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This paper presents a detailed investigation of the erects of piezoelectricity, spontaneous polarization and charge density on the electronic states and the quasi-Fermi level energy in wurtzite-type semiconductor heterojunctions. This has required a full solution to the coupled Schrodinger-Poisson-Navier model, as a generalization of earlier work on the Schrodinger-Poisson problem. Finite-element-based simulations have been performed on a A1N/GaN quantum well by using both one-step calculation as well as the self-consistent iterative scheme. Results have been provided for field distributions corresponding to cases with zero-displacement boundary conditions and also stress-free boundary conditions. It has been further demonstrated by using four case study examples that a complete self-consistent coupling of electromechanical fields is essential to accurately capture the electromechanical fields and electronic wavefunctions. We have demonstrated that electronic energies can change up to approximately 0.5 eV when comparing partial and complete coupling of electromechanical fields. Similarly, wavefunctions are significantly altered when following a self-consistent procedure as opposed to the partial-coupling case usually considered in literature. Hence, a complete self-consistent procedure is necessary when addressing problems requiring more accurate results on optoelectronic properties of low-dimensional nanostructures compared to those obtainable with conventional methodologies.


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Resistance to therapy limits the effectiveness of drug treatment in many diseases. Drug resistance can be considered as a successful outcome of the bacterial struggle to survive in the hostile environment of a drug-exposed cell. An important mechanism by which bacteria acquire drug resistance is through mutations in the drug target. Drug resistant strains (multi-drug resistant and extensively drug resistant) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis are being identified at alarming rates, increasing the global burden of tuberculosis. An understanding of the nature of mutations in different drug targets and how they achieve resistance is therefore important. An objective of this study is to first decipher sequence as well as structural bases for the observed resistance in known drug resistant mutants and then to predict positions in each target that are more prone to acquiring drug resistant mutations. A curated database containing hundreds of mutations in the 38 drug targets of nine major clinical drugs, associated with resistance is studied here. Mutations have been classified into those that occur in the binding site itself, those that occur in residues interacting with the binding site and those that occur in outer zones. Structural models of the wild type and mutant forms of the target proteins have been analysed to seek explanations for reduction in drug binding. Stability analysis of an entire array of 19 mutations at each of the residues for each target has been computed using structural models. Conservation indices of individual residues, binding sites and whole proteins are computed based on sequence conservation analysis of the target proteins. The analyses lead to insights about which positions in the polypeptide chain have a higher propensity to acquire drug resistant mutations. Thus critical insights can be obtained about the effect of mutations on drug binding, in terms of which amino acid positions and therefore which interactions should not be heavily relied upon, which in turn can be translated into guidelines for modifying the existing drugs as well as for designing new drugs. The methodology can serve as a general framework to study drug resistant mutants in other micro-organisms as well.


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Clock synchronisation is an important requirement for various applications in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Most of the existing clock synchronisation protocols for WSNs use some hierarchical structure that introduces an extra overhead due to the dynamic nature of WSNs. Besides, it is difficult to integrate these clock synchronisation protocols with sleep scheduling scheme, which is a major technique to conserve energy. In this paper, we propose a fully distributed peer-to-peer based clock synchronisation protocol, named Distributed Clock Synchronisation Protocol (DCSP), using a novel technique of pullback for complete sensor networks. The pullback technique ensures that synchronisation phases of any pair of clocks always overlap. We have derived an exact expression for a bound on maximum synchronisation error in the DCSP protocol, and simulation study verifies that it is indeed less than the computed upper bound. Experimental study using a few TelosB motes also verifies that the pullback occurs as predicted.


