232 resultados para Minimal


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A new structured discretization of 2D space, named X-discretization, is proposed to solve bivariate population balance equations using the framework of minimal internal consistency of discretization of Chakraborty and Kumar [2007, A new framework for solution of multidimensional population balance equations. Chem. Eng. Sci. 62, 4112-4125] for breakup and aggregation of particles. The 2D space of particle constituents (internal attributes) is discretized into bins by using arbitrarily spaced constant composition radial lines and constant mass lines of slope -1. The quadrilaterals are triangulated by using straight lines pointing towards the mean composition line. The monotonicity of the new discretization makes is quite easy to implement, like a rectangular grid but with significantly reduced numerical dispersion. We use the new discretization of space to automate the expansion and contraction of the computational domain for the aggregation process, corresponding to the formation of larger particles and the disappearance of smaller particles by adding and removing the constant mass lines at the boundaries. The results show that the predictions of particle size distribution on fixed X-grid are in better agreement with the analytical solution than those obtained with the earlier techniques. The simulations carried out with expansion and/or contraction of the computational domain as population evolves show that the proposed strategy of evolving the computational domain with the aggregation process brings down the computational effort quite substantially; larger the extent of evolution, greater is the reduction in computational effort. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Study of activity of cloned promoters in slow-growing Mycobacterium tuberculosis during long-term growth conditions in vitro or inside macrophages, requires a genome-integration proficient promoter probe vector, which can be stably maintained even without antibiotics, carrying a substrate-independent, easily scorable and highly sensitive reporter gene. In order to meet this requirement, we constructed pAKMN2, which contains mycobacterial codon-optimized gfpm2+ gene, coding for GFPm2+ of highest fluorescence reported till date, mycobacteriophage L5 attP-int sequence for genome integration, and a multiple cloning site. pAKMN2 showed stable integration and expression of GFPm2+ from M. tuberculosis and M. smegmatis genome. Expression of GFPm2+, driven by the cloned minimal promoters of M. tuberculosis cell division gene, ftsZ (MtftsZ), could be detected in the M. tuberculosis/pAKMN2-promoter integrants, growing at exponential phase in defined medium in vitro and inside macrophages. Stable expression from genome-integrated format even without antibiotic, and high sensitivity of detection by flow cytometry and fluorescence imaging, in spite of single copy integration, make pAKMN2 useful for the study of cloned promoters of any mycobacterial species under long-term in vitro growth or stress conditions, or inside macrophages.


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A reliable method for service life estimation of the structural element is a prerequisite for service life design. A new methodology for durability-based service life estimation of reinforced concrete flexural elements with respect to chloride-induced corrosion of reinforcement is proposed. The methodology takes into consideration the fuzzy and random uncertainties associated with the variables involved in service life estimation by using a hybrid method combining the vertex method of fuzzy set theory with Monte Carlo simulation technique. It is also shown how to determine the bounds for characteristic value of failure probability from the resulting fuzzy set for failure probability with minimal computational effort. Using the methodology, the bounds for the characteristic value of failure probability for a reinforced concrete T-beam bridge girder has been determined. The service life of the structural element is determined by comparing the upper bound of characteristic value of failure probability with the target failure probability. The methodology will be useful for durability-based service life design and also for making decisions regarding in-service inspections.


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In order to overcome the interference of the model mounting system with the external aerodynamics of the body during shock tunnel testing, a new free floating internally mountable balance system that ensures unrestrained model motion during testing has been designed, fabricated and tested. Minimal friction ball bearings are used for ensuring the free floating condition of the model during tunnel testing. The drag force acting on a blunt leading edge flat plate at hypersonic Mach number has been measured using the new balance system. Finite element model (FEM) and CFD are exhaustively used in the design as well as for calibrating the new balance system. The experimentally measured drag force on the blunt leading edge flat plate at stagnation enthalpy of 0.7 and 1.2 MJ/kg and nominal Mach number of 5.75 matches well with FEM results. The concept can also be extended for measuring all the three fundamental aerodynamic forces in short duration test facilities like free piston driven shock tunnels.


