218 resultados para Dimethyl oxalate


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Five cyclobutanethiones with different chromophores at the 3-position were examined for triplet state behaviour in benzene using laser excitation into their low lying nπ*1 band systems. A weak transient absorption attributable to the triplet state is observed in all these cases. Results concerning triplet lifetimes, intersystem crossing yields (S1 → T1), self-quenching kinetics and kinetics of energy transfer to all-trans-1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene and oxygen and quenching by di-t-butyl nitroxide (DTBN) are presented. Intersystem crossing yields estimated with reference to p,p′-dimethoxythiobenzophenone are roughly unity in all five cases. Self-quenching rates are found to be less than diffusion limited and this is attributed to steric crowding at the α positions (dimethyl group). The rates of oxygen and DTBN quenching compare well with those reported for several other thiones in the literature. No transients other than the triplet were detected in the above cyclobutane-thiones.


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The interaction of the cholinergic fluorescent probes, 1-(5-dimethyl-aminoaphthalene-1-sulfonamido) ethane-2-trimethylammonium perchlorate, 1-(5-dimethylaminonaphthalene-1-sulfonamido) pentane-5-trimethylammonium tartarate and 1-(5-dimethylaminonaphthalene-1-sulfonamido) decane-10- trimethylammonium tartarate with horse serum cholinesterase has been examined by fluorescence and n.m.r. methods. Fluorescence titrations show binding of the decane derivative to two sites on the protein whereas the lower homologs bind largely to one site. Active site inhibitors like curbamylcholine and decamethonium abolish binding of the decane derivative to the high affinity site. The inhibitors are largely without effect on the binding of the lower homologs. N.m.r. studies clearly establish immobilization of both ends of the molecule on binding in the case of the decane derivative, whereas in the lower homologs the dimethylamino group on the naphthalene ring is significantly more affected in the presence of enzyme. The probes are effective inhibitors of the enzyme with the decane derivative being two orders of magnitude more effective than its lower homologs. Based on the n.m.r., fluorescence and inhibition studies, a model for probe binding to the enzyme is advanced. It appears that the decane derivative binds with high affinity to the catalytic anionic site while the lower affinity site is assigned to a peripheral anionic site. The lower homologs probe only the peripheral site. A comparison of fluorescence, n.m.r. and inhibition studies with acetylcholinesterases from electric eel and bovine erythrocytes is presented.


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Oxidation of NADH by rat erythrocyte plasma membrane was stimulated by about 50-fold on addition of decavanadate, but not other forms of vanadate like orthovanadate, metavanadate aad vanadyl sulphate. The vanadate-stimulated activity was observed only in phosphate buffer while other buffers like Tris, acetate, borate and Hepes were ineffective. Oxygen was consumed during the oxidation of NADH and the products were found to be NAD+ and hydrogen peroxide. The reaction had a stoichiometry of one mole of oxygen consumption and one mole of H2O2 production for every mole of NADH that was oxidized. Superoxide dismutase and manganous inhibited the activity indicating the involvement of superoxide anions. Electron spin resonance in the presence of a spin trap, 5, 5prime-dimethyl pyrroline N-oxide, indicated the presence of superoxide radicals. Electron spin resonance studies also showed the appearance of VIV species by reduction of VV of decavanadate indicating thereby participation of vanadate in the redox reaction. Under the conditions of the assay, vanadate did not stimulate lipid peroxidation in erythrocyte membranes. Extracts from lipid-free preparations of the erythrocyte membrane showed full activity. This ruled out the possibility of oxygen uptake through lipid peroxidation. The vanadate-stimulated NADH oxidation activity could be partially solubilized by treating erythrocyte membranes either with Triton X-100 or sodium cholate. Partially purified enzyme obtained by extraction with cholate and fractionation by ammonium sulphate and DEAE-Sephadex was found to be unstable.


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The development of a new synthesis of 2,6,7,7a-tetrahydro-lβ-hydroxy-4-formyl-7a-methylindene was undertaken involving the preparation of 2,6,7,7a-tetra-hydro-1β-hydroxy-4-methoxymethyl-7a-methylindene because of the erratic yield in the last oxidation step of the reported synthesis of the former compound. Although various attempts to prepare the latter were not successful, interesting rearrangement products, the dienone, 5,6,7,7a-tetrahydro-4,7a-dimethyl-5H-indene-1,5-dione and the tricyclic keto alcohol, 2,6-diketo-3-methyltricyclo(5,2,1,0)decan-8-ol, were obtained, the structures of which have been proved by spectral data. Mechanisms for the formation of these products have been proposed.


