629 resultados para Magnetic Fluid


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The propagation characteristics of a visco-elastic fluid in a distensible tube tube are studied. The linear visco-elastic nature of the fluid is described by a complex coefficient of viscosity η*. The equation of motion of the vessel wall takes into account the pulsatile nature of the wall. Results are presented for wave propagation velocity, the resistance and the reactance of the fluid and the wall impedance. It is seen that the visco-elastic influence is significant for high values of the frequency of oscillation in various arterial vessels.


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Using a perturbation technique, we derive Modified Korteweg—de Vries (MKdV) equations for a mixture of warm-ion fluid (γ i = 3) and hot and non-isothermal electrons (γ e> 1), (i) when deviations from isothermality are finite, and (ii) when deviations from isothermality are small. We obtain stationary solutions for these equations, and compare them with the corresponding solutions for a mixture of warm-ion fluid (γ i = 3) and hot, isothermal electrons (γ i = 1).


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The equations governing the flow of a steady rotating incompressible viscous fluid are expressed in intrinsic form along the vortex lines and their normals. Using these equations the effects of rotation on the geometric properties of viscous fluid flows are studied. A particular flow in which the vortex lines are right circular helices is discussed.


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Metallo tetraphenylporphyrins form I : I molecular complexes with 4,6-dinitrobenzofuroxan. The molecular association is described in terms of T-n. interaction with porphyrins functioning as donors. The association constants and thermodynamic parameters have been evaluated using optical absorption and 'H nmr spectral methods. Based on the binding constants, the donor ability of various metalloporphyrins can be arranged in the following order: Pd(I1) > Co(I1) > Cu(I1) > Ni(I1) - VO(1V) - 2H > Zn(l1). Electron paramagnetic resonance studies of the complexes reveal that the IT-complexation results in changes in the electronic structure of the central metal ions which are reflected in the changes in the M-N 5 bonding. The dipolar contribution to the acceptor proton chemical shifts in the CoTPP complex has been partitioned from ring current contributions using the shifts observed in the ZnTPP complex. The shifts, along with the line broadening ratios observed for the CoTPP complex, are used to arrive at the possible solution structures of the complexes.


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Townsend's first ionization coefficients have been measured in corssed electric and magnetic fields for values of B/p ranging from 0.013 TESLA. TORR-1 to 0.064 TESLA.TORR-1 and for 103 x 102¿ E/p 331 x 102 V.M-1. TORR-1 in oxygen and for 122 x 102¿ E/pÂ488 x 102 V.M-1.TORR-1 for dry air. The values of effective collision frequencies determined from the equivalent pressure (pe) concept generally increase with E/p at constant B/p and decrease with increasing B/p at constant E/p. Effective collision frequencies determined from measured sparking potentials at high values of E/p increase with decreasing E/pe. The drift velocity and mean energy of electrons in oxygen in crossed electric and magnetic fields have been derived.


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The pressure dependence (0-7 kbar) of the magnetic susceptibility is reported for the intermediate valence system EuPd2Si2 in the temperature interval 77-300K. It is found that the thermally induced valence transition becomes more gradual on application of pressure The characteristic fluctuation temperature Tf, also seems to be pressure dependent.


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The paper presents a unified picture of the structure of steady one-dimensional shock waves in partially ionized argon in the absence of external electric and magnetic fields. The study is based on a two-temperature three-fluid continuum approach using the Navier-Stokes equations as a model and taking account of nonequilibrium ionization. The analysis of the governing equations is based on the method of matched asymptotic expansions and leads to three layers: (1) a broad thermal layer dominated by electron thermal conduction; (2) an atom-ion shock structured by heavy-particle collisional dissipative mechanisms; and (3) an ionization relaxation layer in which electron-atom inelastic collisions dominate.


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Peristaltic motion of a micropolar fluid is studied for small amplitudes of peristalic waves under low Reynolds number analysis. The effect of pressure gradient on the secondary motion reveals many interesting and useful results. The critical value of the pressure gradient ensuing the reversal effect in both velocity field and microrotation is evaluated and discussed.


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A versatile and flexible digital pulse programmer for two-pulse, three-pulse, saturation burst and Carr-Purcell sequences is described. Independently variable controls for pulse widths (0.2 mu s to 100 mu s), delay between pulses (0.2 mu s to 100 s) and for number of pulses (1 to 99) for the saturation burst and for the Carr-Purcell sequence, are brought to the front panel. The programmer can be used for one-shot experiments as well as for repetitive experiments.


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THE COMPLEXES of pyridine-l-oxide and 2- and 4-substituted pyridine-l-oxides have been investigated previously[l]. The complexes of 3-substituted pyfidine-l-oxides, however, have received little attention. The rare-earth complexes of pyridine-Ioxide[l, 2], 4-methylpyridine- l-oxide [1] and 2,6- dimethylpyfidine-l-oxide[3,4] have been reported earlier. The present paper deals with the isolation and characterisation of 3-methylpyridine-l-oxide (3-Picoline-N-oxide, 3-PicNO) complexes with rare-earth perchlorates.


