191 resultados para protein analysis


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Sesbania mosaic virus (SeMV) is a single strand positive-sense RNA plant virus that belongs to the genus Sobemovirus. The mechanism of cell-to-cell movement in sobemoviruses has not been well studied. With a view to identify the viral encoded ancillary proteins of SeMV that may assist in cell-to-cell movement of the virus, all the proteins encoded by SeMV genome were cloned into yeast Matchmaker system 3 and interaction studies were performed. Two proteins namely, viral protein genome linked (VPg) and a 10-kDa protein (P10) c v gft encoded by OFR 2a, were identified as possible interacting partners in addition to the viral coat protein (CP). Further characterization of these interactions revealed that the movement protein (MP) recognizes cognate RNA through interaction with VPg, which is covalently linked to the 59 end of the RNA. Analysis of the deletion mutants delineated the domains of MP involved in the interaction with VPg and P10. This study implicates for the first time that VPg might play an important role in specific recognition of viral genome by MP in SeMV and shed light on the possible role of P10 in the viral movement.


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A strategy for the modular construction of synthetic protein mimics based on the ability non-protein amino acids to act as stereochemical directors of polypeptide chain folding, is described. The use of alpha-aminoisobutyric acid (Aib) to construct stereochemically rigid helices has been exemplified by crystallographic and spectroscopic studies of several apolar peptides, ranging in length from seven to sixteen residues. The problem of linker design in elaborating alpha,alpha motifs has been considered. Analysis of protein crystal structure data provides a guide to choosing linking sequences. Attempts at constructing linked helical motifs using linking Gly-Pro segments have been described. The use of flexible linkers, like epsilon-aminocaproic acid has been examined and the crystallographic and solution state analysis of a linked helix motif has been presented. The use of bulky sidechain modifications on a helical scaffold, as a means of generating putative binding sites has been exemplified by a crystal structure of a peptide packed in a parallel zipper arrangement.


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Enoyl acyl carrier protein reductase (ENR), which catalyzes the final and rate limiting step of fatty acid elongation, has been validated as a potential drug target. Triclosan is known to be an effective inhibitor for this enzyme. We mutated the substrate binding site residue Ala372 of the ENR of Plasmodium falciparum (PfENR) to Methionine and Valine which increased the affinity of the enzyme towards triclosan to almost double, close to that of Escherichia coli ENR (EcENR) which has a Methionine at the structurally similar position of Ala372 of PfENR. Kinetic studies of the mutants of PfENR and the crystal structure analysis of the A372M mutant revealed that a more hydrophobic environment enhances the affinity of the enzyme for the inhibitor. A triclosan derivative showed a threefold increase in the affinity towards the mutants compared to the wild type, due to additional interactions with the A372M mutant as revealed by the crystal structure. The enzyme has a conserved salt bridge which stabilizes the substrate binding loop and appears to be important for the active conformation of the enzyme. We generated a second set of mutants to check this hypothesis. These mutants showed loss of function, except in one case, where the crystal structure showed that the substrate binding loop is stabilized by a water bridge network. (C) 2011 IUBMB mum Life, 63(1): 30-41,2011


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A complete cDNA encoding a novel hybrid Pro-rich protein (HyPRP) was identified by differentially screening 3x10(4) recombinant plaques of a Cuscuta reflexa cytokinin-induced haustorial cDNA library constructed in lambda gt10. The nucleotide (nt) sequence consists of: (i) a 424-bp 5'-non coding region having five start codons (ATGs) and three upstream open reading frames (uORFs); (ii) an ORF of 987 bp with coding potential for a 329-amino-acid (aa) protein of M(r), 35203 with a hydrophobic N-terminal region including a stretch of nine consecutive Phe followed by a Pro-rich sequence and a Cys-rich hydrophobic C terminus; and (iii) a 178-bp 3'-UTR (untranslated region). Comparison of the predicted aa sequence with the NBRF and SWISSPROT databases and with a recent report of an embryo-specific protein of maize [Jose-Estanyol et al., Plant Cell 4 (1992) 413-423] showed it to be similar to the class of HyPRPs encoded by genes preferentially expressed in young tomato fruits, maize embryos and in vitro-cultured carrot embryos. Northern analysis revealed an approx. 1.8-kb mRNA of this gene expressed in the subapical region of the C. reflexa vine which exhibited maximum sensitivity to cytokinin in haustorial induction.


