122 resultados para strong-field


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Interaction of shock heated test gas in the free piston driven shock tube with bulk and thin film of cubic zirconium dioxide (ZrO2) prepared by combustion method is investigated. The test samples before and after exposure to the shock wave are analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The study shows transformation of metastable cubic ZrO2 to stable monoclinic ZrO2 phase after interacting with shock heated oxygen gas due to the heterogeneous catalytic recombination surface reaction.


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We present low-frequency electrical resistance fluctuations, or noise, in graphene-based field-effect devices with varying number of layers. In single-layer devices, the noise magnitude decreases with increasing carrier density, which behaved oppositely in the devices with two or larger number of layers accompanied by a suppression in noise magnitude by more than two orders in the latter case. This behavior can be explained from the influence of external electric field on graphene band structure, and provides a simple transport-based route to isolate single-layer graphene devices from those with multiple layers. ©2009 American Institute of Physics


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We report the field emission from carbon nanofibers (CNFs) grown directly on cylindrical copper by a simple pyrolysis technique. The turn-on field is 0.17 V/µm and the emission current density is 0.9 mA/cm2 at 0.35 V/µm. The emission current is stable at a field of 0.35 V/µm and 6.5×10−6 Torr. The excellent field emission behavior is attributed to the sp2 phase in CNFs and the stable emission is due to the direct growth. The direct growth on cylindrical cathode is advantageous for field emission. ©2009 American Institute of Physics.


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The stability of the Peierls phase is investigated in the presence of a radiation with frequency less than that for inter-band transitions. It is observed that such an external radiation enhances the gap. This result is in contrast with the case when the external radiation has a frequency higher than that for inter-band transitions.


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An investigation of power frequency (50 Hz) surface partial discharges in dry air, using 21r/3 Rogowski profile electrodes in the low pressure range of 0.067 to 91.333 kPa, shows that for the discharges occurring symmetrically around the electrodes and just outside the uniform field region, the breakdown voltages are 20 to 30% lower than those accounted for by the usual Paschen values. Emphasis, therefore, has been given to modified values of breakdown voltages for any useful calculations. The effect of reduced pressure on inception voltage has been discussed and an attempt has been made to explain the difference between the observed and calculated values on the basis of a pressure-dependent secondary ionization coefficient. It is shown that increasing the insulation thickness in a critical pressure range (0.067 to 0.400 kPa) does not allow any significant increase in the discharge free working stress of the insulation system. At higher pressures (>0.400 kPa) the increase in inception voltage with thickness and pressure follows an equation which is expected to hold for other insulating materials as well.


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"Strong" excitants of central neurones such as β N-oxalyl L α,β-diaminopropionic acid (ODAP), N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) and kainic acid (KA) were found to inhibit the high affinity uptake of glutamate and aspartate in synaptosomes isolated from young rat brain. The potency of these "strong" excitants as convulsants appear to parallel their ability to inhibit glutamate uptake by synaptosomes. The data suggest the possibility that the convulsive effect of these "strong" excitants could be mediated by glutamate/aspartate.


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Analogies between the properties of black holes (in the framework of strong gravity) and those of elementary particles are discussed especially in connection with recent works on black holes with gauge charges and blackhole thermodynamics.


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The hopping conductivity of granular metals is known to be of the form sigma varies as exp (-(T0/T)12/) in the temperature range 20K


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From the autocorrelation function of geomagnetic polarity intervals, it is shown that the field reversal intervals are not independent but form a process akin to the Markov process, where the random input to the model is itself a moving average process. The input to the moving average model is, however, an independent Gaussian random sequence. All the parameters in this model of the geomagnetic field reversal have been estimated. In physical terms this model implies that the mechanism of reversal possesses a memory.


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The solution of the steady laminar incompressible nonsimilar magneto-hydrodynamic boundary layer flow and heat transfer problem with viscous dissipation for electrically conducting fluids over two-dimensional and axisymmetric bodies with pressure gradient and magnetic field has been presented. The partial differential equations governing the flow have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme. The computations have been carried out for flow over a cylinder and a sphere. The results indicate that the magnetic field tends to delay or prevent separation. The heat transfer strongly depends on the viscous dissipation parameter. When the dissipation parameter is positive (i.e. when the temperature of the wall is greater than the freestream temperature) and exceeds a certain value, the hot wall ceases to be cooled by the stream of cooler air because the ‘heat cushion’ provided by the frictional heat prevents cooling whereas the effect of the magnetic field is to remove the ‘heat cushion’ so that the wall continues to be cooled. The results are found to be in good agreement with those of the local similarity and local nonsimilarity methods except near the point of separation, but they are in excellent agreement with those of the difference-differential technique even near the point of separation.


