137 resultados para Fermi accelerator


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We use a dual gated device structure to introduce a gate-tuneable periodic potential in a GaAs/AlGaAs two dimensional electron gas (2DEG). Using only a suitable choice of gate voltages we can controllably alter the potential landscape of the bare 2DEG, inducing either a periodic array of antidots or quantum dots. Antidots are artificial scattering centers, and therefore allow for a study of electron dynamics. In particular, we show that the thermovoltage of an antidot lattice is particularly sensitive to the relative positions of the Fermi level and the antidot potential. A quantum dot lattice, on the other hand, provides the opportunity to study correlated electron physics. We find that its current-voltage characteristics display a voltage threshold, as well as a power law scaling, indicative of collective Coulomb blockade in a disordered background.


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The two-pion contribution from low energies to the muon magnetic moment anomaly, although small, has a large relative uncertainty since in this region the experimental data on the cross sections are neither sufficient nor precise enough. It is therefore of interest to see whether the precision can be improved by means of additional theoretical information on the pion electromagnetic form factor, which controls the leading-order contribution. In the present paper, we address this problem by exploiting analyticity and unitarity of the form factor in a parametrization-free approach that uses the phase in the elastic region, known with high precision from the Fermi-Watson theorem and Roy equations for pi pi elastic scattering as input. The formalism also includes experimental measurements on the modulus in the region 0.65-0.70 GeV, taken from the most recent e(+)e(-) ->pi(+)pi(-) experiments, and recent measurements of the form factor on the spacelike axis. By combining the results obtained with inputs from CMD2, SND, BABAR, and KLOE, we make the predictions a(mu)(pi pi,LO)2m(pi), 0.30 GeV] = (0.553 +/- 0.004) x 10(-10) and a(mu)(pi pi,LO)0.30 GeV; 0.63 GeV] = (133.083 +/- 0.837) x 10(-10). These are consistent with the other recent determinations and have slightly smaller errors.


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The origin of a high Neel temperature in a 5d oxide, NaOsO3, has been analyzed within the mean-field limit of a multiband Hubbard model and compared with the analogous 4d oxide, SrTcO3. Our analysis shows that there are a lot of similarities in both of these oxides on the dependence of the effective exchange interaction strength (J(0)) on the electron-electron interaction strength ( U). However, the relevant value of U in each system puts them in different portions of the parameter space. Although the Neel temperature for NaOsO3 is less than that for SrTcO3, our results suggest that there could be examples among other 5d oxides that have a higher Neel temperature. We have also examined the stability of the G-type antiferromagnetic state found in NaOsO3 as a function of electron doping within GGA + U calculations and find a robust G-type antiferromagnetic metallic state stabilized. The most surprising aspect of the doped results is the rigid bandlike evolution of the electronic structure, which indicates that the magnetism in NaOsO3 is not driven by Fermi surface nesting.


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Quantum emulation property of the cold atoms has generated a lot of interest in studying systems with synthetic gauge fields. In this article, we describe the physics of two component Fermi gas in the presence of synthetic non-Abelian SU(2) gauge fields. Even for the non-interacting system with the gauge fields, there is an interesting change in the topology of the Fermi surface by tuning only the gauge field strength. When a trapping potential is used in conjunction with the gauge fields, the non-interacting system has the ability to produce novel Hamiltonians and show characteristic change in the density profile of the cloud. Without trap, the gauge fields act as an attractive interaction amplifier and for special kinds of gauge field configurations, there are two-body bound states for any attraction even in three dimensions. For a many body system, the gauge fields can induce a crossover from a weak superfluid to a strong superfluid with transition temperature as high as the Fermi temperature. The superfluid state obtained for a very large gauge field strength is a superfluid of new kind of bosons, called ``rashbons'', the properties of which are independent of its constituent two component fermions and are solely determined by the gauge field strength. We also discuss the collective excitations over the superfluid ground states and the experimental relevance of the physics.


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Lead telluride and its alloys are well known for their thermoelectric applications. Here, a systematic study of PbTe1-ySey alloys doped with indium has been done. The powder X-Ray diffraction combined with Rietveld analysis confirmed the polycrystalline single phase nature of the samples, while microstructural analysis with scanning electron microscope results showed densification of samples and presence of micrometer sized particles. The temperature dependent transport properties showed that in these alloys, indium neither pinned the Fermi level as it does in PbTe, nor acted as a resonant dopant as in SnTe. At high temperatures, bipolar effect was observed which restricted the zT to 0.66 at 800 K for the sample with 30% Se content. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Optical-pump terahertz-probe differential transmission measurements of as-prepared single layer graphene (AG) (unintentionally hole dopedwith Fermi energy E-F at similar to -180 meV), nitrogen doping compensated graphene (NDG) with E-F similar to -10 meV, and thermally annealed doped graphene (TAG) are examined quantitatively to understand the opposite signs of photoinduced dynamic terahertz conductivity Delta sigma. It is negative for AG and TAG but positive for NDG. We show that the recently proposed mechanism of multiple generations of secondary hot carriers due to Coulomb interaction of photoexcited carriers with the existing carriers together with the intraband scattering can explain the change of photoinduced conductivity sign and its magnitude. We give a quantitative estimate of Delta sigma in terms of controlling parameters-the Fermi energy E-F and momentum relaxation time tau. Furthermore, the cooling of photoexcited carriers is analyzed using a supercollision model which involves a defect mediated collision of the hot carriers with the acoustic phonons, thus giving an estimate of the deformation potential.


