162 resultados para Deep well injection


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Several concepts have been developed in the recent years for nanomaterial based integrated MEMS platform in order to accelerate the process of biological sample preparation followed by selective screening and identification of target molecules. In this context, there exist several challenges which need to be addressed in the process of electrical lysis of biological cells. These are due to (i) low resource settings while achieving maximal lysis (ii) high throughput of target molecules to be detected (iii) automated extraction and purification of relevant molecules such as DNA and protein from extremely small volume of sample (iv) requirement of fast, accurate and yet scalable methods (v) multifunctionality toward process monitoring and (vi) downward compatibility with already existing diagnostic protocols. This paper reports on the optimization of electrical lysis process based on various different nanocomposite coated electrodes placed in a microfluidic channel. The nanocomposites are synthesized using different nanomaterials like Zinc nanorod dispersion in polymer. The efficiency of electrical lysis with various different electrode coatings has been experimentally verified in terms of DNA concentration, amplification and protein yield. The influence of the coating thickness on the injection current densities has been analyzed. We further correlate experimentally the current density vs. voltage relationship with the extent of bacterial cell lysis. A coupled multiphysics based simulation model is used to predict the cell trajectories and lysis efficiencies under various electrode boundary conditions as estimated from experimental results. Detailed in-situ fluorescence imaging and spectroscopy studies are performed to validate various hypotheses.


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Charnockite is considered to be generated either through the dehydration of granitic magma by CO2 purging or by solid-state dehydration through CO2 metasomatism during granulite facies metamorphism. To understand the extent of dehydration, CO2 migration is quantitatively modeled in silicate melt and metasomatic fluid as a function of temperature, H2O wt%, pressure, basal CO2 flux and dynamic viscosity. Numerical simulations show that CO2 advection through porous and permeable high-grade metamorphic rocks can generate dehydrated patches close to the CO2 flow path, as illustrated by the occurrences of ``incipient charnockites.'' CO2 reaction-front velocity constrained by field observations is 0.69 km/m.y., a reasonable value, which matches well with other studies. On the other hand, temperature, rate of cooling, and basal CO2 flux are the critical parameters affecting CO2 diffusion through a silicate melt. CO2 diffusion through silicate melt can only occur at temperature greater than 840 degrees C and during slow cooling (<= 3.7 x 10(-5) degrees C/yr), features that are typical of magma emplacement in the lower crust. Stalling of CO2 fluxing at similar to 840 degrees C explains why some deep-level plutons contain both hydrous and anhydrous (charnockitic) mineral assemblages. CO2 diffusion through silicate melt is virtually insensitive to pressure. Addition of CO2 basal flux facilitates episodic dehydrated melt migration by generating fracture pathways.


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This paper deals with an experimental study of pressure-swirl hydraulic injector nozzles using non-intrusive optical techniques. Experiments were conducted to study atomization characteristics using two nozzles with different orifice diameters, 0.3 mm and 0.5 mm, and injection pressures, 0.3-3.5 Mpa, which correspond to Reynolds number (Re-p) = 7,000-45,000, depending on nozzle utilized. Three laser diagnostic techniques were utilized: Shadowgraph, PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry), and PDPA (Phase Doppler Particle Anemometry). Measurements made in the spray in both axial and radial directions indicate that velocity, average droplet diameter profiles, and spray dynamics are highly dependent on the nozzle characteristics and injection pressure. Limitations of these techniques in the different flow regimes, related to the primary and secondary breakups as well as coalescence, are provided. Results indicate that all three techniques provide similar results throughout the different regimes. Shadowgraph and PDPA were possible in the secondary atomization and coalescence regimes while PIV measurements could be made only at the end of secondary atomization and coalescence.


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We study the conditions for disc galaxies to produce superbubbles that can break out of the disc and produce a galactic wind. We argue that the threshold surface density of supernovae rate for seeding a wind depends on the ability of superbubble energetics to compensate for radiative cooling. We first adapt Kompaneets formalism for expanding bubbles in a stratified medium to the case of continuous energy injection and include the effects of radiative cooling in the shell. With the help of hydrodynamic simulations, we then study the evolution of superbubbles evolving in stratified discs with typical disc parameters. We identify two crucial energy injection rates that differ in their effects, the corresponding breakout ranging from being gentle to a vigorous one. (a) Superbubbles that break out of the disc with a Mach number of the order of 2-3 correspond to an energy injection rate of the order of 10(-4) erg cm(-2) s(-1), which is relevant for disc galaxies with synchrotron emitting gas in the extra-planar regions. (b) A larger energy injection threshold, of the order of 10(-3) erg cm(-2) s(-1), or equivalently, a star formation surface density of similar to 0.1 M-circle dot yr(-1) kpc(-2), corresponds to superbubbles with a Mach number similar to 5-10. While the milder superbubbles can be produced by large OB associations, the latter kind requires super-starclusters. These derived conditions compare well with observations of disc galaxies with winds and the existence of multiphase halo gas. Furthermore, we find that contrary to the general belief that superbubbles fragment through Rayleigh-Taylor (RT) instability when they reach a vertical height of the order of the scaleheight, the superbubbles are first affected by thermal instability for typical disc parameters and that RT instability takes over when the shells reach a distance of approximately twice the scaleheight.


