199 resultados para Atmosphere.


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A spectrally resolved discrete-ordinates radiative transfer model is used to calculate the change in downwelling surface and top-of-the-atmosphere (TOA) outgoing longwave (3.9-500 mum) radiative fluxes induced by tropospheric aerosols of the type observed over the Indian Ocean during the Indian Ocean Experiment (INDOEX). Both external and internal aerosol mixtures were considered. Throughout the longwave, the aerosol volume extinction depends more strongly on relative humidity than in most of the shortwave (0.28-3.9 mum), implying that particle growth factors and realistic relative humidity profiles must be taken into account when modeling the longwave radiative effects of aerosols. A typical boundary layer aerosol loading, with a 500-nm optical depth of 0.3, will increase the downwelling longwave flux at the surface by 7.7 W m(-2) over the clean air case while decreasing the outgoing longwave radiation by 1.3 W m(-2). A more vertically extended aerosol loading, exhibiting a high opacity plume between 2 and 3 km above the surface and having a typical 500-nm optical depth of 0.7, will increase the downwelling longwave flux at the surface by 11.2 W m(-2) over the clean air case while decreasing the outgoing longwave radiation by 2.7 W m(-2). For a vertically extended aerosol profile, approximately 30% of the TOA radiative forcing comes from sea salt and approximately 60% of the forcing comes from the combination of sea salt and dust. The remaining forcing is from anthropogenic constituents. These results are for the external mixture. For an internal mixture, TOA longwave forcings can be up to a factor of two larger. Therefore, to complete our understanding of this region's longwave aerosol radiative properties, more detailed information is needed about aerosol mixing states. These longwave radiative effects partially offset the large shortwave aerosol radiative forcing and should be included in regional and global climate modeling simulations.


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A mathematical model has been developed for the gas carburising (diffusion) process using finite volume method. The computer simulation has been carried out for an industrial gas carburising process. The model's predictions are in good agreement with industrial experimental data and with data collected from the literature. A study of various mass transfer and diffusion coefficients has been carried out in order to suggest which correlations should be used for the gas carburising process. The model has been interfaced in a Windows environment using a graphical user interface. In this way, the model is extremely user friendly. The sensitivity analysis of various parameters such as initial carbon concentration in the specimen, carbon potential of the atmosphere, temperature of the process, etc. has been carried out using the model.


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The layered chalcogenides, having structures analogous to graphite, are known to be unstable toward bending and show high propensity to form curved structures, thus eliminating dangling bonds at the edges. Since the discovery of fullerene and nanotube structures of WS2 and MoS2 by Tenne et al. [1-3], there have been attempts to prepare and characterize nanotubes of other layered dichalcogenides with structures analogous to MoS2. Nanotubes of MoS2 and WS2 were prepared by Tenne et al. by reducing the corresponding oxides to the suboxides followed by heating in an atmosphere of forming gas (5 % H-2 + 95 % N-2) and H2S at 700-900 degreesC [1-3]. Alternative methods of synthesis of MoS2 and WS2 nanotubes have since been proposed by employing the decomposition of the ammonium thiometallates or the corresponding trisulfide precursors. This alternative procedure was based on the observation that the trisulfide seems to be formed as an intermediate in the synthesis of the MoS2 and WS2 nanotubes [4]. Accordingly, the decomposition of the trisulfides of MoS2 and W in a reducing atmosphere directly yielded nanotubes of the disulfides MoS2 and WS2 [5]. In this article, we describe the synthesis, structure, and characterization of a few novel nanotubes of the disulfides of groups 4 and 5 metals. These include nanotubes of NbS2, TaS2, ZrS2, and HfS2. The study enlarges the scope of the inorganic nanotubes significantly and promises other interesting possibilities, including the synthesis of the diselenide nanotubes of these metals.


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Equilibrium concentrations of various condensed and gaseous phases have been thermodynamically calculated, using the free energy minimization criterion, for the metalorganic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD) of copper films using bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptadionato)copper(II) as the precursor material. From among the many chemical species that may possibly result from the CVD process, only those expected on the basis of mass spectrometric analysis and chemical reasoning to be present at equilibrium, under different CVD conditions, are used in the thermodynamic calculations. The study predicts the deposition of pure, carbon-free copper in the inert atmosphere of argon as well as in the reactive hydrogen atmosphere, over a wide range of substrate temperatures and total reactor pressures. Thin films of copper, grown on SiO2/Si(100) substrates from this metalorganic precursor by low pressure CVD have been characterized by XRD and AES. The experimentally determined composition of CVD-grown copper films is in reasonable agreement with that predicted by thermodynamic analysis.


