257 resultados para Multiple Programming
A symmetric cascade of selective pulses applied on connected transitions leads to the excitation of a selected multiple-quantum coherence by a well-defined angle. This cascade selectively operates on the subspace of the multiple-quantum coherence and acts as a generator of rotation selectively on the multiple-quantum subspace. Single-transition operator algebra has been used to explain these experiments. Experiments have been performed on two- and three-spin systems. It is shown that such experiments can be utilized to measure the relaxation times of selected multiple-quantum coherences or of a specifically prepared initial longitudinal state of the spin system.
The coexistence of quasicrystals and rational approximant structures (RAS) has been observed in melt-spun Al80Cr14Si6, Al80Mn14Si6 and Al75Mn10Cr5Si10 alloys. The presence of a b.c.c. alpha-AlMnSi phase in Al-Mn-Si and alpha-AlMnSi(Cr) phase in Al-Mn-Cr-Si has been seen. A multiple twinning around an irrational axis of the RAS has been reported in an aggregate of fine size cubic crystallites in all three alloys. Selected area diffraction patterns show that the crystalline aggregate symmetry is linked to the icosahedral point group symmetry (m35). Various ways of expressing the twin relationship in the cubic crystalline aggregates have been discussed. The thermal stability of the icosahedral phase at high temperatures reveals that the icosahedral phase in Al-Mn-Si and Al-Mn-Cr-Si alloys transforms to alpha-AlMnSi at temperatures of 690 and 670 K, respectively. In Al-Cr-Si alloy, heating to a high temperature (615 K) leads to the transformation of the icosahedral phase into a new metastable phase having an ordered cubic structure equivalent to alpha-AlMnSi. The occurrence of multiple twinning leading to icosahedral symmetry in the as-spun Al-Cr-Si alloy is presumably due to this metastable phase. Copyright (C) 1996 Acta Metallurgica Inc.
The mechanism of folding of the small protein barstar in the pre-transition zone at pH 7, 25 degrees C has been characterized using rapid mixing techniques. Earlier studies had established the validity of the three-state U-S reversible arrow U-F reversible arrow N mechanism for folding and unfolding in the presence of guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl) at concentrations greater than 2.0 M, where U-S and U-F are the slow-refolding and fast-refolding unfolded forms, respectively, and N is the fully folded form. It is now shown that early intermediates, I-S1 and I-S2 as well as a late native-like intermediate, I-N, are present on the folding pathways of U-S, and an early intermediate I-F1 on the folding pathway of U-F, when bars tar is refolded in concentrations of GdnHCl below 2.0 M. The rates of formation and disappearance of I-N, and the rates of formation of N at three different concentrations of GdnHCl in the pre-transition zone have been measured. The data indicate that in 1.5 M GdnHCl, I-N is not fully populated on the U-S --> I-S1 --> I-N --> N pathway because the rate of its formation is so slow that the U-S reversible arrow U-F reversible arrow N pathway can effectively compete with that pathway. In 1.0 M GdnHCl, the U-S --> I-S1 --> I-N transition is so fast that I-N is fully populated. In 0.6 M GdnHCl, I-N appears not to be fully populated because an alternative folding pathway, U-S --> I-S2 --> N, becomes available for the folding of U-S, in addition to the U-S --> I-S1 --> I-N --> N pathway Measurement of the binding of the hydrophobic dye 1-anilino-8-naphthalenesulphonate (ANS) during folding indicates that ANS binds to two distinct intermediates, I-M1 and I-M2, that form within 2 ms on the U-S --> I-M1 --> I-S1 --> I-N --> N and U-S --> I-M2 --> I-S2 --> N pathways. There is no evidence for the accumulation of intermediates that can bind ANS on the folding pathway of U-F.