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The Stockmayer-Fixman relation was used to evaluate the short range and long range interaction parameters for methyl methacrylate/acrylonitrile copolymers of 0,566 and 0,657 mole fraction of monomeric units of acrylonitrile in the solvents acetonitrile, 2-butanone, dimethyl formamide, and y-butyrolactone, at different temperatures (30, 45, and 60 “C). The values of KO were found to be lower than those of the parent homopolymers, and their values depend on both solvent and temperature. Even negative Ko-values were obtained, in cases in which the Mark Houwink exponent a is nearly unity. The values of the polymer-solvent interaction parameter, x, , are high and close to 0,5, indicating that these solvents are not good. The values of the excess interaction parameter, xAB, are negative and are not affected by temperature. The large extension of these copolymer chains, as exhibited by a and a;-values, can be understood in terms of unusual short range interactions only. Similar results were obtained for some cellulose derivatives.


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Herein, we report a simple and efficient methodology for the synthesis of beta-amino disulfides by regioselective ring opening of sulfamidates with benzyltriethylammonium tetrathiomolybdate [BnNEt3](2)MoS4. Stability and reactivity of different protecting groups under the reaction conditions have been discussed. This methodology has also been extended to serine and threonine derived sulfamidates to furnish cystine and 3,3'-dimethyl cystine derivatives.


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Complexes of lanthanide perchlorates with 4-cyano pyridine-1-oxide, 4-chloro 2-picoline-1-oxide and 4-dimethyl amino 2-picoline-1-oxide have been isolated for the first time and characterized by analysis, conductance, infrared, NMR and electronic spectra.


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Synthesis of complex metal oxides by the thermal decomposition of solid-solution precursors (formed by isomorphous compounds of component metals) has been investigated since the method enables mixing of cations on an atomic scale and drastically reduces diffusion distances to a few angstroms. Several interesting oxides such as Ca2Fe03,5C, aCoz04,C a2C0205a, nd Ca,FeCo05 have been prepared by this technique starting from carbonate solid solutions of the type Ca,-,Fe,C03, Cal-,Co,C03, and Ca,-,,M,M'yC03 (M, M' = Mn, Fe, Co). The method has been extended to oxalate solid-solution precursors, and the possibility of making use of other kinds of precursor solid solutions is indicated.


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The synthesis of 4,4,N,N-tetramethyl-NN-dinitroso-2,2-methylenedianiline (1) by the route p-MeC6H4NH2+ HCHO + OH–(p-MeC6H4NMe)2CH2(7b); (7b)+ acid at 70 °C 4,N-dimethyl-6-(N-methyl-p-toluidinomethyl)aniline (4b); (4b)+ acid at 130 °C 4,4,NN-tetramethyl-2,2-methylenedianiline (3b); (3b)+ HNO2(1), is described. Aspects of the 1H n.m.r. spectra of the above and related compounds are discussed. A crystal-structure analysis of compound (1) shows one of the N-nitroso-groups to be disordered with the endo-form being in preponderance (4 : 1) over the exo-form. The other N-nitroso-group is exclusively exo in the solid state. There is little or no resonance between the benzene ring and the nitroso-group attached to the ring, the two groups being almost perpendicular to each other. In one of the N-nitroso-groups, the nitrogen atom deviates significantly from the plane of the benzene ring to which it is attached. Both amide nitrogen atoms show some pyramidal character.


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Vanadate in the polymeric form of decavanadate, but not other forms, stimulated oxidation of NADH to NAD+ NADPH was also oxidized with comparable rates. This oxidation of NADH was accompanied by uptake of oxygen and generated hydrogen peroxide with the following stoichiometry: NADH + H+ + O2 → NAD+ + H2O2. The reaction followed second-order kinetics. The rate was dependent on the concentration of both NADH and vanadate and increased with decreasing pH. The reaction had an obligatory requirement for phosphate ions. Esr studies in the presence of the spin trap dimethyl pyrroline N oxide indicated the involvement of Superoxide anion as an intermediate. The reaction was sensitive to Superoxide dismutase and other scavengers of superoxide anions.


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The thermal decomposition of rare-earth trioxalatocobaltates LnCo(C2O4)3 · x H2O, where Ln = La, Pr, Nd, has been studied in flowing atmospheres of air/oxygen, argon/ nitrogen, carbon dioxide and a vacuum. The compounds decompose through three major steps, viz. dehydration, decomposition of the oxalate to an intermediate carbonate, which further decomposes to yield rare-earth cobaltite as the final product. The formation of the final product is influenced by the surrounding gas atmosphere. Studies on the thermal decomposition of photodecomposed lanthanum trioxalatocobaltate and a mechanical mixture of lanthanum oxalate and cobalt oxalate in 1 : 2 molar ratio reveal that the decomposition behaviour of the two samples is different. The drawbacks of the decomposition scheme proposed earlier have been pointed out, and logical schemes based on results obtained by TG, DTA, DTG, supplemented by various physico-chemical techniques such as gas and chemical analyses, IR and mass spectroscopy, surface area and magnetic susceptibility measurements and X-ray powder diffraction methods, have been proposed for the decomposition in air of rare-earth trioxalatocobaltates as well as for the photoreduced lanthanum salt and a mechanical mixture of lanthanum and cobalt oxalates.