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The effect of natural convection on the oscillatory flow in an open-ended pipe driven by a timewise sinusoidally varying pressure at one end and subjected to an ambient-to-cryogenic temperature difference across the ends, is numerically studied. Conjugate effects arising out of the interaction of oscillatory flow with heat conduction in the pipe wall are taken into account by considering a finite thickness wall with an insulated exterior surface. Two cases, namely, one with natural convection acting downwards and the other, with natural convection acting upwards, are considered. The full set of compressible flow equations with axissymmetry are solved using a pressure correction algorithm. Parametric studies are conducted with frequencies in the range 5-15 Hz for an end-to-end temperature difference of 200 and 50 K. Results are obtained for the variation of velocity, temperature. Nusselt number and the phase relationship between mass flow rate and temperature. It is found that the Rayleigh number has a minimal effect on the time averaged Nusselt number and phase angle. However, it does influence the local variation of velocity and Nusselt number over one cycle. The natural convection and pressure amplitude have influence on the energy flow through the gas and solid. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this note, we show that a quasi-free Hilbert module R defined over the polydisk algebra with kernel function k(z,w) admits a unique minimal dilation (actually an isometric co-extension) to the Hardy module over the polydisk if and only if S (-1)(z, w)k(z, w) is a positive kernel function, where S(z,w) is the Szego kernel for the polydisk. Moreover, we establish the equivalence of such a factorization of the kernel function and a positivity condition, defined using the hereditary functional calculus, which was introduced earlier by Athavale [8] and Ambrozie, Englis and Muller [2]. An explicit realization of the dilation space is given along with the isometric embedding of the module R in it. The proof works for a wider class of Hilbert modules in which the Hardy module is replaced by more general quasi-free Hilbert modules such as the classical spaces on the polydisk or the unit ball in a'', (m) . Some consequences of this more general result are then explored in the case of several natural function algebras.


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Let G be a simple, undirected, finite graph with vertex set V (G) and edge set E(G). A k-dimensional box is a Cartesian product of closed intervals [a(1), b(1)] x [a(2), b(2)] x ... x [a(k), b(k)]. The boxicity of G, box(G), is the minimum integer k such that G can be represented as the intersection graph of k-dimensional boxes; i.e., each vertex is mapped to a k-dimensional box and two vertices are adjacent in G if and only if their corresponding boxes intersect. Let P = (S, P) be a poset, where S is the ground set and P is a reflexive, antisymmetric and transitive binary relation on S. The dimension of P, dim(P), is the minimum integer t such that P can be expressed as the intersection of t total orders. Let G(P) be the underlying comparability graph of P; i.e., S is the vertex set and two vertices are adjacent if and only if they are comparable in P. It is a well-known fact that posets with the same underlying comparability graph have the same dimension. The first result of this paper links the dimension of a poset to the boxicity of its underlying comparability graph. In particular, we show that for any poset P, box(G(P))/(chi(G(P)) - 1) <= dim(P) <= 2box(G(P)), where chi(G(P)) is the chromatic number of G(P) and chi(G(P)) not equal 1. It immediately follows that if P is a height-2 poset, then box(G(P)) <= dim(P) <= 2box(G(P)) since the underlying comparability graph of a height-2 poset is a bipartite graph. The second result of the paper relates the boxicity of a graph G with a natural partial order associated with the extended double cover of G, denoted as G(c): Note that G(c) is a bipartite graph with partite sets A and B which are copies of V (G) such that, corresponding to every u is an element of V (G), there are two vertices u(A) is an element of A and u(B) is an element of B and {u(A), v(B)} is an edge in G(c) if and only if either u = v or u is adjacent to v in G. Let P(c) be the natural height-2 poset associated with G(c) by making A the set of minimal elements and B the set of maximal elements. We show that box(G)/2 <= dim(P(c)) <= 2box(G) + 4. These results have some immediate and significant consequences. The upper bound dim(P) <= 2box(G(P)) allows us to derive hitherto unknown upper bounds for poset dimension such as dim(P) = 2 tree width (G(P)) + 4, since boxicity of any graph is known to be at most its tree width + 2. In the other direction, using the already known bounds for partial order dimension we get the following: (1) The boxicity of any graph with maximum degree Delta is O(Delta log(2) Delta), which is an improvement over the best-known upper bound of Delta(2) + 2. (2) There exist graphs with boxicity Omega(Delta log Delta). This disproves a conjecture that the boxicity of a graph is O(Delta). (3) There exists no polynomial-time algorithm to approximate the boxicity of a bipartite graph on n vertices with a factor of O(n(0.5-is an element of)) for any is an element of > 0 unless NP = ZPP.


