146 resultados para Aqueous two-phase polymer systems


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The assignment of tasks to multiple resources becomes an interesting game theoretic problem, when both the task owner and the resources are strategic. In the classical, nonstrategic setting, where the states of the tasks and resources are observable by the controller, this problem is that of finding an optimal policy for a Markov decision process (MDP). When the states are held by strategic agents, the problem of an efficient task allocation extends beyond that of solving an MDP and becomes that of designing a mechanism. Motivated by this fact, we propose a general mechanism which decides on an allocation rule for the tasks and resources and a payment rule to incentivize agents' participation and truthful reports. In contrast to related dynamic strategic control problems studied in recent literature, the problem studied here has interdependent values: the benefit of an allocation to the task owner is not simply a function of the characteristics of the task itself and the allocation, but also of the state of the resources. We introduce a dynamic extension of Mezzetti's two phase mechanism for interdependent valuations. In this changed setting, the proposed dynamic mechanism is efficient, within period ex-post incentive compatible, and within period ex-post individually rational.


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This paper presents the work on detailed characterization of effervescent spray of Jatropha and Pongamia pure plant oils. The spray characteristics of these biofuels are compared with those of diesel. Both macroscopic and microscopic spray characteristics at different injection pressures and gas-to-liquid ratio (GLR) have been studied. The particle/droplet imaging analysis (PDIA) technique along with direct imaging methods are used for the purpose of spray characterization. Due to their higher viscosity, pure plant oils showed poor atomization compared to diesel and a blend of diesel and pure plant oil at a given GLR. Pure plant oil sprays showed a lower spray cone angle when compared to diesel and blends at lower GLRs. However, the difference is not significant at higher GLRs. Droplet size measurements at 100 mm downstream of the exit orifice showed reduction in Sauter mean diameter (SMD) diameter with increase in GLR. A radial variation in the SMD is observed for the blend and pure plant oils. Pure oils showed a larger variation when compared to the blend. Spray unsteadiness has been characterized based on the image-to-image variation in the mean droplet diameter and fluctuations in the spray cone angle. Results showed that pure plant oil sprays are more unsteady at lower GLRs when compared to diesel and blend. A critical GLR is identified at which the spray becomes steady. The three regimes of spray operation, namely ``steady spray,'' ``pulsating spray,'' and ``spray and unbroken liquid jet'' are identified in the injection pressure-GLR parameter space for these pure plant oils. Two-phase flow imaging inside the exit orifice shows that for the pure plant oils, the flow is highly transient at low GLRs and the bubbly, slug, and annular two-phase flow regimes are all observed. However, at higher GLRs where the spray is steady, only the annular flow regime is observed.


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This paper presents comparative evaluation of the distance relay characteristics for UHV and EHV transmission lines. Distance protection relay characteristics for the EHV and UHV systems are developed using Electromagnetic Transients (EMT) program. The variation of ideal trip boundaries for both the systems are presented. Unlike the conventional distance protection relay which uses a lumped parameter model, this paper uses the distributed parameter model. The effect of larger shunt susceptance on the trip boundaries is highlighted. Performance of distance relay with ideal trip boundaries for EHV and UHV lines have been tested for various fault locations and fault resistances. Electromagnetic Transients (EMT) program has been developed considering distributed parameter line model for simulating the test systems. The voltage and current phasors are computed from the signals using an improved full cycle DFT algorithm taking 20 samples per cycle. Two practical transmission systems of Indian power grid, namely 765 kV UHV transmission line and SREB 24-bus 400kV EHV system are used to test the performance of the proposed approach.


