193 resultados para DYNAMICS SIMULATIONS


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The crack initiation and growth mechanisms in an 2D graphene lattice structure are studied based on molecular dynamics simulations. Crack growth in an initial edge crack model in the arm-chair and the zig-zag lattice configurations of graphene are considered. Influence of the time steps on the post yielding behaviour of graphene is studied. Based on the results, a time step of 0.1 fs is recommended for consistent and accurate simulation of crack propagation. Effect of temperature on the crack propagation in graphene is also studied, considering adiabatic and isothermal conditions. Total energy and stress fields are analyzed. A systematic study of the bond stretching and bond reorientation phenomena is performed, which shows that the crack propagates after significant bond elongation and rotation in graphene. Variation of the crack speed with the change in crack length is estimated. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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We present the results of combined experimental and theoretical (molecular dynamics simulations and integral equation theory) studies of the structure and effective interactions of suspensions of polymer grafted nanoparticles (PGNPs) in the presence of linear polymers. Due to the absence of systematic experimental and theoretical studies of PGNPs, it is widely believed that the structure and effective interactions in such binary mixtures would be very similar to those of an analogous soft colloidal material-star polymers. In our study, polystyrene-grafted gold nanoparticles with functionality f = 70 were mixed with linear polystyrene (PS) of two different molecular weights for obtaining two PGNP: PS size ratios, xi = 0.14 and 2.76 (where, xi = M-g/M-m, M-g and M-m being the molecular weights of grafting and matrix polymers, respectively). The experimental structure factor of PGNPs could be modeled with an effective potential (Model-X), which has been found to be widely applicable for star polymers. Similarly, the structure factor of the blends with xi = 0.14 could be modeled reasonably well, while the structure of blends with xi = 2.76 could not be captured, especially for high density of added polymers. A model (Model-Y) for effective interactions between PGNPs in a melt of matrix polymers also failed to provide good agreement with the experimental data for samples with xi = 2.76 and high density of added polymers. We tentatively attribute this anomaly in modeling the structure factor of blends with xi = 2.76 to the questionable assumption of Model-X in describing the added polymers as star polymers with functionality 2, which gets manifested in both polymer-polymer and polymer-PGNP interactions especially at higher fractions of added polymers. The failure of Model-Y may be due to the neglect of possible many-body interactions among PGNPs mediated by matrix polymers when the fraction of added polymers is high. These observations point to the need for a new framework to understand not only the structural behavior of PGNPs but also possibly their dynamics and thermo-mechanical properties as well. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The kinematic flow pattern in slow deformation of a model dense granular medium is studied at high resolution using in situ imaging, coupled with particle tracking. The deformation configuration is indentation by a flat punch under macroscopic plane-strain conditions. Using a general analysis method, velocity gradients and deformation fields are obtained from the disordered grain arrangement, enabling flow characteristics to be quantified. The key observations are the formation of a stagnation zone, as in dilute granular flow past obstacles; occurrence of vortices in the flow immediately underneath the punch; and formation of distinct shear bands adjoining the stagnation zone. The transient and steady state stagnation zone geometry, as well as the strength of the vortices and strain rates in the shear bands, are obtained from the experimental data. All of these results are well-reproduced in exact-scale non-smooth contact dynamics simulations. Full 3D numerical particle positions from the simulations allow extraction of flow features that are extremely difficult to obtain from experiments. Three examples of these, namely material free surface evolution, deformation of a grain column below the punch and resolution of velocities inside the primary shear band, are highlighted. The variety of flow features observed in this model problem also illustrates the difficulty involved in formulating a complete micromechanical analytical description of the deformation.


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Temporal relaxation of density fluctuations in supercooled liquids near the glass transition occurs in multiple steps. Using molecular dynamics simulations for three model glass-forming liquids, we show that the short-time beta relaxation is cooperative in nature. Using finite-size scaling analysis, we extract a growing length scale associated with beta relaxation from the observed dependence of the beta relaxation time on the system size. We find, in qualitative agreement with the prediction of the inhomogeneous mode coupling theory, that the temperature dependence of this length scale is the same as that of the length scale that describes the spatial heterogeneity of local dynamics in the long-time alpha-relaxation regime.


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Granular flows occur widely in nature and industry, yet a continuum description that captures their important features is yet not at hand. Recent experiments on granular materials sheared in a cylindrical Couette device revealed a puzzling anomaly, wherein all components of the stress rise nearly exponentially with depth. Here we show, using particle dynamics simulations and imaging experiments, that the stress anomaly arises from a remarkable vortex flow. For the entire range of fill heights explored, we observe a single toroidal vortex that spans the entire Couette cell and whose sense is opposite to the uppermost Taylor vortex in a fluid. We show that the vortex is driven by a combination of shear-induced dilation, a phenomenon that has no analogue in fluids, and gravity flow. Dilatancy is an important feature of granular mechanics, but not adequately incorporated in existing models.


