391 resultados para nonlinear correlation


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Nonlinear vibration analysis is performed using a C-0 assumed strain interpolated finite element plate model based on Reddy's third order theory. An earlier model is modified to include the effect of transverse shear variation along the plate thickness and Von-Karman nonlinear strain terms. Monte Carlo Simulation with Latin Hypercube Sampling technique is used to obtain the variance of linear and nonlinear natural frequencies of the plate due to randomness in its material properties. Numerical results are obtained for composite plates with different aspect ratio, stacking sequence and oscillation amplitude ratio. The numerical results are validated with the available literature. It is found that the nonlinear frequencies show increasing non-Gaussian probability density function with increasing amplitude of vibration and show dual peaks at high amplitude ratios. This chaotic nature of the dispersion of nonlinear eigenvalues is also r


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Using Thomé's procedure, the asymptotic solutions of the Frieman and Book equation for the two-particle correlation in a plasma have been obtained in a complete form. The solution is interpreted in terms of the Lorentz distance. The exact expressions for the internal energy and pressure are evaluated and they are found to be a generalization of the result obtained earlier by others.


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The hardening cubic spring oscillator is studied under narrow-band gaussian excitation. Equivalent linearization leads to multiple steady states. The realizability of the solution is discussed through stochastic stability analysis. Theoretical results are supported by numerical simulation.


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In this paper we introduce a nonlinear detector based on the phenomenon of suprathreshold stochastic resonance (SSR). We first present a model (an array of 1-bit quantizers) that demonstrates the SSR phenomenon. We then use this as a pre-processor to the conventional matched filter. We employ the Neyman-Pearson(NP) detection strategy and compare the performances of the matched filter, the SSR-based detector and the optimal detector. Although the proposed detector is non-optimal, for non-Gaussian noises with heavy tails (leptokurtic) it shows better performance than the matched filter. In situations where the noise is known to be leptokurtic without the availability of the exact knowledge of its distribution, the proposed detector turns out to be a better choice than the matched filter.


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Non-Gaussianity of signals/noise often results in significant performance degradation for systems, which are designed using the Gaussian assumption. So non-Gaussian signals/noise require a different modelling and processing approach. In this paper, we discuss a new Bayesian estimation technique for non-Gaussian signals corrupted by colored non Gaussian noise. The method is based on using zero mean finite Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) for signal and noise. The estimation is done using an adaptive non-causal nonlinear filtering technique. The method involves deriving an estimator in terms of the GMM parameters, which are in turn estimated using the EM algorithm. The proposed filter is of finite length and offers computational feasibility. The simulations show that the proposed method gives a significant improvement compared to the linear filter for a wide variety of noise conditions, including impulsive noise. We also claim that the estimation of signal using the correlation with past and future samples leads to reduced mean squared error as compared to signal estimation based on past samples only.


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A nonlinear adaptive system theoretic approach is presented in this paper for effective treatment of infectious diseases that affect various organs of the human body. The generic model used does not represent any specific disease. However, it mimics the generic immunological dynamics of the human body under pathological attack, including the response to external drugs. From a system theoretic point of view, drugs can be interpreted as control inputs. Assuming a set of nominal parameters in the mathematical model, first a nonlinear controller is designed based on the principle of dynamic inversion. This treatment strategy was found to be effective in completely curing "nominal patients". However, in some cases it is ineffective in curing "realistic patients". This leads to serious (sometimes fatal) damage to the affected organ. To make the drug dosage design more effective, a model-following neuro-adaptive control design is carried out using neural networks, which are trained (adapted) online. From simulation studies, this adaptive controller is found to be effective in killing the invading microbes and healing the damaged organ even in the presence of parameter uncertainties and continuing pathogen attack.


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The neural network finds its application in many image denoising applications because of its inherent characteristics such as nonlinear mapping and self-adaptiveness. The design of filters largely depends on the a-priori knowledge about the type of noise. Due to this, standard filters are application and image specific. Widely used filtering algorithms reduce noisy artifacts by smoothing. However, this operation normally results in smoothing of the edges as well. On the other hand, sharpening filters enhance the high frequency details making the image non-smooth. An integrated general approach to design a finite impulse response filter based on principal component neural network (PCNN) is proposed in this study for image filtering, optimized in the sense of visual inspection and error metric. This algorithm exploits the inter-pixel correlation by iteratively updating the filter coefficients using PCNN. This algorithm performs optimal smoothing of the noisy image by preserving high and low frequency features. Evaluation results show that the proposed filter is robust under various noise distributions. Further, the number of unknown parameters is very few and most of these parameters are adaptively obtained from the processed image.


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The paper proposes a time scale separated partial integrated guidance and control of an interceptor for engaging high speed targets in the terminal phase. In this two loop design, the outer loop is an optimal control formulation based on nonlinear model predictive spread control philosophies. It gives the commanded pitch and yaw rates whereas necessary roll-rate command is generated from a roll-stabilization loop. The inner loop tracks the outer loop commands using the dynamicinversion philosophy. However, unlike conventional designs, in both the loops the Six degree of freedom (Six-DOF) interceptor model is used directly. This intelligent manipulation preserves the inherent time scale separation property between the translational and rotational dynamics, and hence overcomes the deficiency of current IGC designs, while preserving its benefits. Six-DOF simulation studies have been carried out accounting for three dimensional engagement geometry. Different comparison studies were also conducted to measure the performance of the algorithm.


