157 resultados para NEUTRON REFLECTIVITY


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We report ultrafast quasiparticle (QP) dynamics and coherent acoustic phonons in undoped CaFe2As2 iron pnictide single crystals exhibiting spin-density wave (SDW) and concurrent structural phase transition at temperature T-SDW similar to 165K using femtosecond time-resolved pump-probe spectroscopy. The contributions in transient differential reflectivity arising from exponentially decaying QP relaxation and oscillatory coherent acoustic phonon mode show large variations in the vicinity of T-SDW. From the temperature-dependence of the QP recombination dynamics in the SDW phase, we evaluate a BCS-like temperature dependent charge gap with its zero-temperature value of similar to(1.6 perpendicular to 0.2)k(B)T(SDW), whereas, much above T-SDW, an electron-phonon coupling constant of similar to 0.13 has been estimated from the linear temperature-dependence of the QP relaxation time. The long-wavelength coherent acoustic phonons with typical time-period of similar to 100 ps have been analyzed in the light of propagating strain pulse model providing important results for the optical constants, sounds velocity and the elastic modulus of the crystal in the whole temperature range of 3 to 300 K.


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Nonequilibrium quasiparticle relaxation dynamics is reported in superconducting Ca(Fe0.944Co0.056)(2)As-2 single crystals by measuring transient reflectivity changes using femtosecond time-resolved pump-probe spectroscopy. Large changes in the temperature-dependent differential reflectivity values in the vicinity of the spin density wave (T-SDW) and superconducting (T-SC) transition temperatures of the sample have been inferred to have charge gap opening at those temperatures. We have estimated the zero-temperature charge gap value in the superconducting state to be similar to 1.8k(B)T(SC) and an electron-phonon coupling constant lambda of similar to 0.1 in the normal state that signifies the weak coupling in iron pnictides. From the peculiar temperature-dependence of the quasiparticle dynamics in the intermediate temperature region between T-SC and T-SDW we infer a temperature scale where the charge gap associated with the spin ordered phase is maximum and closes on either side while approaching the two phase transition temperatures.


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SrRuO3 is widely known to be an itinerant ferromagnet with a T-C similar to 160 K. It is well known that glassy materials exhibit time dependent phenomena such as memory effect due to their generic slow dynamics. However, for the first time, we have observed memory effect in SrRu(1-x)O3 (0.01neutron diffraction study has been able to trace the cause of such hidden magnetic interaction responsible for bringing glassiness in a ferromagnet.


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The emergence of low temperature glassy phase in widely known itinerant ferromagnet SrRuO3 is remotely understood. In order to understand this aspect, we have undertaken a detailed temperature dependent (5-250 K) neutron diffraction study. We observe a freezing of the octahedral tilt near the ferromagnetic transition and an unusual deviation in the octahedral tilt near the onset of low temperature spin glass like phase. A reduction of the ordered magnetic moment and a decline in the total integrated magnetic intensity is observed around the temperature where the glassy behaviour starts to appear. The magnetotransport study also reveals the possibility for an additional magnetic ordering by demonstrating a peak in magnetoresistance at the low temperature side as well. The neutron diffraction study presented here provides useful information to understand the observed unusual low temperature magnetic phenomena in SrRuO3.


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The structure-property correlation in the lead-free piezoelectric (1 - x)(Na0.5Bi0.5)TiO3-(x)BaTiO3 has been systematically investigated in detail as a function of composition (0 < x <= 0.11), temperature, electric field, and mechanical impact by Raman scattering, ferroelectric, piezoelectric measurement, x-ray, and neutron powder diffraction methods. Although x-ray diffraction study revealed three distinct composition ranges characterizing different structural features in the equilibrium state at room temperature: (i) monoclinic (Cc) + rhombohedral (R3c) for the precritical compositions, 0 <= x <= 0.05, (ii) cubiclike for 0.06 <= x <= 0.0675, and (iii) morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) like for 0.07 <= x < 0.10, Raman and neutron powder diffraction studies revealed identical symmetry for the cubiclike and the MPB compositions. The cubiclike structure undergoes irreversible phase separation by electric poling as well as by pure mechanical impact. This cubiclike phase exhibits relaxor ferroelectricity in its equilibrium state. The short coherence length (similar to 50A degrees) of the out-of-phase octahedral tilts does not allow the normal ferroelectric state to develop below the dipolar freezing temperature, forcing the system to remain in a dipolar glass state at room temperature. Electric poling helps the dipolar glass state to transform to a normal ferroelectric state with a concomitant enhancement in the correlation length of the out-of-phase octahedral tilt.


