136 resultados para Computational Biology


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Rich data bearing on the structural and evolutionary principles of protein protein interactions are paving the way to a better understanding of the regulation of function in the cell. This is particularly the case when these interactions are considered in the framework of key pathways. Knowledge of the interactions may provide insights into the mechanisms of crucial `driver' mutations in oncogenesis. They also provide the foundation toward the design of protein protein interfaces and inhibitors that can abrogate their formation or enhance them. The main features to learn from known 3-D structures of protein protein complexes and the extensive literature which analyzes them computationally and experimentally include the interaction details which permit undertaking structure-based drug discovery, the evolution of complexes and their interactions, the consequences of alterations such as post-translational modifications, ligand binding, disease causing mutations, host pathogen interactions, oligomerization, aggregation and the roles of disorder, dynamics, allostery and more to the protein and the cell. This review highlights some of the recent advances in these areas, including design, inhibition and prediction of protein protein complexes. The field is broad, and much work has been carried out in these areas, making it challenging to cover it in its entirety. Much of this is due to the fast increase in the number of molecules whose structures have been determined experimentally and the vast increase in computational power. Here we provide a concise overview. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In cells, N-10-formyltetrahydrofolate (N-10-fTHF) is required for formylation of eubacterial/organellar initiator tRNA and purine nucleotide biosynthesis. Biosynthesis of N-10-fTHF is catalyzed by 5,10-methylene-tetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase/cyclohydrolase (FolD) and/or 10-formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase (Fhs). All eubacteria possess FolD, but some possess both FolD and Fhs. However, the reasons for possessing Fhs in addition to FolD have remained unclear. We used Escherichia coli, which naturally lacks fhs, as our model. We show that in E. coli, the essential function of folD could be replaced by Clostridium perfringens fhs when it was provided on a medium-copy-number plasmid or integrated as a single-copy gene in the chromosome. The fhs-supported folD deletion (Delta folD) strains grow well in a complex medium. However, these strains require purines and glycine as supplements for growth in M9 minimal medium. The in vivo levels of N-10-fTHF in the Delta folD strain (supported by plasmid-borne fhs) were limiting despite the high capacity of the available Fhs to synthesize N-10-fTHF in vitro. Auxotrophy for purines could be alleviated by supplementing formate to the medium, and that for glycine was alleviated by engineering THF import into the cells. The Delta folD strain (harboring fhs on the chromosome) showed a high NADP(+)-to-NADPH ratio and hypersensitivity to trimethoprim. The presence of fhs in E. coli was disadvantageous for its aerobic growth. However, under hypoxia, E. coli strains harboring fhs outcompeted those lacking it. The computational analysis revealed a predominant natural occurrence of fhs in anaerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria.


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It is well established that Re and Ru additions to Ni-base superalloys result in improved creep performance and phase stability. However, the role of Re and Ru and their synergetic effects are not well understood, and the first step in understanding these effects is to design alloys with controlled microstructural parameters. A computational approach was undertaken in the present work for designing model alloys with varying levels of Re and Ru. Thermodynamic and first principles calculations were employed complimentarily to design a set of alloys with varying Re and Ru levels, but which were constrained by constant microstructural parameters, i.e., phase fractions and lattice misfit across the alloys. Three ternary/quaternary alloys of type Ni-Al-xRe-yRu were thus designed. These compositions were subsequently cast, homogenized and aged. Experimental results suggest that while the measured volume fraction matches the predicted value in the Ru containing alloy, volume fraction is significantly higher than the designed value in the Re containing alloys. This is possibly due to errors in the thermodynamic database used to predict phase fraction and composition. These errors are also reflected in the mismatch between predicted and measured values of misfit.


