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The discrepancy between the X-ray and NMR structures of Mycobacterium tuberculosis peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase in relation to the functionally important plasticity of the molecule led to molecular dynamics simulations. The X-ray and the NMR studies along with the simulations indicated an inverse correlation between crowding and molecular volume. A detailed comparison of proteins for which X-ray and the NMR structures appears to confirm this correlation. In consonance with the reported results of the investigations in cellular compartments and aqueous solution, the comparison indicates that the crowding results in compaction of the molecule as well as change in its shape, which could specifically involve regions of the molecule important in function. Crowding could thus influence the action of proteins through modulation of the functionally important plasticity of the molecule. Selvaraj M, Ahmad R, Varshney U and Vijayan M 2012 Crowding, molecular volume and plasticity: An assessment involving crystallography, NMR and simulations. J. Biosci. 37 953-963] DOI 10.1007/s12038-012-9276-5


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We investigate the effect of bilayer melting transition on thermodynamics and dynamics of interfacial water using molecular dynamics simulation with the two-phase thermodynamic model. We show that the diffusivity of interface water depicts a dynamic crossover at the chain melting transition following an Arrhenius behavior until the transition temperature. The corresponding change in the diffusion coefficient from the bulk to the interface water is comparable with experimental observations found recently for water near 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC) vesicles Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13, 7732 (2011)]. The entropy and potential energy of interfacial water show distinct changes at the bilayer melting transition, indicating a strong correlation in the thermodynamic state of water and the accompanying first-order phase transition of the bilayer membrane. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.018303


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The layered double hydroxides (LDH) or anionic clays are an important class of ion-exchange materials. They consist of positively charged brucite-like inorganic sheets with charge-compensating exchangeable anions in the interlamellar space. Here we show how neutral TCNQ (7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane) molecules can be included within the galleries of an LDH. To do so, we exploit the fact that TCNQ is a good electron acceptor that forms donor acceptor complexes with a variety of donors. The electron donor aniline was intercalated into a Mg-Al LDH as p-aminobenzoate (AB) ions by a conventional ion-exchange reaction. We show here that neutral TCNQ molecules may be driven into the galleries of the layered solid by charge-transfer complex formation with the intercalated p-aminobenzoate anions. We use diffraction and spectroscopic measurements in combination with molecular dynamics simulations and quantum chemical calculations to establish the nature of interactions and arrangement of the charge-transfer complex within the galleries of the layered double hydroxide. Electrostatic interactions between the TCNQ molecules and the anchored AB ions, subsequent to charge transfer, are the driving force for the inclusion of TCNQ molecules in the galleries of the LDH.


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We investigate the evolution of polymer structure and its influence on uniaxial anisotropic stress under time-varying uniaxial strain, and the role of external control variables such as temperature, strain rate, chain length, and density, using molecular dynamics simulation. At temperatures higher than glass transition, stress anisotropy in the system is reduced even though the bond stretch is greater at higher temperatures. There is a significant increase in the stress level with increasing density. At higher densities, the uncoiling of the chains is suppressed and the major contribution to the deformation is by internal deformation of the chains. At faster rates of loading stress anisotropy increases. The deformation mechanism is mostly due to bond stretch and bond bending rather than overall shape and size. Stress levels increase with longer chain length. There is a critical value of the functionality of the cross-linkers beyond which the uniaxial stress developed increases caused primarily by bond stretching due to increased constraint on the motion of the monomers. Stacking of the chains in the system also plays a dominant role in the behaviour in terms of excluded volume interactions. Low density, high temperature, low values of functionality of cross-linkers, and short chain length facilitate chain uncoiling and chain slipping in cross-linked polymers.


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In addition to the biologically active monomer of the protein insulin circulating in human blood, the molecule also exists in dimeric and hexameric forms that are used as storage. The insulin monomer contains two distinct surfaces, namely, the dimer forming surface (DFS) and the hexamer forming surface (HFS), that are specifically designed to facilitate the formation of the dimer and the hexamer, respectively. In order to characterize the structural and dynamical behavior of interfacial water molecules near these two surfaces (DFS and HFS), we performed atomistic molecular dynamics simulations of insulin with explicit water. Dynamical characterization reveals that the structural relaxation of the hydrogen bonds formed between the residues of DFS and the interfacial water molecules is faster than those formed between water and that of the HFS. Furthermore, the residence times of water molecules in the protein hydration layer for both the DFS and HFS are found to be significantly higher than those for some of the other proteins studied so far, such as HP-36 and lysozyme. In particular, we find that more structured water molecules, with higher residence times (similar to 300-500 ps), are present near HFS than those near DFS. A significant slowing down is observed in the decay of associated rotational auto time correlation functions of O-H bond vector of water in the vicinity of HFS. The surface topography and the arrangement of amino acid residues work together to organize the water molecules in the hydration layer in order to provide them with a preferred orientation. HFS having a large polar solvent accessible surface area and a convex extensive nonpolar region, drives the surrounding water molecules to acquire predominantly an outward H-atoms directed, clathrate-like structure. In contrast, near the DFS, the surrounding water molecules acquire an inward H-atoms directed orientation owing to the flat curvature of hydrophobic surface and the interrupted hydrophilic residual alignment. We have followed escape trajectory of several such quasi-bound water molecules from both the surfaces that reveal the significant differences between the two hydration layers.


