143 resultados para Magic squares


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The design of modulation schemes for the physical layer network-coded two-way MIMO relaying scenario is considered, with the denoise-and-forward protocol which employs two phases: Multiple Access phase and Broadcast phase. It is shown that for MIMO two-way relaying, the minimum distance of the effective constellation at the relay becomes zero when all the rows of the channel fade coefficient matrix belong to a finite number of vector subspaces referred to as the singular fade subspaces. The singular fade subspaces can be classified into two kinds based on whether their harmful effects can be removed or not: (i) the removable and (ii) the non-removable singular fade subspaces. It is shown that network coding maps obtained by the completion of appropriate partially filled Latin Rectangles can remove the harmful effects of all the removable singular fade subspaces. For 2(lambda)-PSK signal set, the removable and non-removable singular fade subspaces are characterized and, it is shown that the number of non-removable singular fade subspaces is a small fraction of the total number of singular fade subspaces and this fraction tends to zero as the constellation size tends to infinity. The Latin Rectangles for the case when the end nodes use different number of antennas are shown to be obtainable from the Latin Squares for the case when they use the same number of antennas. Also, the network coding maps which remove all the removable singular singular fade subspaces are shown to be obtainable from a small set of Latin Squares. The removal of all the singular fade subspaces by properly choosing the network coding map, provides a gain of 5.5 dB over the conventional Exclusive-OR network coding, in a Rayleigh fading scenario with 2 antennas at the end nodes and one antenna at the relay node, for 4-PSK signal set.


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The product dimension of a graph G is defined as the minimum natural number l such that G is an induced subgraph of a direct product of l complete graphs. In this paper we study the product dimension of forests, bounded treewidth graphs and k-degenerate graphs. We show that every forest on n vertices has product dimension at most 1.441 log n + 3. This improves the best known upper bound of 3 log n for the same due to Poljak and Pultr. The technique used in arriving at the above bound is extended and combined with a well-known result on the existence of orthogonal Latin squares to show that every graph on n vertices with treewidth at most t has product dimension at most (t + 2) (log n + 1). We also show that every k-degenerate graph on n vertices has product dimension at most inverted right perpendicular5.545 k log ninverted left perpendicular + 1. This improves the upper bound of 32 k log n for the same by Eaton and Rodl.


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We address the problem of temporal envelope modeling for transient audio signals. We propose the Gamma distribution function (GDF) as a suitable candidate for modeling the envelope keeping in view some of its interesting properties such as asymmetry, causality, near-optimal time-bandwidth product, controllability of rise and decay, etc. The problem of finding the parameters of the GDF becomes a nonlinear regression problem. We overcome the hurdle by using a logarithmic envelope fit, which reduces the problem to one of linear regression. The logarithmic transformation also has the feature of dynamic range compression. Since temporal envelopes of audio signals are not uniformly distributed, in order to compute the amplitude, we investigate the importance of various loss functions for regression. Based on synthesized data experiments, wherein we have a ground truth, and real-world signals, we observe that the least-squares technique gives reasonably accurate amplitude estimates compared with other loss functions.


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This paper deals with an optimization based method for synthesis of adjustable planar four-bar, crank-rocker mechanisms. For multiple different and desired paths to be traced by a point on the coupler, a two stage method first determines the parameters of the possible driving dyads. Then the remaining mechanism parameters are determined in the second stage where a least-squares based circle-fitting procedure is used. Compared to existing formulations, the optimization method uses less number of design variables. Two numerical examples demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed synthesis method. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Learning from Positive and Unlabelled examples (LPU) has emerged as an important problem in data mining and information retrieval applications. Existing techniques are not ideally suited for real world scenarios where the datasets are linearly inseparable, as they either build linear classifiers or the non-linear classifiers fail to achieve the desired performance. In this work, we propose to extend maximum margin clustering ideas and present an iterative procedure to design a non-linear classifier for LPU. In particular, we build a least squares support vector classifier, suitable for handling this problem due to symmetry of its loss function. Further, we present techniques for appropriately initializing the labels of unlabelled examples and for enforcing the ratio of positive to negative examples while obtaining these labels. Experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate that the non-linear classifier designed using the proposed approach gives significantly better generalization performance than the existing relevant approaches for LPU.


