151 resultados para Peptide Fragments


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beta-lactoglobulin is a rich source of bioactive peptides. The LC-MS separated tryptic peptides of buffalo colostrum beta-lactoglobulin (BLG-col) were computed based on MS-MS fragmentation for de novo sequencing. Among the selected peptides (P1-P8), a variant was detected with methionine at position 74 instead of glutamate. The sequences of two peptides were identical to hypocholesterolemic peptides whereas the remaining peptides were in accordance with buffalo milk beta-lactoglobulin. Comparative sequence analysis of BLG-col to milk beta-lactoglobulin was carried out using CLUSTALW2 and a molecular model for BLG-col was constructed (PMDB ID-PM0076812). The synthesized variant pentapeptide (IIAMK, m/z-576 Da) was found to inhibit angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) with an IC50 of 498 +/- 2 mu M, which was rationalized through docking simulations using Molgrow virtual docker. (C) 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Trypanosomatids cause deadly diseases in humans. Of the various biochemical pathways in trypanosomatids, glycolysis, has received special attention because of being sequestered in peroxisome like organelles critical for the survival of the parasites. This study focuses on phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) from Leishmania spp. which, exists in two isoforms, the cytoplasmic PGKB and glycosomal PGKC differing in their biochemical properties. Computational analysis predicted the likelihood of a transmembrane helix only in the glycosomal isoform PGKC, of approximate length 20 residues in the 62-residue extension, ending at, arginine residues R471 and R472. From experimental studies using circular dichroism and NMR with deuterated sodium dodecyl sulfate, we find that the transmembrane helix spans residues 448 +/- 2 to 476 in Leishmania mexicana PGKC. The significance of this observation is discussed in the context of glycosomal transport and substrate tunneling. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The presence of energetically less favourable cis peptides in protein structures has been observed to be strongly associated with its structural integrity and function. Inter-conversion between the cis and trans conformations also has an important role in the folding process. In this study, we analyse the extent of conservation of cis peptides among similar folds. We look at both the amino acid preferences and local structural changes associated with such variations. Nearly 34% of the Xaa-Proline cis bonds are not conserved in structural relatives; Proline also has a high tendency to get replaced by another amino acid in the trans conformer. At both positions bounding the peptide bond, Glycine has a higher tendency to lose the cis conformation. The cis conformation of more than 30% of beta turns of type VIb and IV are not found to be conserved in similar structures. A different view using Protein Block-based description of backbone conformation, suggests that many of the local conformational changes are highly different from the general local structural variations observed among structurally similar proteins. Changes between cis and trans conformations are found to be associated with the evolution of new functions facilitated by local structural changes. This is most frequent in enzymes where new catalytic activity emerges with local changes in the active site. Cis-trans changes are also seen to facilitate inter-domain and inter-protein interactions. As in the case of folding, cis-trans conversions have been used as an important driving factor in evolution.


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The cis/trans isomer ratios of the Xaa-Pyr (Pyr = pyrrolidine) 3 degrees amide bonds are significantly high (similar to 90% cis) in the novel peptidomimetics where Pyr contains 1,3-oxazine (Oxa) or 1,3-thiazine (Thi) at its 2 position. We find that an unusual n -> pi(i-1)* interaction, selectively stabilizes the cis conformer and the n X n repulsion destabilizes the trans conformer of these molecules. Both these electronic effects oppose the steric effects in the 3 degrees amide bond. The structural requirements for manifestation of these electronic effects are determined. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Cross strand aromatic interactions between a facing pair of phenylalanine residues in antiparallel beta-sheet structures have been probed using two structurally defined model peptides. The octapeptide Boc-(LFVPPLFV)-P-D-P-L-OMe (peptide 1) favors the beta-hairpin conformation nucleated by the type II' beta-turn formed by the (D)Pro-(L)Pro segment, placing Phe2 and Phe7 side chains in proximity. Two centrally positioned (D)Pro-(L)Pro segments facilitate the three stranded beta-sheet formation in the 14 residue peptide Boc-LFV(D)P(L)PLFVA(D)P(L)PLFV-OMe (peptide 2) in which the Phe2/Phe7 orientations are similar to that in the octapeptide. The anticipated folded conformations of peptides 1 and 2 are established by the delineation of intramolecularly hydrogen bonded NH groups and by the observation of specific cross strand NOEs. The observation of ring current shifted aromatic protons is a diagnostic of close approach of the Phe2 and Phe7 side chains. Specific assignment of aromatic proton resonances using HSQC and HSQC-TOCSY methods allow an analysis of interproton NOEs between the spatially proximate aromatic rings. This approach facilitates specific assignments in systems containing multiple aromatic rings in spectra at natural abundance. Evidence is presented for a dynamic process which invokes a correlated conformational change about the C-alpha-C-beta(chi(1)) bond for the pair of interacting Phe residues. NMR results suggest that aromatic ring orientations observed in crystals are maintained in solution. Anomalous temperature dependence of ring current induced proton chemical shifts suggests that solvophobic effects may facilitate aromatic ring clustering in apolar solvents.