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Thermodynamic properties of Li3N dissolved in the molten LiCl salt at 900 K were explored using electrochemical methods. It was difficult to determine precisely the decomposition voltage of Li3N dissolved in the molten salt by cyclic voltammetry. The oxidation wave of N3– ion could not be located with high accuracy. However, the lithium activity of the Pb-Li alloy in equilibrium with the molten salt containing dissolved Li3N under nitrogen atmosphere could be measured electrochemically with high accuracy using the Li/Li + reference electrode. Under the conditions used in this study, the potential of the Li-Pb electrode is equal to the decomposition voltage of Li3N. The activity of Li3N in molten LiCl was determined for anionic fractions of N3– ranging from xN3– = 10–4 to 0.028. The nitride ion concentration in the salt was determined by chemical titration. The activity coefficient of the Li3N at high dilution was found to be very low, around 10–4. The activity coefficient increases sharply with composition and has a value of 0.25 at xN3– = 0.028. ©2001 The Electrochemical Society. All rights reserved.


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Encapsulated and hollow closed-cage onion-like structures of WS2 and MoS2 were prepared by laser ablation of the corresponding layered structures in argon atmosphere at four varied temperatures. A detailed study for WS2 indicates that only metal-filled onion-like structures are produced at temperatures Tless-than-or-equals, slant650°C, whereas a mixture of metal-filled and hollow structures are produced at Tgreater-or-equal, slanted850°C. The encapsulated metal is identified to be predominantly the metastable β phase of tungsten. Very short tube-like or elongated polyhedral structures are also obtained at high temperatures.


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Several variants of hydrated sodium cadmium bisulfate, Na(2)Cd(2)(SO(4))(3) center dot 3H(2)O, Na(2)Cd(SO(4))(2) center dot 2H(2)O, and Na(2)Cd(SO(4))(2) center dot 4H(2)O have been synthesized, and their thermal properties followed by phase transitions have been invesigated. The formation of these phases depends on the stochiometry and the time taken for crystallization from water. Na(2)Cd(2)(SO(4))(3)center dot 3H(2)O, which crystallizes in the trigonal system, space group P3c, is grown from the aqueous solution in about four weeks. The krohnkite type mineral Na(2)Cd(SO(4))(2) center dot 2H(2)O and the mineral astrakhanite, also known as blodite, Na(2)Cd (SO(4))(2)center dot 4H(2)O, crystallize concomittantly in about 24 weeks. Both these minerals belong to the monoclinic system(space group P2(1)/c). Na(2)Cd(2)(SO(4))(3)center dot 3H(2)O loses water completely when heated to 250 degrees C and transforms to a dehydrated phase (cubic system, space group I (4) over bar 3d) whose structure has been established using ab initio powder diffration techniques. Na(2)Cd(SO(4))(2)center dot 2H(2)O transforms to alpha-Na(2)Cd(SO(4))(2) (space group C2/c) on heating to 150 degrees C which is a known high ionic conductor and remains intact over prolonged periods of exposure to moisture (over six months). However, when alpha-Na(2)Cd(SO(4))(2) is heated to 570 degrees C followed by sudden quenching in liquid nitrogen beta-Na(2)Cd(SO(4))(2) (P2(1)/c) is formed. beta-Na(2)Cd(SO(4))(2) takes up water from the atmosphere and gets converted completely to the krohnkite type mineral in about four weeks. Further, beta-Na(2)Cd(SO(4))(2) has a conductivity behavior comparable to the a-form up to 280 degrees C, the temperature required for the transformation of the beta- to alpha-form. These experiments demonstrate the possibility of utilizing the abundantly available mineral sources as precursors to design materials with special properties.


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Novel, volatile, stable, oxo-β-ketoesterate complexes of titanium, whose synthesis requires only an inert atmosphere, as opposed to a glove box, have been developed. Using one of the complexes as the precursor, thin films of TiO2 have been deposited on glass substrates by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) at temperatures ranging from 400°C to 525°C and characterized by scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and atomic force microscopy. All the films grown in this temperature range are very smooth; those grown above 480°C consist of nearly monodisperse, nanocrystals of the anatase phase. Optical studies show the bandgaps in the range 3.4–3.7 eV for films grown at different temperatures. Thin films of anatase TiO2 have also been grown by spin-coating technique using another ketoesterate complex of titanium, demonstrating that the newly developed complexes can be successfully used for thin film growth by various chemical routes.


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Thin films of ferroelectric ABi2Ta2O9 bismuth-layered structure, where A = Ba, Sr and Ca, were prepared by pulsed laser deposition technique on Pt/TiO2/SiO2/Si(100) substrates. The influence of substrate temperature between 500 to 750°C, and oxygen partial pressure 100-300 mTorr, on the structural and electrical properties of the films was investigated. The films deposited above 650°C substrate temperature showed complete Aurivillius layered structure. Films annealed at 750°C for 1h in oxygen atmosphere have exhibited better electrical properties. Atomic force microscopy study of surface topography shows that the films grown at lower temperature has smaller grains and higher surface roughness. This paper discusses the pronounced influence of A-site cation substitution on the structural and ferroelectric properties with the aid of Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and electrical properties. The degradation of ferroelectric properties with Ba and Ca substitution at A-sites is attributed to the higher structural distortion caused by changing tolerance factor. A systematic proportionate variation of coercive field is attributed to electronegativity difference of A-site cations.