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The maximal rate of a nonsquare complex orthogonal design for transmit antennas is 1/2 + 1/n if is even and 1/2 + 1/n+1 if is odd and the codes have been constructed for all by Liang (2003) and Lu et al. (2005) to achieve this rate. A lower bound on the decoding delay of maximal-rate complex orthogonal designs has been obtained by Adams et al. (2007) and it is observed that Liang's construction achieves the bound on delay for equal to 1 and 3 modulo 4 while Lu et al.'s construction achieves the bound for n = 0, 1, 3 mod 4. For n = 2 mod 4, Adams et al. (2010) have shown that the minimal decoding delay is twice the lower bound, in which case, both Liang's and Lu et al.'s construction achieve the minimum decoding delay. For large value of, it is observed that the rate is close to half and the decoding delay is very large. A class of rate-1/2 codes with low decoding delay for all has been constructed by Tarokh et al. (1999). In this paper, another class of rate-1/2 codes is constructed for all in which case the decoding delay is half the decoding delay of the rate-1/2 codes given by Tarokh et al. This is achieved by giving first a general construction of square real orthogonal designs which includes as special cases the well-known constructions of Adams, Lax, and Phillips and the construction of Geramita and Pullman, and then making use of it to obtain the desired rate-1/2 codes. For the case of nine transmit antennas, the proposed rate-1/2 code is shown to be of minimal delay. The proposed construction results in designs with zero entries which may have high peak-to-average power ratio and it is shown that by appropriate postmultiplication, a design with no zero entry can be obtained with no change in the code parameters.


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Investigations into the variation of self-diffusivity with solute radius, density, and degree of disorder of the host medium is explored. The system consists of a binary mixture of a relatively smaller sized solute, whose size is varied and a larger sized solvent interacting via Lennard-Jones potential. Calculations have been performed at three different reduced densities of 0.7, 0.8, and 0.933. These simulations show that diffusivity exhibits a maximum for some intermediate size of the solute when the solute diameter is varied. The maximum is found at the same size of the solute at all densities which is at variance with the prediction of the levitation effect. In order to understand this anomaly, additional simulations were carried out in which the degree of disorder has been varied while keeping the density constant. The results show that the diffusivity maximum gradually disappears with increase in disorder. Disorder has been characterized by means of the minimal spanning tree. Simulations have also been carried out in which the degree of disorder is constant and only the density is altered. The results from these simulations show that the maximum in diffusivity now shifts to larger distances with decrease in density. This is in agreement with the changes in void and neck distribution with density of the host medium. These results are in excellent agreement with the predictions of the levitation effect. They suggest that the effect of disorder is to shift the maximum in diffusivity towards smaller solute radius while that of the decrease in density is to shift it towards larger solute radius. Thus, in real systems where the degree of disorder is lower at higher density and vice versa, the effect due to density and disorder have opposing influences. These are confirmed by the changes seen in the velocity autocorrelation function, self part of the intermediate scattering function and activation energy. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3701619]


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We address the problem of pricing defaultable bonds in a Markov modulated market. Using Merton's structural approach we show that various types of defaultable bonds are combination of European type contingent claims. Thus pricing a defaultable bond is tantamount to pricing a contingent claim in a Markov modulated market. Since the market is incomplete, we use the method of quadratic hedging and minimal martingale measure to derive locally risk minimizing derivative prices, hedging strategies and the corresponding residual risks. The price of defaultable bonds are obtained as solutions to a system of PDEs with weak coupling subject to appropriate terminal and boundary conditions. We solve the system of PDEs numerically and carry out a numerical investigation for the defaultable bond prices. We compare their credit spreads with some of the existing models. We observe higher spreads in the Markov modulated market. We show how business cycles can be easily incorporated in the proposed framework. We demonstrate the impact on spreads of the inclusion of rare states that attempt to capture a tight liquidity situation. These states are characterized by low risk-free interest rate, high payout rate and high volatility.


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A unique colour pictorial guide exclusively on frogs and toads of the Western Ghats of India. The guide illustrates 73 species with quality photographs, pointers to key features, pictograms, distribution maps, habitat photographs and with minimal text. Scientific and common names, museum record, actual and relative sizes, habitats and current IUCN status of each species are also provided. Species are grouped on their habitat preferences, making it easy to use in the field.


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We investigate the expectations for the light Higgs signal in the minimal supersymmetric standard model in different search channels at the LHC. After taking into account dark matter and flavor constraints in the minimal supersymmetric standard model with 11 free parameters as well as LHC results on the Higgs sector, we show that the light Higgs signal in the gamma channel is expected to be at most at the level of the standard model Higgs, while the h -> b (b) over bar from W fusion and/or the h -> tau(tau) over bar can be enhanced. For the main discovery mode, we show that a strong suppression of the signal occurs in two different cases: low M-A or large invisible width. The former is however strongly constrained by the recent LHC results. A more modest suppression is associated with the effect of light supersymmetric particles. Looking for such modification of the Higgs properties and searching directly for supersymmetric partners and pseudoscalar Higgs offer two complementary probes of supersymmetry at the LHC.