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The complete amino-acid sequence of sheep liver cytosolic serine hydroxymethyltransferase was determined from an analysis of tryptic, chymotryptic, CNBr and hydroxylamine peptides. Each subunit of sheep liver serine hydroxymethyltransferase consisted of 483 amino-acid residues. A comparison of this sequence with 8 other serine hydroxymethyltransferases revealed that a possible gene duplication event could have occurred after the divergence of animals and fungi. This analysis also showed independent duplication of SHMT genes in Neurospora crassa. At the secondary structural level, all the serine hydroxymethyltransferases belong to the alpha/beta category of proteins. The predicted secondary structure of sheep liver serine hydroxymethyltransferase was similar to that of the observed structure of tryptophan synthase, another pyridoxal 5'-phosphate containing enzyme, suggesting that sheep liver serine hydroxymethyltransferase might have a similar pyridoxal 5'-phosphate binding domain. In addition, a conserved glycine rich region, G L Q G G P, was identified in all the serine hydroxymethyltransferases and could be important in pyridoxal 5'-phosphate binding. A comparison of the cytosolic serine hydroxymethyltransferases from rabbit and sheep liver with other proteins sequenced from both these sources showed that serine hydroxymethyltransferase was a highly conserved protein. It was slightly less conserved than cytochrome c but better conserved than myoglobin, both of which are well known evolutionary markers. C67 and C203 were specifically protected by pyridoxal 5'-phosphate against modification with [C-14]iodoacetic acid, while C247 and C261 were buried in the native serine hydroxymethyltransferase. However, the cysteines are not conserved among the various serine hydroxymethyltransferases. The exact role of the cysteines in the reaction catalyzed by serine hydroxymethyltransferase remains to be elucidated.


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EcoP15I DNA methyltransferase recognizes the sequence 5'-CAGCAG-3' and transfers a methyl group to N-6 of the second adenine residue in the recognition sequence. All N-6 adenine methyltransferases contain two highly conserved sequences, FxGxG (motif I), postulated to form part of the S-adenosyl-L-methionine binding site and (D/N/S)PP(Y/F) (motif IV) involved in catalysis. We have altered the second glycine residue in motif I to arginine and serine, and substituted tyrosine in motif IV with tryptophan in EcoP15I DNA methyltransferase, using site-directed mutagenesis. The mutant enzymes were overexpressed, purified and characterized by biochemical methods. The mutations in motif I completely abolished AdoMet binding but left target DNA recognition unaltered. Although the mutation in motif IV resulted in loss of enzyme activity, we observed enhanced crosslinking of S-adenosyl-L-methionine and DNA. This implies that DNA and AdoMet binding sites are close to motif IV. Taken together, these results reinforce the importance of motif I in AdoMet binding and motif IV in catalysis. Additionally, limited proteolysis and UV crosslinking experiments with EcoP15I DNA methyltransferase imply that DNA binds in a cleft formed by two domains in the protein. Methylation protection analysis provides evidence for the fact that EcoP15I DNA MTase makes contacts in the major groove of its substrate DNA. Interestingly, hypermethylation of the guanine residue next to the target adenine residue indicates that the protein probably flips out the target adenine residue. (C) 1996 Academic Press Limited


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Molybdenum-cofactor (Moco) biosynthesis is an evolutionarily conserved pathway in almost all kingdoms of life, including humans. Two proteins, MogA and MoeA, catalyze the last step of this pathway in bacteria, whereas a single two-domain protein carries out catalysis in eukaryotes. Here, three crystal structures of the Moco-biosynthesis protein MogA from the two thermophilic organisms Thermus thermophilus (TtMogA; 1.64 angstrom resolution, space group P2(1)) and Aquifex aeolicus (AaMogA; 1.70 angstrom resolution, space group P2(1) and 1.90 angstrom resolution, space group P1) have been determined. The functional roles and the residues involved in oligomerization of the protein molecules have been identified based on a comparative analysis of these structures with those of homologous proteins. Furthermore, functional roles have been proposed for the N- and C-terminal residues. In addition, a possible protein-protein complex of MogA and MoeA has been proposed and the residues involved in protein-protein interactions are discussed. Several invariant water molecules and those present at the subunit interfaces have been identified and their possible structural and/or functional roles are described in brief. In addition, molecular-dynamics and docking studies with several small molecules (including the substrate and the product) have been carried out in order to estimate their binding affinities towards AaMogA and TtMogA. The results obtained are further compared with those obtained for homologous eukaryotic proteins.


