229 resultados para Narcotic mixtures


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Synthesis and densification of monolithic zirconium carbide (ZrC) has been carried out by reactive hot pressing of zirconium (Zr) and graphite (C) powders in the molar ratios 1:1, 1.25:1, 1.5:1, and 2:1 at 40 MPa, 1200 degrees-1600 degrees C. Monolithic ZrC could be synthesized with a C/Zr ratio similar to 0.5-1.0 and the post heat-treated samples have the lattice parameter in the range 4.665 to 4.698 A. Densification improves with an increasing deviation from the stoichiometry. Fine-grained (similar to 1 mu m) and nearly fully dense material (99% RD) could be obtained at a temperature as low as 1200 degrees C with C/Zr similar to 0.67. Microstructural and XRD observations suggest that densification occurred at low temperatures with nonstoichiometric Zr-C powder mixtures.


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The thermal ignition behaviour of various mixtures of organic fuels, magnesium and ammonium nitrate (AN) has been examined by differential thermal analysis technique. It has been observed that the thermal decomposition/ignition of organic fuel-AN mixtures is modified significantly in the presence of magnesium metal. The decomposition characteristics of the binary mixtures of AN with various metals indicate the specific action of magnesium and zinc in lowering the decomposition temperature. A possible explanation for the low temperature decomposition is given in terms of the solid state reaction causing the fusion of AN which further reacts with the metal resulting in a highly exothermic reaction.


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A molecular theory of collective orientational relaxation of dipolar molecules in a dense liquid is presented. Our work is based on a generalized, nonlinear, Smoluchowski equation (GSE) that includes the effects of intermolecular interactions through a mean‐field force term. The effects of translational motion of the liquid molecules on the orientational relaxation is also included self‐consistently in the GSE. Analytic expressions for the wave‐vector‐dependent orientational correlation functions are obtained for one component, pure liquid and also for binary mixtures. We find that for a dipolar liquid of spherical molecules, the correlation function ϕ(k,t) for l=1, where l is the rank of the spherical harmonics, is biexponential. At zero wave‐vector, one time constant becomes identical with the dielectric relaxation time of the polar liquid. The second time constant is the longitudinal relaxation time, but the contribution of this second component is small. We find that polar forces do not affect the higher order correlation functions (l>1) of spherical dipolar molecules in a linearized theory. The expression of ϕ(k,t) for a binary liquid is a sum of four exponential terms. We also find that the wave‐vector‐dependent relaxation times depend strongly on the microscopic structure of the dense liquid. At intermediate wave vectors, the translational diffusion greatly accelerates the rate of orientational relaxation. The present study indicates that one must pay proper attention to the microscopic structure of the liquid while treating the translational effects. An analysis of the nonlinear terms of the GSE is also presented. An interesting coupling between the number density fluctuation and the orientational fluctuation is uncovered.


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We have investigated the near-critical behavior of the susceptibility of a ternary liquid mixture of 3-methylpyridine. water, and sodium bromide as a function of the salt concentration. The susceptibility was determined from light-scattering measurements performed at a scattering angle of 90 degrees in the one-phase region near the locus of lower consolute points. A sharp crossover from asymptotic Ising behavior to mean-field behavior has been observed at concentrations ranging from 8 to 16.5 mass% NaBr. The range of asymptotic Ising behavior shrinks with increasing salt concentration and vanishes at a NaBr concentration of about 17 mass%. where complete mean-field-like behavior of the susceptibility is observed. A simultaneous pronounced increase in the background scattering at concentrations above 15 mass%, as well as a dip in the critical locus at 17 mass % NaBr, suggests that this phenomenon can be interpreted as mean-field tricritical behavior associated with the formation of a microheterogeneous phase due to clustering of the molecules and ions. An analogy with tri critical behavior observed in polymer solutions as well as the possibility of a charge-density-wave phase is also discussed. In addition, we, have observed a third soap-like phase an the liquid-liquid interface in several binary and ternary liquid mixtures.