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Microstructural evolution was studied in a near-lamellar two phase (alpha(2) + gamma) Ti-47Al-2Cr-2Nb alloy under high temperature creep and exposure conditions. The aim of this study was to probe the role of stress orientation, with respect to lamellar plates, on microstructural changes during primary creep. Creep testing was complemented with SEM and TEM based microstructural characterization. It was observed that retention of excess alpha(2) resulted in an unstable microstructure. Under stress and temperature, excess alpha(2) was lost and Cr-rich precipitates formed. Depending on stress orientation, the sequence of precipitates formed was different. alpha(2) loss was accompanied by formation of the non-equilibrium C14 Laves phase when lamellar plates were oriented parallel to the stress axis. In contrast, alpha(2) loss did not result in formation of the C14 phase in perpendicular samples. It was concluded that C14 formed preferentially in certain test orientations because of its effectiveness in relieving residual stresses in alpha(2) that arose from lattice misfit and modulus mismatch. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper reports an experimental investigation of oscillating temperature field beneath a single isolated nucleation site using a non-invasive TLC (thermochromic liquid crystal) based thermography technique. Empirical correlations are presented to demonstrate the influence of system pressure and wall heat flux on different ebullition characteristics in the nucleate pool boiling regime of refrigerant R-134a. TLC transient response and two-phase flow structure are captured using synchronized, high resolution imaging. It is observed that the area of influence of nucleation site exhibits a two-part distinct transient behavior during the bubble growth period and broadens to a maximum of 1.57 times the bubble diameter at the instant of bubble departure. This is accompanied by a sharp fall of 2.5 degrees C in the local excess temperature at the nucleation site, which results in momentary augmentation (similar to 40%) in the local heat transfer coefficient at the nucleation origin. The enhanced heat transfer rate observed during the bubble peel-off event is primarily due to transient micro-convection in the wake of the retreating bubble. Further, the results indicate that a slight increase in system pressure from 813.6 to 882.5 kPa has no considerable effect on either the wall superheat or the overall heat transfer coefficient and ebullition frequency. In addition, correlations have been obtained for bubble Reynolds number, Jackob number and the dimensionless bubble generation frequency in terms of modified boiling number.


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The main theme of this paper is to study the flammability suppression of hydrocarbons by blending with carbon dioxide, and to evaluate these mixtures as possible working fluids in organic Rankine cycle for medium temperature concentrated solar power applications. The analysis takes into account inevitable irreversibilities in the turbine, the pump, and heat exchangers. While the isopentane + CO2 mixture suffers from high irreversibility mainly in the regenerator owing to a large temperature glide, the propane + CO2 mixture performs more or less the same as pure propane albeit with high cycle pressures. In general, large temperature glides at condensing pressures extend the heat recovery into the two-phase dome, which is an advantage. However, at the same time, the shift of the pinch point towards the warm end of the regenerator is found to be a major cause of irreversibility. In fact, as the number of carbon atoms in alkanes decreases, their blend with CO2 moves the pinch point to the colder end of the regenerator. This results in lower entropy generation in the regenerator and improved cycle efficiency of propane + CO2 mixtures. With this mixture, real cycle efficiencies of 15-18% are achievable at a moderate source temperature of 573 K. Applicability for a wide range of source temperatures is found to be an added advantage of this mixture.


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Nonequilibrium quasiparticle relaxation dynamics is reported in superconducting Ca(Fe0.944Co0.056)(2)As-2 single crystals by measuring transient reflectivity changes using femtosecond time-resolved pump-probe spectroscopy. Large changes in the temperature-dependent differential reflectivity values in the vicinity of the spin density wave (T-SDW) and superconducting (T-SC) transition temperatures of the sample have been inferred to have charge gap opening at those temperatures. We have estimated the zero-temperature charge gap value in the superconducting state to be similar to 1.8k(B)T(SC) and an electron-phonon coupling constant lambda of similar to 0.1 in the normal state that signifies the weak coupling in iron pnictides. From the peculiar temperature-dependence of the quasiparticle dynamics in the intermediate temperature region between T-SC and T-SDW we infer a temperature scale where the charge gap associated with the spin ordered phase is maximum and closes on either side while approaching the two phase transition temperatures.