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A modern system theory based nonlinear control design is discussed in this paper for successful operation of an air-breathing engine operating at supersonic speed. The primary objective of the control design of such an air-breathing engine is to ensure that the engine dynamically produces the thrust that tracks a commanded value of thrust as closely as possible by regulating the fuel flow to the combustion system. However, since the engine operates in the supersonic range, an important secondary objective is to manage the shock wave configuration in the intake section of the engine which is manipulated by varying the throat area of the nozzle. A nonlinear sliding mode control technique has been successfully used to achieve both of the above objectives. In this problem, since the process is faster than the actuators, independent control designs are also carried out for the actuators as well to assure the satisfactory performance of the system. Moreover, to filter out the sensor and process noises and to estimate the states for making the control design operate based on output feedback, an Extended Kalman Filter based state estimation design is also carried out. The promising simulation results suggest that the proposed control design approach is quite successful in obtaining robust performance of the air-breathing engine.


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We derive the thermal correlators for twisted quantum fields on noncommutative spacetime. We show that the thermal expectation value of the number operator is same as in commutative spacetime, but that higher correlators are sensitive to the noncommutativity parameters phi(mu nu).


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The problem of homogeneous solid propellant combustion instability is studied with a one-dimensional flame model, including the effects of gas-phase thermal inertia and nonlinearity. Computational results presented in this paper show nonlinear instabilities inherent in the equations, due to which periodic burning is found even under steady ambient conditions such as pressure. The stability boundary is obtained in terms of Denison-Baum parameters. It is found that inclusion of gas-phase thermal inertia stabilizes the combustion. Also, the effect of a distributed heat release in the gas phase, compared to the flame sheet model, is to destabilize the burning. Direct calculations for finite amplitude pressure disturbances show that two distinct resonant modes exist, the first one near the natural frequency as obtained from intrinsic instability analysis and a second mode occurring at a much higher driving frequency. It is found that er rn in the low frequency region, the response of the propellant is significantly affected by the specific type of gas-phase chemical heat-release model employed. Examination of frequency response function reveals that the role of gas-phase thermal inertia is to stabilize the burning near the first resonant mode. Calculations made for different amplitudes of driving pressure show that the mean burning rate decreases with increasing amplitude. Also, with an increase in the driving amplitude, higher harmonics are generated in the burning rate.


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The present work gives a comprehensive numerical study of the evolution and decay of cylindrical and spherical nonlinear acoustic waves generated by a sinusoidal source. Using pseudospectral and predictor–corrector implicit finite difference methods, we first reproduced the known analytic results of the plane harmonic problem to a high degree of accuracy. The non-planar harmonic problems, for which the amplitude decay is faster than that for the planar case, are then treated. The results are correlated with the known asymptotic results of Scott (1981) and Enflo (1985). The constant in the old-age formula for the cylindrical canonical problem is found to be 1.85 which is rather close to 2, ‘estimated’ analytically by Enflo. The old-age solutions exhibiting strict symmetry about the maximum are recovered; these provide an excellent analytic check on the numerical solutions. The evolution of the waves for different source geometries is depicted graphically.


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A stronger concept of complete (exact) controllability which we call Trajectory Controllability is introduced in this paper. We study the Trajectory Controllability of an abstract nonlinear integro-differential system in the finite and infinite dimensional space setting. (C) 2010 The Franklin Institute. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A molecular theory of collective orientational relaxation of dipolar molecules in a dense liquid is presented. Our work is based on a generalized, nonlinear, Smoluchowski equation (GSE) that includes the effects of intermolecular interactions through a mean‐field force term. The effects of translational motion of the liquid molecules on the orientational relaxation is also included self‐consistently in the GSE. Analytic expressions for the wave‐vector‐dependent orientational correlation functions are obtained for one component, pure liquid and also for binary mixtures. We find that for a dipolar liquid of spherical molecules, the correlation function ϕ(k,t) for l=1, where l is the rank of the spherical harmonics, is biexponential. At zero wave‐vector, one time constant becomes identical with the dielectric relaxation time of the polar liquid. The second time constant is the longitudinal relaxation time, but the contribution of this second component is small. We find that polar forces do not affect the higher order correlation functions (l>1) of spherical dipolar molecules in a linearized theory. The expression of ϕ(k,t) for a binary liquid is a sum of four exponential terms. We also find that the wave‐vector‐dependent relaxation times depend strongly on the microscopic structure of the dense liquid. At intermediate wave vectors, the translational diffusion greatly accelerates the rate of orientational relaxation. The present study indicates that one must pay proper attention to the microscopic structure of the liquid while treating the translational effects. An analysis of the nonlinear terms of the GSE is also presented. An interesting coupling between the number density fluctuation and the orientational fluctuation is uncovered.


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In this study, we investigated measures of nonlinear dynamics and chaos theory in regards to heart rate variability in 27 normal control subjects in supine and standing postures, and 14 subjects in spontaneous and controlled breathing conditions. We examined minimum embedding dimension (MED), largest Lyapunov exponent (LLE) and measures of nonlinearity (NL) of heart rate time series. MED quantifies the system's complexity, LLE predictability and NL, a measure of deviation from linear processes. There was a significant decrease in complexity (P<0.00001), a decrease in predictability (P<0.00001) and an increase in nonlinearity (P=0.00001) during the change from supine to standing posture. Decrease in MED, and increases in NL score and LLE in standing posture appear to be partly due to an increase in sympathetic activity of the autonomous nervous system in standing posture. An improvement in predictability during controlled breathing appears to be due to the introduction of a periodic component. (C) 2000 published by Elsevier Science B.V.