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Recently, we have demonstrated that the protease domain of NS3 alone can bind specifically to hepatitis C virus (HCV) internal ribosome entry site (IRES) near the initiator AUG, dislodges human La protein and inhibits translation in favor of viral RNA replication. Here, by using a computational approach, the contact points of the protease on the HCV IRES were putatively mapped. A 30-mer NS3 peptide was designed from the predicted RNA-binding region that retained RNA-binding ability and also inhibited IRES-mediated translation. This peptide was truncated to 15 mer and this also demonstrated ability to inhibit HCV RNA-directed translation as well as replication. More importantly, its activity was tested in an in vivo mouse model by encapsulating the peptide in Sendai virus virosomes followed by intravenous delivery. The study demonstrates for the first time that the HCV NS3-IRES RNA interaction can be selectively inhibited using a small peptide and reports a strategy to deliver the peptide into the liver.


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Due to limited available therapeutic options, developing new lead compounds against hepatitis C virus is an urgent need. Human La protein stimulates hepatitis C virus translation through interaction with the hepatitis C viral RNA. A cyclic peptide mimicking the beta-turn of the human La protein that interacts with the viral RNA was synthesized. It inhibits hepatitis C viral RNA translation significantly better than the corresponding linear peptide at longer post-treatment times. The cyclic peptide also inhibited replication as measured by replicon RNA levels using real time RT-PCR. The cyclic peptide emerges as a promising lead compound against hepatitis C.


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The incorporation of beta-amino acid residues into the antiparallel beta-strand segments of a multi-stranded beta-sheet peptide is demonstrated for a 19-residue peptide, Boc-LV(beta)FV(D)PGL(beta)FVVL(D)PGLVL(beta)FVV-OMe (BBH19). Two centrally positioned (D)Pro-Gly segments facilitate formation of a stable three-stranded beta-sheet, in which beta-phenylalanine ((beta)Phe) residues occur at facing positions 3, 8 and 17. Structure determination in methanol solution is accomplished by using NMR-derived restraints obtained from NOEs, temperature dependence of amide NH chemical shifts, rates of H/D exchange of amide protons and vicinal coupling constants. The data are consistent with a conformationally well-defined three-stranded beta-sheet structure in solution. Cross-strand interactions between (beta)Phe3/(beta)Phe17 and (beta)Phe3/Val15 residues define orientations of these side-chains. The observation of close contact distances between the side-chains on the N- and C-terminal strands of the three-stranded beta-sheet provides strong support for the designed structure. Evidence is presented for multiple side-chain conformations from an analysis of NOE data. An unusual observation of the disappearance of the Gly NH resonances upon prolonged storage in methanol is rationalised on the basis of a slow aggregation step, resulting in stacking of three-stranded beta-sheet structures, which in turn influences the conformational interconversion between type I' and type II' beta-turns at the two (D)Pro-Gly segments. Experimental evidence for these processes is presented. The decapeptide fragment Boc-LV(beta)FV(D)PGL(beta)FVV-OMe (BBH10), which has been previously characterized as a type I' beta-turn nucleated hairpin, is shown to favour a type II' beta-turn conformation in solution, supporting the occurrence of conformational interconversion at the turn segments in these hairpin and sheet structures.


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Disulfide crosslinks are ubiquitous in natural peptides and proteins, providing rigidity to polypeptide scaffolds. The assignment of disulfide connectivity in multiple crosslinked systems is often difficult to achieve. Here, we show that rapid unambiguous characterisation of disulfide connectivity can be achieved through direct mass spectrometric CID fragmentation of the disulfide intact polypeptides. The method requires a direct mass spectrometric fragmentation of the native disulfide bonded polypeptides and subsequent analysis using a newly developed program, DisConnect. Technical difficulties involving direct fragmentation of proteins are surmounted by an initial proteolytic nick and subsequent determination of the structures of these proteolytic peptides through DisConnect. While the connectivity in proteolytic fragments containing one cystine is evident from the MS profile alone, those with multiple cystines are subjected to subsequent mass spectrometric fragmentation. The wide applicability of this method is illustrated using examples of peptide hormones, peptide toxins, proteins, and disulfide foldamers of a synthetic analogue of a marine peptide toxin. The method, coupled with DisConnect, provides an unambiguous, straightforward approach, especially useful for the rapid screening of the disulfide crosslink fidelity in recombinant proteins, determination of disulfide linkages in natural peptide toxins and characterization of folding intermediates encountered in oxidative folding pathways.


