285 resultados para Critical Sequence


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The structure and properties of the double-helical form of the alternating copolymer poly(dA-dT) are considered. Different lines of evidence are interpreted in terms of a structure in which every second phosphate-diester linkage has a conformation different from that of the normal B form. A rationale for this “alternating-B” structure is given which provides an explanation for the effects of chemical modifications of the T residues on the binding of the poly(dA-dT)· poly(dA-dT) to the lac repressor of Escherichia coli.


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The electrical resistance of the critical binary liquid system C6H12+(CH3CO)2O is measured both in the pure form and when the system is doped with small amounts (≈ 100 ppm) of H2O impurities. Near Tc, the resistance varies as dR/dT = A1+A2 (T-Tc)-b with b ≈ 0.35. Neither the critical exponent b nor the amplitude ratio A1/A2 are affected by the impurities. A sign reversal of dR/dT is noticed at high temperatures T much greater-than Tc.


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The electrical resistance is measured in two binary liquid systems CS2 + CH3NO2 and n-C7H16 + CH3OH in the critical region as a function of frequency from 10 Hz to 100 kHz. The critical exponent b ≈ 0.35 in the singularity of dR/dT α (T - Tc)−b near Tc has no appreciable dependence upon the frequency. Thus any contribution from dielectric dispersion to the critical resistivity is not appreciable. The universal behaviour of the dR/dT anomaly does not seem to be followed in binary liquid systems.


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We report the results of a comprehensive study on dc magnetization, ac susceptibility, and the magnetotransport properties of the La1-xSrxCoO3(0 <= x <= 0.5) system. At higher Sr doping (x >= 0.18), the system exhibits Brillouin-like field cooled magnetization (M-FC). However, for x < 0.18, the system exhibits a kink in the M-FC, a peak at the intermediate field in the thermoremnant magnetization and a non-saturating tendency in the M-H plot that all point towards the characteristic of spin glass behavior. More interestingly, dc magnetization studies for x < 0.18 do not suggest the existence of ferromagnetic correlation that can give rise to an irreversible line in the spin glass regime. The ac susceptibility study for x > 0.2 exhibits apparently no frequency dependent peak shift around the ferromagnetic transition region. However, a feeble signature of glassiness is verified by studying the frequency dependent shoulder position in chi `' (T) and the memory effect below the Curie temperature. But, for x < 0.18, the ac susceptibility study exhibits a considerable frequency dependent peak shift, time dependent memory effect, and the characteristic spin relaxation time scale tau(0) similar to 10(-13) s. The reciprocal susceptibility versus temperature plot adheres to Curie-Weiss behavior and does not provide any signature of preformed ferromagnetic clusters well above the Curie temperature. The magnetotransport study reveals a cross over from metallic to semiconducting-like behavior for x <= 0.18. On the semiconducting side, the system exhibits a large value of magnetoresistance (upto 75%) towards low temperature and it is strongly connected to the spin dependent part of the random potential distribution in the spin glass phase. Based on the above observations, we have reconstructed a new magnetic phase diagram and characterized each phase with associated properties.


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We have analyzed the set of inter and intra base pair parameters for each dinucleotide step in single crystal structures of dodecamers, solved at high and medium resolution and all crystallized in P2(1)2(1)2(1) space group. The objective was to identify whether all the structures which have either the Drew-Dickerson (DD) sequence d[CGCGAATTCGCG] with some base modification or related sequence (non-DD), would display the same sequence dependent structural variability about its palindromic sequence, despite the molecule being bent at one end because of similar crystal lattice packing effect. Most of the local doublet parameters for base pairs steps G2-C3 and G10-C11 positions, symmetrically situated about the lateral twofold, were significantly correlated between themselves. In non-DD sequences, significant correlations between these positional parameters were absent. The different range of local step parameter values at each sequence position contributed to the gross feature of smooth helix axis bending in all structures. The base pair parameters in some of the positions, for medium resolution DD sequence, were quite unlike the high-resolution set and encompassed a higher range of values. Twist and slide are the two main parameters that show wider conformational range for the middle region of non-DD sequence structures in comparison to DD sequence structures. On the contrary, the minor and major groove features bear good resemblance between DD and non-DD sequence crystal structure datasets. The sugar-phosphate backbone torsion angles are similar in all structures, in sharp contrast to base pair parameter variation for high and low resolution DD and non-DD sequence structures, consisting of unusual (epsilon =g(-), xi =t) B-II conformation at the 10(th) position of the dodecamer sequence. Thus examining DD and non-DD sequence structures packed in the same crystal lattice arrangement, we infer that inter and intra base pair parameters are as symmetrically equivalent in its value as the symmetry related step for the palindromic DD sequence about lateral two-fold axis. This feature would lead us to agree with the conclusion that DNA conformation is not substantially affected by end-to-end or lateral inter-molecular interaction due to crystal lattice packing effect. Non-DD sequence structures acquire step parameter values which reflect the altered sequence at each of the dodecamer sequence position in the orthorhombic lattice while showing similar gross features of DD sequence structures


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Synthesis of methyl ester of 3-oxo-indan-5-acetic acid (3), an analogue of the natura1 product pterosin-E (4), starting from cyclopentadiene (1) and p-benzoquinone (2) using a sequence of six ground and excited state reactions, is described.