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In this study, the free energy barriers for homogeneous crystal nucleation in a system that exhibits a eutectic point are computed using Monte Carlo simulations. The system studied is a binary hard sphere mixture with a diameter ratio of 0.85 between the smaller and larger hard spheres. The simulations of crystal nucleation are performed for the entire range of fluid compositions. The free energy barrier is found to be the highest near the eutectic point and is nearly five times that for the pure fluid, which slows down the nucleation rate by a factor of 10(-31). These free energy barriers are some of highest ever computed using simulations. For most of the conditions studied, the composition of the critical nucleus corresponds to either one of the two thermodynamically stable solid phases. However, near the eutectic point, the nucleation barrier is lowest for the formation of the metastable random hexagonal closed packed (rhcp) solid phase with composition lying in the two-phase region of the phase diagram. The fluid to solid phase transition is hypothesized to proceed via formation of a metastable rhcp phase followed by a phase separation into respective stable fcc solid phases.


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Thermodynamic properties of Ca7V4O17 are measured for the first time using a solid-state electrochemical cell incorporating single crystal of CaF2 as the electrolyte over the temperature range from (900 to 1175) K. An equimolar mixture of CaO and CaF2 is used as the reference electrode and a mixture of Ca3V2O8, Ca7V4O17 and CaF2 as the measuring electrode. Both the electrodes are placed under flowing oxygen gas at ambient pressure. The standard Gibbs energy change for the reaction: 2Ca(3)V(2)O(8) + CaO -> Ca7V4O17; which is related to the chemical potential of CaO in the two-phase region (Ca3V2O8 + Ca7V4O17) of the pseudo-binary system CaO + V2O5, is obtained from the electromotive force of the cell as: Delta(r)G(o) +/- 127/(J . mol(-1)) = Delta mu(CaO) = -11453 + 8.273(T/K). The derived standard enthalpy of formation of Ca7V4O17 from elements in their normal standard states is ( 8208.97 +/- 8) kJ . mol (1) and its standard entropy is (560.05 +/- 7.5) J . K (1) . mol (1), both at T = 298.15 K. The results indicate that Ca7V4O17 decomposes into Ca3V2O8 and CaO at T = (1384 +/- 3) K.


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Recent advances in the generation of synthetic gauge fields in cold atomic systems have stimulated interest in the physics of interacting bosons and fermions in them. In this paper, we discuss interacting two-component fermionic systems in uniform non-Abelian gauge fields that produce a spin-orbit interaction and uniform spin potentials. Two classes of gauge fields discussed include those that produce a Rashba spin-orbit interaction and the type of gauge fields (SM gauge fields) obtained in experiments by the Shanxi and MIT groups. For high symmetry Rashba gauge fields, a two-particle bound state exists even for a vanishingly small attractive interaction described by a scattering length. Upon increasing the strength of a Rashba gauge field, a finite density of weakly interacting fermions undergoes a crossover from a BCS like ground state to a BEC state of a new kind of boson called the rashbon whose properties are determined solely by the gauge field and not by the interaction between the fermions. The rashbon Bose-Einstein condensate (RBEC) is a quite intriguing state with the rashbon-rashbon interactions being independent of the fermion-fermion interactions (scattering length). Furthermore, we show that the RBEC has a transition temperature of the order of the Fermi temperature, suggesting routes to enhance the transition temperatures of weakly interacting superfluids by tuning the spin-orbit coupling. For the SM gauge fields, we show that in a regime of parameters, a pair of particles with finite centre-of-mass momentum is the most strongly bound. In other regimes of centre-of-mass momenta, there is no two-body bound state, but a resonance like feature appears in the scattering continuum. In the many-body setting, this results in flow enhanced pairing. Also, strongly interacting normal states utilizing the scattering resonance can be created opening the possibility of studying properties of helical Fermi liquids. This paper contains a general discussion of the physics of Feshbach resonance in a non-Abelian gauge field, where several novel features such as centre-of-mass-momentum-dependent effective interactions are shown. It is also shown that a uniform non-Abelian gauge field in conjunction with a spatial potential can be used to generate novel Hamiltonians; we discuss an explicit example of the generation of a monopole Hamiltonian.