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Drastic groundwater resource depletion due to excessive extraction for irrigation is a major concern in many parts of India. In this study, an attempt was made to simulate the groundwater scenario of the catchment using ArcSWAT. Due to the restriction on the maximum initial storage, the deep aquifer component in ArcSWAT was found to be insufficient to represent the excessive groundwater depletion scenario. Hence, a separate water balance model was used for simulating the deep aquifer water table. This approach is demonstrated through a case study for the Malaprabha catchment in India. Multi-site rainfall data was used to represent the spatial variation in the catchment climatology. Model parameters were calibrated using observed monthly stream flow data. Groundwater table simulation was validated using the qualitative information available from the field. The stream flow was found to be well simulated in the model. The simulated groundwater table fluctuation is also matching reasonably well with the field observations. From the model simulations, deep aquifer water table fluctuation was found very severe in the semi-arid lower parts of the catchment, with some areas showing around 60m depletion over a period of eight years. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Heat and mass transfer studies in a calandria based reactor is quite complex both due to geometry and due to the complex mixing flow. It is challenging to devise optimum operating conditions with efficient but safe working range for such a complex configuration. Numerical study known to be very effective is taken up for investigation. In the present study a 3D RANS code with turbulence model has been used to compute the flow fields and to get the heat transfer characteristics to understand certain design parameters of engineering importance. The angle of injection and of the coolant liquid has a large effect on the heat transfer within the reactor.


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A new delaminated composite beam element is formulated for Timoshenko as well as Euler-Bernoulli beam models. Shape functions are derived from Timoshenko functions; this provides a unified formulation for slender to moderately deep beam analyses. The element is simple and easy to implement, results are on par with those from free mode delamination models. Katz fractal dimension method is applied on the mode shapes obtained from finite element models, to detect the delamination in the beam. The effect of finite element size on fractal dimension method of delamination detection is quantified.


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A novel Projection Error Propagation-based Regularization (PEPR) method is proposed to improve the image quality in Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT). PEPR method defines the regularization parameter as a function of the projection error developed by difference between experimental measurements and calculated data. The regularization parameter in the reconstruction algorithm gets modified automatically according to the noise level in measured data and ill-posedness of the Hessian matrix. Resistivity imaging of practical phantoms in a Model Based Iterative Image Reconstruction (MoBIIR) algorithm as well as with Electrical Impedance Diffuse Optical Reconstruction Software (EIDORS) with PEPR. The effect of PEPR method is also studied with phantoms with different configurations and with different current injection methods. All the resistivity images reconstructed with PEPR method are compared with the single step regularization (STR) and Modified Levenberg Regularization (LMR) techniques. The results show that, the PEPR technique reduces the projection error and solution error in each iterations both for simulated and experimental data in both the algorithms and improves the reconstructed images with better contrast to noise ratio (CNR), percentage of contrast recovery (PCR), coefficient of contrast (COC) and diametric resistivity profile (DRP). (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background & objectives: Pre-clinical toxicology evaluation of biotechnology products is a challenge to the toxicologist. The present investigation is an attempt to evaluate the safety profile of the first indigenously developed recombinant DNA anti-rabies vaccine DRV (100 mu g)] and combination rabies vaccine CRV (100 mu g DRV and 1.25 IU of cell culture-derived inactivated rabies virus vaccine)], which are intended for clinical use by intramuscular route in Rhesus monkeys. Methods: As per the regulatory requirements, the study was designed for acute (single dose - 14 days), sub-chronic (repeat dose - 28 days) and chronic (intended clinical dose - 120 days) toxicity tests using three dose levels, viz. therapeutic, average (2x therapeutic dose) and highest dose (10 x therapeutic dose) exposure in monkeys. The selection of the model i.e. monkey was based on affinity and rapid higher antibody response during the efficacy studies. An attempt was made to evaluate all parameters which included physical, physiological, clinical, haematological and histopathological profiles of all target organs, as well as Tiers I, II, III immunotoxicity parameters. Results: In acute toxicity there was no mortality in spite of exposing the monkeys to 10XDRV. In sub chronic and chronic toxicity studies there were no abnormalities in physical, physiological, neurological, clinical parameters, after administration of test compound in intended and 10 times of clinical dosage schedule of DRV and CRV under the experimental conditions. Clinical chemistry, haematology, organ weights and histopathology studies were essentially unremarkable except the presence of residual DNA in femtogram level at site of injection in animal which received 10X DRV in chronic toxicity study. No Observational Adverse Effects Level (NOAEL) of DRV is 1000 ug/dose (10 times of therapeutic dose) if administered on 0, 4, 7, 14, 28th day. Interpretation & conclusions: The information generated by this study not only draws attention to the need for national and international regulatory agencies in formulating guidelines for pre-clinical safety evaluation of biotech products but also facilitates the development of biopharmaceuticals as safe potential therapeutic agents.


