205 resultados para Closed Source


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The Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) precipitation recharges ground water aquifers in a large portion of the Indian subcontinent. Monsoonal precipitation over the Indian region brings moisture from the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal (BoB). A large difference in the salinity of these two reservoirs, owing to the large amount of freshwater discharge from the continental rivers in the case of the BoB and dominating evaporation processes over the Arabian Sea region, allows us to distinguish the isotopic signatures in water originating in these two water bodies. Most bottled water manufacturers exploit the natural resources of groundwater, replenished by the monsoonal precipitation, for bottling purposes. The work presented here relates the isotopic ratios of bottled water to latitude, moisture source and seasonality in precipitation isotope ratios. We investigated the impact of the above factors on the isotopic composition of bottled water. The result shows a strong relationship between isotope ratios in precipitation (obtained from the GNIP data base)/bottled water with latitude. The approach can be used to predict the latitude at which the bottled water was manufactured. The paper provides two alternative approaches to address the site prediction. The limitations of this approach in identifying source locations and the uncertainty in latitude estimations are discussed. Furthermore, the method provided here can also be used as an important forensic tool for exploring the source location of bottled water from other regions. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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On lowering the oxygen potential, the tetragonal phase of YBa2Cu3O7−δ was found to decompose into a mixture of Y2BaCuO5, BaCuO2 and BaCu2O2 in the temperature range 773–1173 K. The 123 compound was contained in a closed crucible of yttria-stabilized zirconia in the temperature range 773–1073 K. Oxygen was removed in small increments by coulometric titration through the solid electrolyte crucible at constant temperature. The oxygen potential was calculated from the open circuit e.m.f. of the solid state cell after successive titrations. Pure oxygen at a pressure of 1.01 × 105 Pa was used as the reference electrode. The decomposition of the 123 compound manifested as a plateau in oxygen potential. The decomposition products were identified by X-ray diffraction. At temperatures above 1073 K there was some evidence of reaction between the 123 compound, solid electrolyte crucible and platinum. For measurements above 1073 K, the 123 compound was contained in a magnesia crucible placed in a closed outer silica tube. The oxygen potential in the gas phase above the 123 compound was controlled and measured by a solid state cell based on yttria-stabilized zirconia which served both as a pump and sensor. The lower oxygen potential limit for the stability of the 123 compound is given by View the MathML source The oxygen non-stoichiometric parameter δ for the 123 compound has a value of 0.98 (View the MathML source) at dissociation.


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The standard Gibbs energy of formation of ReO2 in the temperature range from 900 to 1200 K has been determined with high precision using a novel apparatus incorporating a buffer electrode between reference and working electrodes. The role of the buffer electrode was to absorb the electrochemical flux of oxygen through the solid electrolyte from the electrode with higher oxygen chemical potential to the electrode with lower oxygen potential. It prevented the polarization of the measuring electrode and ensured accurate data. The Re+ReO2 working electrode was placed in a closed stabilized-zirconia crucible to prevent continuous vaporization of Re2O7 at high temperatures. The standard Gibbs energy of the formation of ReO2 can be represented by the equation View the MathML source Accurate values of low and high temperature heat capacity of ReO2 are available in the literature. The thermal data are coupled with the standard Gibbs energy of formation, obtained in this study, to evaluate the standard enthalpy of formation of ReO2 at 298.15 K by the ‘third law’ method. The value of standard enthalpy of formation at 298.15 K is: View the MathML source(ReO2)/kJ mol−1=−445.1 (±0.2). The uncertainty estimate includes both random (2σ) and systematic errors.


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This letter proposes the combination of a passive muffler and an active noise control system for the control of very high‐level noise in ducts used with large industrial fans and similar equipment. The analysis of such a hybrid system is presented making use of electroacoustic analogies and the transfer matrix method. It turns out that a passive muffler upstream of the input microphone can indeed lower the acoustic pressure and, hence, the power requirement of the auxiliary source. The parameter that needs to be optimized (or maximized) for this purpose is a certain velocity ratio that can readily be evaluated in a closed form, making it more or less straightforward to synthesize the configuration of an effective passive muffler to go with the active noise control system.


