160 resultados para giant cell


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We had earlier identified a 60 kDa nuclear lamin protein (lamin(g)) unique to the germ cells of rat testis which was subsequently shown to be antigenically conserved in germ cells of grasshopper, rooster, frog and plants. We have now obtained eight monoclonal antibodies in mouse against this lamin(g) antigen. While all the eight Mabs reacted with lamin(g) antigen in an immunoblot analysis, only three Mabs (A(11)C(7), A(11)D(4), C1F7) showed strong reactivity in the immunofluorescence analysis of the germ cells. The Mabs A(11)C(7) and A(11)D(4) showed a slight cross-reactivity with rat liver lamin B. Indirect immunofluorescence analysis of pre-meiotic, meiotic and post-meiotic germ cells with Mabs have shown that while the lamin(g) is localized in the lamina structures of spermatogonia and round spermatids, it is localized to the phase dense regions of pachytene spermatocytes which is in conformity with our previous observations using rabbit polyclonal antibodies. The localization of the antigen in the germ cells was also confirmed by immunohistochemical staining of the thin sections of seminiferous tubules. By immunostaining the surface spread pachytene spermatocytes, the antigen was further localized to the telomeric ends of the paired homologous chromosomes. Using anti-somatic lamin B antibodies, we have also demonstrated the absence of somatic lamins in meiotic and post-meiotic germ cells. The lamina structure of pre-meiotic spermatogonial nucleus contains both somatic lamin B and lamin(g) as evidenced by immunofluorescence studies with two differently fluorochrome labelled anti-lamin B and anti-lamin(g) antibodies. The selective retention of lamin(g) in the pachytene spermatocytes is probably essential for anchoring the telomeric ends of the paired chromosomes to the inner nuclear membrane.


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Several H-2 defined cell lines were examined for their ability to support infection and replication of Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) before their use in in vitro and in vivo stimulation protocols for generating cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) against JEV. Among II different cell lines tested, two H-2(d) macrophage tumour lines (P388D1, RAW 264.7), an H-2(d) hybridoma (Sp2/0), an H-2K(k)D(d) neuroblastoma (Neuro 2a), and H-2(k) fibroblast cell line (L929) were found to support JEV infection and replication. These cell lines were used to generate anti-JEV CTLs by using in vivo immunization followed by in vitro stimulation of BALB/c mice. We observed that not only syngeneic and allogeneic infected cells but also JEV-infected xenogeneic cells could prime BALB/c mice for the generation of JEV-specific CTLs upon subsequent in vitro stimulation of splenocytes with JEV-infected syngeneic cells. Although infected xenogeneic cells were used for immunization, the anti-JEV effecters that were generated lysed infected syngeneic targets but not JEV-infected xenogeneic or allogeneic target cells in a 5h Cr-51 release assay. These anti-JEV effecters recognized syngeneic target cells infected with West Nile virus to a lesser extent and were shown to be Lyt-2.2(+) T cells. The results of unlabelled cold target competition studies suggested alterations in the cell surface expression of viral antigenic determinants recognized by these CTLs. We further demonstrate that the JEV-specific CTLs generated could virtually block the release of infectious virus particles from infected P388D1 and Neuro 2a cells in vitro.


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Highly textured, as-deposited La0.6Pb0.4MnO3 thin films have been grown on LaAlO3 by pulsed laser deposition. The films are ferromagnetic metals below 300 K. Giant negative magnetoresistance of over 40% is observed at 300 K at 6 T.


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Synthesis of peanut agglutinin was induced in callus and cell suspension cultures of cotyledons of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). The lectin was synthesised in cultures through several passages. Biosynthesis of peanut agglutinin was regulated by the type and concentration of exogenous growth regulators and was positively correlated to the growth of the cultures,indicating that the agglutinin may have a role to play during cell growth. Movement of agglutinin from the cells into the medium not only facilitated easy isolation of the lectin but also provided a clue that it may probably serve as a defence molecule. The synthesized lectin purified from culture, was found to be biologically active, and was found to be comparable with the lectin from seeds, in terms of its electrophoretic mobility.