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The ability of carbon to exist in many forms across dimensions has spawned search in exploring newer allotropes consisting of either, different networks of polygons or rings. While research on various 3D phases of carbon has been extensive, 2D allotropes formed from stable rings are yet to be unearthed. Here, we report a new sp(2) hybridized two-dimensional allotrope consisting of continuous 5-6-8 rings of carbon atoms, named as ``pentahexoctite''. The absence of unstable modes in the phonon spectra ensures the stability of the planar sheet. Furthermore, this sheet has mechanical strength comparable to graphene. Electronically, the sheet is metallic with direction-dependent flat and dispersive bands at the Fermi level ensuring highly anisotropic transport properties. This sheet serves as a precursor for stable 1D nanotubes with chirality-dependent electronic and mechanical properties. With these unique properties, this sheet becomes another exciting addition to the family of robust novel 2D allotropes of carbon.


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Hydrogen storage capacity of Tin-1B (n = 3-7) clusters is studied and compared with that of the pristine Ti-n (n = 3-7), using density functional theory (DFT) based calculations. Among these clusters, Ti3B shows the most significant enhancement in the storage capacity by adsorbing 12 H-2, out of which three are dissociated and the other nine are stored as dihydrogen via Kubas-interaction. The best storage in Ti3B is owed to a large charge transfer from Ti to B along with the largest distance of Ti empty d-states above the Fermi level, which is a distinct feature of this particular cluster. Furthermore, the effect of substrates on the storage capacity of Ti3B was assessed by calculating the number of adsorbed H-2 on Ti-3 cluster anchored onto B atoms in the B-doped graphene, BC3, and BN substrates. Similar to free-standing Ti3B, Ti-3 anchored onto boron atom in BC3, stores nine di-hydrogen via Kubas interaction, at the same time eliminating the total number of non-useful dissociated hydrogen. Gibbs energy of adsorption as a function of H-2 partial pressure, indicated that at 250 K and 300 K the di-hydrogens on Ti-3@BC3 adsorb and desorb at ambient pressures. Importantly, Ti-3@BC3 avoids the clustering, hence meeting the criteria for efficient and reversible hydrogen storage media. Copyright (C) 2014, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A block-structured adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) technique has been used to obtain numerical solutions for many scientific applications. Some block-structured AMR approaches have focused on forming patches of non-uniform sizes where the size of a patch can be tuned to the geometry of a region of interest. In this paper, we develop strategies for adaptive execution of block-structured AMR applications on GPUs, for hyperbolic directionally split solvers. While effective hybrid execution strategies exist for applications with uniform patches, our work considers efficient execution of non-uniform patches with different workloads. Our techniques include bin-packing work units to load balance GPU computations, adaptive asynchronism between CPU and GPU executions using a knapsack formulation, and scheduling communications for multi-GPU executions. Our experiments with synthetic and real data, for single-GPU and multi-GPU executions, on Tesla S1070 and Fermi C2070 clusters, show that our strategies result in up to a 3.23 speedup in performance over existing strategies.


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We report a first principles study of the electronic properties for a contact formed between Nb-doped monolayer MoS2 and gold for different doping concentrations. We first focus on the shift of energy levels in band structure and the density of states with respect to the Fermi level for a geometrically optimized 5 x 5 MoS2 supercell for both pristine and Nb-doped structures. The doping is achieved by substituting Mo atoms with Nb atoms at random positions. It is observed that for an experimentally reported sheet hole doping concentration of (rho(2D)) 1.8 x 10(14) cm(-2), the pristine MoS2 converts to degenerate p-type semiconductor. Next, we interface this supercell with six layers of < 111 > cleaved surface of gold to investigate the contact nature of MoS2-Au system. By careful examination of projected band structure, projected density of states, effective potential and charge density difference, we demonstrate that the Schottky barrier nature observed for pure MoS2-Au contact can be converted from n-type to p-type by efficient Nb doping.


