxwell's relations within the frame work of nonlocal elasticity theory. The wave propagation analysis is performed using spectral analysis. The results obtained show that the velocity of flexural waves in SWCNTs increases with the increase of longitudinal magnetic field exerted on it in the frequency range: 0-20 THz. The present analysis also shows that the flexural wave dispersion in the ECS of SWCNT obtained by local and nonlocal elasticity theories differ. It is found that the nonlocality reduces the wave velocity irrespective of the presence of the magnetic field and does not influences it in the higher frequency region. Further it is found that the presence of elastic matrix introduces the frequency band gap in flexural wave mode. The band gap in the flexural wave is found to independent of strength of the longitudinal magnetic field. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We demonstrate 30 times enhanced flux of relativistic electrons by a silicon nanowire coated target excited by 30 fs, 800 nm laser pulses at an intensity of 3 x 10(18) W cm(-2). A measurement of the megaampere electron current via induced megagauss magnetic field supports the enhancement feature observed in the electron energy spectrum. The relativistic electrons generated at the front of nanowire coated surface are shown to travel efficiently over 500 mu m in the insulating substrate. The enhanced hot electron temperature is explained using a simple model and is supported by recent simulations. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4729010]


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In this paper we discuss SU(N) Chern-Simons theories at level k with both fermionic and bosonic vector matter. In particular we present an exact calculation of the free energy of the N = 2 supersymmetric model (with one chiral field) for all values of the `t Hooft coupling in the large N limit. This is done by using a generalization of the standard Hubbard-Stratanovich method because the SUSY model contains higher order polynomial interactions.


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We theoretically analyze the performance of transition metal dichalcogenide (MX2) single wall nanotube (SWNT) surround gate MOSFET, in the 10 nm technology node. We consider semiconducting armchair (n, n) SWNT of MoS2, MoSe2, WS2, and WSe2 for our study. The material properties of the nanotubes are evaluated from the density functional theory, and the ballistic device characteristics are obtained by self-consistently solving the Poisson-Schrodinger equation under the non-equilibrium Green's function formalism. Simulated ON currents are in the range of 61-76 mu A for 4.5 nm diameter MX2 tubes, with peak transconductance similar to 175-218 mu S and ON/OFF ratio similar to 0.6 x 10(5)-0.8 x 10(5). The subthreshold slope is similar to 62.22 mV/decade and a nominal drain induced barrier lowering of similar to 12-15 mV/V is observed for the devices. The tungsten dichalcogenide nanotubes offer superior device output characteristics compared to the molybdenum dichalcogenide nanotubes, with WSe2 showing the best performance. Studying SWNT diameters of 2.5-5 nm, it is found that increase in diameter provides smaller carrier effective mass and 4%-6% higher ON currents. Using mean free path calculation to project the quasi-ballistic currents, 62%-75% reduction from ballistic values in drain current in long channel lengths of 100, 200 nm is observed.


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Einstein established the theory of general relativity and the corresponding field equation in 1915 and its vacuum solutions were obtained by Schwarzschild and Kerr for, respectively, static and rotating black holes, in 1916 and 1963, respectively. They are, however, still playing an indispensable role, even after 100 years of their original discovery, to explain high energy astrophysical phenomena. Application of the solutions of Einstein's equation to resolve astrophysical phenomena has formed an important branch, namely relativistic astrophysics. I devote this article to enlightening some of the current astrophysical problems based on general relativity. However, there seem to be some issues with regard to explaining certain astrophysical phenomena based on Einstein's theory alone. I show that Einstein's theory and its modified form, both are necessary to explain modern astrophysical processes, in particular, those related to compact objects.