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Translation initiation in Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) is mediated by Internal Ribosome Entry Site (IRES), which is independent of cap-structure and uses a limited number of canonical initiation factors. During translation initiation IRES-40S complex formation depends on high affinity interaction of IRES with ribosomal proteins. Earlier, it has been shown that ribosomal protein S5 (RPS5) interacts with HCV IRES. Here, we have extensively characterized the HCV IRES-RPS5 interaction and demonstrated its role in IRES function. Computational modelling and RNA-protein interaction studies demonstrated that the beta hairpin structure within RPS5 is critically required for the binding with domains II and IV. Mutations disrupting IRES-RPS5 interaction drastically reduced the 80S complex formation and the corresponding IRES activity. Computational analysis and UV cross-linking experiments using various IRES-mutants revealed interplay between domains II and IV mediated by RPS5. In addition, present study demonstrated that RPS5 interaction is unique to HCV IRES and is not involved in 40S-3 ` UTR interaction. Further, partial silencing of RPS5 resulted in preferential inhibition of HCV RNA translation. However, global translation was marginally affected by partial silencing of RPS5. Taken together, results provide novel molecular insights into IRES-RPS5 interaction and unravel its functional significance in mediating internal initiation of translation.


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Local heterogeneity is ubiquitous in natural aqueous systems. It can be caused locally by external biomolecular subsystems like proteins, DNA, micelles and reverse micelles, nanoscopic materials etc., but can also be intrinsic to the thermodynamic nature of the aqueous solution itself (like binary mixtures or at the gas-liquid interface). The altered dynamics of water in the presence of such diverse surfaces has attracted considerable attention in recent years. As these interfaces are quite narrow, only a few molecular layers thick, they are hard to study by conventional methods. The recent development of two dimensional infra-red (2D-IR) spectroscopy allows us to estimate length and time scales of such dynamics fairly accurately. In this work, we present a series of interesting studies employing two dimensional infra-red spectroscopy (2D-IR) to investigate (i) the heterogeneous dynamics of water inside reverse micelles of varying sizes, (ii) supercritical water near the Widom line that is known to exhibit pronounced density fluctuations and also study (iii) the collective and local polarization fluctuation of water molecules in the presence of several different proteins. The spatio-temporal correlation of confined water molecules inside reverse micelles of varying sizes is well captured through the spectral diffusion of corresponding 2D-IR spectra. In the case of supercritical water also, we observe a strong signature of dynamic heterogeneity from the elongated nature of the 2D-IR spectra. In this case the relaxation is ultrafast. We find remarkable agreement between the different tools employed to study the relaxation of density heterogeneity. For aqueous protein solutions, we find that the calculated dielectric constant of the respective systems unanimously shows a noticeable increment compared to that of neat water. However, the `effective' dielectric constant for successive layers shows significant variation, with the layer adjacent to the protein having a much lower value. Relaxation is also slowest at the surface. We find that the dielectric constant achieves the bulk value at distances more than 3 nm from the surface of the protein.


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The Variational Asymptotic Method (VAM) is used for modeling a coupled non-linear electromechanical problem finding applications in aircrafts and Micro Aerial Vehicle (MAV) development. VAM coupled with geometrically exact kinematics forms a powerful tool for analyzing a complex nonlinear phenomena as shown previously by many in the literature 3 - 7] for various challenging problems like modeling of an initially twisted helicopter rotor blades, matrix crack propagation in a composite, modeling of hyper elastic plates and various multi-physics problems. The problem consists of design and analysis of a piezocomposite laminate applied with electrical voltage(s) which can induce direct and planar distributed shear stresses and strains in the structure. The deformations are large and conventional beam theories are inappropriate for the analysis. The behavior of an elastic body is completely understood by its energy. This energy must be integrated over the cross-sectional area to obtain the 1-D behavior as is typical in a beam analysis. VAM can be used efficiently to approximate 3-D strain energy as closely as possible. To perform this simplification, VAM makes use of thickness to width, width to length, width multiplied by initial twist and strain as small parameters embedded in the problem definition and provides a way to approach the exact solution asymptotically. In this work, above mentioned electromechanical problem is modeled using VAM which breaks down the 3-D elasticity problem into two parts, namely a 2-D non-linear cross-sectional analysis and a 1-D non-linear analysis, along the reference curve. The recovery relations obtained as a by-product in the cross-sectional analysis earlier are used to obtain 3-D stresses, displacements and velocity contours. The piezo-composite laminate which is chosen for an initial phase of computational modeling is made up of commercially available Macro Fiber Composites (MFCs) stacked together in an arbitrary lay-up and applied with electrical voltages for actuation. The expressions of sectional forces and moments as obtained from cross-sectional analysis in closed-form show the electro-mechanical coupling and relative contribution of electric field in individual layers of the piezo-composite laminate. The spatial and temporal constitutive law as obtained from the cross-sectional analysis are substituted into 1-D fully intrinsic, geometrically exact equilibrium equations of motion and 1-D intrinsic kinematical equations to solve for all 1-D generalized variables as function of time and an along the reference curve co-ordinate, x(1).


