261 resultados para nonequilibrium Bose-Einstein condensates


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Nickel(II) complexes of 1-benzyl-2-phenylbenzimidazole (BPBI) of the general formula [Ni(BPBI)2X2](X=Cl-, Br-, NCS- or NO3-) have been prepared and their magnetic moments, i.r. and electronic spectra studied. [Ni(BPBI)2Cl2] has a pseudotetrahedral structure while [Ni(BPBI)2 Br2] exists as square planar and speudotetrahedral isomers. [Ni(BPBI)2I2] and [NI(BPBI)2(NCS)2] have square planar stereochemistry. The nitrato complex [Ni(BPBI)2(NO)3)2] exists in two different octahedral modifications in the solid state.


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We present a method to perform in situ microrheological measurements on monolayers of soft materials undergoing viscoelastic transitions under compression. Using the combination of a Langmuir trough mounted on the inverted microscope stage of a laser scanning confocal microscope we track the motion of individual fluorescent quantum dots partly dispersed in monolayers spread at the air-water interface. From the calculated mean square displacement of the probe particles and extending a well established scheme of the generalized Stokes-Einstein relation in bulk to the interface we arrive at the viscoelastic modulus for the respective monolayers as a function of surface density. Measurements on monolayers of glassy as well as nonglassy polymers and a standard fatty acid clearly show sensitivity of our technique to subtle variations, in the viscoelastic properties of the highly confined materials under compression. Evidence for possible spatial variations of such viscoelastic properties at a given surface density for the fatty acid monolayer is also provided.


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Driven nonequilibrium structural phase transformation has been probed using time-varying resistance fluctuations or noise. We demonstrate that the non-Gaussian component (NGC) of noise obtained by evaluating the higher-order statistics of fluctuations, serves as a simple kinetic detector of these phase transitions. Using the Martensite transformation in free-standing wires of nickel-titanium binary alloys as a prototype, we observe clear deviations from the Gaussian background in the transformation zone, indicative of the long-range correlations in the system as the phase transforms. The viability of non-Gaussian statistics as a robust probe to structural phase transition was also confirmed by comparing the results from differential scanning calorimetry measurements. We further studied the response of the NGC to the modifications in the microstructure on repeated thermal cycling, as well as the variations in the temperature-drive rate, and explained the results using established simplistic models based on the different competing time scales. Our experiments (i) suggest an alternative method to estimate the transformation temperature scales with high accuracy and (ii) establish a connection between the material-specific evolution of microstructure to the statistics of its linear response. Since the method depends on an in-built long-range correlation during transformation, it could be portable to other structural transitions, as well as to materials of different physical origin and size.


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We present a method to perform in situ microrheological measurements on monolayers of soft materials undergoing viscoelastic transitions under compression. Using the combination of a Langmuir trough mounted on the inverted microscope stage of a laser scanning confocal microscope we track the motion of individual fluorescent quantum dots partly dispersed in monolayers spread at the air-water interface. From the calculated mean square displacement of the probe particles and extending a well established scheme of the generalized Stokes-Einstein relation in bulk to the interface we arrive at the viscoelastic modulus for the respective monolayers as a function of surface density. Measurements on monolayers of glassy as well as nonglassy polymers and a standard fatty acid clearly show sensitivity of our technique to subtle variations, in the viscoelastic properties of the highly confined materials under compression. Evidence for possible spatial variations of such viscoelastic properties at a given surface density for the fatty acid monolayer is also provided.


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We applied our previous theory of high temperature superconductivity to Bi and Tl compounds in this paper. The theory involves the role of electron pairs in the spin singlet of species Xequal-or-greater, slanted (Bi3+ (6S2), Tl(6S2) etc.) and their virtual excited state X0 (Bi5+ (6s0), Tl3+ (6s0), etc.) in the pairing interaction of quasiholes. Bi and Tl species provide additional channels of kind (Xequal-or-greater, slanted left angle bracket X0) owing to the charge fluctuations. We treated the two states of these species like a two-level Bose system. We used the pseudospin formalism to calculate the expression for the critical temperature in this paper. We also calculated numerically the value of Tc for Bi and Tl compounds and found a good agreement between theory and experiment.


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Current versus voltage characteristics (I-V) of nanocrystalline SnO2 materials have been investigated in air at room temperature. The samples were prepared by the inert gas condensation technique (IGCT) as well as by chemical methods. X-ray diffraction studies showed a tetragonal rutile structure for all the samples. Microstructural studies were performed with transmission electron microscopy. All the samples exhibited nonlinear I-V characteristics of the current-controlled negative resistance (CCNR) type. The results show that the threshold field (break down) voltage is higher for the samples prepared by the IGCT method than for those prepared by the chemical method due to the formation of a tin oxide layer over the crystalline tin. It is also found that the threshold field increases with the decrease in grain size.