A linear programming problem in an inequality form having a bounded solution is solved error-free using an algorithm that sorts the inequalities, removes the redundant ones, and uses the p-adic arithmetic. (C) Elsevier Science Inc., 1997
Routing of floods is essential to control the flood flow at the flood control station such that it is within the specified safe limit. In this paper, the applicability of the extended Muskingum method is examined for routing of floods for a case study of Hirakud reservoir, Mahanadi river basin, India. The inflows to the flood control station are of two types-one controllable which comprises of reservoir releases for power and spill and the other is uncontrollable which comprises of inflow from lower tributaries and intermediate catchment between the reservoir and the flood control station. Muskingum model is improved to incorporate multiple sources of inflows and single outflow to route the flood in the reach. Instead of time lag and prismoidal flow parameters, suitable coefficients for various types of inflows were derived using Linear Programming. Presently, the decisions about operation of gates of Hirakud dam are being taken once in 12 h during floods. However, four time intervals of 24, 18, 12 and 6 h are examined to test the sensitivity of the routing time interval on the computed flood flow at the flood control station. It is observed that mean relative error decreases with decrease in routing interval both for calibration and testing phase. It is concluded that the extended Muskingum method can be explored for similar reservoir configurations such as Hirakud reservoir with suitable modifications. (C) 2010 International Association of Hydro-environment Engineering and Research. Asia Pacific Division. Published by Elsevier By. All rights reserved.
Details of the first total syntheses of the sesquiterpenes myltayl-8(12)-ene and 6-epijunicedran-8-ol are described. The aldehyde 13, obtained by Claisen rearrangement of cyclogeraniol, was transformed into the dienones 12 and 18. Boron trifluoride-diethyl ether mediated cyclization and rearrangement transformed the dienones 12 and 18 into the tricyclic ketones 16 and 17, efficiently creating three and four contiguous quaternary carbon atoms, respectively. Wittig methylenation of 16 furnished (+/-)-myltayl-8(12)-ene (11), whereas reduction of the ketone 17 furnished (+/-)-6-epijunicedranol (23).
In this paper we propose a multiple resource interaction model in a game-theoretical framework to solve resource allocation problems in theater level military campaigns. An air raid campaign using SEAD aircraft and bombers against an enemy target defended by air defense units is considered as the basic platform. Conditions for the existence of saddle point in pure strategies is proved and explicit feedback strategies are obtained for a simplified model with linear attrition function limited by resource availability. An illustrative example demonstrates the key features.
The problem of estimating multiple Carrier Frequency Offsets (CFOs) in the uplink of MIMO-OFDM systems with Co-Channel (CC) and OFDMA based carrier allocation is considered. The tri-linear data model for generalized, multiuser OFDM system is formulated. Novel blind subspace based estimation of multiple CFOs in the case of arbitrary carrier allocation scheme in OFDMA systems and CC users in OFDM systems based on the Khatri-Rao product is proposed. The method works where the conventional subspace method fails. The performance of the proposed methods is compared with pilot based Least-Squares method.
This paper is on the design and performance analysis of practical distributed space-time codes for wireless relay networks with multiple antennas terminals. The amplify-andforward scheme is used in a way that each relay transmits a scaled version of the linear combination of the received symbols. We propose distributed generalized quasi-orthogonal space-time codes which are distributed among the source antennas and relays, and valid for any number of relays. Assuming M-PSK and M-QAM signals, we derive a formula for the symbol error probability of the investigated scheme over Rayleigh fading channels. For sufficiently large SNR, this paper derives closed-form average SER expression. The simplicity of the asymptotic results provides valuable insights into the performance of cooperative networks and suggests means of optimizing them. Our analytical results have been confirmed by simulation results, using full-rate full-diversity distributed codes.
In this paper we consider the problem of learning an n × n kernel matrix from m(1) similarity matrices under general convex loss. Past research have extensively studied the m = 1 case and have derived several algorithms which require sophisticated techniques like ACCP, SOCP, etc. The existing algorithms do not apply if one uses arbitrary losses and often can not handle m > 1 case. We present several provably convergent iterative algorithms, where each iteration requires either an SVM or a Multiple Kernel Learning (MKL) solver for m > 1 case. One of the major contributions of the paper is to extend the well knownMirror Descent(MD) framework to handle Cartesian product of psd matrices. This novel extension leads to an algorithm, called EMKL, which solves the problem in O(m2 log n 2) iterations; in each iteration one solves an MKL involving m kernels and m eigen-decomposition of n × n matrices. By suitably defining a restriction on the objective function, a faster version of EMKL is proposed, called REKL,which avoids the eigen-decomposition. An alternative to both EMKL and REKL is also suggested which requires only an SVMsolver. Experimental results on real world protein data set involving several similarity matrices illustrate the efficacy of the proposed algorithms.