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We report high aspect-ratio micromechanical structures made of SU-8 polymer, which is a negative photoresist. Mask-less direct writing with 405 nm laser is used to pattern spin-cast SU-8 films of thickness of more than 600 um. As compared with X-ray lithography, which helps pattern material to give aspect ratios of 1:50 or higher, laser writing is a less expensive and more accessible alternative. In this work, aspect ratios up to 1:30 were obtained on narrow pillars and cantilever structures. Deep vertical patterning was achieved in multiple exposures of the surface with varying dosages given at periodic intervals of sufficient duration. It was found that a time lag between successive exposures at the same location helps the material recover from the transient changes that occur during exposure to the laser. This gives vertical sidewalls to the resulting structures. The time-lags and dosages were determined by conducting several trials. The micromechanical structures obtained with laser writing are compared with those obtained with traditional UV lithography as well as e-beam lithography. Laser writing gives not only high aspect ratios but also narrow gaps whereas e-beam can only give narrow gaps over very small depths. Unlike traditional UV lithography, laser writing does not need a mask. Furthermore, there is no adjustment for varying the dosage in traditional UV lithography. A drawback of this method compared to UV lithography is that the writing time increases. Some test structures as well as a compliant microgripper are fabricated.


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Various leg exercises have been recommended to prevent deep vein thrombosis (DVT), a condition where a blood clot forms in the deep veins, especially during long-haul flights. Accessing the benefit of each of these exercises in avoiding the DVT, which can be fatal, is important in the context of suggesting the correct and the most beneficial exercises. Present work aims at demonstrating the fiber Bragg grating (FBG)-based sensing methodology for measuring surface strains generated on the skin of the calf muscle to evaluate the suggested airline exercises to avoid DVT. As the dataset in the experiment involves multiple subjects performing these exercises, an inertial measurement unit has been used to validate the repetitiveness of each of the exercises. The surface strain on the calf muscle obtained using the FBG sensor, which is a measure of the calf muscle deformation, has been compared against the variation of blood velocity in the femoral vein of the thigh measured using a commercial electronic-phased array color Doppler ultrasound system. Apart from analyzing the effectiveness of suggested exercises, a new exercise which is more effective in terms of strain generated to avoid DVT is proposed and evaluated. (C) 2013 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)


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We show that a liquid organic precursor can be injected directly into molten magnesium to produce nanoscale ceramic dispersions within the melt. The castings made in this way possess good resistance to tensile deformation at 673 K (400 degrees C), confirming the non-coarsening nature of these dispersions. Direct liquid injection into molten metals is a significant step toward inserting different chemistries of liquid precursors to generate a variety of polymer-derived metal matrix composites. (C) The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International 2013


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The following paper presents a Powerline Communication (PLC) Method for Single Phase interfaced inverters in domestic microgrids. The PLC method is based on the injection of a repeating sequence of a specific harmonic, which is then modulated on the fundamental component of the grid current supplied by the inverters to the microgrid. The power flow and information exchange are simultaneously accomplished by the grid interacting inverters based on current programmed vector control, hence there is no need for dedicated hardware. Simulation results have been shown for inter-inverter communication under different operating conditions to propose the viability. These simulations have been experimentally validated and the corresponding results have also been presented in the paper.