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Several time dependent fluorescence Stokes shift (TDFSS) experiments have reported a slow power law decay in the hydration dynamics of a DNA molecule. Such a power law has neither been observed in computer simulations nor in some other TDFSS experiments. Here we observe that a slow decay may originate from collective ion contribution because in experiments DNA is immersed in a buffer solution, and also from groove bound water and lastly from DNA dynamics itself. In this work we first express the solvation time correlation function in terms of dynamic structure factors of the solution. We use mode coupling theory to calculate analytically the time dependence of collective ionic contribution. A power law decay in seen to originate from an interplay between long-range probe-ion direct correlation function and ion-ion dynamic structure factor. Although the power law decay is reminiscent of Debye-Falkenhagen effect, yet solvation dynamics is dominated by ion atmosphere relaxation times at longer length scales (small wave number) than in electrolyte friction. We further discuss why this power law may not originate from water motions which have been computed by molecular dynamics simulations. Finally, we propose several experiments to check the prediction of the present theoretical work.


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Inference of molecular function of proteins is the fundamental task in the quest for understanding cellular processes. The task is getting increasingly difficult with thousands of new proteins discovered each day. The difficulty arises primarily due to lack of high-throughput experimental technique for assessing protein molecular function, a lacunae that computational approaches are trying hard to fill. The latter too faces a major bottleneck in absence of clear evidence based on evolutionary information. Here we propose a de novo approach to annotate protein molecular function through structural dynamics match for a pair of segments from two dissimilar proteins, which may share even <10% sequence identity. To screen these matches, corresponding 1 mu s coarse-grained (CG) molecular dynamics trajectories were used to compute normalized root-mean-square-fluctuation graphs and select mobile segments, which were, thereafter, matched for all pairs using unweighted three-dimensional autocorrelation vectors. Our in-house custom-built forcefield (FF), extensively validated against dynamics information obtained from experimental nuclear magnetic resonance data, was specifically used to generate the CG dynamics trajectories. The test for correspondence of dynamics-signature of protein segments and function revealed 87% true positive rate and 93.5% true negative rate, on a dataset of 60 experimentally validated proteins, including moonlighting proteins and those with novel functional motifs. A random test against 315 unique fold/function proteins for a negative test gave >99% true recall. A blind prediction on a novel protein appears consistent with additional evidences retrieved therein. This is the first proof-of-principle of generalized use of structural dynamics for inferring protein molecular function leveraging our custom-made CG FF, useful to all. (C) 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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As the beneficial effects of curcumin have often been reported to be limited to its small concentrations, we have undertaken a study to find the aggregation properties of curcumin in water by varying the number of monomers. Our molecular dynamics simulation results show that the equilibrated structure is always an aggregated state with remarkable structural rearrangements as we vary the number of curcumin monomers from 4 to 16 monomers. We find that the curcumin monomers form clusters in a very definite pattern where they tend to aggregate both in parallel and anti-parallel orientation of the phenyl rings, often seen in the formation of beta-sheet in proteins. A considerable enhancement in the population of parallel alignments is observed with increasing the system size from 12 to 16 curcumin monomers. Due to the prevalence of such parallel alignment for large system size, a more closely packed cluster is formed with maximum number of hydrophobic contacts. We also follow the pathway of cluster growth, in particular the transition from the initial segregated to the final aggregated state. We find the existence of a metastable structural intermediate involving a number of intermediate-sized clusters dispersed in the solution. We have constructed a free energy landscape of aggregation where the metatsable state has been identified. The course of aggregation bears similarity to nucleation and growth in highly metastable state. The final aggregated form remains stable with the total exclusion of water from its sequestered hydrophobic core. We also investigate water structure near the cluster surface along with their orientation. We find that water molecules form a distorted tetrahedral geometry in the 1st solvation layer of the cluster, interacting rather strongly with the hydrophilic groups at the surface of the curcumin. The dynamics of such quasi-bound water molecules near the surface of curcumin cluster is considerably slower than the bulk signifying a restricted motion as often found in protein hydration layer. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Knowing the nature of the enzyme-graphene interface is critical for a design of graphene-based biosensors. Extensive contacts between graphene and enzyme could be obtained by employing a suitable encapsulation which does not impede its enzymatic reaction. We have performed molecular dynamics simulations to obtain an insight on many forms of contact between glucose oxidase dimer and the single-layer graphene nano-sheets. The unconnected graphene sheets tended to form a flat stack regardless of their initial positions around the enzyme, whereas the same graphene sheets linked together formed a flower-like shape engendering different forms of wrapping of the enzyme. During the encapsulation no core hydrophobic residues of the enzyme were exposed. Since the polar and charged amino acids populated the enzyme's surface we also estimated, using DFT calculations, the interaction energies of individual polar and charged amino acid residues with graphene. It was found that the negatively charged residues can bind to graphene unexpectedly strongly; however, the main effect of encapsulation comes from the overlap of adjacent edges of graphene sheets.