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The solution of the steady laminar incompressible nonsimilar magneto-hydrodynamic boundary layer flow and heat transfer problem with viscous dissipation for electrically conducting fluids over two-dimensional and axisymmetric bodies with pressure gradient and magnetic field has been presented. The partial differential equations governing the flow have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme. The computations have been carried out for flow over a cylinder and a sphere. The results indicate that the magnetic field tends to delay or prevent separation. The heat transfer strongly depends on the viscous dissipation parameter. When the dissipation parameter is positive (i.e. when the temperature of the wall is greater than the freestream temperature) and exceeds a certain value, the hot wall ceases to be cooled by the stream of cooler air because the ‘heat cushion’ provided by the frictional heat prevents cooling whereas the effect of the magnetic field is to remove the ‘heat cushion’ so that the wall continues to be cooled. The results are found to be in good agreement with those of the local similarity and local nonsimilarity methods except near the point of separation, but they are in excellent agreement with those of the difference-differential technique even near the point of separation.


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Abstract is not available.


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Electronic, magnetic, or structural inhomogeneities ranging in size from nanoscopic to mesoscopic scales seem endemic and are possibly generic to colossal magnetoresistance manganites and other transition metal oxides. They are hence of great current interest and understanding them is of fundamental importance. We show here that an extension, to include long-range Coulomb interactions, of a quantum two-fluid l-b model proposed recently for manganites [Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 157203 (2004)] leads to an excellent description of such inhomogeneities. In the l-b model two very different kinds of electronic states, one localized and polaronic (l) and the other extended or broad band (b) coexist. For model parameters appropriate to manganites and even within a simple dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) framework, it describes many of the unusual phenomena seen in manganites, including colossal magnetoresistance (CMR), qualitatively and quantitatively. However, in the absence of long-ranged Coulomb interaction, a system described by such a model would actually phase separate, into macroscopic regions of l and b electrons, respectively. As we show in this paper, in the presence of Coulomb interactions, the macroscopic phase separation gets suppressed and instead nanometer scale regions of polarons interspersed with band electron puddles appear, constituting a kind of quantum Coulomb glass. We characterize the size scales and distribution of the inhomogeneity using computer simulations. For realistic values of the long-range Coulomb interaction parameter V-0, our results for the thresholds for occupancy of the b states are in agreement with, and hence support, the earlier approach mentioned above based on a configuration averaged DMFT treatment which neglects V-0; but the present work has features that cannot be addressed in the DMFT framework. Our work points to an interplay of strong correlations, long-range Coulomb interaction, and dopant ion disorder, all inevitably present in transition metal oxides as the origin of nanoscale inhomogeneities rather than disorder frustrated phase competition as is generally believed. As regards manganites, it argues against explanations for CMR based on disorder frustrated phase separation and for an intrinsic origin of CMR. Based on this, we argue that the observed micrometer (meso) scale inhomogeneities owe their existence to extrinsic causes, e.g., strain due to cracks and defects. We suggest possible experiments to validate our speculation.


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The flow, heat and mass transfer problem for boundary layer swirling flow of a laminar steady compressible electrically conducting gas with variable properties through a conical nozzle and a diffuser with an applied magnetic field has been studied. The partial differential equations governing the flow have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme after they have been transformed into dimensionless form using the modified Lees transformation. The results indicate that the skin friction and heat transfer strongly depend on the magnetic field, mass transfer and variation of the density-viscosity product across the boundary layer. However, the effect of the variation of the density-viscosity product is more pronounced in the case of a nozzle than in the case of a diffuser. It has been found that large swirl is required to produce strong effect on the skin friction and heat transfer. Separationless flow along the entire length of the diffuser can be obtained by applying appropriate amount of suction. The results are found to be in good agreement with those of the local nonsimilarity method, but they differ quite significantly from those of the local similarity method.


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The unconfined aquifer of the Continental Terminal in Niger was investigated by magnetic resonance sounding (MRS) and by 14 pumping tests in order to improve calibration of MRS outputs at field scale. The reliability of the standard relationship used for estimating aquifer transmissivity by MRS was checked; it was found that the parametric factor can be estimated with an uncertainty a parts per thousand currency sign150% by a single point of calibration. The MRS water content (theta (MRS)) was shown to be positively correlated with the specific yield (Sy), and theta (MRS) always displayed higher values than Sy. A conceptual model was subsequently developed, based on estimated changes of the total porosity, Sy, and the specific retention Sr as a function of the median grain size. The resulting relationship between theta (MRS) and Sy showed a reasonably good fit with the experimental dataset, considering the inherent heterogeneity of the aquifer matrix (residual error is similar to 60%). Interpreted in terms of aquifer parameters, MRS data suggest a log-normal distribution of the permeability and a one-sided Gaussian distribution of Sy. These results demonstrate the efficiency of the MRS method for fast and low-cost prospection of hydraulic parameters for large unconfined aquifers.