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Pyrolysis of thiophene over nickel nanoparticles dispersed on silica is shown to yield Y-junction carbon nanotubes with smaller diameters than those obtained by the pyrolysis of organometallic-thiophene mixtures. In the presence of water vapour, the pyrolysis of organometallic-hydrocarbon mixtures yields single-walled nanotubes, as well as relatively narrow-diameter carbon nanotubes with Y-junctions. Pyrolysis-of organometallic-hydrocarbon mixtures, in the absence of water vapour, only gives nanotubes with T- and Y-junctions.


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The influences of the amorphous matrix and crystalline dendrite phases on the hardness and elastic moduli of Zr/Ti-based bulk metallic glass matrix composites have been assessed. While the moduli of the composites correspond to those predicted by the rule of mixtures, the hardness of the composites is similar to that of the matrix, suggesting that the plastic flow in the composites under constrained conditions such as indentation is controlled by the flow resistance of the contiguous matrix. (C) 2010 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The utilization of mixtures of glucose and sucrose at nonlimiting concentrations was studied in batch cultures of two common thermophilic fungi, Thermomyces lanuginosus and Penicilium duponti. The sucrose-utilizing enzymes (sucrose permease and invertase) in both fungi were inducible. Both sugars were used concurrently,regardless of their relative proportion in the mixture. At the optimal growth temperature (50C), T.lanuginosus utilized sucrose earlier than it did glucose, but at a suboptimal growth temperature (30°C) the two sugars were utilized at nearly comparable rates. The coutilization of the two sugars was most likely possible because (i) invertase was insensitive to catabolite repression by glucose, (ii) the activity and affinity of the glucose transport system were lowered when sucrose was included in the growth medium, and (iii) the activity of the glucose uptake system was also subject to repression by high concentrations of glucose itself. The concurrent utilization of the available carbon sources by thermophilic fungi might be an adaptive strategy for opportunistic growth in nature under conditions of low nutrient availability and thermal fluctuations in the environment.


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The proton-decoupled 13C NMR spectra of mixtures of liquid crystals with opposite diamagnetic anisotropies have been studied in the natural abundance of 13C. A new method to assign the spectral lines to specific carbons in the liquid crystalline phase has been developed. For this purpose, the assignments of lines in the isotropic media are required, and they were obtained from two-dimensional hetero-COSY experiments. From the spectra in the �critical� mixtures where both the orientations of the liquid crystal directors, with the alignments along and perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field, �coexist,� the 13C chemical-shift anisotropies have been determined, assuming uniaxial symmetry.


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The behavior of electrical resistivity in the critical region of three polar + nonpolar binary liquid systems CS2 +(CH3CO)2O, C6H12+(CH3CO)2O, and n‐C7H16+(CH3CO)2O is studied. For the mixtures with critical composition, the two phase region shows a conductivity behavior with σ1−σ2∼ (−ϵ)β with β?0.35. In the one phase region dR/dT has a singularity ϵ−b with b?0.35. A possible theory of the impurity conduction is given, which broadly explains these results. The possibility of dR/dT being positive or negative is also discussed.


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The temperature (T) and electric field-to-gas pressure (E/P) dependences of the rate coefficientk for the reaction SF 6 � +SOF4rarrSOF 5 � +SF5 have been measured. ForT<270>k approaches a constant of 2.1×10�9 cm3/s, and for 433>T>270 K,k decreases withT according tok (cm3/s)=0.124 exp [�3.3 lnT(K)]. ForE/Pk has a constant value of about 2.5×10�10 cm3/s, and for 130 V/cm·torr>E/P>60 V/cm·torr, the rate is approximately given byk (cm3/s)sim7.0×10�10 exp (�0.022E/P). The measured rate coefficient is used to estimate the influence of this reaction on SOF4 production from negative, point-plane, glow-type corona discharges in gas mixtures containing SF6 and at least trace amounts of O2 and H2O. A chemical kinetics model of the ion-drift region in the discharge gap is used to fit experimental data on SOF4 yields assuming that the SF 6 � +SOF4 reaction is the predominant SOF4 loss mechanism. It is found that the contribution of this reaction to SOF4 destruction falls considerably below the estimated maximum effect assuming that SF 6 � is the predominant charge carrier which reacts only with SOF4. The results of this analysis suggest that SF 6 � is efficiently deactivated by other reactions, and the influence of SF 6 � +SOF4 on SOF4 production is not necessarily more significant than that of other slower secondary processes such as gas-phase hydrolysis