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In arriving at the ideal filter transfer function for an active noise control system in a duct, the effect of the auxiliary sources (generally loudspeakers) on the waves generated by the primary source has invariably been neglected in the existing literature, implying a rigid wall or infinite impedance. The present paper presents a fairly general analysis of a linear one-dimensional noise control system by means of block diagrams and transfer functions. It takes into account the passive as well as active role of a terminal primary source, wall-mounted auxiliary source, open duct radiation impedance, and the effects of mean flow and damping. It is proved that the pressure generated by a source against a load impedance can be looked upon as a sum of two pressure waves, one generated by the source against an anechoic termination and the other by reflecting the rearward wave (incident on the source) off the passive source impedance. Application of this concept is illustrated for both the types of sources. A concise closed-form expression for the ideal filter transfer function is thus derived and discussed. Finally, the dynamics of an adaptive noise control system is discussed briefly, relating its standing-wave variables and transfer functions with those of the progressive-wave model presented here.


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The contemporary methods for source characterization rely mainly on experiments. These methods produce inaccurate results in the low‐frequency band, where the characteristics are all the more important. Moreover, the experimental methods cannot be used at the design stage. Hence, a numerical technique to obtain the source characteristics is desirable. In this paper, the pressure‐time history and the mass‐flux‐time history obtained by means of the time‐domain analysis have been used, along with the two‐load method to compute the source characteristics. Two new computational methods for obtaining the source characteristics have been described. These are much simpler, and computationally more economical than the complete time‐domain simulation, which makes use of the method of characteristics.


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The instants at which significant excitation of vocal tract take place during voicing are referred to as epochs. Epochs and strengths of excitation pulses at epochs are useful in characterizing voice source. Epoch filtering technique proposed by the authors determine epochs from speech waveform. In this paper we propose zero-phase inverse filtering to obtain strengths of excitation pulses at epochs. Zero-phase inverse filter compensates the gross spectral envelope of short-time spectrum of speech without affecting phase characteristics. Linear prediction analysis is used to realize the zero-phase inverse filter. Source characteristics that can be derived from speech using this technique are illustrated with examples.


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The concept of interference alignment when extended to three-source three-destination instantaneous multiple unicast network for the case where, each source-destination pair has a min-cut of 1 and zero-interference conditions are not satisfied, is known to achieve a rate of half for every source-destination pair under certain conditions [6]. This was called network alignment. We generalize this concept of network alignment to three-source three-destination multiple unicast (3S-3D-MU) networks with delays, without making use of memory at the intermediate nodes (i.e., nodes other than the sources and destinations) and using time varying Local Encoding Kernels (LEKs). This achieves half the rate corresponding to the individual source-destination min-cut for some classes of 3S-3D-MU network with delays which do not satisfy the zero-interference conditions.


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Near-infrared diffuse optical tomography (DOT) technique has the capability of providing good quantitative reconstruction of tissue absorption and scattering properties with additional inputs such as input and output modulation depths and correction for the photon leakage. We have calculated the two-dimensional (2D) input modulation depth from three-dimensional (3D) diffusion to model the 2D diffusion of photons. The photon leakage when light traverses from phantom to the fiber tip is estimated using a solid angle model. The experiments are carried for single (5 and 6 mm) as well as multiple inhomogeneities (6 and 8 mm) with higher absorption coefficient in a homogeneous phantom. Diffusion equation for photon transport is solved using finite element method and Jacobian is modeled for reconstructing the optical parameters. We study the development and performance of DOT system using modulated single light source and multiple detectors. The dual source methods are reported to have better reconstruction capabilities to resolve and localize single as well as multiple inhomogeneities because of its superior noise rejection capability. However, an experimental setup with dual sources is much more difficult to implement because of adjustment of two out of phase identical light probes symmetrically on either side of the detector during scanning time. Our work shows that with a relatively simpler system with a single source, the results are better in terms of resolution and localization. The experiments are carried out with 5 and 6 mm inhomogeneities separately and 6 and 8 mm inhomogeneities both together with absorption coefficient almost three times as that of the background. The results show that our experimental single source system with additional inputs such as 2D input/output modulation depth and air fiber interface correction is capable of detecting 5 and 6 mm inhomogeneities separately and can identify the size difference of multiple inhomogeneities such as 6 and 8 mm. The localization error is zero. The recovered absorption coefficient is 93% of inhomogeneity that we have embedded in experimental phantom.