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The pressure dependence of critical parameters xc, Tc, and β have been analysed in four systems namely cyclohexane + acetic anhydride, n-heptane + acetic anhydride, methanol + n-heptane, and carbon disulphide + acetonitrile. The separation temperature was found to increase linearly with pressure the value of dTc/dP being 28 mK, 11 mK, 22 mK, and 25 mK respectively. These are in fair agreement with earlier measurements available for two systems. For the methanol + n-heptane system dTc/dP is apparently not consistent with the value predicted from the specific heat and thermal expansion data.Die Druckabhängigkeit der kritischen Parameter xc, Tc und β ist in den vier Systemen Cyclohexan + Essigsäureanhydrid, n-Heptan + Essigsäureanhydrid, Methanol + n-Heptan und Schwefelkohlenstoff + Acetonitril analysiert worden. Es wurde gefunden, daß die kritische Temperatur linear mit dem Druck ansteigt. Die Werte für dTc/dP betragen 28 mK, 11 mK, 22 mK und 25 mK. Sie sind in guter überein-stimmung mit früheren Messungen an zweien dieser Systeme. Für Methanol + n-Heptan stimmt der Wert für dT/dP offensichtlich nicht mit Werten, die mit Hilfe von Daten für die spezifische Wärme und die thermische Ausdehnung vorhergesagt wurden, überein.


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Separated Local Field (SLF) spectroscopy is a powerful tool for the determination of structure and dynamics of oriented systems such as membrane proteins oriented in lipid bilayers and liquid crystals. Of many SLF techniques available, Polarization Inversion Spin Exchange at Magic Angle (PISEMA) has found wide application due to its many favorable characteristics. However the pulse sequence suffers from its sensitivity to proton resonance frequency offset. Recently we have proposed a new sequence named 2(4)-SEMA (J. Chem. Phys. 132 (2010) 134301) that overcomes this problem of PISEMA. The present work demonstrates the advantage of 2(4)-SEMA as a highly sensitive SLF technique even for very large proton offset. 2(4)-SEMA has been designed for obtaining reliable dipolar couplings by switching the magic-angle spin-lock for protons over four quadrants as against the use of only two quadrants in PISEMA. It is observed that for on-resonance condition, 2(4)-SEMA gives rise to signal intensity comparable to or slightly higher than that from PISEMA. But under off-resonance conditions, intensities from 2(4)-SEMA are several fold higher than those from PISEMA. Comparison with another offset compensated pulse sequence, SAMPI4, also indicates a better intensity profile for 2(4)-SEMA. Experiments carried out on a single crystal of N-15 labeled N-acetyl-DL-valine and simulations have been used to study the relative performance of the pulse sequences considered. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Electrical resistance (R) measurements are reported for ternary mixtures of 3-methylpyridine, water and heavy water as a function of temperature (T) and heavy water content in total water. These mixtures exhibit a limited two-phase region marked by a loop size (ΔT) that goes to zero as the double critical point (DCP) is approached. The measurements scanned the ΔT range 1.010°C less-than-or-equals, slant ΔT less-than-or-equals, slant 77.5°C. The critical exponent (θ), which signifies the divergence of ∂R/∂T, doubles within our experimental uncertainties as the DCP is reached very closely.