Combinatorial exchanges are double sided marketplaces with multiple sellers and multiple buyers trading with the help of combinatorial bids. The allocation and other associated problems in such exchanges are known to be among the hardest to solve among all economic mechanisms. It has been shown that the problems of surplus maximization or volume maximization in combinatorial exchanges are inapproximable even with free disposal. In this paper, the surplus maximization problem is formulated as an integer linear programming problem and we propose a Lagrangian relaxation based heuristic to find a near optimal solution. We develop computationally efficient tâtonnement mechanisms for clearing combinatorial exchanges where the Lagrangian multipliers can be interpreted as the prices of the items set by the exchange in each iteration. Our mechanisms satisfy Individual-rationality and Budget-nonnegativity properties. The computational experiments performed on representative data sets show that the proposed heuristic produces a feasible solution with negligible optimality gap.
In this paper, we address the fundamental question concerning the limits on the network lifetime in sensor networks when multiple base stations (BSs) are deployed as data sinks. Specifically, we derive upper bounds on the network lifetime when multiple BSs arc employed, and obtain optimum locations of the base stations that maximise these lifetime bounds. For the case of two BSs, we jointly optimise the BS locations by maximising the lifetime bound using genetic algorithm. Joint optimisation for more number of BSs becomes prohibitively complex. Further, we propose a suboptimal approach for higher number of BSs, Individually Optimum method, where we optimise the next BS location using optimum location of previous BSs. Individually Optimum method has advantage of being attractive for solving the problem with more number of BSs at the cost of little compromised accuracy. We show that accuracy degradation is quite small for the case of three BSs.
We study small perturbations of three linear Delay Differential Equations (DDEs) close to Hopf bifurcation points. In analytical treatments of such equations, many authors recommend a center manifold reduction as a first step. We demonstrate that the method of multiple scales, on simply discarding the infinitely many exponentially decaying components of the complementary solutions obtained at each stage of the approximation, can bypass the explicit center manifold calculation. Analytical approximations obtained for the DDEs studied closely match numerical solutions.
As research becomes more and more interdisciplinary, literature search from CD-ROM databases is often carried out on more than one CD-ROM database. This results in retrieving duplicate records due to same literature being covered (indexed) in more than one database. The retrieval software does not identify such duplicate records. Three different programs have been written to accomplish the task of identifying the duplicate records. These programs are executed from a shell script to minimize manual intervention. The various fields that have been used (extracted) to identify the duplicate records include the article title, year, volume number, issue number and pagination. The shell script when executed prompts for input file that may contain duplicate records. The programs identify the duplicate records and write them to a new file.
In computational molecular biology, the aim of restriction mapping is to locate the restriction sites of a given enzyme on a DNA molecule. Double digest and partial digest are two well-studied techniques for restriction mapping. While double digest is NP-complete, there is no known polynomial-time algorithm for partial digest. Another disadvantage of the above techniques is that there can be multiple solutions for reconstruction. In this paper, we study a simple technique called labeled partial digest for restriction mapping. We give a fast polynomial time (O(n(2) log n) worst-case) algorithm for finding all the n sites of a DNA molecule using this technique. An important advantage of the algorithm is the unique reconstruction of the DNA molecule from the digest. The technique is also robust in handling errors in fragment lengths which arises in the laboratory. We give a robust O(n(4)) worst-case algorithm that can provably tolerate an absolute error of O(Delta/n) (where Delta is the minimum inter-site distance), while giving a unique reconstruction. We test our theoretical results by simulating the performance of the algorithm on a real DNA molecule. Motivated by the similarity to the labeled partial digest problem, we address a related problem of interest-the de novo peptide sequencing problem (ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), 2000, pp. 389-398), which arises in the reconstruction of the peptide sequence of a protein molecule. We give a simple and efficient algorithm for the problem without using dynamic programming. The algorithm runs in time O(k log k), where k is the number of ions and is an improvement over the algorithm in Chen et al. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.