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An error-free computational approach is employed for finding the integer solution to a system of linear equations, using finite-field arithmetic. This approach is also extended to find the optimum solution for linear inequalities such as those arising in interval linear programming probloms.


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The effect of suction on the steady laminar incompressible boundarylayer flow for a stationary infinite disc with or without magnetic field, when the fluid at a large distance from the surface of the disc undergoes a solid body rotation, has been studied. The governing coupled nonlinear equations have been solved numerically using the shooting method with least square convergence criterion. It has been found that suction tends to reduce the velocity overshoot and damp the oscillation.


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Downscaling to station-scale hydrologic variables from large-scale atmospheric variables simulated by general circulation models (GCMs) is usually necessary to assess the hydrologic impact of climate change. This work presents CRF-downscaling, a new probabilistic downscaling method that represents the daily precipitation sequence as a conditional random field (CRF). The conditional distribution of the precipitation sequence at a site, given the daily atmospheric (large-scale) variable sequence, is modeled as a linear chain CRF. CRFs do not make assumptions on independence of observations, which gives them flexibility in using high-dimensional feature vectors. Maximum likelihood parameter estimation for the model is performed using limited memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (L-BFGS) optimization. Maximum a posteriori estimation is used to determine the most likely precipitation sequence for a given set of atmospheric input variables using the Viterbi algorithm. Direct classification of dry/wet days as well as precipitation amount is achieved within a single modeling framework. The model is used to project the future cumulative distribution function of precipitation. Uncertainty in precipitation prediction is addressed through a modified Viterbi algorithm that predicts the n most likely sequences. The model is applied for downscaling monsoon (June-September) daily precipitation at eight sites in the Mahanadi basin in Orissa, India, using the MIROC3.2 medium-resolution GCM. The predicted distributions at all sites show an increase in the number of wet days, and also an increase in wet day precipitation amounts. A comparison of current and future predicted probability density functions for daily precipitation shows a change in shape of the density function with decreasing probability of lower precipitation and increasing probability of higher precipitation.


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Electronic, magnetic, or structural inhomogeneities ranging in size from nanoscopic to mesoscopic scales seem endemic and are possibly generic to colossal magnetoresistance manganites and other transition metal oxides. They are hence of great current interest and understanding them is of fundamental importance. We show here that an extension, to include long-range Coulomb interactions, of a quantum two-fluid l-b model proposed recently for manganites [Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 157203 (2004)] leads to an excellent description of such inhomogeneities. In the l-b model two very different kinds of electronic states, one localized and polaronic (l) and the other extended or broad band (b) coexist. For model parameters appropriate to manganites and even within a simple dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) framework, it describes many of the unusual phenomena seen in manganites, including colossal magnetoresistance (CMR), qualitatively and quantitatively. However, in the absence of long-ranged Coulomb interaction, a system described by such a model would actually phase separate, into macroscopic regions of l and b electrons, respectively. As we show in this paper, in the presence of Coulomb interactions, the macroscopic phase separation gets suppressed and instead nanometer scale regions of polarons interspersed with band electron puddles appear, constituting a kind of quantum Coulomb glass. We characterize the size scales and distribution of the inhomogeneity using computer simulations. For realistic values of the long-range Coulomb interaction parameter V-0, our results for the thresholds for occupancy of the b states are in agreement with, and hence support, the earlier approach mentioned above based on a configuration averaged DMFT treatment which neglects V-0; but the present work has features that cannot be addressed in the DMFT framework. Our work points to an interplay of strong correlations, long-range Coulomb interaction, and dopant ion disorder, all inevitably present in transition metal oxides as the origin of nanoscale inhomogeneities rather than disorder frustrated phase competition as is generally believed. As regards manganites, it argues against explanations for CMR based on disorder frustrated phase separation and for an intrinsic origin of CMR. Based on this, we argue that the observed micrometer (meso) scale inhomogeneities owe their existence to extrinsic causes, e.g., strain due to cracks and defects. We suggest possible experiments to validate our speculation.