147 resultados para methodic-didactic considerations on the work with TV news


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In this paper we study the planetary-scale wave features using concurrent observations of mesospheric wind and temperature, ionospheric h'F, and tropospheric wind from Tirunelveli, Gadanki, and Kolhapur, all located in the Indian low latitudes, made during February 2009. Our investigations reveal that 3 to 5 day periodicity, characterized as ultrafast Kelvin (UFK) waves, was persistent throughout the atmosphere during this period. These waves show clear signatures of upward wave propagation from troposphere to the upper mesosphere, linking the ionosphere through a clear correlation between mesospheric winds and h'F variations. We also note that the amplitude of this wave decreased as we moved away from the equator. These results are the first of their kind from Indian sector, portraying the vertical as well as latitudinal characteristics of the 3 to 5 day UFK waves simultaneously from the troposphere to the ionosphere.


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The influence of geometric parameters, such as blade profile and hub geometry on axial flow turbines for micro hydro application remains poorly characterized. This paper first introduces a holistic theoretical model for studying the hydraulic phenomenon resulting from geometric modification to the blades. It then describes modification carried out on two runner stages, of which one has untwisted blades and the other has twisted blades obtained by modifying the inlet hub. The experimental results showed that the performance of the untwisted blade runner was satisfactory with a maximum efficiency of 68%. However, positive effects of twisted blades were clearly evident with an efficiency rise of more than 2%. This study also looks into the possible limitations of the model and suggests the extension of the experimental work and the use of computational tools to conduct a progressive validation of all experimental findings, especially on the flow physics within the hub region and the slip phenomena. The paper finally underlines the importance of developing a standardization philosophy for axial flow turbines specific for micro hydro requirements. DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)EY.1943-7897.0000060. (C) 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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The compatibility of the fast-tachocline scenario with a flux-transport dynamo model is explored. We employ a flux-transport dynamo model coupled with simple feedback formulae relating the thickness of the tachocline to the amplitude of the magnetic field or to the Maxwell stress. The dynamo model is found to be robust against the nonlinearity introduced by this simplified fast-tachocline mechanism. Solar-like butterfly diagrams are found to persist and, even without any parameter fitting, the overall thickness of the tachocline is well within the range admitted by helioseismic constraints. In the most realistic case of a time-and latitude-dependent tachocline thickness linked to the value of the Maxwell stress, both the thickness and its latitudinal dependence are in excellent agreement with seismic results. In nonparametric models, cycle-related temporal variations in tachocline thickness are somewhat larger than admitted by helioseismic constraints; we find, however, that introducing a further parameter into our feedback formula readily allows further fine tuning of the thickness variations.


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Effects of dynamic contact angle models on the flow dynamics of an impinging droplet in sharp interface simulations are presented in this article. In the considered finite element scheme, the free surface is tracked using the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian approach. The contact angle is incorporated into the model by replacing the curvature with the Laplace-Beltrami operator and integration by parts. Further, the Navier-slip with friction boundary condition is used to avoid stress singularities at the contact line. Our study demonstrates that the contact angle models have almost no influence on the flow dynamics of the non-wetting droplets. In computations of the wetting and partially wetting droplets, different contact angle models induce different flow dynamics, especially during recoiling. It is shown that a large value for the slip number has to be used in computations of the wetting and partially wetting droplets in order to reduce the effects of the contact angle models. Among all models, the equilibrium model is simple and easy to implement. Further, the equilibrium model also incorporates the contact angle hysteresis. Thus, the equilibrium contact angle model is preferred in sharp interface numerical schemes.


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In this paper, we investigate the achievable rate region of Gaussian multiple access channels (MAC) with finite input alphabet and quantized output. With finite input alphabet and an unquantized receiver, the two-user Gaussian MAC rate region was studied. In most high throughput communication systems based on digital signal processing, the analog received signal is quantized using a low precision quantizer. In this paper, we first derive the expressions for the achievable rate region of a two-user Gaussian MAC with finite input alphabet and quantized output. We show that, with finite input alphabet, the achievable rate region with the commonly used uniform receiver quantizer has a significant loss in the rate region compared. It is observed that this degradation is due to the fact that the received analog signal is densely distributed around the origin, and is therefore not efficiently quantized with a uniform quantizer which has equally spaced quantization intervals. It is also observed that the density of the received analog signal around the origin increases with increasing number of users. Hence, the loss in the achievable rate region due to uniform receiver quantization is expected to increase with increasing number of users. We, therefore, propose a novel non-uniform quantizer with finely spaced quantization intervals near the origin. For a two-user Gaussian MAC with a given finite input alphabet and low precision receiver quantization, we show that the proposed non-uniform quantizer has a significantly larger rate region compared to what is achieved with a uniform quantizer.