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The design of modulation schemes for the physical layer network-coded two way wireless relaying scenario is considered. It was observed by Koike-Akino et al. for the two way relaying scenario, that adaptively changing the network coding map used at the relay according to the channel conditions greatly reduces the impact of multiple access interference which occurs at the relay during the MA Phase and all these network coding maps should satisfy a requirement called exclusive law. We extend this approach to an Accumulate-Compute and Forward protocol which employs two phases: Multiple Access (MA) phase consisting of two channel uses with independent messages in each channel use, and Broadcast (BC) phase having one channel use. Assuming that the two users transmit points from the same 4-PSK constellation, every such network coding map that satisfies the exclusive law can be represented by a Latin Square with side 16, and conversely, this relationship can be used to get the network coding maps satisfying the exclusive law. Two methods of obtaining this network coding map to be used at the relay are discussed. Using the structural properties of the Latin Squares for a given set of parameters, the problem of finding all the required maps is reduced to finding a small set of maps. Having obtained all the Latin Squares, the set of all possible channel realizations is quantized, depending on which one of the Latin Squares obtained optimizes the performance. The quantization thus obtained, is shown to be the same as the one obtained in [7] for the 2-stage bidirectional relaying.


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For compressive sensing, we endeavor to improve the atom selection strategy of the existing orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP) algorithm. To achieve a better estimate of the underlying support set progressively through iterations, we use a least squares solution based atom selection method. From a set of promising atoms, the choice of an atom is performed through a new method that uses orthogonal projection along-with a standard matched filter. Through experimental evaluations, the effect of projection based atom selection strategy is shown to provide a significant improvement for the support set recovery performance, in turn, the compressive sensing recovery.


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Low complexity joint estimation of synchronization impairments and channel in a single-user MIMO-OFDM system is presented in this paper. Based on a system model that takes into account the effects of synchronization impairments such as carrier frequency offset, sampling frequency offset, and symbol timing error, and channel, a Maximum Likelihood (ML) algorithm for the joint estimation is proposed. To reduce the complexity of ML grid search, the number of received signal samples used for estimation need to be reduced. The conventional channel estimation techniques using Least-Squares (LS) or Maximum a posteriori (MAP) methods fail for the reduced sample under-determined system, which results in poor performance of the joint estimator. The proposed ML algorithm uses Compressed Sensing (CS) based channel estimation method in a sparse fading scenario, where the received samples used for estimation are less than that required for an LS or MAP based estimation. The performance of the estimation method is studied through numerical simulations, and it is observed that CS based joint estimator performs better than LS and MAP based joint estimator. (C) 2013 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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The sparse estimation methods that utilize the l(p)-norm, with p being between 0 and 1, have shown better utility in providing optimal solutions to the inverse problem in diffuse optical tomography. These l(p)-norm-based regularizations make the optimization function nonconvex, and algorithms that implement l(p)-norm minimization utilize approximations to the original l(p)-norm function. In this work, three such typical methods for implementing the l(p)-norm were considered, namely, iteratively reweighted l(1)-minimization (IRL1), iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS), and the iteratively thresholding method (ITM). These methods were deployed for performing diffuse optical tomographic image reconstruction, and a systematic comparison with the help of three numerical and gelatin phantom cases was executed. The results indicate that these three methods in the implementation of l(p)-minimization yields similar results, with IRL1 fairing marginally in cases considered here in terms of shape recovery and quantitative accuracy of the reconstructed diffuse optical tomographic images. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America


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The model-based image reconstruction approaches in photoacoustic tomography have a distinct advantage compared to traditional analytical methods for cases where limited data is available. These methods typically deploy Tikhonov based regularization scheme to reconstruct the initial pressure from the boundary acoustic data. The model-resolution for these cases represents the blur induced by the regularization scheme. A method that utilizes this blurring model and performs the basis pursuit deconvolution to improve the quantitative accuracy of the reconstructed photoacoustic image is proposed and shown to be superior compared to other traditional methods via three numerical experiments. Moreover, this deconvolution including the building of an approximate blur matrix is achieved via the Lanczos bidagonalization (least-squares QR) making this approach attractive in real-time. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America


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Time-varying linear prediction has been studied in the context of speech signals, in which the auto-regressive (AR) coefficients of the system function are modeled as a linear combination of a set of known bases. Traditionally, least squares minimization is used for the estimation of model parameters of the system. Motivated by the sparse nature of the excitation signal for voiced sounds, we explore the time-varying linear prediction modeling of speech signals using sparsity constraints. Parameter estimation is posed as a 0-norm minimization problem. The re-weighted 1-norm minimization technique is used to estimate the model parameters. We show that for sparsely excited time-varying systems, the formulation models the underlying system function better than the least squares error minimization approach. Evaluation with synthetic and real speech examples show that the estimated model parameters track the formant trajectories closer than the least squares approach.