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The analysis of a fully integrated optofluidic lab-on-a-chip sensor is presented in this paper. This device is comprised of collinear input and output waveguides that are separated by a microfluidic channel. When light is passed through the analyte contained in the fluidic gap, optical power loss occurs owing to absorption of light. Apart from absorption, a mode-mismatch between the input and output waveguides occurs when the light propagates through the fluidic gap. The degree of mode-mismatch and quantum of optical power loss due to absorption of light by the fluid form the basis of our analysis. This sensor can detect changes in refractive index and changes in concentration of species contained in the analyte. The sensitivity to detect minute changes depends on many parameters. The parameters that influence the sensitivity of the sensor are mode spot size, refractive index of the fluid, molar concentration of the species contained in the analyte, width of the fluidic gap, and waveguide geometry. By correlating various parameters, an optimal fluidic gap distance corresponding to a particular mode spot size that achieves the best sensitivity is determined both for refractive index and absorbance-based sensing.


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Lead telluride micro and nanostructures have been grown on silicon and glass substrates by a simple thermal evaporation of PbTe in high vacuum of 3 x 10(-5) mbar. Growth was carried out for two different distances between the evaporation source and the substrates. Synthesized products consist of nanorods and micro towers for 2.4 cm and 3.4 cm of distance between the evaporation source and the substrates respectively. X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy studies confirmed crystalline nature of the nanorods and micro towers. Nanorods were grown by vapor solid mechanism. Each micro tower consists of nano platelets and is capped with spherical catalyst particle at their end, suggesting that the growth proceeds via vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) mechanism. EDS spectrum recorded on the tip of the micro tower has shown the presence of Pb and Te confirming the self catalytic VLS growth of the micro towers. These results open up novel synthesis methods for PbTe nano and microstructures for various applications.


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Electrodeposition of Co-W alloy coatings has been carried out with DC and PC using gluconate bath at different pH. These coatings are characterized for their structure, morphology and chemical composition by X-ray diffraction, field emission scanning electron microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Alloy coatings plated at pH8 are crystalline, whereas coatings electrodeposited at pH5 are nanocrystalline in nature. XPS studies have demonstrated that as-deposited alloy plated at pH8 with DC contain only Co2+ and W6+ species, whereas that alloy plated at pH5 has significant amount of Co-0 and W-0 along with Co2+ and W6+ species. Again, Co2+ and W6+ are main species in all as-deposited PC plated alloys in both pH. Co-0 concentration increases upon successive sputtering of all alloy coatings. In contrast, mainly W6+ species is detected in the following layers of all alloys plated with PC. Alloys plated at pH5 show higher microhardness compared to their pH8 counterparts.


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Crystals of a new nonlinear optical (NLO) material, viz., L-histidinium 2-nitrobenzoate (LHNB) (1) were grown by slow evaporation of an aqueous solution containing equimolar concentrations of L-histidine and 2-nitrobenzoic acid. The structure of the title compound which crystallizes in the non-centrosymmetric monoclinic space group P2(1) was elucidated using single crystal X-ray intensity data. The UV-Vis-NIR spectrum of 1 reveals its transparent nature while the vibrational spectra confirm the presence of the functional groups in 1. The thermal stability and second harmonic generation (SHG) conversion efficiency of 1 were also investigated. (C) 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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The motion of DNA (in the bulk solution) and the non-Newtonian effective fluid behavior are considered separately and self-consistently with the fluid motion satisfying the no-slip boundary condition on the surface of the confining geometry in the presence of channel pressure gradients. A different approach has been developed to model DNA in the micro-channel. In this study the DNA is assumed as an elastic chain with its characteristic Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio and density. The force which results from the fluid dynamic pressure, viscous forces and electromotive forces is applied to the elastic chain in a coupled manner. The velocity fields in the micro-channel are influenced by the transport properties. Simulations are carried out for the DNAs attached to the micro-fluidic wall. Numerical solutions based on a coupled multiphysics finite element scheme are presented. The modeling scheme is derived based on mass conservation including biomolecular mass, momentum balance including stress due to Coulomb force field and DNA-fluid interaction, and charge transport associated to DNA and other ionic complexes in the fluid. Variation in the velocity field for the non-Newtonian flow and the deformation of the DNA strand which results from the fluid-structure interaction are first studied considering a single DNA strand. Motion of the effective center of mass is analyzed considering various straight and coil geometries. Effects of DNA statistical parameters (geometry and spatial distribution of DNAs along the channel) on the effective flow behavior are analyzed. In particular, the dynamics of different DNA physical properties such as radius of gyration, end-to-end length etc. which are obtained from various different models (Kratky-Porod, Gaussian bead-spring etc.) are correlated to the nature of interaction and physical properties under the same background fluid environment.