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A perturbation of FtsZ assembly dynamics has been shown to inhibit bacterial cytokinesis. In this study, the antibacterial activity of 151 rhodanine compounds was assayed using Bacillus subtilis cells. Of 151 compounds, eight strongly inhibited bacterial proliferation at 2 mu M. Subsequently, we used the elongation of B. subtilis cells as a secondary screen to identify potential FtsZ-targeted antibacterial agents. We found that three compounds significantly increased bacterial cell length. One of the three compounds, namely, CCR-11 (E)-2-thioxo-5-({3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]furan-2-yl}methylene) thiazolidin-4-one], inhibited the assembly and GTPase activity of FtsZ in vitro. CCR-11 bound to FtsZ with a dissociation constant of 1.5 +/- 0.3 mu M. A docking analysis indicated that CCR-11 may bind to FtsZ in a cavity adjacent to the T7 loop and that short halogen oxygen, H-bonding, and hydrophobic interactions might be important for the binding of CCR-11 with FtsZ. CCR-11 inhibited the proliferation of B. subtilis cells with a half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of 1.2 +/- 0.2 mu M and a minimal inhibitory concentration of 3 mu M. It also potently inhibited proliferation of Mycobacterium smegmatis cells. Further, CCR-11 perturbed Z-ring formation in B. subtilis cells; however, it neither visibly affected nucleoid segregation nor altered the membrane integrity of the cells. CCR-11 inhibited HeLa cell proliferation with an IC50 value of 18.1 +/- 0.2,mu M (similar to 15 x IC50 of B. subtilis cell proliferation). The results suggested that CCR-11 inhibits bacterial cytokinesis by inhibiting FtsZ assembly, and it can be used as a lead molecule to develop FtsZ-targeted antibacterial agents.


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Nanoindentation and scratch experiments on 1:1 donor-acceptor complexes, 1 and 2, of 1,2,4,5-tetracyanobenzene with pyrene and phenanthrene, respectively, reveal long-range molecular layer gliding and large interaction anisotropy. Due to the layered arrangements in these crystals, these experiments that apply stress in particular directions result in the breaking of interlayer interactions, thus allowing molecular sheets to glide over one another with ease. Complex 1 has a layered crystal packing wherein the layers are 68° skew under the (002) face and the interlayer space is stabilized by van der Waals interactions. Upon indenting this surface with a Berkovich tip, pile-up of material was observed on just one side of the indenter due to the close angular alignment of the layers with the half angle of the indenter tip (65.35°). The interfacial differences in the elastic modulus (21 ) and hardness (16 ) demonstrate the anisotropic nature of crystal packing. In 2, the molecular stacks are arranged in a staggered manner; there is no layer arrangement, and the interlayer stabilization involves C-H�N hydrogen bonds and ��� interactions. This results in a higher modulus (20 ) for (020) as compared to (001), although the anisotropy in hardness is minimal (4 ). The anisotropy within a face was analyzed using AFM image scans and the coefficient of friction of four orthogonal nanoscratches on the cleavage planes of 1 and 2. A higher friction coefficient was obtained for 2 as compared to 1 even in the cleavage direction due to the presence of hydrogen bonds in the interlayer region making the tip movement more hindered. Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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Lepton masses and mixing angles via localization of 5-dimensional fields in the bulk are revisited in the context of Randall-Sundrum models. The Higgs is assumed to be localized on the IR brane. Three cases for neutrino masses are considered: (a) The higher-dimensional neutrino mass operator (LH.LH), (b) Dirac masses, and (c) Type I seesaw with bulk Majorana mass terms. Neutrino masses and mixing as well as charged lepton masses are fit in the first two cases using chi(2) minimization for the bulk mass parameters, while varying the O(1) Yukawa couplings between 0.1 and 4. Lepton flavor violation is studied for all the three cases. It is shown that large negative bulk mass parameters are required for the right-handed fields to fit the data in the LH.LH case. This case is characterized by a very large Kaluza-Klein (KK) spectrum and relatively weak flavor-violating constraints at leading order. The zero modes for the charged singlets are composite in this case, and their corresponding effective 4-dimensional Yukawa couplings to the KK modes could be large. For the Dirac case, good fits can be obtained for the bulk mass parameters, c(i), lying between 0 and 1. However, most of the ``best-fit regions'' are ruled out from flavor-violating constraints. In the bulk Majorana terms case, we have solved the profile equations numerically. We give example points for inverted hierarchy and normal hierarchy of neutrino masses. Lepton flavor violating rates are large for these points. We then discuss various minimal flavor violation schemes for Dirac and bulk Majorana cases. In the Dirac case with minimal-flavor-violation hypothesis, it is possible to simultaneously fit leptonic masses and mixing angles and alleviate lepton flavor violating constraints for KK modes with masses of around 3 TeV. Similar examples are also provided in the Majorana case.