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Exposure of rats to hypobaric stress for periods of up to 36 h caused a consistent change in the succinate-NT reductase activity of the heart mitochondria whereas there was no significant change in the activities of either succinate dehydrogenase and succinate-NT reductase of the brain and the kidney. Mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase of the heart, the brain and the kidney was activated 2- to 7-fold with the substrate and malonate. The activations obtained with oxalate, citrate and dinitrophenol were relatively lower in comparison to succinate and malonate. Benzohydroquinone and 2-nitrophenol had no stimulatory effect on the heart, the brain and the kidney mitochondria. THE ACTIVATIONS OBTAINED WITH THE VARIOUS EFFECTORS PARTIALLY (OR COMPLETELY IN THE CASE OF SUCCINATE) REVERSED ON WASHING THE MITOCHONDRIAL SAMPLES WITH THE SUCROSE HOMOGENIZING MEDIUM. The effect of ubiquinol, which also activated the enzyme, was only partially reversed after the second preincubation with succinate in the brain and the kidney whereas in the heart the activity was fully reversed. The increased activity of succinate dehydrogenase obtained with ATP and ADP was further enhanced by Mg2+ exclusively in the brain mitochondria, suggesting the possibility of Mg2+-AIP complex as the active species. Succinate-NT reductase of the heart, the brain and the kidney mitochondria showed a high activation with ubiquinone whereas its reduced form had no stimulatory effect.


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The esterification of Ribonuclease-A in methanol/0.1 M hydrochloric acid has been studied by measuring the decrease in the number of titratable groups of the protein and estimating the amount of methanol incorporated. Esterification of nearly five of the 11 free carboxyl groups of the protein resulted in almost complete inactivation of the enzyme. The initial products of esterification have been chromatographed on Amberlite columns, and five partially active methyl ester derivatives of Ribonuclease-A have been isolated. The dimethyl ester, the initial product of esterification with reduced catalytic activity, has the carboxyl groups of Glu-49 and Asp-53 modified. Even in the non-aqueous solvent, as in the native structure of the protein in aqueous solution, these carboxyl groups are the fast reacting ones. Subsquently, the esterification reaction appears to proceed preferentially at the C-terminal region of the molecule. Comparison of the reactivities of carboxyl groups of Ribonuclease-A in acidic methanol to that known in aqueous solutions (with carbodiimides) suggests that the structure of Ribonuclease-A in the non-aqueous solvent resembles, at least in part, the structure in aqueous environment.


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Amidopyrine (1-phenyl-2,3-dimethyl-4-dimethylaminopyrazolone), C13HzvN30, a dimethylamino derivative of antipyrine and an important analgesic and antipyretic agent, crystallizes in the triclinic space group P1 with four molecules in a unit cell of dimensions a= 7.458 (5), b = 10.744 (5), c= 17.486 (15)/~,, e=98.6 (2),/~= 85.6 (3), y= 108-6 (2) . The structure was solved by direct methods and refined to an R value of 0.055 for 3706 photographically observed reflexions. The dimensions of the two crystallographically independent molecules are very nearly the same. The pyrazolone moiety in the molecule has dimensions comparable to those in antipyrine. Unlike antipyrine, the molecular dimensions of amidopyrine in the free state (the present structure) are close to those found in some of its hydrogenbonded complexes. Thus it appears that the presence of the dimethylamino group makes the molecule more resistant to changes in its dimensions resulting from molecular association. An attempt has also been made to correlate the polar nature of the pyrazolone moiety and the hybridization state of the hetero nitrogen atoms in antipyrine, amidopyrine and their complexes.


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7-Acetonyloxy-5-methyl--tetralone (Vc) was cyclodehydrated to 7,8-dihydro-1,5-dimethylnaphtho[2,1-b]furan-9(6H)-one (VIa), the structure of which was established by an independent synthesis from methyl 4-(4-acetonyloxy-2-methylphenyl)butyrate (IXd). Similarly, 7-acetonyloxy-2,5-dimethyl--tetralone (Vf), synthesized via 4-(5-isopropyl-4-methoxy-2-methylphenyl)-2-methylbutyric acid (XIIb) and 7-methoxy-2,5-dimethyl--tetralone (Vd), was cyclodehydrated to 7,8-dihydro-1,5,8-trimethylnaphtho[2,1-b]furan-9(6H)-one (VIb), which on reduction and dehydration furnished pyrocurzerenone (6,7-dihydro-1,5,8-trimethylnaphtho[2,1-b]furan)(I). The deisopropylation and cyclodehydration of (XIIb) to (Vd) were effected in one step by treatment with polyphosphoric acid.