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The use of Projection Reconstruction (PR) to obtain two-dimensional (2D) spectra from one-dimensional (1D) data in the solid state is illustrated. The method exploits multiple 1D spectra obtained using magic angle spinning and off-magic angle spinning. The spectra recorded under the influence of scaled heteronuclear scalar and dipolar couplings in the presence of homonuclear dipolar decoupling sequences have been used to reconstruct J/D Resolved 2D-NMR spectra. The use of just two 1D spectra is observed sufficient to reconstruct a J-resolved 2D-spectrum while a Separated Local Field (SLF) 2D-NMR spectrum could be obtained from three 1D spectra. The experimental techniques for recording the 10 spectra and procedure of reconstruction are discussed and the reconstructed results are compared with 20 experiments recorded in traditional methods. The application of the technique has been made to a solid polycrystalline sample and to a uniaxially oriented liquid crystal. Implementation of PR-NMR in solid state provides high-resolution spectra as well as leads to significant reduction in experimental time. The experiments are relatively simple and are devoid of several technical complications involved in performing the 2D experiments.


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Consider N points in R-d and M local coordinate systems that are related through unknown rigid transforms. For each point, we are given (possibly noisy) measurements of its local coordinates in some of the coordinate systems. Alternatively, for each coordinate system, we observe the coordinates of a subset of the points. The problem of estimating the global coordinates of the N points (up to a rigid transform) from such measurements comes up in distributed approaches to molecular conformation and sensor network localization, and also in computer vision and graphics. The least-squares formulation of this problem, although nonconvex, has a well-known closed-form solution when M = 2 (based on the singular value decomposition (SVD)). However, no closed-form solution is known for M >= 3. In this paper, we demonstrate how the least-squares formulation can be relaxed into a convex program, namely, a semidefinite program (SDP). By setting up connections between the uniqueness of this SDP and results from rigidity theory, we prove conditions for exact and stable recovery for the SDP relaxation. In particular, we prove that the SDP relaxation can guarantee recovery under more adversarial conditions compared to earlier proposed spectral relaxations, and we derive error bounds for the registration error incurred by the SDP relaxation. We also present results of numerical experiments on simulated data to confirm the theoretical findings. We empirically demonstrate that (a) unlike the spectral relaxation, the relaxation gap is mostly zero for the SDP (i.e., we are able to solve the original nonconvex least-squares problem) up to a certain noise threshold, and (b) the SDP performs significantly better than spectral and manifold-optimization methods, particularly at large noise levels.


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Efficient sensing of trace amount nitroaromatic (NAC) explosives has become a major research focus in recent time due to concerns over national security as well as their role as environment pollutants. NO2-containing electron-deficient aromatic compounds, such as picric acid (PA), trinitrotoluene (TNT), and dinitrotoluene (DNT), are the common constituents of many commercially available chemical explosives. In this article, we have summarized our recent developments on the rational design of electron-rich self-assembled discrete molecular sensors and their efficacy in sensing nitroaromatics both in solution as well as in vapor phase. Several p-electron-rich fluorescent metallacycles (squares, rectangles, and tweezers/pincers) and metallacages (trigonal and tetragonal prisms) have been synthesized by means of metal-ligand coordination-bonding interactions, with enough internal space to accommodate electron-deficient nitroaromatics at the molecular level by multiple supramolecular interactions. Such interactions subsequently result in the detectable fluorescence quenching of sensors even in the presence of trace quantities of nitroaromatics. The fascinating sensing characteristics of molecular architectures discussed in this article may enable future development of improved sensors for nitroaromatic explosives.


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Compressive Sensing (CS) theory combines the signal sampling and compression for sparse signals resulting in reduction in sampling rate. In recent years, many recovery algorithms have been proposed to reconstruct the signal efficiently. Subspace Pursuit and Compressive Sampling Matching Pursuit are some of the popular greedy methods. Also, Fusion of Algorithms for Compressed Sensing is a recently proposed method where several CS reconstruction algorithms participate and the final estimate of the underlying sparse signal is determined by fusing the estimates obtained from the participating algorithms. All these methods involve solving a least squares problem which may be ill-conditioned, especially in the low dimension measurement regime. In this paper, we propose a step prior to least squares to ensure the well-conditioning of the least squares problem. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we show that in low dimension measurement scenario, this modification improves the reconstruction capability of the algorithm in clean as well as noisy measurement cases.