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The system 3-methylpyridine(3MP)+water(H2O)+NaBr has been the subject of an intense scientific debate since the work of Jacob [Phys. Rev. E. 58, 2188 (1988)] and Anisimov [Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 2336 (2000)]. The crossover critical behavior of this system seemed to show remarkable sensitivity to the weight fraction (X) of the ionic impurity NaBr. In the range X <= 0.10 the system displayed Ising behavior and a pronounced crossover to mean-field behavior in the range 0.10 <= X <= 0.16. A complete mean-field behavior was observed at X=0.17, a result that was later attributed to the existence of long-living nonequilibrium states in this system [Kostko , Phys. Rev. E. 70, 026118 (2004)]. In this paper, we report the near-critical behavior of osmotic susceptibility in the isotopically related ternary system, 3MP+heavy water(D2O)+NaBr. Detailed light-scattering experiments performed at exactly the same NaBr concentrations as investigated by Jacob reveal that the system 3MP+D2O+NaBr shows a simple Ising-type critical behavior with gamma similar or equal to 1.24 and nu similar or equal to 0.63 over the entire NaBr concentration range 0 <= X <= 0.1900. The crossover behavior is predominantly nonmonotonic and is completed well outside the critical domain. An analysis in terms of the effective susceptibility exponent (gamma(eff)) reveals that the crossover behavior is nonmonotonic for 0 <= X <= 0.1793 and tends to become monotonic for X > 0.1793. The correlation length amplitude xi(o), has a value of similar or equal to 2 A for 0.0250 <= X <= 0.1900, whereas for X=0, xi(o)similar or equal to 3.179 A. Since isotopic H -> D substitution is not expected to change the critical behavior of the system, our results support the recent results obtained by Kostko [Phys. Rev. E. 70, 026118 (2004)] that 3MP+H2O+NaBr exhibits universal Ising-type critical behavior typical for other aqueous solutions.


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In the framework of the ECSK [Einstein-Cartan-Sciama-Kibble] theory of cosmology, a scalar field nonminimally coupled to the gravitational field is considered. For a Robertson-Walker open universe (k=0) in the radiation era, the field equations admit a singularity-free solution for the scale factor. In theory, the torsion is generated through nonminimal coupling of a scalar field to the gravitation field. The nonsingular nature of the cosmological model automatically solves the flatness problem. Further absence of event horizon and particle horizon explains the high degree of isotropy, especially of 2.7-K background radiation.


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A nonequilibrium generalization of the density-functional theory of freezing is proposed to investigate the shear-induced first-order phase transition in colloidal suspensions. It is assumed that the main effect of a steady shear is to break the symmetry of the structure factor of the liquid and that for small shear rate, the phenomenon of a shear-induced order-disorder transition may be viewed as an equilibrium phase transition. The theory predicts that the effective density at which freezing takes place increases with shear rate. The solid (which is assumed to be a bcc lattice) formed upon freezing is distorted and specifically there is less order in one plane compared with the order in the other two perpendicular planes. It is shown that there exists a critical shear rate above which the colloidal liquid does not undergo a transition to an ordered (or partially ordered) state no matter how large the density is. Conversely, above the critical shear rate an initially formed bcc solid always melts into an amorphous or liquidlike state. Several of these predictions are in qualitative agreement with the light-scattering experiments of Ackerson and Clark. The limitations as well as possible extensions of the theory are also discussed.


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Bose-C-Hocquenghem (BCH) atdes with symbols from an arbitrary fhite integer ring are derived in terms of their generator polynomials. The derivation is based on the factohation of x to the power (n) - 1 over the unit ring of an appropriate extension of the fiite integer ring. lke eomtruetion is thus shown to be similar to that for BCH codes over fink flelda.


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Ionic conductivity measurements have been made on pure, copper-doped and cadmium-doped single crystals. Dielectric measurements in the frequency range 30Hz–100Hz showed that there was no anomalously to be (0.64 ± 0.02) eV and migration energies for silver ion intersitials and vacancies in the c direction to be (0.41 ± 0.02) eV and (0.50 ± 0.02) eV respectively. ESR measurements have shown that copper exists as Cu+ in these crystals. Dielectric measurements in the frequency range (OHz–100KHz showed that there was no anomalously high value for ε as reported earlier.


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Active particles contain internal degrees of freedom with the ability to take in and dissipate energy and, in the process, execute systematic movement. Examples include all living organisms and their motile constituents such as molecular motors. This article reviews recent progress in applying the principles of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics and hydrodynamics to form a systematic theory of the behavior of collections of active particles-active matter-with only minimal regard to microscopic details. A unified view of the many kinds of active matter is presented, encompassing not only living systems but inanimate analogs. Theory and experiment are discussed side by side.