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A self-consistent mode coupling theory (MCT) with microscopic inputs of equilibrium pair correlation functions is developed to analyze electrolyte dynamics. We apply the theory to calculate concentration dependence of (i) time dependent ion diffusion, (ii) intermediate scattering function of the constituent ions, and (iii) ion solvation dynamics in electrolyte solution. Brownian dynamics with implicit water molecules and molecular dynamics method with explicit water are used to check the theoretical predictions. The time dependence of ionic self-diffusion coefficient and the corresponding intermediate scattering function evaluated from our MCT approach show quantitative agreement with early experimental and present Brownian dynamic simulation results. With increasing concentration, the dispersion of electrolyte friction is found to occur at increasingly higher frequency, due to the faster relaxation of the ion atmosphere. The wave number dependence of intermediate scattering function, F(k, t), exhibits markedly different relaxation dynamics at different length scales. At small wave numbers, we find the emergence of a step-like relaxation, indicating the presence of both fast and slow time scales in the system. Such behavior allows an intriguing analogy with temperature dependent relaxation dynamics of supercooled liquids. We find that solvation dynamics of a tagged ion exhibits a power law decay at long times-the decay can also be fitted to a stretched exponential form. The emergence of the power law in solvation dynamics has been tested by carrying out long Brownian dynamics simulations with varying ionic concentrations. The solvation time correlation and ion-ion intermediate scattering function indeed exhibit highly interesting, non-trivial dynamical behavior at intermediate to longer times that require further experimental and theoretical studies. (c) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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It is frequently assumed that in the limit of vanishing cooling rate, the glass transition phenomenon becomes a thermodynamic transition at a temperature T-K. However, with any finite cooling rate, the system falls out of equilibrium at temperatures near T-g(> T-K), implying that the very existence of the putative thermodynamic phase transition at T-K can be questioned. Recent studies of systems with randomly pinned particles have hinted that the thermodynamic glass transition may be observed for liquids with randomly pinned particles. This expectation is based on the results of approximate calculations that suggest that the thermodynamic glass transition temperature increases with increasing concentration of pinned particles and it may be possible to equilibrate the system at temperatures near the increased transition temperature. We test the validity of this prediction through extensive molecular dynamics simulations of two model glass-forming liquids in the presence of random pinning. We find that extrapolated thermodynamic transition temperature T-K does not show any sign of increasing with increasing pinning concentration. The main effect of pinning is found to be a rapid decrease in the kinetic fragility of the system with increasing pin concentration. Implications of these observations for current theories of the glass transition are discussed.


