213 resultados para man-machine interface


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The effect on the macroscopic compressive failure features of introduction of two flexible foam layers, either together at mid-region or separately at two locations that are away from the midregion, into a glass-epoxy (G-E) system is studied in this work. In this experimental approach an attempt to look at the possible influence the foam/G-E interface region has on the way the materials respond to compressive loading is made by involving an analyses of macrofractographic features. While foam-free samples fail by extensive ear formation and separation nearer to the mid-region, the foam bearing ones display pronounced interface separation. The positioning of the foam sheet(s) has a bearing on the failure features.


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The complex singularity associated with a crack at the interface between two dissimilar, isotropic and homogeneous materials leads to mathematical artefacts, such as stress oscillations and crack face interpenetrations in the vicinity of the crack tip. To avoid these unrealistic features, Sinclair (Sinclair GB. On the stress singularity at an interface crack. International Journal of Fracture 1980;16(2):111-9) assumed a finite crack opening angle (COA) such that the singularity lambda became real equal to 1/2. This paper extends the COA model by considering real singularities not necessarily equal to 1/2. When COA is 0 degrees: the interface crack singularity is complex with a real part equal to 1/2. On increasing COA, the imaginary part of the singularity decreases and becomes zero at a threshold value of COA; at this point, the singularity is a real, repeated value. A further increase in COA results in a pair of real singularities. Different crack opening configurations and material combinations are studied, and results presented for threshold COAs and associated values of singularity. Stress analyses for these three regimes: (a) complex, (b) real pair and (c) real repeated singularities, are reported. It is seen that additional complexities are present in the last case. Typical results for stress fields are also included for comparing with standard fields. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Radially homogeneous bulk alloys of GaxIn1-xSb in the range 0.7 < x < 0.8, have been grown by vertical Bridgman technique. The factors affecting the interface shape during the growth were optimised to achieve zero convexity. From a series of experiments, a critical ratio of the temperature gradient (G) of the furnace at the melting point of the melt composition to the ampoule lowering speed (v) was deduced for attaining the planarity of the melt-solid interface. The studies carried out on directional solidification of Ga0.77In0.23Sb mixed crystals employing planar melt-solid interface exhibited superior quality than those with nonplanar interfaces. The solutions to certain problems encountered during the synthesis and growth of the compound were discussed. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Hardened concrete is a three-phase composite consisting of cement paste, aggregate and interface between cement paste and aggregate. The interface in concrete plays a key role on the overall performance of concrete. The interface properties such as deformation, strength, fracture energy, stress intensity and its influence on stiffness and ductility of concrete have been investigated. The effect of composition of cement, surface characteristics of aggregate and type of loading have been studied. The load-deflection response is linear showing that the linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) is applicable to characterize interface. The crack deformation increases with large rough aggregate surfaces. The strength of interface increases with the richness of concrete mix. The interface fracture energy increases as the roughness of the aggregate surface increases. The interface energy under mode II loading increases with the orientation of aggregate surface with the direction of loading. The chemical reaction between smooth aggregate surface and the cement paste seems to improve the interface energy. The ductility of concrete decreases as the surface area of the strong interface increases. The fracture toughness (stress intensity factor) of the interface seems to be very low, compared with hardened cement paste, mortar and concrete.


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Particulate composites based on polymer matrices generally contain fillers, especially those that are abundantly available and are cheaper. The inclusion of these, besides improving the properties, makes the system costwise viable, In the present study, fly ash was tried as a filler in epoxy. The filler particle surfaces were modified using three chemical surface treatment techniques in order to elicit the effect of adhesion at the interface on the mechanical properties of these composites. The compatibilizing of the filler with the use of a silane coupling agent yielded the best compression strength values. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) has been used to characterize and supplement the mechanical test data.


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An experimental investigation on the bond strength of the interface between mortar and aggregate is reported. Composite compact specimens were used for applying Mode I and Mode 11 loading effects. The influence of the type of mortar and type of aggregate and its roughness on the bond strength of the interface has been studied. It has been observed that the bond strength of the interface in tension is significantly low, though the mortars exhibited higher strength. The highest tensile bond strength values have been observed with rough concrete surface with M-13 mortar. The bond strength of the interface in Mode I load depends on the type of aggregate surface and its roughness, and the type of mortar, The bond strength of the interface between mortar M-13 cast against rough concrete in direct tension seems to be about one third of the strength of the mortar. However, it is about 1/20th to 1/10th with the mortar M-12 in sandwiched composite specimens. The bond strength of the interface in shear (Mode IT) significantly increases as the roughness and the phase angle of the aggregate surface increase. The strength of mortar on the interface bond strength has been very significant. The sandwiched composite specimens show relatively low bond strength in Mode I loading. The behavior of the interface in both Mode I and Mode 11 loading effects has been brittle, indicating catastrophic failure. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents the design of a full fledged OCR system for printed Kannada text. The machine recognition of Kannada characters is difficult due to similarity in the shapes of different characters, script complexity and non-uniqueness in the representation of diacritics. The document image is subject to line segmentation, word segmentation and zone detection. From the zonal information, base characters, vowel modifiers and consonant conjucts are separated. Knowledge based approach is employed for recognizing the base characters. Various features are employed for recognising the characters. These include the coefficients of the Discrete Cosine Transform, Discrete Wavelet Transform and Karhunen-Louve Transform. These features are fed to different classifiers. Structural features are used in the subsequent levels to discriminate confused characters. Use of structural features, increases recognition rate from 93% to 98%. Apart from the classical pattern classification technique of nearest neighbour, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based classifiers like Back Propogation and Radial Basis Function (RBF) Networks have also been studied. The ANN classifiers are trained in supervised mode using the transform features. Highest recognition rate of 99% is obtained with RBF using second level approximation coefficients of Haar wavelets as the features on presegmented base characters.