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Molecular understanding of disease processes can be accelerated if all interactions between the host and pathogen are known. The unavailability of experimental methods for large-scale detection of interactions across host and pathogen organisms hinders this process. Here we apply a simple method to predict protein-protein interactions across a host and pathogen organisms. We use homology detection approaches against the protein-protein interaction databases. DIP and iPfam in order to predict interacting proteins in a host-pathogen pair. In the present work, we first applied this approach to the test cases involving the pairs phage T4 - Escherichia coli and phage lambda - E. coli and show that previously known interactions could be recognized using our approach. We further apply this approach to predict interactions between human and three pathogens E. coli, Salmonella enterica typhimurium and Yersinia pestis. We identified several novel interactions involving proteins of host or pathogen that could be thought of as highly relevant to the disease process. Serendipitously, many interactions involve hypothetical proteins of yet unknown function. Hypothetical proteins are predicted from computational analysis of genome sequences with no laboratory analysis on their functions yet available. The predicted interactions involving such proteins could provide hints to their functions. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Transition protein-2 (TP2), isolated from rat testes, was recently shown to be a zinc metalloprotein. We have now carried out a detailed analysis of the DNA condensing properties of TP2 with various polynucleotides using circular dichroism spectroscopy. The condensation of the alternating copolymers by TP2 (incubated with 10 mu M ZnSO4), namely, poly(dG-dC). poly(dG-dC) and poly(dA-dT). poly(dA-dT), was severalfold higher than condensation of either of the homoduplexes poly(dG). poly-(dC) and poly(dA). poly(dT) or rat oligonucleosomal DNA. Between the two alternating copolymers, poly(dG-dC). poly(dG-dC) was condensed 3.2-fold more effectively than poly(dA-dT). poly(dA-dT). Preincubation of TP2 with 5 mM EDTA significantly reduced its DNA-condensing property. Interestingly, condensation of the alternating copolymer poly(dI-dC). poly(dI-dC) by TP2 was much less as compared to that of poly(dG-dC). poly(dG-dC). The V8 protease-derived N-terminal fragment (88 aa) condensed poly(dA-dT). poly(dA-dT) to a very small extent but did not have any effect on poly(dG-dC). poly-(dG-dC). The C-terminal fragment (28 aa) was able to condense poly(dA-dT) . poly(dA-dT) more effectively than poly(dG-dC). poly(dG-dC). These results suggest that TP2 in its zinc-coordinated form condenses GC-rich polynucleotides much more effectively than other types of polynucleotides. Neither the N-terminal two-thirds of TP2 which is the zinc-binding domain nor the C-terminal basic domain are as effective as intact TP2 in bringing about condensation of DNA.


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The complete amino acid sequence of a cytotoxin-like basic protein (CLBP) from the venom of Naja naja naja (Indian Cobra) was determined by manual degradation using a 4-dimethylaminoazobenzene-4'-isothiocyanate double-coupling method. Peptide fragments obtained by chemical cleavage with cyanogen bromide and enzymic cleavages with trypsin and Staphylococcus aureus proteases for sequence analysis were purified by reversed-phase chromatography. The total number of amino acid residues was 61, with leucine as the C-terminal residue. (C) Munksgaard 1995.


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The evolutionary diversity of the HSP70 gene family at the genetic level has generated complex structural variations leading to altered functional specificity and mode of regulation in different cellular compartments. By utilizing Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model system for better understanding the global functional cooperativity between Hsp70 paralogs, we have dissected the differences in functional properties at the biochemical level between mitochondrial heat shock protein 70 (mtHsp70) Ssc1 and an uncharacterized Ssc3 paralog. Based on the evolutionary origin of Ssc3 and a high degree of sequence homology with Ssc1, it has been proposed that both have a close functional overlap in the mitochondrial matrix. Surprisingly, our results demonstrate that there is no functional cross-talk between Ssc1 and Ssc3 paralogs. The lack of in vivo functional overlap is due to altered conformation and significant lower stability associated with Ssc3. The substrate-binding domain of Ssc3 showed poor affinity toward mitochondrial client proteins and Tim44 due to the open conformation in ADP-bound state. In addition to that, the nucleotide-binding domain of Ssc3 showed an altered regulation by the Mge1 co-chaperone due to a high degree of conformational plasticity, which strongly promotes aggregation. Besides, Ssc3 possesses a dysfunctional inter-domain interface thus rendering it unable to perform functions similar to generic Hsp70s. Moreover, we have identified the critical amino acid sequence of Ssc1 and Ssc3 that can ``make or break'' mtHsp70 chaperone function. Together, our analysis provides the first evidence to show that the nucleotide-binding domain of mtHsp70s plays a critical role in determining the functional specificity among paralogs and orthologs across kingdoms.