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This paper lists some references that could in some way be relevant in the context of the real-time computational simulation of biological organs, the research area being defined in a very broad sense. This paper contains 198 references.


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The problem of determination of system reliability of randomly vibrating structures arises in many application areas of engineering. We discuss in this paper approaches based on Monte Carlo simulations and laboratory testing to tackle problems of time variant system reliability estimation. The strategy we adopt is based on the application of Girsanov's transformation to the governing stochastic differential equations which enables estimation of probability of failure with significantly reduced number of samples than what is needed in a direct simulation study. Notably, we show that the ideas from Girsanov's transformation based Monte Carlo simulations can be extended to conduct laboratory testing to assess system reliability of engineering structures with reduced number of samples and hence with reduced testing times. Illustrative examples include computational studies on a 10 degree of freedom nonlinear system model and laboratory/computational investigations on road load response of an automotive system tested on a four post Lest rig. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Illumination plays an important role in optical microscopy. Kohler illumination, introduced more than a century ago, has been the backbone of optical microscopes. The last few decades have seen the evolution of new illumination techniques meant to improve certain imaging capabilities of the microscope. Most of them are, however, not amenable for wide-field observation and hence have restricted use in microscopy applications such as cell biology and microscale profile measurements. The method of structured illumination microscopy has been developed as a wide-field technique for achieving higher performance. Additionally, it is also compatible with existing microscopes. This method consists of modifying the illumination by superposing a well-defined pattern on either the sample itself or its image. Computational techniques are applied on the resultant images to remove the effect of the structure and to obtain the desired performance enhancement. This method has evolved over the last two decades and has emerged as a key illumination technique for optical sectioning, super-resolution imaging, surface profiling, and quantitative phase imaging of microscale objects in cell biology and engineering. In this review, we describe various structured illumination methods in optical microscopy and explain the principles and technologies involved therein. (C) 2015 Optical Society of America


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A model of reactive hot pressing of zirconium carbide (ZrCx, 0.5 < x < 1) has been constructed that incorporates four processes that occur in parallel: creep of zirconium (Zr), reaction of Zr and carbon (C), increase in volume fraction of hard phase with progressive reaction that reduces the creep of Zr and, finally, de-densification associated with volume reduction during reaction. The reasonable agreement of the model with experimental results verifies that plastic deformation of Zr is the main factor that is responsible for the low-temperature reactive densification of ZrC and that ZrC may be treated as a rigid inclusion that contributes little to densification. It predicts that densification is impaired by increasing carbon stoichiometry due to the increasing amount of starting hard phase and the greater contraction upon reaction. Additionally, the model predicts that mixtures of Zr and ZrC should show equal or better densification than Zr and C mixtures.


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Background: In the post-genomic era where sequences are being determined at a rapid rate, we are highly reliant on computational methods for their tentative biochemical characterization. The Pfam database currently contains 3,786 families corresponding to ``Domains of Unknown Function'' (DUF) or ``Uncharacterized Protein Family'' (UPF), of which 3,087 families have no reported three-dimensional structure, constituting almost one-fourth of the known protein families in search for both structure and function. Results: We applied a `computational structural genomics' approach using five state-of-the-art remote similarity detection methods to detect the relationship between uncharacterized DUFs and domain families of known structures. The association with a structural domain family could serve as a start point in elucidating the function of a DUF. Amongst these five methods, searches in SCOP-NrichD database have been applied for the first time. Predictions were classified into high, medium and low-confidence based on the consensus of results from various approaches and also annotated with enzyme and Gene ontology terms. 614 uncharacterized DUFs could be associated with a known structural domain, of which high confidence predictions, involving at least four methods, were made for 54 families. These structure-function relationships for the 614 DUF families can be accessed on-line at http://proline.biochem.iisc.ernet.in/RHD_DUFS/. For potential enzymes in this set, we assessed their compatibility with the associated fold and performed detailed structural and functional annotation by examining alignments and extent of conservation of functional residues. Detailed discussion is provided for interesting assignments for DUF3050, DUF1636, DUF1572, DUF2092 and DUF659. Conclusions: This study provides insights into the structure and potential function for nearly 20 % of the DUFs. Use of different computational approaches enables us to reliably recognize distant relationships, especially when they converge to a common assignment because the methods are often complementary. We observe that while pointers to the structural domain can offer the right clues to the function of a protein, recognition of its precise functional role is still `non-trivial' with many DUF domains conserving only some of the critical residues. It is not clear whether these are functional vestiges or instances involving alternate substrates and interacting partners. Reviewers: This article was reviewed by Drs Eugene Koonin, Frank Eisenhaber and Srikrishna Subramanian.