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In the present work, the reaction between a molten iron drop and dense alumina was studied using the X-ray sessile-drop method under different oxygen partial pressures in the gas atmosphere. The changes in contact angles between the iron drop and the alumina substrate were followed as functions of temperature and varying partial pressures of oxygen in the temperature range 1823 to 1873 K both in static and dynamic modes. The results of the contact angle measurements with pure iron in contact with dense alumina in extremely well-purified argon as well as under different oxygen partial pressures in the gas atmosphere showed good agreement with earlier measurements reported in the literature. In the dynamic mode, when argon was replaced by a CO-CO2-Ar mixture with a well-defined PO, in the gas, the contact angle showed an initial decrease followed by a period of nearly constant contact angle. At the end of this period, the length of which was a function of the P-O2 imposed, a further steep decrease in the contact angle was noticed. An intermediate layer of FeAl2O4 was detected in the scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis of the reacted substrates. An interesting observation in the present experiments is that the iron drop moved away from the site of the reaction once the product layer covered the interface. The results are analyzed on the basis of the various forces acting on the drop.


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Synthesis of nanoparticles of Ni-Zn ferrite dispersed in aniline formaldehyde copolymer using a room temperature route and the effect of heat treatment on these samples were studied using XRD, FTIR spectroscopy, Fe-57 Mossbauer spectroscopy and TEM microscopy. The results show the formation of nanosized particles of Ni-Zn ferrite in the polymer matrix at room temperature. On pyrolysis, the Ni-Zn ferrite phase persists up to 500 degreesC. However, heating of composites to 700 degreesC results in the partial reduction of the spinet ferrite leading to the formation of Ni-Fe alloy under ambient conditions and complete reduction of the alloy on heating in inert atmosphere. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Coronal holes are the coolest and darkest regions of the upper solar atmosphere, as observed both on the solar disk and above the solar limb. Coronal holes are associated with rapidly expanding open magnetic fields and the acceleration of the high-speed solar wind. During the years of the solar minima, coronal holes are generally confined to the Sun's polar regions, while at solar maxima they can also be found at lower latitudes. Waves, observed via remote sensing and detected in-situ in the wind streams, are most likely responsible for the wind and several theoretical models describe the role of MHD waves in the acceleration of the fast solar wind. This paper reviews the observational evidences of detection of propagating waves in these regions. The characteristics of the waves, like periodicities, amplitude, speed provide input parameters and also act as constraints on theoretical models of coronal heating and solar wind acceleration.


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Spray formation in ambient atmosphere from gas-centered swirl coaxial atomizers is described by carrying out experiments in a spray test facility. The atomizer discharges a circular air jet and an axisymmetric swirling water sheet from its coaxially arranged inner and outer orifices. A high-speed digital imaging system along with a backlight illumination arrangement is employed to record the details of liquid sheet breakup and spray development. Spray regimes exhibiting different sheet breakup mechanisms are identified and their characteristic features presented. The identified spray regimes are wave-assisted sheet breakup, perforated sheet breakup, segmented sheet breakup, and pulsation spray regime. In the regime of wave-assisted sheet breakup, the sheet breakup shows features similar to the breakup of two-dimensional planar air-blasted liquid sheets. At high air-to-liquid momentum ratios, the interaction process between the axisymmetric swirling liquid sheet and the circular air jet develops spray processes which are more specific to the atomizer studied here. The spray exhibits a periodic ejection of liquid masses whose features are dominantly controlled by the central air jet.


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A energy-insensitive explicit guidance design is proposed in this paper by appending newlydeveloped nonlinear model predictive static programming technique with dynamic inversion, which render a closed form solution of the necessary guidance command update. The closed form nature of the proposed optimal guidance scheme suppressed the computational difficulties, and facilitate realtime solution. The guidance law is successfully verified in a solid motor propelled long range flight vehicle, for which developing an effective guidance law is more difficult as compared to a liquid engine propelled vehicle, mainly because of the absence of thrust cutoff facility. The scheme guides the vehicle appropriately so that it completes the mission within a tight error bound assuming that the starting point of the second stage to be a deterministic point beyond the atmosphere. The simulation results demonstrate its ability to intercept the target, even with an uncertainty of greater than 10% in the burnout time


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Bangalore is experiencing unprecedented urbanisation in recent times due to concentrated developmental activities with impetus on IT (Information Technology) and BT (Biotechnology) sectors. The concentrated developmental activities has resulted in the increase in population and consequent pressure on infrastructure, natural resources, ultimately giving rise to a plethora of serious challenges such as urban flooding, climate change, etc. One of the perceived impact at local levels is the increase in sensible heat flux from the land surface to the atmosphere, which is also referred as heat island effect. In this communication, we report the changes in land surface temperature (LST) with respect to land cover changes during 1973 to 2007. A novel technique combining the information from sub-pixel class proportions with information from classified image (using signatures of the respective classes collected from the ground) has been used to achieve more reliable classification. The analysis showed positive correlation with the increase in paved surfaces and LST. 466% increase in paved surfaces (buildings, roads, etc.) has lead to the increase in LST by about 2 ºC during the last 2 decades, confirming urban heat island phenomenon. LSTs’ were relatively lower (~ 4 to 7 ºC) at land uses such as vegetation (parks/forests) and water bodies which act as heat sinks.