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Neutron powder diffraction study of Ba(Ti1-xZrx)O-3 at close composition intervals has revealed coexistence of ferroelectric phases: orthorhombic (Amm2) + tetragonal (P4mm) for 0.02 <= x <= 0.05 and rhombohedral (R3m) + orthorhombic (Amm2) for 0.07 <= x < 0.09. These compositions exhibit relatively enhanced piezoelectric properties as compared to their single phase counterparts outside this composition region, confirming the polymorphic phase boundary nature of the phase coexistence regions. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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We investigate nucleosynthesis inside the gamma-ray burst (GRB) accretion disks formed by the Type II collapsars. In these collapsars, the core collapse of massive stars first leads to the formation of a proto-neutron star. After that, an outward moving shock triggers a successful supernova. However, the supernova ejecta lacks momentum and within a few seconds the newly formed neutron star gets transformed to a stellar mass black hole via massive fallback. The hydrodynamics of such an accretion disk formed from the fallback material of the supernova ejecta has been studied extensively in the past. We use these well-established hydrodynamic models for our accretion disk in order to understand nucleosynthesis, which is mainly advection dominated in the outer regions. Neutrino cooling becomes important in the inner disk where the temperature and density are higher. The higher the accretion rate (M) over dot is, the higher the density and temperature are in the disks. We deal with accretion disks with relatively low accretion rates: 0.001 M-circle dot s(-1) less than or similar to (M) over dot less than or similar to 0.01 M-circle dot s(-1) and hence these disks are predominantly advection dominated. We use He-rich and Si-rich abundances as the initial condition of nucleosynthesis at the outer disk, and being equipped with the disk hydrodynamics and the nuclear network code, we study the abundance evolution as matter inflows and falls into the central object. We investigate the variation in the nucleosynthesis products in the disk with the change in the initial abundance at the outer disk and also with the change in the mass accretion rate. We report the synthesis of several unusual nuclei like P-31, K-39, Sc-43, Cl-35 and various isotopes of titanium, vanadium, chromium, manganese and copper. We also confirm that isotopes of iron, cobalt, nickel, argon, calcium, sulphur and silicon get synthesized in the disk, as shown by previous authors. Much of these heavy elements thus synthesized are ejected from the disk via outflows and hence they should leave their signature in observed data.


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Comparison of reflectivity data of radars onboard CloudSat and TRMM is performed using coincident overpasses. The contoured frequency by altitude diagrams (CFADs) are constructed for two cases: (a) only include collocated vertical profiles that are most likely to be raining and (b) include all collocated profiles along with cloudy pixels falling within a distance of about 50 km from the centre point of coincidence. Our analysis shows that for both cases, CloudSat underestimates the radar reflectivity by about 10 dBZ compared to that of TRMM radar below 15 km altitude. The difference is well outside the uncertainty value of similar to 2 dBZ of each radar. Further, CloudSat reflectivity shows a decreasing trend while that of TRMM radar an increasing trend below 4 km height. Basically W-band radar that CloudSat flies suffers strong attenuation in precipitating clouds and its reflectivity value rarely exceeds 20 dBZ though its technical specification indicates the upper measurement limit to be 40 dBZ. TRMM radar, on the other hand, cannot measure values below 17 dBZ. In fact combining data from these two radars seems to give a better overall spatial structure of convective clouds.


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We report selective optical reflectance in an aluminium (Al) coated flexible carbon nanotube (CNT) thin film over a wide range of wavelengths (500-2500 nm). Selective-wavelength surface is achieved by coating CNT surfaces with Al thin film that presented a maximum optical reflectivity of similar to 65% in the infrared region. However, CNT film alone showed a reflectance of 15-20% over a larger range of wavelengths without any structural modification, which has not been realized so far. Moreover, a tailorable reflectance in CNT is shown to be achieved by tuning various parameters, namely, the porosity of the material, angle of an incident light, and refractive index of the materials. Owing to higher infrared reflectivity and thermal diffusivity, Al coated CNT presents a potential for a high efficiency solar collector. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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We investigate nucleosynthesis inside the outflows from gamma-ray burst (GRB) accretion disks formed by the Type II collapsars. In these collapsars, massive stars undergo core collapse to form a proto-neutron star initially, and a mild supernova (SN) explosion is driven. The SN ejecta lack momentum, and subsequently this newly formed neutron star gets transformed to a stellar mass black hole via massive fallback. The hydrodynamics and the nucleosynthesis in these accretion disks have been studied extensively in the past. Several heavy elements are synthesized in the disk, and much of these heavy elements are ejected from the disk via winds and outflows. We study nucleosynthesis in the outflows launched from these disks by using an adiabatic, spherically expanding outflow model, to understand which of these elements thus synthesized in the disk survive in the outflow. While studying this, we find that many new elements like isotopes of titanium, copper, zinc, etc., are present in the outflows. Ni-56 is abundantly synthesized in most of the cases in the outflow, which implies that the outflows from these disks in a majority of cases will lead to an observable SN explosion. It is mainly present when outflow is considered from the He-rich, Ni-56/Fe-54-rich zones of the disks. However, outflow from the Si-rich zone of the disk remains rich in silicon. Although emission lines of many of these heavy elements have been observed in the X-ray afterglows of several GRBs by Chandra, BeppoSAX, XMM-Newton, etc., Swift seems to have not yet detected these lines.