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A fundamental question in protein folding is whether the coil to globule collapse transition occurs during the initial stages of folding (burst phase) or simultaneously with the protein folding transition. Single molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments disagree on whether Protein L collapse transition occurs during the burst phase of folding. We study Protein L folding using a coarse-grained model and molecular dynamics simulations. The collapse transition in Protein L is found to be concomitant with the folding transition. In the burst phase of folding, we find that FRET experiments overestimate radius of gyration, R-g, of the protein due to the application of Gaussian polymer chain end-to-end distribution to extract R-g from the FRET efficiency. FRET experiments estimate approximate to 6 angstrom decrease in R-g when the actual decrease is approximate to 3 angstrom on guanidinium chloride denaturant dilution from 7.5 to 1 M, thereby suggesting pronounced compaction in the protein dimensions in the burst phase. The approximate to 3 angstrom decrease is close to the statistical uncertainties of the R-g data measured from SAXS experiments, which suggest no compaction, leading to a disagreement with the FRET experiments. The transition-state ensemble (TSE) structures in Protein L folding are globular and extensive in agreement with the Psi-analysis experiments. The results support the hypothesis that the TSE of single domain proteins depends on protein topology and is not stabilized by local interactions alone.


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The particle and fluid velocity fluctuations in a turbulent gas-particle suspension are studied experimentally using two-dimensional particle image velocimetry with the objective of comparing the experiments with the predictions of fluctuating force simulations. Since the fluctuating force simulations employ force distributions which do not incorporate the modification of fluid turbulence due to the particles, it is of importance to quantify the turbulence modification in the experiments. For experiments carried out at a low volume fraction of 9.15 x 10(-5) (mass loading is 0.19), where the viscous relaxation time is small compared with the time between collisions, it is found that the gas-phase turbulence is not significantly modified by the presence of particles. Owing to this, quantitative agreement is obtained between the results of experiments and fluctuating force simulations for the mean velocity and the root mean square of the fluctuating velocity, provided that the polydispersity in the particle size is incorporated in the simulations. This is because the polydispersity results in a variation in the terminal velocity of the particles which could induce collisions and generate fluctuations; this mechanism is absent if all of the particles are of equal size. It is found that there is some variation in the particle mean velocity very close to the wall depending on the wall-collision model used in the simulations, and agreement with experiments is obtained only when the tangential wall-particle coefficient of restitution is 0.7. The mean particle velocity is in quantitative agreement for locations more than 10 wall units from the wall of the channel. However, there are systematic differences between the simulations and theory for the particle concentrations, possibly due to inadequate control over the particle feeding at the entrance. The particle velocity distributions are compared both at the centre of the channel and near the wall, and the shape of the distribution function near the wall obtained in experiments is accurately predicted by the simulations. At the centre, there is some discrepancy between simulations and experiment for the distribution of the fluctuating velocity in the flow direction, where the simulations predict a bi-modal distribution whereas only a single maximum is observed in the experiments, although both distributions are skewed towards negative fluctuating velocities. At a much higher particle mass loading of 1.7, where the time between collisions is smaller than the viscous relaxation time, there is a significant increase in the turbulent velocity fluctuations by similar to 1-2 orders of magnitude. Therefore, it becomes necessary to incorporate the modified fluid-phase intensity in the fluctuating force simulation; with this modification, the mean and mean-square fluctuating velocities are within 20-30% of the experimental values.


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Artificial viscosity in SPH-based computations of impact dynamics is a numerical artifice that helps stabilize spurious oscillations near the shock fronts and requires certain user-defined parameters. Improper choice of these parameters may lead to spurious entropy generation within the discretized system and make it over-dissipative. This is of particular concern in impact mechanics problems wherein the transient structural response may depend sensitively on the transfer of momentum and kinetic energy due to impact. In order to address this difficulty, an acceleration correction algorithm was proposed in Shaw and Reid (''Heuristic acceleration correction algorithm for use in SPH computations in impact mechanics'', Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 198, 3962-3974) and further rationalized in Shaw et al. (An Optimally Corrected Form of Acceleration Correction Algorithm within SPH-based Simulations of Solid Mechanics, submitted to Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg). It was shown that the acceleration correction algorithm removes spurious high frequency oscillations in the computed response whilst retaining the stabilizing characteristics of the artificial viscosity in the presence of shocks and layers with sharp gradients. In this paper, we aim at gathering further insights into the acceleration correction algorithm by further exploring its application to problems related to impact dynamics. The numerical evidence in this work thus establishes that, together with the acceleration correction algorithm, SPH can be used as an accurate and efficient tool in dynamic, inelastic structural mechanics. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Tissue injury during therapeutic ultrasound or lithotripsy is thought, in cases, to be due to the action of cavitation bubbles. Assessing this and mitigating it is challenging since bubble dynamics in the complex confinement of tissues or in small blood vessels are challenging to predict. Simulations tools require specialized algorithms to simultaneously represent strong acoustic waves and shocks, topologically complex liquid‐vapor phase boundaries, and the complex viscoelastic material dynamics of tissue. We discuss advances in a simulation tool for such situations. A single‐mesh Eulerian solver is used to solve the governing equations. Special sharpening terms maintain the liquid‐vapor interface in face of the finite numerical dissipation included in the scheme to accurately capture shocks. A recent enhancement to this formulation has significantly improved this interface capturing procedure, which is demonstrated for simulation of the Rayleigh collapse of a bubble. The solver also transports elastic stresses and can thus be used to assess the effects of elastic properties on bubble dynamics. A shock‐induced bubble collapse adjacent to a model elastic tissue is used to demonstrate this and draw some conclusions regarding the injury suppressing role that tissue elasticity might play.