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We give strong numerical evidence that a self-interacting probe scalar field in AdS, with only a few modes turned on initially, will undergo fast thermalization only if it is above a certain energetic threshold. Below the threshold the energy stays close to constant in a few modes for a very long time instead of cascading quickly. This indicates the existence of a Strong Stochasticity Threshold (SST) in holography. The idea of SST is familiar from certain statistical mechanical systems, and we suggest that it exists also in AdS gravity. This would naturally reconcile the generic nonlinear instability of AdS observed by Bizon and Rostworowski, with the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou-like quasiperiodicity noticed recently for some classes of initial conditions. We show that our simple setup captures many of the relevant features of the full gravity-scalar system.


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Tin (II) sulphide (SnS), a direct band gap semiconductor compound, has recently received great attention due to its unique properties. Because of low cost, absence of toxicity, and good abundance in nature, it is becoming a candidate for future multifunctional devices particularly for light conversion applications. Although the current efficiencies are low, the cost-per-Watt is becoming competitive. At room temperature, SnS exhibits stable low-symmetric, double-layered orthorhombic crystal structure, having a = 0.4329, b = 1.1192, and c = 0.3984nm as lattice parameters. These layer-structured materials are of interest in various device applications due to the arrangement of structural lattice with cations and anions. The layers of cations are separated only by van der Waals forces that provide intrinsically chemically inert surface without dangling bonds and surface density of states. As a result, there is no Fermi level pinning at the surface of the semiconductor. This fact leads to considerably high chemical and environmental stability. Further, the electrical and optical properties of SnS can be easily tailored by modifying the growth conditions or doping with suitable dopants without disturbing its crystal structure.In the last few decades, SnS has been synthesized and studied in the form of single-crystals and thin-films. Most of the SnS single-crystals have been synthesized by Bridgeman technique, whereas thin films have been developed using different physical as well as chemical deposition techniques. The synthesis or development of SnS structures in different forms including single-crystals and thin films, and their unique properties are reviewed here. The observed physical and chemical properties of SnS emphasize that this material could has novel applications in optoelectronics including solar cell devices, sensors, batteries, and also in biomedical sciences. These aspects are also discussed.


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The electronic structure of yttrium-doped Silicon Carbide Nanotubes has been theoretically investigated using first principles density functional theory (DFT). Yttrium atom is bonded strongly on the surface of the nanotube with a binding energy of 2.37 eV and prefers to stay on the hollow site at a distance of around 2.25 angstrom from the tube. The semi-conducting nanotube with chirality (4, 4) becomes half mettalic with a magnetic moment of 1.0 mu(B) due to influence of Y atom on the surface. There is strong hybridization between d orbital of Y with p orbital of Si and C causing a charge transfer from d orbital of the Y atom to the tube. The Fermi level is shifted towards higher energy with finite Density of States for only upspin channel making the system half metallic and magnetic which may have application in spintronic devices.


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The variation in the electrical resistivity of the chalcogenide glasses Ge15Te85-x has been studied as a function of high pressure for pressures up to 8.5GPa. All the samples studied undergo a semi-conductor to metallic transition in a continuous manner at pressures between 1.5-2.5GPa. The transition pressure at which the samples turn metallic increases with increase in percentage of Indium. This increase is a direct consequence of the increase in network rigidity with the addition of Indium. At a constant pressure of 0.5GPa, the normalized resistivity shows some signature of the existence of the intermediate phase. Samples recovered after a pressure cycle remain amorphous suggesting that the semi-conductor to metallic transition arises from a reduction of the band gap due to pressure or the movement of the Fermi level into the conduction or valence band.


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Heterostructures of two-dimensional (2D) layered materials are increasingly being explored for electronics in order to potentially extend conventional transistor scaling and to exploit new device designs and architectures. Alloys form a key underpinning of any heterostructure device technology and therefore an understanding of their electronic properties is essential. In this paper, we study the intrinsic electron mobility in few-layer MoxW1-xS2 as limited by various scattering mechanisms. The room temperature, energy-dependent scattering times corresponding to polar longitudinal optical (LO) phonon, alloy and background impurity scattering mechanisms are estimated based on the Born approximation to Fermi's golden rule. The contribution of individual scattering rates is analyzed as a function of 2D electron density as well as of alloy composition in MoxW1-xS2. While impurity scattering limits the mobility for low carrier densities (<2-4x10(12) cm(-2)), LO polar phonon scattering is the dominant mechanism for high electron densities. Alloy scattering is found to play a non-negligible role for 0.5 < x < 0.7 in MoxW1-xS2. The LO phonon-limited and impurity-limited mobilities show opposing trends with respect to alloy mole fractions. The understanding of electron mobility in MoxW1-xS2 presented here is expected to enable the design and realization of heterostructures and devices based on alloys of MoS2 andWS(2).