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Background: Computational protein design is a rapidly maturing field within structural biology, with the goal of designing proteins with custom structures and functions. Such proteins could find widespread medical and industrial applications. Here, we have adapted algorithms from the Rosetta software suite to design much larger proteins, based on ideal geometric and topological criteria. Furthermore, we have developed techniques to incorporate symmetry into designed structures. For our first design attempt, we targeted the (alpha/beta)(8) TIM barrel scaffold. We gained novel insights into TIM barrel folding mechanisms from studying natural TIM barrel structures, and from analyzing previous TIM barrel design attempts. Methods: Computational protein design and analysis was performed using the Rosetta software suite and custom scripts. Genes encoding all designed proteins were synthesized and cloned on the pET20-b vector. Standard circular dichroism and gel chromatographic experiments were performed to determine protein biophysical characteristics. 1D NMR and 2D HSQC experiments were performed to determine protein structural characteristics. Results: Extensive protein design simulations coupled with ab initio modeling yielded several all-atom models of ideal, 4-fold symmetric TIM barrels. Four such models were experimentally characterized. The best designed structure (Symmetrin-1) contained a polar, histidine-rich pore, forming an extensive hydrogen bonding network. Symmetrin-1 was easily expressed and readily soluble. It showed circular dichroism spectra characteristic of well-folded alpha/beta proteins. Temperature melting experiments revealed cooperative and reversible unfolding, with a T-m of 44 degrees C and a Gibbs free energy of unfolding (Delta G degrees) of 8.0 kJ/mol. Urea denaturing experiments confirmed these observations, revealing a C-m of 1.6 M and a Delta G degrees of 8.3 kJ/mol. Symmetrin-1 adopted a monomeric conformation, with an apparent molecular weight of 32.12 kDa, and displayed well resolved 1D-NMR spectra. However, the HSQC spectrum revealed somewhat molten characteristics. Conclusions: Despite the detection of molten characteristics, the creation of a soluble, cooperatively folding protein represents an advancement over previous attempts at TIM barrel design. Strategies to further improve Symmetrin-1 are elaborated. Our techniques may be used to create other large, internally symmetric proteins.


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We have developed an integrated database for Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv (Mtb) that collates information on protein sequences, domain assignments, functional annotation and 3D structural information along with protein-protein and protein-small molecule interactions. SInCRe (Structural Interactome Computational Resource) is developed out of CamBan (Cambridge and Bangalore) collaboration. The motivation for development of this database is to provide an integrated platform to allow easily access and interpretation of data and results obtained by all the groups in CamBan in the field of Mtb informatics. In-house algorithms and databases developed independently by various academic groups in CamBan are used to generate Mtb-specific datasets and are integrated in this database to provide a structural dimension to studies on tuberculosis. The SInCRe database readily provides information on identification of functional domains, genome-scale modelling of structures of Mtb proteins and characterization of the small-molecule binding sites within Mtb. The resource also provides structure-based function annotation, information on small-molecule binders including FDA (Food and Drug Administration)-approved drugs, protein-protein interactions (PPIs) and natural compounds that bind to pathogen proteins potentially and result in weakening or elimination of host-pathogen protein-protein interactions. Together they provide prerequisites for identification of off-target binding.