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Design and operational details for a self-supported polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) system with anodic dead-end fuel supply and internally humidified cathodic oxidant flow are described. During the PEFC operation, nitrogen and water back diffuse across the Nafion membrane from the cathode to the anode and accumulate in the anode flow channels affecting stack performance. The accumulated inert species are flushed from the stack by purging the fuel cell stack with a timer-activated purge valve to address the aforesaid problem. To minimize the system complexity, stack is designed in such a way that all the inert species accumulate in only one cell called the purge cell. A pulsed purge sequence comprises opening the valve for purge duration followed by purge-valve closing for the hold period and repeating the sequence in cycles. Since self-humidification is inadequate to keep the membrane wet, the anodic dead-end-operated PEFC stack with composite membrane comprising perflourosulphonic acid (Nafion) and silica is employed for keeping the membrane humidified even while operating the stack with dry hydrogen and internally humidified air.


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CZTS (Copper Zinc Tin Sulphide) is a wide band gap quartnery chalcopyrite which has a band gap of about 1.45 eV and an absorption coefficient of 10(4) cm(-1); thus making it an ideal material to be used as an absorber layer in solar cells. Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis is a deposition technique, where the solution is atomized ultrasonically, thereby giving a fine mist having a narrow size distribution which can be used for uniform coatings on substrates. An Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis equipment was developed and CZTS absorber layers were successfully grown with this technique on soda lime glass substrates using aqueous solutions. Substrate temperatures ranging from 523 K to 723 K were used to deposit the CZTS layers and these films were characterized using SEM, EDAX and XRD. It was observed that the film crystallized in the kesterite structure and the best crystallites were obtained at 613 K. It was observed that the grain size progressively increased with temperature. The optical band gap of the material was obtained as 1.54 eV.


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Star formation properties in Giant Extragalactic H II Regions (GEHRs) are investigated using optical photometry and evolutionary population synthesis models. Photometric data in $BVR$ bands and in the emission line of H-alpha are obtained by CCD imaging at Vainu Bappu Observatory, Kavalur. Aperture photometry is performed for 180 GEHRs in galaxies NGC 1365, 1566, 2366, 2903, 2997, 3351, 4303, 4449, 4656 and 5253. Thirty six of these GEHRs having published spectroscopic data are studied for star formation properties. The population synthesis model is constructed based on Maeder's stellar evolutionary and Kurucz stellar atmosphere models, to synthesize observational quantities of embedded clusters in GEHRs. The observed H-alpha luminosity is a measure of the number of massive stars while the contribution to BVR bands is from intermediate mass (5-15 solar mass) stars when the cluster is young and from evolving supergiants when the cluster is old (age >/= 6~Myr). Differential reddening between gas and embedded stars is essential to constrain the dereddened cluster colors within the range of youngest clusters. Obscuring dust closely associated with gas, which is distributed in filaments and clumps, as in the case of 30 Doradus, is the most likely configuration giving rise to net reduction of extinction towards stars. The fraction of the stellar photons escaping the nebula unattenuated is estimated to be 50%. GEHRs are rarely found to be simple systems containing stars from single generation. In the present sample such regions in addition to being older than 3~Myr, have their Lyman continuum luminosity reduced by as much as 60%, compared to the observed $B$ band luminosity for a normal IMF. The missing ionizing photons may be escaping the nebula, leading to the ionization of extra-H II region ionized medium. Co-existence of young (age giants) is found to be common in GEHRs. The emission and continuum knots are seen spatially separated (40-100 pc) on CCD images in NGC 2997, 4303 and 4449 and may be direct evidences for the co-existence of young and old populations in giant star forming complexes. Triggering of star formation from earlier bursts is the most likely cause of new generation of stars, and may be a common phenomenon in GEHRs. Spatial separation between the young and old stars (~30 pc) had been earlier reported in 30 Doradus. Thus GEHRs in nearby galaxies share many of the properties shown by 30 Dor, the nearest GEHR. (SECTION: Dissertation Summaries)


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When freshly starved amoebae of Dictyostelium discoideum are stained with chlortetracycline (CTC), a cell type-specific fluorescent probe for membrane-associated calcium (Ca2+) the resulting fluorescence distribution falls into two functional classes. Fluorescence-activated cell sorting shows that highly fluorescing amoebae tend to enter the prestalk pathway while those with low fluorescence tend to become prespores. In the light of previous findings, these results indicate that in addition to cell cycle phase at starvation, phenotypic variation in the level of sequestered calcium is an early correlate of cell fate.