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The e.m.f. of a concentration cell for SO x (x=2,3)-O2 incorporating Nasicon as the main solid electrolyte has been measured in the temperature range 720 to 1080 K. The cell arrangement can be represented as,$$Pt, O'_2 + SO'_2 + SO'_3 \left| {Na_2 SO_4 \left\| {\left. {Nasicon} \right\|} \right.} \right.\left. {Na_2 SO_4 } \right|SO''_3 + SO''_2 + O''_2 , Pt$$ The Na2SO4 acts both as an auxiliary electrode, converting chemical potentials of SO x and O2 to equivalent sodium potentials, and as an electrolyte. The presence of Na2SO4 provides partial protection of Nasicon from chemical reaction with gas mixtures containing SO x . The open circuit e.m.f. of the cell is in close agreement with values given by the Nernst equation. For certain fixed inlet gas compositions of SO2+O2, the e.m.f. varies non-linearly with temperature. The intrinsic response time of the cell to step changes in gas composition is estimated to vary from sim2.0 ksec at 723K to sim 0.2 ksec at 1077K. The cell functions well for large differences in partial pressures of SO3(pPrimeSO 3/pprimeSO 3ap104) at the electrodes.


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A solid-state sensor for SOx (x = 2, 3) species has been designed using ?-alumina as the solid electrolyte and Na2SO4 as the auxiliary electrode. The measured e.m.f. of the cell Pt, O?2 + SO?2 + SO?3|Na2SO4short parallel?-aluminashort parallelNa2SO4|SO?3 + SO?2 + O?2, PT in the temperature range 700 K to 1150 K agrees well with values calculated using the Nernst equation. The sodium sulphate acts both as a protective covering, preventing direct access of the gaseous SOx species to the ?-alumina electrolyte, and as an auxiliary electrode, converting chemical potentials of SOx species and O2 into an equivalent sodium potential. The open-circuit e.m.f. varies non-linearly with temperature for fixed composition of inlet gas mixtures containing SO2, O2 and Ar. The response time (t0.99) of the cell varies between 1.9 ks at 750 K and 0.06 ks at 1100 K. The e.m.f. response is faster when the partial pressure of SOx at the electrode is increased than when it is decreased.


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This Article addresses the formation of chiral supramolecular structures in the organogels derived from chiral organogelator 1R (or 2R), and its mixtures with its enantiomer (1S) and achiral analogue 3 by extensive circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopic measurements. Morphological analysis by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were complemented by the measurements of their bulk properties by thermal stability and rheological studies. Specific molecular recognition events (1/3 vs 2/3) and solvent effects (isooctane vs dodecane) were found to be critical in the formation of chiral aggregates. Theoretical studies were also carried out to understand the interactions responsible for the formation of the superstructures.


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This paper presents the experimental data on vapor-liquid equilibrium and heats of mixing of mixtures of benzene with 1, e-dichloroethane, 1, l, 1 -trichloroethane, and lt1,2,2-tetrachloroethane.A literature survey revealed that the heats of mixing of benzene-l,2-dichloroethane have been studied and Table I shows the extent of study on this system.


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The flocculation and filtration characteristics of typical Indian iron ore fines have been studied using starch as flocculant in the presence of an inorganic electrolyte, namely calcium chloride. The effect of various parameters such as pH, starch and calcium chloride concentrations and pulp density on the settling and filtration rates, turbidity of the supernatant and on residual starch and calcium ion concentrates has been investigated through a statistical design and analysis approach and subsequently optimised on a laboratory scale. The adsorption mechanisms of starch onto haematite have been elucidated through adsorption density measurements, infrared and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic techniques. The rheological property of the polymer solutions of relevance to flocculations has also been investigated. Further, the role of metal ion-starch interactions in the bulk solution, has been studied. In order to understand the nature of polymer adsorption at the double-layer, electrokinetic studies have been carried out with the iron ore mineral samples using starch and calcium chloride. Based on the above findings, selective floculaation tests on artificial mixtures of iron ore minerals have been carried out to determine the separation efficiencies from the view point of alumina and silica removal from haematite as well as the control of alumina: silica ratio in Indian iron ores.