167 resultados para Elastic constants


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Effects of basis set and electron correlation on the equilibrium geometry, force constants and vibrational spectra of BH3NH3 have been studied. A series of basis sets ranging from double zeta to triple zeta including polarization and diffuse functions have been utilized. All the SCF based calculations overestimate the dative B-N bond distance and considerable improvement occurs when the treatment for electron correlation is introduced. Detailed vibrational analysis for BH3NH3 has been carried out. The mean absolute percentage deviation of the ab initio predicted vibration frequencies of (BH3NH3)-B-11 from the experiment is about 10% for the SCF based calculations and the MP2 method shows better agreement, the overall deviation being 5-6%. The ground state effective force constants of BH3NH3 were obtained using RECOVES procedure. The RECOVES sets of force constants are found to be highly satisfactory for the prediction of the vibrational frequencies of different isotopomers of BH3NH3. The mean absolute percentage deviation of the calculated frequencies of different isotopomers from the experiment is much less than 1%. The RECOVES-MP2/augDZP set of force constants was found to be the best set among the different sets for this molecule. Theoretical infrared intensities are in fair agreement with the observed spectral features.


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The first hyperpolarizabilities (beta) of some weak aromatic organic acids have been measured in protic solvents by the hyper-Rayleigh scattering (HRS) technique at low concentrations. The measured hyperpolarizability (beta(m)) varies between the two extreme limits: the hyperpolarizability of the acid form (beta(HA)) at the lower side and that of the basic form (beta(A-)) at the higher side. The degree of dissociation (alpha) of the acid in a solvent is related to the measured hyperpolarizability, beta(m), by the following relationship: beta(m)(2)=(1-alpha)beta(HA)(2)+alpha beta(A-)(2). The calculated beta's including solvent effects in terms of an Onsager field do not reproduce the experimentally measured hyperpolarizabilities. Other solvent-induced effects like hydrogen bonding and van der Waals interactions seem to influence the first hyperpolarizability and, thus, indirectly the extent of dissociation of these weak acids in these protic solvents.


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In this paper, the critical budding temperature of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs), which are embedded in one-parameter elastic medium (Winkler foundation) is estimated under the umbrella of continuum mechanics theory. Nonlocal continuum theory is incorporated into Timoshenko beam model and the governing differential equations of motion are derived. An explicit expression for the non-dimensional critical buckling temperature is also derived in this work. The effect of the nonlocal small scale coefficient, the Winkler foundation parameter and the ratio of the length to the diameter on the critical buckling temperature is investigated in detail. It can be observed that the effects of nonlocal small scale parameter and the Winkler foundation parameter are significant and should be considered for thermal analysis of SWCNTs. The results presented in this paper can provide useful guidance for the study and design of the next generation of nanodevices that make use of the thermal buckling properties of embedded single-walled carbon nanotubes. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We examine the symmetry-breaking transitions in equilibrium shapes of coherent precipitates in two-dimensional (2-D) systems under a plane-strain condition with the principal misfit strain components epsilon(xx)*. and epsilon(yy)*. For systems with cubic elastic moduli, we first show all the shape transitions associated with different values of t = epsilon(yy)*/epsilon(xx)*. We also characterize each of these transitions, by studying its dependence on elastic anisotropy and inhomogeneity. For systems with dilatational misfit (t = 1) and those with pure shear misfit (t = -1), the transition is from an equiaxed shape to an elongated shape, resulting in a break in rotational symmetry. For systems with nondilatational misfit (-1 < t < 1; t not equal 0), the transition involves a break in mirror symmetries normal to the x- and y-axes. The transition is continuous in all cases, except when 0 < t < 1. For systems which allow an invariant line (-1 less than or equal to t < 0), the critical size increases with an increase in the particle stiffness. However, for systems which do not allow an invariant line (0 < t less than or equal to 1), the critical size first decreases, reaches a minimum, and then starts increasing with increasing particle stiffness; moreover, the transition is also forbidden when the particle stiffness is greater than a critical value.


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Internal haemorrhage, often leading to cardio-vascular arrest happens to be one of the prime sources of high fatality rates in mammals. We propose a simplistic model of fluid flow in our attempt to specify the location of the haemorrhagic spot, which, if located accurately, could possibly be operated leading to an instant cure. The model we employ for the purpose is basically fluid mechanical in origin and consists of a viscous fluid, pumped by a periodic force and flowing through an elastic tube. The analogy is with that of blood, pumped from the heart and flowing through an artery or vein. Our results, aided by graphical illustrations, match reasonably well with experimental observations.