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Sodium doped zinc oxide (Na:ZnO) thin films were deposited on glass substrates at substrate temperatures 300,400 and 500 degrees C by a novel nebulizer spray method. X-ray diffraction shows that all the films are polycrystalline in nature having hexagonal structure with high preferential orientation along (0 0 2) plane. High resolution SEM studies reveal the formation of Na-doped ZnO films having uniformly distributed nano-rods over the entire surface of the substrates at 400 degrees C. The complex impedance of the ZnO nano-rods shows two distinguished semicircles and the diameter of the arcs got decreased in diameter as the temperature increases from 170 to 270 degrees C and thereafter slightly increased. (c) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Direct current electrodeposition of Co-P alloy coatings were carried out using gluconate bath and they were characterized by employing techniques like XRD, FESEM, DSC and XPS. Broad XRD lines demonstrate the amorphous nature of Co-P coatings. Spherical and rough nodules are observed on the surface of coatings as seen from FESEM images. Three exothermic peaks around 290, 342 and 390 degrees C in DSC profiles of Co-P coatings could be attributed to the crystallization and formation of Co2P phase in the coatings. As-deposited coatings consist of Co metal and oxidized Co species as revealed by XPS studies. Bulk alloy P (P delta-) as well as oxidized P (P5+) are present on the surface of coatings. Concentrations of Co metal and P delta- increase with successive sputtering of the coating. Observed microhardness value is 1005 HK when Co-P coating obtained from 10 g L-1 NaH2PO2 is heated at 400 degrees C that is comparable with hard chromium coatings.


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The poison gland and Dufour's gland are the two glands associated with the sting apparatus in female Apocrita (Hymenoptera). While the poison gland usually functions as an integral part of the venom delivery system, the Dufour's gland has been found to differ in its function in various hymenopteran groups. Like all exocrine glands, the function of the Dufour's gland is to secrete chemicals, but the nature and function of the secretions varies in different taxa. Functions of the Dufour's gland secretions range from serving as a component of material used in nest building, larval food, and pheromones involved in communicative functions that are important for both solitary and social species. This review summarizes the different functions reported for the Dufour's gland in hymenopterans, illustrating how the Dufour's gland secretions can be adapted to give rise to various functions in response to different challenges posed by the ways of life followed by different taxa. Aspects of development, structure, chemistry and the evolution of different functions are also touched upon briefly.


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Due to environmental concerns, health hazards to man and the evolution of resistance in insect pests, there have been constant efforts to discover newer insecticides both from natural sources and by chemical synthesis. Natural sources for novel molecules hold promise in view of their eco-friendly nature, selectivity and mammalian safety. We have isolated one natural bioactive molecule from the leaves of Lantana camara named Coumaran, based on various physical-chemical and spectroscopic techniques (IR, H-1 NMR, C-13 NMR and MS). Coumaran is highly toxic and very low concentration is needed for control of stored product insects. This molecule has potent grain protectant potential and caused significant reduction in F1 progeny of all the three species in the treated grain and the progeny was completely suppressed at 30 mu g/l. The differences in germination between the control and treated grains were not significant. The lack of any adverse effect of Coumaran on the seed germination is highly desirable for a grain protectant, becoming a potential source of biofumigant for economical and environmentally friendly pest control strategies against stored grain pests during storage of grains or pulses. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Chemical functionalization of various hydrocarbons, such as coronene, corannulene, and so forth, shows good promise in electronics applications because of their tunable optoelectronic properties. By using quantum chemical calculations, we have investigated the changes in the corannulene buckybowl structure, which greatly affect its electronic and optical properties when functionalized with different electron-withdrawing imide groups. We find that the chemical nature and position of functional groups strongly regulate the stacking geometry, -stacking interactions, and electronic structure. Herein, a range of optoelectronic properties and structure-property relationships of various imide-functionalized corannulenes are explored and rationalized in detail. In terms of carrier mobility, we find that the functionalization strongly affects the reorganization energy of corannulene, while the enhanced stacking improves hopping integrals, favoring the carrier mobility of crystals of pentafluorophenylcorannulene-5-monoimide. The study shows a host of emerging optoelectronic properties and enhancements in the charge-transport characteristics of functionalized corannulene, which may find possible semiconductor and electronics applications.