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An E-plane rectangular folded-waveguide slow-wave structure with metal grating on the broad wall of the waveguide along the direction of the electric field has been proposed and analyzed for the dispersion and interaction impedance characteristics through three dimensional electromagnetic modeling in CST Studio. The effects of the presence of grating on the bandwidth and interaction impedance are demonstrated.


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The gross characteristics of spatio-temporal current evolution in the return stroke phase of a cloud-to-ground lightning are rather well defined. However, they by themselves do not ensure the salient features for the resulting remote Electro- Magnetic Fields (EMFs). In spite of significant efforts in the engineering models wherein, the spatio-temporal current distribution all along the channel is specified by the design, all the salient features of remote EMFs could not be achieved. Only the current evolution that ensures the basic characteristics along with its ability to reproduce all the salient features of remote EMFs ranging from 50 m – 200 km from the lightning channel, can be considered as a realistic return stroke channel current. In view of this, the present work intends to investigate on the required fine features of the return stroke current evolution that yields all the desired features. To ensure that the current evolution is not arbitrary but obeys the involved basic physical processes, a recently developed physical model will be employed for the analysis.


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Several experimental studies have shown that fracture surfaces in brittle metallic glasses (MGs) generally exhibit nanoscale corrugations which may be attributed to the nucleation and coalescence of nanovoids during crack propagation. Recent atomistic simulations suggest that this phenomenon is due to large spatial fluctuations in material properties in a brittle MG, which leads to void nucleation in regions of low atomic density and then catastrophic fracture through void coalescence. To explain this behavior, we propose a model of a heterogeneous solid containing a distribution of weak zones to represent a brittle MG. Plane strain continuum finite element analysis of cavitation in such an elastic-plastic solid is performed with the weak zones idealized as periodically distributed regions having lower yield strength than the background material. It is found that the presence of weak zones can significantly reduce the critical hydrostatic stress for the onset of cavitation which is controlled uniquely by the local yield properties of these zones. Also, the presence of weak zones diminishes the sensitivity of the cavitation stress to the volume fraction of a preexisting void. These results provide plausible explanations for the observations reported in recent atomistic simulations of brittle MGs. An analytical solution for a composite, incompressible elastic-plastic solid with a weak inner core is used to investigate the effect of volume fraction and yield strength of the core on the nature of cavitation bifurcation. It is shown that snap-cavitation may occur, giving rise to sudden formation of voids with finite size, which does not happen in a homogeneous plastic solid. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The mass flow rate, (m) over dot, associated with the lateral outflow of dry, cohesionless granular material through circular orifices of diameter D made in vertical walls of silos was measured experimentally in order to determine also the influence of the wall thickness of the silo, w. Geometrical arguments, based on the outflow happening, are given in order to have a general correlation for (m) over dot embracing both quantities, D and w. The angle of repose appears to be an important characterization factor in these kinds of flows.