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Pure cubic zirconia (ZrO2) nanopowder is prepared for the first time by simple low temperature solution combustion method without calcination. The product is characterized by Powder X-ray Diffraction (PXRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), Fourier Transform Infra Red spectroscopy (FTIR) and Ultraviolet-Visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis). The PXRD showed the formation of pure stable cubic ZrO2 nanopowders with average crystallite size ranging from 6 to 12 nm. The lattice parameters were calculated from Rietveld refinement method. SEM micrograph shows fluffy, mesoporous, agglomerated particles with large number of voids. TEM micrograph shows honey comb like arrangement of particles with particle size similar to 10 nm. The PL emission spectrum excited at 210 nm and 240 nm consists of intense bands centered at similar to 365 and similar to 390 nm. Both the samples show shoulder peak at 420 nm, along with four weak emission bands at similar to 484, similar to 528, similar to 614 and similar to 726 nm. TL studies were carried out pre-irradiating samples with gamma-rays ranging from 1 to 5 KGy at room temperature. A well resolved glow peak at 377 degrees C is recorded which can be ascribed to deep traps. With increase in gamma radiation there is linear increase in TL intensity which shows the possible use of ZrO2 as dosimetric material. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) is a computerized medical imaging technique which reconstructs the electrical impedance images of a domain under test from the boundary voltage-current data measured by an EIT electronic instrumentation using an image reconstruction algorithm. Being a computed tomography technique, EIT injects a constant current to the patient's body through the surface electrodes surrounding the domain to be imaged (Omega) and tries to calculate the spatial distribution of electrical conductivity or resistivity of the closed conducting domain using the potentials developed at the domain boundary (partial derivative Omega). Practical phantoms are essentially required to study, test and calibrate a medical EIT system for certifying the system before applying it on patients for diagnostic imaging. Therefore, the EIT phantoms are essentially required to generate boundary data for studying and assessing the instrumentation and inverse solvers a in EIT. For proper assessment of an inverse solver of a 2D EIT system, a perfect 2D practical phantom is required. As the practical phantoms are the assemblies of the objects with 3D geometries, the developing of a practical 2D-phantom is a great challenge and therefore, the boundary data generated from the practical phantoms with 3D geometry are found inappropriate for assessing a 2D inverse solver. Furthermore, the boundary data errors contributed by the instrumentation are also difficult to separate from the errors developed by the 3D phantoms. Hence, the errorless boundary data are found essential to assess the inverse solver in 2D EIT. In this direction, a MatLAB-based Virtual Phantom for 2D EIT (MatVP2DEIT) is developed to generate accurate boundary data for assessing the 2D-EIT inverse solvers and the image reconstruction accuracy. MatVP2DEIT is a MatLAB-based computer program which simulates a phantom in computer and generates the boundary potential data as the outputs by using the combinations of different phantom parameters as the inputs to the program. Phantom diameter, inhomogeneity geometry (shape, size and position), number of inhomogeneities, applied current magnitude, background resistivity, inhomogeneity resistivity all are set as the phantom variables which are provided as the input parameters to the MatVP2DEIT for simulating different phantom configurations. A constant current injection is simulated at the phantom boundary with different current injection protocols and boundary potential data are calculated. Boundary data sets are generated with different phantom configurations obtained with the different combinations of the phantom variables and the resistivity images are reconstructed using EIDORS. Boundary data of the virtual phantoms, containing inhomogeneities with complex geometries, are also generated for different current injection patterns using MatVP2DEIT and the resistivity imaging is studied. The effect of regularization method on the image reconstruction is also studied with the data generated by MatVP2DEIT. Resistivity images are evaluated by studying the resistivity parameters and contrast parameters estimated from the elemental resistivity profiles of the reconstructed phantom domain. Results show that the MatVP2DEIT generates accurate boundary data for different types of single or multiple objects which are efficient and accurate enough to reconstruct the resistivity images in EIDORS. The spatial resolution studies show that, the resistivity imaging conducted with the boundary data generated by MatVP2DEIT with 2048 elements, can reconstruct two circular inhomogeneities placed with a minimum distance (boundary to boundary) of 2 mm. It is also observed that, in MatVP2DEIT with 2048 elements, the boundary data generated for a phantom with a circular inhomogeneity of a diameter less than 7% of that of the phantom domain can produce resistivity images in EIDORS with a 1968 element mesh. Results also show that the MatVP2DEIT accurately generates the boundary data for neighbouring, opposite reference and trigonometric current patterns which are very suitable for resistivity reconstruction studies. MatVP2DEIT generated data are also found suitable for studying the effect of the different regularization methods on reconstruction process. Comparing the reconstructed image with an original geometry made in MatVP2DEIT, it would be easier to study the resistivity imaging procedures as well as the inverse solver performance. Using the proposed MatVP2DEIT software with modified domains, the cross sectional anatomy of a number of body parts can be simulated in PC and the impedance image reconstruction of human anatomy can be studied.