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Nonlinear absorption and refraction characteristics of cesium lithium borate (CsLiB6O10) crystal have been studied using Z-scan technique. Ti:sapphire laser with 110 fs pulse width operating at 800 nm wavelength and pulse repetition rate of 1 kHz is used as the source of photons. Intensity of the laser pulse is varied from 0.541 to 1.283 T W/cm2 to estimate the intensity dependence of multiphoton absorption coefficients. Using the theory of multiphoton absorption proposed by Sutherland [ Handbook of Nonlinear Optics, in 2nd ed., edited by D. G. McLean and S. Kirkpatrick, Dekker, New York (2003) ], found that open aperture Z-scan data fit well for the five-photon absorption (5PA) process. 5PA coefficients are obtained by fitting the expressions into the open aperture experimental data for various peak intensities (I00). The nonlinear refractive index n2 estimated from closed aperture Z-scan experiment is 1.075×10−4 cm2/T W at an input peak intensity of 0.723 T W/cm2. The above experiment when repeated with a 532 nm, 6 ns pulsed laser led to an irreversible damage of the sample resulting in an asymmetric open aperture Z-scan profile. This indicates that it is not possible to observe multiphoton absorption in this regime of pulse width using 532 nm laser.


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In this paper, we have studied the effect of gate-drain/source overlap (LOV) on the drain channel noise and induced gate current noise (SIg) in 90 nm N-channel metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors using process and device simulations. As the change in overlap affects the gate tunneling leakage current, its effect on shot noise component of SIg has been taken into consideration. It has been shown that “control over LOV” allows us to get better noise performance from the device, i.e., it allows us to reduce noise figure, for a given leakage current constraint. LOV in the range of 0–10 nm is recommended for the 90 nm gate length transistors, in order to get the best performance in radio frequency applications.


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The performance characteristics of a junction field-effect transistor (j.f.e.t.) are evaluated considering the presence of the gap between the gate electrode and the source and drain terminals. It is concluded that the effect of the gap is to demand a higher drain voltage to maintain the same drain current. So long as the device is operated at the same drain current, the presence of the gap does not change the performance of the device as an amplifier. The nature of the performance of the device as a variable resistor is not affected by the gap if it is less than or equal to the physical height of the channel. For gap lengths larger than the channel height, the effect of the gap is to add a series resistance in the drain.


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In a cooperative relay-assisted communication system that uses rateless codes, packets get transmitted from a source to a destination at a rate that depends on instantaneous channel states of the wireless links between nodes. When multiple relays are present, the relay with the highest channel gain to the source is the first to successfully decode a packet from the source and forward it to the destination. Thus, the unique properties of rateless codes ensure that both rate adaptation and relay selection occur without the transmitting source or relays acquiring instantaneous channel knowledge. In this paper, we show that in such cooperative systems, buffering packets at relays significantly increases throughput. We develop a novel analysis of these systems that combines the communication-theoretic aspects of cooperation over fading channels with the queuing-theoretic aspects associated with buffering. Closed-form expressions are derived for the throughput and end-to-end delay for the general case in which the channels between various nodes are not statistically identical. Corresponding results are also derived for benchmark systems that either do not exploit spatial diversity or do not buffer packets. Altogether, our results show that buffering - a capability that will be commonly available in practical deployments of relays - amplifies the benefits of cooperation.


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Power semiconductor devices have finite turn on and turn off delays that may not be perfectly matched. In a leg of a voltage source converter, the simultaneous turn on of one device and the turn off of the complementary device will cause a DC bus shoot through, if the turn off delay is larger than the turn on delay time. To avoid this situation it is common practice to blank the two complementary devices in a leg for a small duration of time while switching, which is called dead time. This paper proposes a logic circuit for digital implementation required to control the complementary devices of a leg independently and at the same time preventing cross conduction of devices in a leg, and while providing accurate and stable dead time. This implementation is based on the concept of finite state machines. This circuit can also block improper PWM pulses to semiconductor switches and filters small pulses notches below a threshold time width as the narrow pulses do not provide any significant contribution to average pole voltage, but leads to increased switching loss. This proposed dead time logic has been implemented in a CPLD and is implemented in a protection and delay card for 3- power converters.