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RNase S is a complex consisting of two proteolytic fragments of RNase A: the S peptide (residues 1-20) and S protein (residues 21-124). RNase S and RNase A have very similar X-ray structures and enzymatic activities. previous experiments have shown increased rates of hydrogen exchange and greater sensitivity to tryptic cleavage for RNase S relative to RNase A. It has therefore been asserted that the RNase S complex is considerably more dynamically flexible than RNase A. In the present study we examine the differences in the dynamics of RNaseS and RNase A computationally, by MD simulations, and experimentally, using trypsin cleavage as a probe of dynamics. The fluctuations around the average solution structure during the simulation were analyzed by measuring the RMS deviation in coordinates. No significant differences between RNase S and RNase A dynamics were observed in the simulations. We were able to account for the apparent discrepancy between simulation and experiment by a simple model, According to this model, the experimentally observed differences in dynamics can be quantitatively explained by the small amounts of free S peptide and S protein that are present in equilibrium with the RNase S complex. Thus, folded RNase A and the RNase S complex have identical dynamic behavior, despite the presence of a break in polypeptide chain between residues 20 and 21 in the latter molecule. This is in contrast to what has been widely believed for over 30 years about this important fragment complementation system.


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Here we find through computer simulations and theoretical analysis that the low temperature thermodynamic anomalies of liquid water arises from the intermittent fluctuation between its high density and low density forms, consisting largely of 5-coordinated and 4-coordinated water molecules, respectively. The fluctuations exhibit strong dynamic heterogeneity (defined by the four point time correlation function), accompanied by a divergence like growth of the dynamic correlation length, of the type encountered in fragile supercooled liquids. The intermittency has been explained by invoking a two state model often employed to understand stochastic resonance, with the relevant periodic perturbation provided here by the fluctuation of the total volume of the system.


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Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are reported for an anchored bilayer formed by the intercalation of cetyl trimethyl ammonium (CTA) and CH3(CH2)15N+(CH3) ions in a layered solid, CdPS3. The intercalated CTA ions are organized with the cationic headgroups tethered to the inorganic sheet and the hydrocarbon tails arranged as bilayers. Simulations were performed at three temperatures, 65, 180, and 298 K, using an isothermal−isobaric ensemble that was subsequently switched once macroscopic parameters had converged to a canonical isothermal−isochoric ensemble. The simulations are able to reproduce the experimental features of this system, including the formation of the bilayer and layer-to-layer separation distance. An analysis of the conformation of the chains showed that at all three temperatures a fraction of the alkyl chains retained a planar all-trans conformation, and that gauche bonds occurred as part of a “kink” (gauche+−trans−gauche−) sequence and not as isolated gauche bonds. Trans−gauche isomerization rates for the alkyl chains in the anchored bilayer are slower than those in lipid bilayers at the same temperature and show a progressive increase as the torsion numbers approach the tail. A two-dimensional periodic Voronoi tessellation analysis was performed to obtain the single-molecular area of an alkyl chain in the bilayer. The single-molecular area relaxation times are an order of magnitude longer than the trans−gauche isomerization times. The results indicate that the trans−gauche isomerization is associated with the creation and annihilation of a kink defect sequence. The results of the present MD simulation explain the apparent conflicting estimates of the gauche disorder in this system as obtained from infrared and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance measurements.


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tRNA synthetases (aaRS) are enzymes crucial in the translation of genetic code. The enzyme accylates the acceptor stem of tRNA by the congnate amino acid bound at the active site, when the anti-codon is recognized by the anti-codon site of aaRS. In a typical aaRS, the distance between the anti-codon region and the amino accylation site is approximately 70 Å. We have investigated this allosteric phenomenon at molecular level by MD simulations followed by the analysis of protein structure networks (PSN) of non-covalent interactions. Specifically, we have generated conformational ensembles by performing MD simulations on different liganded states of methionyl tRNA synthetase (MetRS) from Escherichia coli and tryptophenyl tRNA synthetase (TrpRS) from Human. The correlated residues during the MD simulations are identified by cross correlation maps. We have identified the amino acids connecting the correlated residues by the shortest path between the two selected members of the PSN. The frequencies of paths have been evaluated from the MD snapshots[1]. The conformational populations in different liganded states of the protein have been beautifully captured in terms of network parameters such as hubs, cliques and communities[2]. These parameters have been associated with the rigidity and plasticity of the protein conformations and can be associated with free energy landscape. A comparison of allosteric communication in MetRS and TrpRS [3] elucidated in this study highlights diverse means adopted by different enzymes to perform a similar function. The computational method described for these two enzymes can be applied to the investigation of allostery in other systems.