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Carbon nanotubes (CNT) in their cellular like micro-structure have presented an excellent mechanical energy absorption capacity. Although, several efforts have been progressed to modify the CNT structure for further enhancing their energy absorption capacity but yet no report has revealed the effect of magnetic field on the mechanical behavior of as-grown CNT mat that contains magnetic iron nanoparticles in the form of decorated nanoparticles on the surface or filled inside core of the CNT. We report a significant impact of the presence of magnetic content that modifies the mechanical behavior of the entangled CNT mat in the presence of an external magnetic field. The energy absorption capacity doubles when magnetic field was applied in the radial direction of the CNT mat under uniaxial compression. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Among various biologically compatible materials, hydroxyapatite (HA) has excellent bioactivity/osteointegration properties and therefore has been extensively investigated for biomedical applications. However, its inferior fracture toughness limits the wider applications of monolithic HA as a load-bearing implant. To this end, HA-based biocomposites have been developed to improve their mechanical properties (toughness and strength) without compromising biocompatibility. Despite significant efforts over last few decades, the toughness of HA-based composites could not be enhanced beyond 1.5-2 MPa m(1/2), even when measured using indentation techniques. In this perspective, the present work demonstrates how spark plasma sintering can be effectively utilized to develop hydroxyapatite titanium (HA-Ti) composites with varying amounts of Ti (5, 10 and 20 wt.%) with extremely high single edge V-notch beam fracture toughness (4-5 MPa m(1/2)) along with a good combination of elastic modulus and flexural strength. Despite predominant retention of HA and Ti, the combination of critical analysis of X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy investigation confirmed the formation of the CaTi4(PO4)(6) phase with nanoscale morphology at the HA/Ti interface and the formation of such a phase has been discussed in reference to possible sintering reactions. The variations in the measured fracture toughness and work of fracture with Ti addition to the HA matrix were further rationalized using the analytical models of crack bridging as well as on the basis of the additional contribution from crack deflection. The present work opens up the opportunity to further enhance the toughness beyond 5 MPa m(1/2) by microstructural designing with the desired combination of toughening phases. (C) 2013 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we analyze the combined effects of size quantization and device temperature variations (T = 50K to 400 K) on the intrinsic carrier concentration (n(i)), electron concentration (n) and thereby on the threshold voltage (V-th) for thin silicon film (t(si) = 1 nm to 10 nm) based fully-depleted Double-Gate Silicon-on-Insulator MOSFETs. The threshold voltage (V-th) is defined as the gate voltage (V-g) at which the potential at the center of the channel (Phi(c)) begins to saturate (Phi(c) = Phi(c(sat))). It is shown that in the strong quantum confinement regime (t(si) <= 3nm), the effects of size quantization far over-ride the effects of temperature variations on the total change in band-gap (Delta E-g(eff)), intrinsic carrier concentration (n(i)), electron concentration (n), Phi(c(sat)) and the threshold voltage (V-th). On the other hand, for t(si) >= 4 nm, it is shown that size quantization effects recede with increasing t(si), while the effects of temperature variations become increasingly significant. Through detailed analysis, a physical model for the threshold voltage is presented both for the undoped and doped cases valid over a wide-range of device temperatures, silicon film thicknesses and substrate doping densities. Both in the undoped and doped cases, it is shown that the threshold voltage strongly depends on the channel charge density and that it is independent of incomplete ionization effects, at lower device temperatures. The results are compared with the published work available in literature, and it is shown that the present approach incorporates quantization and temperature effects over the entire temperature range. We also present an analytical model for V-th as a function of device temperature (T). (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Measurement of temperature and pressure exerted on the leeward surface of a blunt cone specimen has been demonstrated in the present work in a hypersonic wind tunnel using fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors. The experiments were conducted on a 30 degrees apex-angle blunt cone with 51 mm base diameter at wind flow speeds of Mach 6.5 and 8.35 in a 300 mm hypersonic wind tunnel of Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. A special pressure insensitive temperature sensor probe along with the conventional bare FBG sensors was used for explicit temperature and aerodynamic pressure measurement respectively on the leeward surface of the specimen. computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation of the flow field around the blunt cone specimen has also been carried out to obtain the temperature and pressure at conditions analogous to experiments. The results obtained from FBG sensors and the CFD simulations are found to be in good agreement with each other.


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In the present work, we report spectroscopic studies of laser-induced plasmas produced by focusing the second harmonic (532nm) of a Nd:YAG laser onto the laminar flow of a liquid containing chromium. The plasma temperature is determined from the coupled Saha-Boltzmann plot and the electron density is evaluated from the Stark broadening of an ionic line of chromium Cr(II)] at 267.7nm. Our results reveal a decrease in plasma temperature with an increase in Cr concentration up to a certain concentration level; after that, it becomes approximately constant, while the electron density increases with an increase in analyte (Cr) concentration in liquid matrix.


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The two-phase Brust-Schiffrin method (BSM) is used to synthesize highly stable nanoparticles of noble metals. A phase transfer catalyst (PTC) is used to bring in aqueous phase soluble precursors into the organic phase to enable particle synthesis there. Two different mechanisms for phase transfer are advanced in the literature. The first mechanism considers PTC to bring in an aqueous phase soluble precursor by complexing with it. The second mechanism considers the ionic species to be contained in inverse micelles of PTC, with a water core inside. A comprehensive experimental study involving measurement of interfacial tension, viscosity, water content by Karl-Fischer titration, static light scattering, H-1 NMR, and small-angle X-ray scattering is reported in this work to establish that the phase transfer catalyst tetraoctylammonium bromide transfers ions by complexing with them, instead of encapsulating them in inverse micelles. The findings have implications for particle synthesis in two-phase methods such as BSM and their modification to produce more monodispersed particles.