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We study the statistical properties of spatially averaged global injected power fluctuations for Taylor-Couette flow of a wormlike micellar gel formed by surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium tosylate. At sufficiently high Weissenberg numbers the shear rate, and hence the injected power p(t), at a constant applied stress shows large irregular fluctuations in time. The nature of the probability distribution function (PDF) of p(t) and the power-law decay of its power spectrum are very similar to that observed in recent studies of elastic turbulence for polymer solutions. Remarkably, these non-Gaussian PDFs can be well described by a universal, large deviation functional form given by the generalized Gumbel distribution observed in the context of spatially averaged global measures in diverse classes of highly correlated systems. We show by in situ rheology and polarized light scattering experiments that in the elastic turbulent regime the flow is spatially smooth but random in time, in agreement with a recent hypothesis for elastic turbulence.


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In this paper, the effects of T -stress on steady, dynamic crack growth in an elastic-plastic material are examined using a modified boundary layer formulation. The analyses are carried out under mode I, plane strain conditions by employing a special finite element procedure based on moving crack tip coordinates. The material is assumed to obey the J (2) flow theory of plasticity with isotropic power law hardening. The results show that the crack opening profile as well as the opening stress at a finite distance from the tip are strongly affected by the magnitude and sign of the T -stress at any given crack speed. Further, it is found that the fracture toughness predicted by the analyses enhances significantly with negative T -stress for both ductile and cleavage mode of crack growth.


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This paper is concerned with the dynamic analysis of flexible,non-linear multi-body beam systems. The focus is on problems where the strains within each elastic body (beam) remain small. Based on geometrically non-linear elasticity theory, the non-linear 3-D beam problem splits into either a linear or non-linear 2-D analysis of the beam cross-section and a non-linear 1-D analysis along the beam reference line. The splitting of the three-dimensional beam problem into two- and one-dimensional parts, called dimensional reduction,results in a tremendous savings of computational effort relative to the cost of three-dimensional finite element analysis,the only alternative for realistic beams. The analysis of beam-like structures made of laminated composite materials requires a much more complicated methodology. Hence, the analysis procedure based on Variational Asymptotic Method (VAM), a tool to carry out the dimensional reduction, is used here.The analysis methodology can be viewed as a 3-step procedure. First, the sectional properties of beams made of composite materials are determined either based on an asymptotic procedure that involves a 2-D finite element nonlinear analysis of the beam cross-section to capture trapeze effect or using strip-like beam analysis, starting from Classical Laminated Shell Theory (CLST). Second, the dynamic response of non-linear, flexible multi-body beam systems is simulated within the framework of energy-preserving and energy-decaying time integration schemes that provide unconditional stability for non-linear beam systems. Finally,local 3-D responses in the beams are recovered, based on the 1-D responses predicted in the second step. Numerical examples are presented and results from this analysis are compared with those available in the literature.


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A linear stability analysis is presented to study the self-organized instabilities of a highly compliant elastic cylindrical shell filled with a viscous liquid and submerged in another viscous medium. The prototype closely mimics many components of micro-or nanofluidic devices and biological processes such as the budding of a string of pearls inside cells and sausage-string formation of blood vessels. The cylindrical shell is considered to be a soft linear elastic solid with small storage modulus. When the destabilizing capillary force derived from the cross-sectional curvature overcomes the stabilizing elastic and in-plane capillary forces, the microtube can spontaneously self-organize into one of several possible configurations; namely, pearling, in which the viscous fluid in the core of the elastic shell breaks up into droplets; sausage strings, in which the outer interface of the mircrotube deforms more than the inner interface; and wrinkles, in which both interfaces of the thin-walled mircrotube deform in phase with small amplitudes. This study identifies the conditions for the existence of these modes and demonstrates that the ratios of the interfacial tensions at the interfaces, the viscosities, and the thickness of the microtube play crucial roles in the mode selection and the relative amplitudes of deformations at the two interfaces. The analysis also shows asymptotically that an elastic fiber submerged in a viscous liquid is unstable for Y = gamma/(G(e)R) > 6 and an elastic microchannel filled with a viscous liquid should rupture to form spherical cavities (pearling) for Y > 2, where gamma, G(e), and R are the surface tension, elastic shear modulus, and radius, respectively, of the fiber or microchannel.


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Motivated by the need to statically balance the inherent elastic forces in linkages, this paper presents three techniques to statically balance a four-bar linkage loaded by a zero-free-length spring attached between its coupler point and an anchor point on the ground. The number of auxiliary links and balancing springs required for the three techniques is less than or equal to that of the only technique currently in the literature. One of the three techniques does not require auxiliary links. In these techniques, the set of values for the spring constants and the ground-anchor point of the balancing springs can vary over a one-parameter family. Thrice as many balancing choices are available when the cognates are considered. The ensuing numerous options enable a user to choose the most practical solution. To facilitate the evaluation of the balancing choices for all the cognates, Roberts-Chebyshev cognate theorem is extended to statically balanced four-bar linkages. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A set of formulas is derived from general circuit constants which facilitates formation of the impedance matrix of a power system by the bus-impedance method. The errors associated with the lumpedparameter representation of a transmission line are thereby eliminated. The formulas are valid for short lines also, if the relevant general circuit constants are employed. The mutual impedance between the added line and the existing system is not considered, but the approach suggested can well be extended to it.