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The decision-making process for machine-tool selection and operation allocation in a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) usually involves multiple conflicting objectives. Thus, a fuzzy goal-programming model can be effectively applied to this decision problem. The paper addresses application of a fuzzy goal-programming concept to model the problem of machine-tool selection and operation allocation with explicit considerations given to objectives of minimizing the total cost of machining operation, material handling and set-up. The constraints pertaining to the capacity of machines, tool magazine and tool life are included in the model. A genetic algorithm (GA)-based approach is adopted to optimize this fuzzy goal-programming model. An illustrative example is provided and some results of computational experiments are reported.


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A mathematical model has been developed for the gas carburising (diffusion) process using finite volume method. The computer simulation has been carried out for an industrial gas carburising process. The model's predictions are in good agreement with industrial experimental data and with data collected from the literature. A study of various mass transfer and diffusion coefficients has been carried out in order to suggest which correlations should be used for the gas carburising process. The model has been interfaced in a Windows environment using a graphical user interface. In this way, the model is extremely user friendly. The sensitivity analysis of various parameters such as initial carbon concentration in the specimen, carbon potential of the atmosphere, temperature of the process, etc. has been carried out using the model.


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PDB Goodies is a web-based graphical user interface (GUI) to manipulate the Protein Data Bank file containing the three-dimensional atomic coordinates of protein structures. The program also allows users to save the manipulated three-dimensional atomic coordinate file on their local client system. These fragments are used in various stages of structure elucidation and analysis. This software is incorporated with all the three-dimensional protein structures available in the Protein Data Bank, which presently holds approximately 18 000 structures. In addition, this program works on a three-dimensional atomic coordinate file (Protein Data Bank format) uploaded from the client machine. The program is written using CGI/PERL scripts and is platform independent. The program PDB Goodies can be accessed over the World Wide Web at http://


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We report a novel phase behavior in aqueous solutions of simple organic solutes near their liquid/liquid critical points, where a solid-like third phase appears at the liquid/liquid interface. The phenomenon has been found in three different laboratories. It appears in many aqueous systems of organic solutes and becomes enhanced upon the addition of salt to these solutions.


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Conventional thyristor-based load commutated inverter (LCI)-fed wound field synchronous machine operates only above a minimum speed that is necessary to develop enough back emf to ensure commutation. The drive is started and brought up to a speed of around 10-15% by a complex `dc link current pulsing' technique. During this process, the drive have problems such as pulsating torque, insufficient average starting torque, longer starting time, etc. In this regard a simple starting and low-speed operation scheme, by employing an auxiliary low-power voltage source inverter (VSI) between the LCI and the machine terminals, is presented in this study. The drive is started and brought up to a low speed of around 15% using the VSI alone with field oriented control. The complete control is then smoothly and dynamically transferred to the conventional LCI control. After the control transfer, the VSI is turned off and physically disconnected from the main circuit. The advantages of this scheme are smooth starting, complete control of torque and flux at starting and low speeds, less starting time, stable operation, etc. The voltage rating of the required VSI is very low of the order of 10-15%, whereas the current rating is dependent on the starting torque requirement of the load. The experimental results from a 15.8 hp LCI-fed wound field synchronous machine are given to demonstrate the scheme.


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In this paper, a wind energy conversion system (WECS) using grid-connected wound rotor induction machine controlled from the rotor side is compared with both fixed speed and variable speed systems using cage rotor induction machine. The comparison is done on the basis of (I) major hardware components required, (II) operating region, and (III) energy output due to a defined wind function using the characteristics of a practical wind turbine. Although a fixed speed system is more simple and reliable, it severely limits the energy output of a wind turbine. In case of variable speed systems, comparison shows that using a wound rotor induction machine of similar rating can significantly enhance energy capture. This comes about due to the ability to operate with rated torque even at supersynchronous speeds; power is then generated out of the rotor as well as the stator. Moreover, with rotor side control, the voltage rating of the power devices and dc bus capacitor bank is reduced. The size of the line side inductor also decreasesd. Results are presented to show the substantial advantages of the doubly fed system.


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Polymer composites are generally filled with either fibrous or particulate materials to improve the mechanical properties. In choosing the fillers one looks for materials that are inexpensive and available in abundance, in order to realize a cost reduction also. Also, often these fibres/fillers are treated to improve the matrix adhesion and thereby mechanical properties. The present study is focussed on the influence of water ingression in such filler-modified composites and the attendant changes in the compressive properties. The changes in property effected following exposure to aqueous media and the influence interface modification has on the scenario is emphasized in the work. It is seen that for plain epoxy and fly ash filled systems the strengths are increased following exposure to aqueous media. The composites with surface-treated ash particles, on the other hand, record a drop in the values. Modulus values show are increased to varying degree in unfilled and filled systems. The study also includes a fractographic analysis of the tested samples with and without exposure to water.