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Premature ventricular complexes (PVCs), which are abnormal impulse propagations in cardiac tissue, can develop because of various reasons including early afterdepolarizations (EADs). We show how a cluster of EAD-generating cells (EAD clump) can lead to PVCs in a model of cardiac tissue, and also investigate the factors that assist such clumps in triggering PVCs. In particular, we study, through computer simulations, the effects of the following factors on the PVC-triggering ability of an EAD clump: (1) the repolarization reserve (RR) of the EAD cells; (2) the size of the EAD clump; (3) the coupling strength between the EAD cells in the clump; and (4) the presence of fibroblasts in the EAD clump. We find that, although a low value of RR is necessary to generate EADs and hence PVCs, a very low value of RR leads to low-amplitude EAD oscillations that decay with time and do not lead to PVCs. We demonstrate that a certain threshold size of the EAD clump, or a reduction in the coupling strength between the EAD cells, in the clump, is required to trigger PVCs. We illustrate how randomly distributed inexcitable obstacles, which we use to model collagen deposits, affect PVC-triggering by an EAD clump. We show that the gap-junctional coupling of fibroblasts with myocytes can either assist or impede the PVC-triggering ability of an EAD clump, depending on the resting membrane potential of the fibroblasts and the coupling strength between the myocyte and fibroblasts. We also find that the triggering of PVCs by an EAD clump depends sensitively on factors like the pacing cycle length and the distribution pattern of the fibroblasts.


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Huntington's disease (HD) is an autosomal dominant disorder of central nervous system caused by expansion of CAG repeats in exon1 of the huntingtin gene (Htt). Among various dysfunctions originated from the mutation in Htt gene, transcriptional deregulation has been considered to be one of the most important abnormalities. Large numbers of investigations identified altered expressions of genes in brains of HD patients and many models of HD. In this study we employed 2D SDS-PAGE/MALDI-MS coupled with 2D-DIGE and real-time PCR experiments of an array of genes focused to HD pathway to determine altered protein and gene expressions in STHdh(Q111)/Hdh(Q111) cells, a cell model of HD and compared with STHdh(Q7)/Hdh(Q7) cells, its wild type counterpart. We annotated 76 proteins from these cells and observed differential expressions of 31 proteins (by 2D-DIGE) involved in processes like unfolded protein binding, negative regulation of neuron apoptosis, response to superoxides etc. Our PCR array experiments identified altered expressions of 47 genes. Altogether significant alteration of 77 genes/proteins could be identified in this HD cell line with potential relevance to HD biology. Biological significance: In this study we intended to find out differential proteomic and genomic profiles in HD condition. We used the STHdh cells, a cellular model for HD and control. These are mouse striatal neuronal cell lines harboring 7 and 111 knock -in CAG repeats in their two alleles. The 111Q containing cell line (STHdh(Q111)/Hdh(Q111)) mimics diseased condition, whereas the 7Q containing ones (STHdh(Q7)/Hdh(Q7)), serves as the proper control cell line. Proteomic experiments were performed earlier to obtain differential expressions of proteins in R6/2 mice models, Hdh(Q) knock -in mice and in plasma and CSF from HD patients. However, no earlier report on proteomic alterations in these two HD cell lines and control was available in literature. It was, therefore, an important objective to find out differential expressions of proteins in these two cell lines. In this study, we annotated 76 proteins from STHdh(Q7)/Hdh(Q7) and STHdh(Q111)/Hdh(Q111) cells using 2D-gel/mass spectrometry. Next, by performing 2D-DIGE, we observed differential expressions of 31 proteins (16 upregulated and 15 downregulated) between these two cell lines. We also performed customized qRT-PCR array focused to HD pathway and found differential expressions of 47 genes (8 gene exptessions increased and 39 genes were decreased significantly). A total of 77 genes/proteins (Htt downregulated in both the studies) were found to be significantly altered from both the experimental paradigms. We validated the differential expressions of Vim, Hypk, Ran, Dstn, Hspa5 and Sod2 either by qRT-PCR or Western blot analysis or both. Out of these 77, similar trends in alteration of 19 out of 31 and 38 out of 47 proteins/genes were reported in earlier studies. Thus our study confirmed earlier observations on differential gene/protein expressions in HD and are really useful. Additionally, we observed differential expression of some novel genes/proteins. One of this was Hypk, a Htt-interacting chaperone protein with the ability to solubilize mHtt aggregated structures in cell lines. We propose that downregulation of Hypk in STHdh-Qm (Q111)/Hdh(Q111) has a causal effect towards HD pathogenesis. Thus the novel findings from our study need further research and might be helpful to understand the molecular mechanism behind HD pathogenesis. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.