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Many proteins associated with the phenotype microcephaly have been localized to the centrosome or linked to it functionally. All the seven autosomal recessive primary microcephaly (MCPH) proteins localize at the centrosome. Microcephalic osteodysplastic primordial dwarfism type II protein PCNT and Seckel syndrome (also characterized by severe microcephaly) protein ATR are also centrosomal proteins. All of the above findings show the importance of centrosomal proteins as the key players in neurogenesis and brain development. However, the exact mechanism as to how the loss-of-function of these proteins leads to microcephaly remains to be elucidated. To gain insight into the function of the most commonly mutated MCPH gene ASPM, we used the yeast two-hybrid technique to screen a human fetal brain cDNA library with an ASPM bait. The analysis identified Angelman syndrome gene product UBE3A as an ASPM interactor. Like ASPM, UBE3A also localizes to the centrosome. The identification of UBE3A as an ASPM interactor is not surprising as more than 80% of Angelman syndrome patients have microcephaly. However, unlike in MCPH, microcephaly is postnatal in Angelman syndrome patients. Our results show that UBE3A is a cell cycle regulated protein and its level peaks in mitosis. The shRNA knockdown of UBE3A in HEK293 cells led to many mitotic abnormalities including chromosome missegregation, abnormal cytokinesis and apoptosis. Thus our study links Angelman syndrome protein UBE3A to ASPM, centrosome and mitosis for the first time. We suggest that a defective chromosome segregation mechanism is responsible for the development of microcephaly in Angelman syndrome.


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In this paper, we report an analysis of the protein sequence length distribution for 13 bacteria, four archaea and one eukaryote whose genomes have been completely sequenced, The frequency distribution of protein sequence length for all the 18 organisms are remarkably similar, independent of genome size and can be described in terms of a lognormal probability distribution function. A simple stochastic model based on multiplicative processes has been proposed to explain the sequence length distribution. The stochastic model supports the random-origin hypothesis of protein sequences in genomes. Distributions of large proteins deviate from the overall lognormal behavior. Their cumulative distribution follows a power-law analogous to Pareto's law used to describe the income distribution of the wealthy. The protein sequence length distribution in genomes of organisms has important implications for microbial evolution and applications. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Triplex forming oligonucleotides (TFOs) have the potential to modulate gene expression. While most of the experiments are directed towards triplex mediated inhibition of gene expression the strategy potentially could be used for gene specific activation. In an attempt to design a strategy for gene specific activation in vivo applicable to a large number of genes we have designed a TFO based activator-target system which may be utilized in Saccharomyces cerevisiae or any other system where Gal4 protein is ectopically expressed. The total genome sequence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and expression profiles were used to select the target genes with upstream poly (pu/py) sequences. We have utilized the paradigm of Gal4 protein and its binding site. We describe here the selection of target genes and design of hairpin-TFO including the targeting sequences containing polypurine stretch found in the upstream promoter regions of weakly expressed genes. We demonstrate, the formation of hairpin-TFO, its binding to Gal4 protein, its ability to form triplex with the target duplex in vitro, the effect of polyethylenimine on complex formation and discuss the implication on in vivo transcription activation.


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Eosinophil Cationic Protein (ECP) is a member of RNase A superfamily which carries out the obligatory catalytic role of cleaving RNA. It is involved in a variety of biological functions. Molecular dynamics simulations followed by essential dynamics analysis on this protein are carried out with the goal of gaining insights into the dynamical properties at atomic level. The top essential modes contribute to subspaces and to the transition phase. Further, the sidechain-sidechain/sidechain-mainchain hydrogen bond clusters are analyzed in the top modes, and compared with those of crystal structure. The role of residues identified by these methods is discussed in the context of concerted motion, structure and stability of the protein.