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The importance and usefulness of local doublet parameters in understanding sequence dependent effects has been described for A- and B-DNA oligonucleotide crystal structures. Each of the two sets of local parameters described by us in the NUPARM algorithm, namely the local doublet parameters, calculated with reference to the mean z-axis, and the local helical parameters, calculated with reference to the local helix axis, is sufficient to describe the oligonucleotide structures, with the local helical parameters giving a slightly magnified picture of the variations in the structures. The values of local doublet parameters calculated by NUPARM algorithm are similar to those calculated by NEWHELIX90 program, only if the oligonucleotide fragment is not too distorted. The mean values obtained using all the available data for B-DNA crystals are not significantly different from those obtained when a limited data set is used, consisting only of structures with a data resolution of better than 2.4 A and without any bound drug molecule. Thus the variation observed in the oligonucleotide crystals appears to be independent of the quality of their crystallinity. No strong correlation is seen between any pair of local doublet parameters but the local helical parameters are interrelated by geometric relationships. An interesting feature that emerges from this analysis is that the local rise along the z-axis is highly correlated with the difference in the buckle values of the two basepairs in the doublet, as suggested earlier for the dodecamer structures (Bansal and Bhattacharyya, in Structure & Methods: DNA & RNA, Vol. 3 (Eds., R.H. Sarma and M.H. Sarma), pp. 139-153 (1990)). In fact the local rise values become almost constant for both A- and B-forms, if a correction is applied for the buckling of the basepairs. In B-DNA the AA, AT, TA and GA basepair sequences generally have a smaller local rise (3.25 A) compared to the other sequences (3.4 A) and this seems to be an intrinsic feature of basepair stacking interaction and not related to any other local doublet parameter. The roll angles in B-DNA oligonucleotides have small values (less than +/- 8 degrees), while mean local twist varies from 24 degrees to 45 degrees. The CA/TG doublet sequences show two types of preferred geometries, one with positive roll, small positive slide and reduced twist and another with negative roll, large positive slide and increased twist.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)


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A critical test has been presented to establish the nature of the kinetic pathways for the decomposition of Fe-12 at.% Si alloy below the metastable tricritical point. The results, based on the measurements of saturation magnetization, establish that a congruent ordering from B2 --> D0(3) precedes the development of a B2 + D0(3) two-phase field, consistent with the predictions in 1976 of Allen and Cahn.


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Soil properties and their behavior, apart from stress history, are influenced markedly by physicochemical characteristics of the constituent clay and nonclay minerals and their relative proportions. Atterberg limits and Skempton’s colloidal activity, which are simple quantitative parameters, reflect the composite effects of the soil constituents and their interactions with pore fluid. Micromechanistic interpretations of these parameters have been provided in this paper. It has been shown that, in general, the liquid limit of fine-grained soils reflects the physicochemical potential and that each of the factors of Skempton’s colloidal activity are interdependent. It has been illustrated that property correlations with colloidal activity, as well as with Atterberg limits, result in involved interrelationships due to the interdependence of the parameters.


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Soil properties and their behavior, apart from stress history, are influence markedly by physicochemical characteristics of the constituent clay and nonclay minerals and their relative proportions. Atterberg limits and Skempton's colloidal activity, which are simple quantitative parameters, reflect the composite effects of the soil constituents and their interactions with pore fluid. Micromechanistic interpretations of these parameters have been provided in this paper. It has been shown that, in general, the liquid limit of fine-grained soils reflects the physicochemical potential and that each of the factors of Skempton's colloidal activity are interdependent. It has been illustrated that property correlations with colloidal activity, as well as with Atterberg limits, result in involved interrelationships due to the interdependence of the parameters.


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The inefficient use of energy in a large number of industries is slowly developing into a major energy crisis in the already power-starved Karnataka State, India. This study attempts to bring out the present inefficient pattern of energy use in an electro-metallurgical industry. It also brings out the considerable scope for energy conservation, especially by increasing the efficiency of the end-use devices used. This concept, when extended to other industries, wherein increasing efficiency of the end-use devices would provide the desired end results with small energy input. This, in turn, would result in a slower rate of energy growth as well as saving in energy use.


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Recent experimental studies have shown that the Rec-A mediated homologous recombination reaction involves a triple helical intermediate, in which the third strand base forms hydrogen bonds with both the bases in the major groove of the Watson-Crick duplex. Such 'mixed' hydrogen bonds allow formation of sequence independent triplexes. DNA triple helices involving 'mixed' hydrogen bonds have been studied, using model building, molecular mechanics (MM) and molecular dynamics (MD). Models were built for a tripler comprising all four possible triplets viz., G.C*C, C.G*G, A.T*T and T.A*A. To check the stability of all the 'mixed' hydrogen bonds in such triplexes and the conformational preferences of such tripler structures, MD studies were carried out starting from two structures with 30 degrees and 36 degrees twist between the basepairs. It was observed that though the two triplexes converged towards a similar structure, the various hydrogen bonds between the WC duplex and the third strand showed differential stabilities. An MD simulation with restrained hydrogen bonds showed that the resulting structure was stable and remained close to the starting structure. These studies help us in defining stable hydrogen bond geometries involving the third strand and the WC duplex. It was observed that in the C.G*G triplets the N7 atom of the second strand is always involved in hydrogen bonding. In the G.C*C triplets, either N3 or O2 in the third strand cytosine can interchangeably act as a hydrogen bond acceptor.