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Stainless steel of type AISI 316LN - one of the structural materials of fast neutron reactors - must have a long service life under conditions that subject it to different types of wear (galling, adhesion, fretting, and abrasion). Cobalt-based hard facings are generally avoided due to induced radioactivity. Nickel-based hard facings are strongly preferred instead. One alternative to both types of coatings is a hard-alloy coating of CrN. This article examines wear and friction characteristics during the sliding of uncoated steel SS316LN and the same steel with a CrN coating. In addition, a specially designed pin-on-disk tribometer is used to perform tests in a vacuum at temperatures of up to 1000 degrees C in order to study the effect of oxygen on the wear of these materials. The morphology of the wear surface and the structure of the subsurface were studied by scanning electron microscopy. The formation of an adhesion layer and the self-welding of mating parts are seen to take place in the microstructure at temperatures above 500 degrees C. It is also found that steel SS316LN undergoes shear strain during sliding wear. The friction coefficient depends on the oxygen content, load, and temperature, while the wear rate depends on the strain-hardening of the surface of the material being tested.


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Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 (NBT) and its derivatives have prompted a great surge in interest owing to their potential as lead-free piezoelectrics. In spite of five decades since its discovery, there is still a lack of clarity on crucial issues such as the origin of significant dielectric relaxation at room temperature, structural factors influencing its depoling, and the status of the recently proposed monoclinic (Cc) structure vis-a-vis the nanosized structural heterogeneities. In this work, these issues are resolved by comparative analysis of local and global structures on poled and unpoled NBT specimens using electron, x-ray, and neutron diffraction in conjunction with first-principles calculation, dielectric, ferroelectric, and piezoelectric measurements. The reported global monoclinic (Cc) distortion is shown not to correspond to the thermodynamic equilibrium state at room temperature. The global monocliniclike appearance rather owes its origin to the presence of local structural and strain heterogeneities. Poling removes the structural inhomogeneities and establishes a long-range rhombohedral distortion. In the process the system gets irreversibly transformed from a nonergodic relaxor to a normal ferroelectric state. The thermal depoling is shown to be associated with the onset of incompatible in-phase tilted octahedral regions in the field-stabilized long range rhombohedral distortion.


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The nature of the pre-morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) cubic-like state in the lead-free piezoelectric ceramics (1-x)Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3-(x)BaTiO3 at x similar to 0.06 has been examined in detail by electric field and temperature dependent neutron diffraction, x-ray diffraction, dielectric and ferroelectric characterization. The superlattice reflections in the neutron diffraction patterns cannot be explained with the tetragonal P4bm and the rhombohedral (R3c) phase coexistence model. The cubic like state is rather a result of long ranged modulated complex octahedral tilt. This modulated structure exhibits anomalously large dielectric dispersion. The modulated structure transforms to a MPB state on poling. The field-stabilized MPB state is destroyed and the modulated structure is restored on heating the poled specimen above the Vogel-Fulcher freezing temperature. The results show the predominant role of competing octahedral tilts in determining the nature of structural and polar states in Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3-based ferroelectrics. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The magnetic structure and properties of sodium iron fluorophosphate Na2FePO4F (space group Pbcn), a cathode material for rechargeable batteries, were studied using magnetometry and neutron powder diffraction. The material, which can be described as a quasi-layered structure with zigzag Fe-octahedral chains, develops a long-range antiferromagnetic order below similar to 3.4 K. The magnetic structure is rationalized as a super-exchange-driven ferromagnetic ordering of chains running along the a-axis, coupled antiferromagnetically by super-super-exchange via phosphate groups along the c-axis, with ordering along the b-axis likely due to the contribution of dipole dipole interactions.


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GX 301-2, a bright high-mass X-ray binary with an orbital period of 41.5 d, exhibits stable periodic orbital intensity modulations with a strong pre-periastron X-ray flare. Several models have been proposed to explain the accretion at different orbital phases, invoking accretion via stellar wind, equatorial disc, and accretion stream from the companion star. We present results from exhaustive orbital phase resolved spectroscopic measurements of GX 301-2 using data from the Gas Slit Camera onboard MAXI. Using spectroscopic analysis of the MAXI data with unprecedented orbital coverage for many orbits continuously, we have found a strong orbital dependence of the absorption column density and equivalent width of the iron emission line. A very large equivalent width of the iron line along with a small value of the column density in the orbital phase range 0.10-0.30 after the periastron passage indicates the presence of high density absorbing matter behind the neutron star in this orbital phase range. A low energy excess is also found in the spectrum at orbital phases around the pre-periastron X-ray flare. The orbital dependence of these parameters are then used to examine the various models about mode of accretion on to the neutron star in GX 301-2.