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Donor-acceptor (D-A) conjugated polymers have attracted a good deal of attention in recent years. In D-A systems, the introduction of electron withdrawing groups reduces E-g by lowering the LUMO levels whereas, the introduction of electron donating groups reduces E-g by raising the HOMO levels. Also, conjugated polymers with desired HOMO and LUMO energy levels could be obtained by the proper selection of donor and acceptor units. Because of this reason, D-A conjugated polymers are emerging as promising materials particularly for polymer light emitting diodes (PLEDs) and polymer solar cells (PSCs). We report the design and synthesis of four new narrow band gap donor-acceptor (D-A) conjugated polymers, PTCNN, PTCNF, PTCNV and PTCNO, containing electron donating 3,4-didodecyloxythiophene and electron accepting cyanovinylene units. The effects of further addition of electron donating and electron withdrawing groups to the repeating unit of a D-A conjugated polymer (PTCNN) on its optical and electrochemical properties are discussed. The studies revealed that the nature of D and A units as well as the extent of alternate D-A structure influences the optical and the electrochemical properties of the polymers. All the polymers are thermally stable up to a temperature of 300 degrees C under nitrogen atmosphere. The electrochemical studies revealed that the polymers possess low-lying HOMO energy levels and low-lying LUMO energy levels. In the UV-Vis absorption study, the polymer films displayed broad absorption in the wavelength region of 400-700 nm. The polymers exhibited low optical band gaps in the range 1.70 - 1.77 eV.


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GdAlO3, GdAlO3:Eu3+ and GdAlO3:Eu3+:Bi3+ nanophosphors were synthesised by solution combustion technique. Pure orthorhombic phase was obtained from powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) studies. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) micrographs showed the porous, agglomerated and irregular shaped particles. The particle size obtained by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) measurement was in good agreement with the values obtained by Debye Scherrer's and W-H plots. The selected area electron diffraction (SAED) pattern show single crystalline nature of the sample. Photoluminescence (PL) measurements were carried out for GdAlO3:Eu3+ and GdAlO3:Eu3+:Bi3+ phosphors excited at a wavelength of 274 nm. The characteristic emission peaks of Eu3+ ions were recorded at 590, 614, 655 and 695 nm corresponding to D-5(0) -> F-7(J) (J = 1, 2, 3, 4) transitions respectively. However, with addition of Bi3+ ions in GdAlO3:Eu3+, PL intensity drastically enhanced. Orange red color was tuned to deep red color with the addition of Bi3+ ions in GdAlO3:Eu3+ phosphor. Therefore, the phosphor was highly useful as red component in WLEDs. A single well resoled glow peak at 225 degrees C was recorded in GdAlO3 and GdAlO3:Eu3+. Further, with addition of Bi3+ ions, an additional peak at 300 degrees C was recorded. TL glow curves of different UV-exposed GdAlO3:Eu3+:Bi3+ show two TL peaks at 207 and 300 degrees C respectively. The 207 degrees C peak show simple glow peak structure and its intensity increases linearly up to 25 mm and after that it decrease. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.