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The carbon content of high carbon ferroalloy melts can be reduced by a vacuum treatment. Carbon and oxygen dissolved in the melt react to form CO. Although this process has been suggested in the literature, no comprehensive analysis of the equilibrium partial pressure of CO over an alloy melt with a given carbon and oxygen content has been reported. In this paper, a new type of matched thermochemical diagram is introduced, from which the feasibility of decarburization at reduced CO pressure and the minimum achievable carbon level can be graphically evaluated for any alloy composition and temperature. Carbon and oxygen potentials of different alloys are plotted as functions of temperature on two terminal diagrams. By projecting information from these plots onto a central diagram, containing data on the Gibbs' energy of mixing for the C-O system, equilibrium partial pressures of CO and CO2 are obtained. Nomograms on the central diagram give a direct indication of the equilibrium partial pressures at any given temperature. The carbon and oxygen activities in ferrochromium alloys have been assessed and the results are presented to illustrate the construction and use of the matched thermochemical diagrams.


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A numerical simulation technique has been employed to study the thermal behavior of hot-forging type forming processes. Experiments on the coining and upsetting of an aluminum billet were conducted to validate the numerical predictions. Typical forming conditions for both the coining and upsetting processes were then studied in detail. an electrical analogy scheme was used to determine the thermal contact resistance. This scheme can conviniently provide the interface characteristics for typical processing conditions, which normally involve high pressures and temperatures. A single forging cycle was first considered, and then a batch of twenty-five forgings was studied. Each forging cycle includes the billet mounting, ascent, loading, dwelling, unloading, descent, and billet removal stages. The temperature distribution in the first forging to be formed is found to be significantly different from that at the end of the batch. In industry, forging is essentially a batch operation. The influence of forming speed and reduction on thermal characteristics was investigated also. The variations that can occur in the process design by considering differences in temperature characteristics are discussed also.


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The thermodynamic properties of K2CO3 -KSO, solid solutions with hexagonal structure have been measured using a solid-state cell, incorporating a composite solid electrolyte with step-changes in composition. The cell with the configuration Pt, CO2' + O2' || K2CO3 | K2(CO3)x(SO4)1-x || CO2'' + O2'' + Pt X =1 X=X was investigated in the temperature range of 925 to 1165 K. The composite gradient solid electrolyte consisted of pure K2CO3 at one extremity and the solid solution under study at the other. The Nernstian response of the cell to changes in partial pressures of CO2 and O2 at the electrodes and temperature was demonstrated. The activity of K2CO3 in the solid solution was measured by three techniques. All three methods gave identical results, indicating unit transport number for K+ ions and negligible diffusion potential due to concentration gradients of carbonate and sulfate ions. The activity of K2CO3 exhibits positive deviation from Raoult's law. The excess Gibbs energy of mixing of the solid solution can be represented using a subregular solution model DELTAG(E) = X(1 - X)[5030X + 4715(1 - X)] J mol-1 By combining this information with the phase diagram, mixing properties of the liquid phase were obtained.


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This article discusses the potential of bio-dimethyl ether (DME) as a promising fuel for India in the transportation sector where a majority of imported petroleum in the form of diesel is used. Specifically, the suitability of DME in terms of its properties vis-a-vis those of diesel, ability to liquefy DME at low pressures similar to liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), and ease of production from renewable feedstock (biomass), and most importantly, very low emissions including near-zero soot levels are some of the features that make it an attractive option. A detailed review presents the state-of-the-art on various aspects such as estimates of potential bio-DME production, methods of synthesis of bio-DME, important physicochemical properties, fuel-injection system-related concerns (both conventional and common-rail system), fuel spray characteristics which have a direct bearing on the engine performance, and finally, exhaust emissions. Future research directions covering all aspects from production to utilization are summarized (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3489529]


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A performance prediction model generally applicable for volute-type centrifugal pumps has been extended to predict the dynamic characteristics of a pump during its normal starting and stopping periods. Experiments have been conducted on a volute pump with different valve openings to study the dynamic behaviour of the pump during normal start-up and stopping, when a small length of discharge pipeline is connected to the discharge flange of the pump. Such experiments have also been conducted when the test pump was part of a hydraulic system, an experimental rig, where it is pumping against three similar pumps, known as supply pumps, connected in series, with the supply pumps kept idle or running. Instantaneous rotational speed, flowrate, and delivery and suction pressures of the pump were recorded and it was observed in all the tested cases that the change of pump behaviour during the transient period was quasi-steady, which validates the quasi-steady approach presented in this paper. The nature of variation of parameters during the transients has been discussed. The model-predicted dynamic head-capacity curves agree well with the experimental data for almost all the tested cases.