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The signal peptide plays a key role in targeting and membrane insertion of secretory and membrane proteins in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. In E. coli, recombinant proteins can be targeted to the periplasmic space by fusing naturally occurring signal sequences to their N-terminus. The model protein thioredoxin was fused at its N-terminus with malE and pelB signal sequences. While WT and the pelB fusion are soluble when expressed, the malE fusion was targeted to inclusion bodies and was refolded in vitro to yield a monomeric product with identical secondary structure to WT thioredoxin. The purified recombinant proteins were studied with respect to their thermodynamic stability, aggregation propensity and activity, and compared with wild type thioredoxin, without a signal sequence. The presence of signal sequences leads to thermodynamic destabilization, reduces the activity and increases the aggregation propensity, with malE having much larger effects than pelB. These studies show that besides acting as address labels, signal sequences can modulate protein stability and aggregation in a sequence dependent manner.


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The feasibility of using transition metal fragments to stabilize B2H4 in planar configuration by donating 2 electrons to the boron moiety is investigated. Building upon the existing theoretical and experimental data and aided by the isolobal analogy, the model transition metal complexes Cr(CO)(4)B2H4 (6), Mn(CO)-CpB2H4 (7), Fe(CO)(3)B2H4 (8) and CoCpB2H4 (9) are chosen to illustrate this unique bonding feature bond strengthening with pi-back donation. Other possible types of complexes with B2H4 and the metal fragment are also explored and the energies are compared. One of the low energy isomers wherein the planar B2H4 interacts with the metal fragment in an in-plane fashion represents a unique case study for the Dewar-Chatt-Duncanson model. In this complex the back-donation from the metal fills the p bonding orbital between the two boron atoms thus forming a B=B double bond.


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The contribution of Tyr-His vs. Cys-His interacting pairs to the scaffold stability of (D)Pro-(L)Pro nucleated peptide beta-hairpins has been examined. We present direct evidence for the superiority of the Cys-His pairs, mediated by sulphur-imidazole interactions, as added stabilizing agents of the beta-hairpin scaffold.


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We propose a novel space-time descriptor for region-based tracking which is very concise and efficient. The regions represented by covariance matrices within a temporal fragment, are used to estimate this space-time descriptor which we call the Eigenprofiles(EP). EP so obtained is used in estimating the Covariance Matrix of features over spatio-temporal fragments. The Second Order Statistics of spatio-temporal fragments form our target model which can be adapted for variations across the video. The model being concise also allows the use of multiple spatially overlapping fragments to represent the target. We demonstrate good tracking results on very challenging datasets, shot under insufficient illumination conditions.


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Conformational diversity or shapeshifting in cyclic peptide natural products can, in principle, confer a single molecular entity with the property of binding to multiple receptors. Conformational equilibria have been probed in the contryphans, which are peptides derived from Conus venom possessing a 23-membered cyclic disulfide moiety. The natural sequences derived from Conus inscriptus, GCV(D)LYPWC* (In936) and Conus loroisii, GCP(D)WDPWC* (Lo959) differ in the number of proline residues within the macrocyclic ring. Structural characterisation of distinct conformational states arising from cis-trans equilibria about Xxx-Pro bonds is reported. Isomerisation about the C2-P3 bond is observed in the case of Lo959 and about the Y5-P6 bond in In936. Evidence is presented for as many as four distinct species in the case of the synthetic analogue V3P In936. The Tyr-Pro-Trp segment in In936 is characterised by distinct sidechain orientations as a consequence of aromatic/proline interactions as evidenced by specific sidechain-sidechain nuclear Overhauser effects and ring current shifted proton chemical shifts. Molecular dynamics simulations suggest that Tyr5 and Trp7 sidechain conformations are correlated and depend on the geometry of the Xxx-Pro bond. Thermodynamic parameters are derived for the cis trans equilibrium for In936. Studies on synthetic analogues provide insights into the role of sequence effects in modulating isomerisation about Xxx-Pro bonds.


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A novel peptide containing a single disulfide bond, CIWPWC (Vi804), has been isolated and characterised from the venom of the marine cone snail, Conus virgo. A precursor polypeptide sequence derived from complementary DNA, corresponding to the M-superfamily conotoxins, has been identified. The identity of the synthetic and natural peptide sequence has been established. A detailed analysis of the conformation in solution is reported for Vi804 and a synthetic analogue, (CIWPWC)-W-D ((D)W3-Vi804), in order to establish the structure of the novel WPW motif, which occurs in the context of a 20-membered macrocyclic disulfide. Vi804 exists exclusively in the cis W3P4 conformer in water and methanol, whereas (D)W3-Vi804 occurs exclusively as the trans conformer. NMR spectra revealed a W3P4 typeVI turn in Vi804 and a typeII turn in the analogue peptide, (D)W3-Vi804. The extremely high-field chemical shifts of the proline ring protons, together with specific nuclear Overhauser effects, are used to establish a conformation in which the proline ring is sandwiched between the flanking Trp residues, which emphasises a stabilising role for the aromatic-proline interactions, mediated predominantly by dispersion forces.