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Using atomistic molecular dynamics simulation, we study the discotic columnar liquid crystalline (LC) phases formed by a new organic compound having hexa-peri-Hexabenzocoronene (HBC) core with six pendant oligothiophene units recently synthesized by Nan Hu et al. Adv. Mater. 26, 2066 (2014)]. This HBC core based LC phase was shown to have electric field responsive behavior and has important applications in organic electronics. Our simulation results confirm the hexagonal arrangement of columnar LC phase with a lattice spacing consistent with that obtained from small angle X-ray diffraction data. We have also calculated various positional and orientational correlation functions to characterize the ordering of the molecules in the columnar arrangement. The molecules in a column are arranged with an average twist of 25 degrees having an average inter-molecular separation of similar to 5 angstrom. Interestingly, we find an overall tilt angle of 43 degrees between the columnar axis and HBC core. We also simulate the charge transport through this columnar phase and report the numerical value of charge carrier mobility for this liquid crystal phase. The charge carrier mobility is strongly influenced by the twist angle and average spacing of the molecules in the column. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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New molecular beam scattering experiments have been performed to measure the total ( elastic plus inelastic) cross sections as a function of the velocity in collisions between water and hydrogen sulfide projectile molecules and the methane target. Measured data have been exploited to characterize the range and strength of the intermolecular interaction in such systems, which are of relevance as they drive the gas phase molecular dynamics and the clathrate formation. Complementary information has been obtained by rotational spectra, recorded for the hydrogen sulfide-methane complex, with a pulsed nozzle Fourier transform microwave spectrometer. Extensive ab initio calculations have been performed to rationalize all the experimental findings. The combination of experimental and theoretical information has established the ground for the understanding of the nature of the interaction and allows for its basic components to be modelled, including charge transfer, in these weakly bound systems. The intermolecular potential for H2S-CH4 is significantly less anisotropic than for H2O-CH4, although both of them have potential minima that can be characterized as `hydrogen bonded'.


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Using a molecular model for octamethylcydotetrasiloxane (OMCTS), molecular dynamics simulations are carried out to probe the phase state of OMCTS confined between two mica surfaces in equilibrium With a reservoir. Molecular dynamics simulations are carried out for elevations ranging from 5 to 35 K above the melting point for the OMCTS model used in this study. The Helmholtz free energy is, computed for a specific confinement using the :two-phase thermodynamic (2PT) method. Analysis of the in-plane pair correlation functions did not reveal signatures of freezing even under an extreme confinement of two layers. OMCTS is found to orient with a wide distribution of orientations with respect to the mica surface, with a distinct preference for the surface parallel configuration in the contact layers. The self-intermediate scattering function is found to decay with increasing relaxation times as the surface separation is decreased, and the two-step relaxation in the scattering function, a signature of glassy dynamics, distinctly evolves as the temperature is lowered. However, even at 5 K above the melting point, we did not observe a freezing transition and the self-intermediate scattering functions relax within 200 ps for the seven-layered confined system. The self diffusivity and relaxation times obtained from the Kohlrausch-Williams-Watts stretched exponential fits to the late alpha-relaxation exhibit power law scalings with the packing fraction as predicted by mode coupling theory. A distinct discontinuity in the Helmholtz free energy, potential energy, and a sharp change in the local bond order parameter, Q(4), was observed at 230 K for a five-layered system upon cooling, indicative of a first-order transition. A freezing point depression of about 30 K was observed for this five-layered confined system, and at the lower temperatures, contact layers were found to be disordered with long-range order present only in the inner layers. These dynamical signatures indicate that confined OMCTS undergoes a slowdown akin to a fluid approaching a glass transition upon increasing confinement, and freezing under confinement would require substantial subcooling below the bulk melting point of OMCTS.


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Exportin-t (Xpot) transports mature 5'- and 3'-end processed tRNA from the nucleus to the cytoplasm by associating with a small G-protein Ran (RAs-related nuclear protein), in the nucleus. The release of tRNA in cytoplasm involves RanGTP hydrolysis. Despite the availability of crystal structures of nuclear and cytosolic forms of Xpot, the molecular details regarding the sequential events leading to tRNA release and subsequent conformational changes occurring in Xpot remain unknown. We have performed a combination of classical all-atom and accelerated molecular dynamics simulations on a set of complexes involving Xpot to study a range of features including conformational flexibility of free and cargo-bound Xpot and functionally critical contacts between Xpot and its cargo. The systems investigated include free Xpot and its different complexes, bound either to Ran (GTP/GDP) or tRNA or both. This approach provided a statistically reliable estimate of structural dynamics of Xpot after cargo release. The mechanistic basis for Xpot opening after cargo release has been explained in terms of dynamic structural hinges, about which neighboring region could be displaced to facilitate the nuclear to cytosolic state transition. Post-RanGTP hydrolysis, a cascade of events including local conformational change in RanGTP and loss of critical contacts at Xpot/tRNA interface suggest factors responsible for eventual release of tRNA. The level of flexibility in different Xpot complexes varied depending on the arrangement of individual HEAT repeats. Current study provides one of the most comprehensive and robust analysis carried out on this protein using molecular dynamics schemes.