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The thermodynamic properties of Na2CO3-Na2SO4 solid solution with hexagonal structure have been measured in the temperature range of 873 to 1073 K, using a composite-gradient solid electrolyte. The cell used can be represented as The composite-gradient solid electrolyte consisted of pure Na2CO3 at one extremity and the solid solution under study at the other, with variation in composition across the electrolyte. A CO2 + O2 + Ar gas mixture was used to fix the chemical potential of sodium at each electrode. The Nernstian response of the cell to changes in partial pressures of CO2 and O2 at the electrodes has been demonstrated. The activity of Na2CO3 in the solid solution was measured by two techniques. In the first method, the electromotive force (emf) of the cell was measured with the same CO2 + O2 + Ar mixture at both electrodes. The resultant emf is directly related to the activity of Na2CO3 at the solid solution electrode. By the second approach, the activity was calculated from the difference in compositions Of CO2 + O2 + Ar mixtures at the two electrodes required to produce a null emf. Both methods gave identical results. The second method is more suitable for gradient solid electrolytes that exhibit significant electronic conduction. The activity of Na2CO3 exhibits positive deviation from Raoult's law. The excess Gibbs' energy of mixing of the solid solution can be represented using a subregular solution model such as the following: DELTAG(E) = X(1 - X)[6500(+/-200)X + 3320(+/-80)(1 - X)J mol-1 where X is the mole fraction of Na2CO3. By combining this information with the phase diagram, mixing properties of the liquid phase are obtained.


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Ultrasonication of aqueous KI solution is known to yield I2 due to reaction of iodide ions with hydroxyl radicals, which in turn are generated due to cavitation. Based on this conceptual framework, a model has been developed to predict the rate of iodine formation for KI solutions of various concentrations under different gas atmospheres. The model follows the growth and collapse of a gas—vapour cavity using the Rayleigh—Plesset bubble dynamics equation. The bubble is assumed to behave isothermally during its growth phase and a part of the collapse phase. Thereafter it is assumed to collapse adiabatically, yielding high temperatures and pressures. Thermodynamic equilibrium is assumed in the bubble at the end of collapse phase. The contents of the bubble are assumed to mix with the liquid, and the reactor contents are assumed to be well stirred. The model has been verified by conducting experiments with KI solutions of different concentrations and using different gas atmospheres. The model not only explains these results but also the existence of a maximum when Ar---O2 mixtures of different compositions are employed.


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The thermopower (TEP) and electrical resistance of stoichiometric Fe3O4 crystals have been measured up to pressures of 6 GPa over the temperature range of 80-160 K. The resistance decreases markedly with increasing pressure below the Verwey transition temperature TV and TV decreases linearly with increasing pressure. The magnitude of the TEP as well as the discontinuity at TV decrease with increasing pressure. The thermopower of Fe3O4 shows an interesting upswing at low temperatures (lt;100 K) which is affected significantly by pressure.


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Ultrasonication of aqueous KI solution is known to yield I2 due to reaction of iodide ions with hydroxyl radicals, which in turn are generated due to cavitation. Based on this conceptual framework, a model has been developed to predict the rate of iodine formation for KI solutions of various concentrations under different gas atmospheres. The model follows the growth and collapse of a gas-vapour cavity using the Rayleigh-Plesset bubble dynamics equation. The bubble is assumed to behave isothermally during its growth phase and a part of the collapse phase. Thereafter it is assumed to collapse adiabatically, yielding high temperatures and pressures. Thermodynamic equilibrium is assumed in the bubble at the end of collapse phase. The contents of the bubble are assumed to mix with the liquid, and the reactor contents are assumed to be well stirred. The model has been verified by conducting experiments with KI solutions of different concentrations and using different gas atmospheres. The model not only explains these results but also the existence of a maximum when Ar-O2 mixtures of different compositions are employed.


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Variable-temperature X-ray diffraction studies of C70 suggest the occurrence of two phase transitions around 350 and 280 K where the high-temperature phase is fcc and the low-temperature phase is monoclinic, best described as a distorted hcp structure with a doubled unit cell; two like-phases (possibly hcp) seem to coexist in the 280-350 K range. Application of pressure gives rise to three distinct transitions associated with characteristic pressure coefficients, the extrapolated values of the transition temperatures at ambient pressure being around 340, 325 and 270 K. Pressure delineates closely related phases Of C70 just as in the case Of C60 which exhibits two orientational phase transitions at high pressures.