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Present work provides an electrodeposition based methodology for synthesizing Ni-rich, Ag-Ni nanowires using an alumina template. Ag-Ni system shows negligible solid solubility in the bulk. Detailed structural and compositional characterization of as-synthesized nanowires using transmission electron microscopy technique revealed a two phase microstructure. Regions along and near the nanowire axis contained crystalline Ag-Ni solid solution phase with Ag-rich composition. Whereas, regions away from the axis and near the nanowire boundary predominantly contained nanocrystalline Ni-rich, Ni-Ag solid solution phase. (C) 2013 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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The current study analyzes the leachate distribution in the Orchard Hills Landfill, Davis Junction, Illinois, using a two-phase flow model to assess the influence of variability in hydraulic conductivity on the effectiveness of the existing leachate recirculation system and its operations through reliability analysis. Numerical modeling, using finite-difference code, is performed with due consideration to the spatial variation of hydraulic conductivity of the municipal solid waste (MSW). The inhomogeneous and anisotropic waste condition is assumed because it is a more realistic representation of the MSW. For the reliability analysis, the landfill is divided into 10 MSW layers with different mean values of vertical and horizontal hydraulic conductivities (decreasing from top to bottom), and the parametric study is performed by taking the coefficients of variation (COVs) as 50, 100, 150, and 200%. Monte Carlo simulations are performed to obtain statistical information (mean and COV) of output parameters of the (1) wetted area of the MSW, (2) maximum induced pore pressure, and (3) leachate outflow. The results of the reliability analysis are used to determine the influence of hydraulic conductivity on the effectiveness of the leachate recirculation and are discussed in the light of a deterministic approach. The study is useful in understanding the efficiency of the leachate recirculation system. (C) 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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The performance of a two-phase heat transport device such as the loop heat pipe is influenced by the evaporative heat transfer coefficient in the evaporator. From previous experiments with loop heat pipes, it has been observed that fluids with a high heat pipe figure of merit have a high heat transfer coefficient. Considering an evaporating extended thin film, this paper theoretically corroborates this experimental observation by deriving a direct link between the evaporative heat flux at the interface and the fluid figures of merit (namely interline heat flow parameter and heat pipe figure of merit) in the thin film. Numerical experiments with different working fluids clearly show that a fluid with high figure of merit also has a high cumulative heat transfer in the microregion encompassing the evaporating thin film. Thus, a loop heat pipe or heat pipe that uses a working fluid with a high interline heat flow parameter and heat pipe figure of merit will lead to a high evaporative heat transfer coefficient.


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We investigate the impact of the nucleation law for nucleation on Al-Ti-B inoculant particles, of the motion of inoculant particles and of the motion of grains on the predicted macrosegregation and microstructure in a grain-refined Al-22 wt.% Cu alloy casting. We conduct the study by numerical simulations of a casting experiment in a side-cooled 76×76×254 mm sand mould. Macrosegregation and microstructure formation are studied with a volume-averaged two-phase model accounting for macroscopic heat and solute transport, melt convection, and transport of inoculant particles and equiaxed grains. On the microscopic scale it accounts for nucleation on inoculant particles with a given size distribution (and corresponding activation undercooling distribution)and for the growth of globular solid grains. The growth kinetics is described by accounting for limited solute diffusion in both liquid and solid phases and for convective effects. We show that the consideration of a size distribution of the inoculants has a strong impact on the microstructure(final grain size) prediction. The transport of inoculants significantly increases the microstructure heterogeneities and the grain motion refines the microstructure and reduces the microstructure heterogeneities.


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Topological defects play an important role in the melting phenomena in two-dimensions. In this work, we report experimental observation of topological defect induced melting in two-dimensional electron systems (2DES) in the presence of strong Coulomb interaction and disorder. The phenomenon is characterised by measurement of conductivity which goes to zero in a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless like transition. Further evidence is provided via low-frequency conductivity noise measurements.