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Photoluminescence and Raman scattering experiments have been carried out on single crystals of C70 up to 31 GPa to investigate the effect of pressure on the optical band gap, vibrational modes and stability of the molecule. The photoluminescence band shifts to lower energies and the pressure dependence of the band maxima yields the hydrostatic deformation potential to be 2.15 eV. The slope changes in the pressure dependence of peak positions and linewidths of the Raman modes associated with the intramolecular vibrations at 1 GPa mark the known face-centred cubic-->rhombohedral orientational ordering transition. The reversible amorphization in C70 at P > 20 GPa has been compared with the irreversible amorphization in C60 at P > 22 GPa in terms of carbon-carbon distance between the neighbouring molecules at the threshold transition pressures, in conjunction with the interplay between the intermolecular and intramolecular interactions.


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Ultrasound has been widely used by chemists to enhance yields as well as rates of homogeneous as well as heterogeneous chemical reactions. The effect of ultrasound on the course of chemical reactions is mediated through cavitation bubbles it generates. High temperatures and pressures are attained inside the cavitating bubbles when they collapse. The extreme conditions so generated lead to the formation of reactive intermediates, e.g., free radiacls, inside the bubbles, which cause chemical reactions to occur when they enter the surrounding liquid. This is the mechanism through which ultrasound influences the path of homogeneous reactions. The cavitation bubbles collapse asymmetrically in the vicinity of solids, e.g., catalyst particles. Asymmetric collapse lead to formation of high speed microjets. The microjets can enhance transport rates, the increase surface area through pitting as well as particle fragmentation through collisions. Both can alter the rates of heterogeneous reaction rates. It however appears that these effects do not exhaust the scope of the influence of ultrasound on heterogeneous reactions. Modelling and quantitative prediction of the effect of ultrasound on chemical reactions is however at a stage of infancy as the phenomena are complex. Only a few examples of modelling exist in literature. Apart from this, reactor design and scaleup pose significant problems. Thus sonochemical reaction engineering offers large scope for research and development efforts.


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Polycrystalline SrTiO3 films were prepared by pulsed excimer laser ablation on Si and Pt coated Si substrates. Several growth parameters were varied including ablation fluence, pressure, and substrate temperature. The structural studies indicated the presence of [100] and [110] oriented growth after annealing by rapid thermal annealing at 600-degrees-C for 60 s. Deposition at either lower pressures or at higher energy densities encouraged film growth with slightly preferred orientation. The scanning electron microscopy studies showed the absence of any significant particulates on the film surface. Dielectric studies indicated a dielectric constant of 225, a capacitance density of 3.2 fF/mum2, and a charge density of 40 fC/mum for films of 1000 nm thick. The dc conductivity studies on these films suggested a bulk limited space charge conduction in the high field regime, while the low electric fields induced an ohmic conduction. Brief time dependent dielectric breakdown studies on these films, under a field of 250 kV/cm for 2 h, did not exhibit any breakdown, indicating good dielectric strength.


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Surface flashover characteristics of solid spacers in a rod-plane configuration have been investigated in SF6, at pressures to 400 kPa, for switching impulse voltages to determine the effect of spacer, spacer materials and polarity of applied impulses. The effect of spacer material on the flashover voltage is not significant. For negative polarity impulses, the influence of the spacer is also insignificant. But for positive polarity impulses, at pressures < 200 kPa, the spacer efficiency becomes > 1.0. On the other hand, at pressures > 200 kPa, the presence of spacer drastically reduces the flashover voltage of the system. At about atmospheric pressure also, the spacer efficiency in air has been found to be > 1.0, with the same electrode geometry.


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A theoretical and experimental study has been carried out on the transient characteristics of a centrifugal pump during starting and stopping periods. Experiments have been conducted on a volute pump with different valve openings to study the dynamic behaviour of the pump during normal start up and stopping, when a small length of discharge pipe line is connected to discharge flange of the pump. Similar experiments have also been conducted when the test pump was part of a hydraulic system to study the system effect on the transient characteristics. Instantaneous rotational speed, flowrate, and delivery and suction pressures of the pump are recorded and it is observed in ail the tested cases that the change of pump behaviour during the transient period is quasi-steady. The dynamic characteristics of the pump have been analysed by a numerical model using the method of characteristics. The model is presented and the results are compared with the experimental data. As the model contains speed acceleration and unsteady discharge terms, the model can be applied for analyses of purely unsteady cases where the pump dynamic characteristics show considerable departure from their steady-state characteristics.