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A simple, cost-effective and environment-friendly pathway for preparing highly porous matrix of giant dielectric material CaCu3Ti4O12 (CCTO) through combustion of a completely aqueous precursor solution is presented. The pathway yields phase-pure and impurity-less CCTO ceramic at an ultra-low temperature (700 degrees C) and is better than traditional solid-state reaction schemes which fail to produce pure phase at as high temperature as 1000 degrees C (Li, Schwartz, Phys. Rev. B 75, 012104). The porous ceramic matrix on grinding produced CCTO powder having particle size in submicron order with an average size 300 nm. On sintering at 1050 degrees C for 5 h the powder shows high dielectric constants (>10(4) at all frequencies from 100 Hz to 100 kHz) and low loss (with 0.05 as the lowest value) which is suitable for device applications. The reaction pathway is expected to be extended to prepare other multifunctional complex perovskite materials. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Azidothymidine (AZT), which has been extensively used as an antiviral agent in the treatment of AIDS, showed strong inhibition of growth of Sp2/0 cells in vitro. AZT-treated cells showed a decrease in viability in a dose-dependent manner. AZT specifically induced typical apoptotic cell death with DNA double-strand cleavage and subsequent formation of apoptotic bodies. The induction of DNA double-strand cleavage into the oligonucleosomal ladder by AZT was protected in the presence of thymidine or uridine. An increase in endonuclease activity from nuclear extract of AZT-treated cells was observed. The enzyme activity was found to be Ca2+- and Mg2+-dependent and was inhibited by zinc acetate. A marked enhancement of PARP activity was observed in AZT-treated cells. These observations show that AZT can trigger both morphological and biochemical changes typical of apoptosis in the mouse myeloma cell line Sp2/0.


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The goal of this paper is to provide some insight into the relations that exist between cell level and message level performance guarantees in the context of ATM networks. Cell level guarantees are typically what the network is capable of providing, while message level guarantees are the ones of interest to users. It is, therefore, important to understand how the two are related, and which factors influence this relation. There are many different performance measures that are of importance, and in this paper we try to touch on the (three) most relevant ones. This includes comparing cell and message loss probabilities, average cell and message delays, and cell and message jitter. Specifically, we show that cell and message loss probabilities can exhibit significant differences, which strongly depend on traffic characteristics such as peak rate and burst size, i.e., for a fixed cell loss probability, the message loss probability can greatly vary when peak rate and burst size change. One reason for this sensitivity, is that message loss depends on what happen to all the cells in a message. For delay and jitter, we also find that peak rate and burst size play a role in determining the relation between cell and message performance. However, this sensitivity is not as acute as with losses since message delay and jitter are typically determined by the performance seen by only one cell, the last cell in a message. In the paper, we provide quantitative examples that illustrate the range of behaviors and identify the impact of different parameters.


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Electron transport and magnetic properties of several compositions of the La1-xSx-zYzMnO3 system have been investigated in order to explore the effect of yttrium substitution on the magnetoresistance and related properties of these manganates. Yttrium substitution lowers the T-c and the insulator-metal transition temperature, while increasing the peak resistivity. A comparison of the properties of La1-xSrx-zYzMnO3 with the corresponding La1-xCax-zYzMnO3 compositions shows that the observed properties can be related to the average size of the A-site cations.


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Some materials exhibit large changes in electrical resistance in the presence of a magnetic field, and this change can be used in applications from sensor technology to magnetic data storage. In their Perspective, Rao and Cheetham discuss magnetoresistance in perovskite manganates, where the effect is unusually strong. Much has been learned about these materials, and this understanding is driving the search for new materials with even more impressive properties.


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The discovery of giant magnetoresistance (GMR) in rare earth manganates of the general formula Ln(1-x)A(x)MnO(3) (Ln = rare earth, A = divalent cation) has aroused much interest not only because of its technological implications, but also due to the fascinating features and mechanism of the phenomemon in these oxides. GMR is observed in these manganates when they become ferromagnetic and transform from an insulating state to a metallic state close to the Curie temperature. The essential features of magnetoresistance in the manganates can be understood on the basis of the double-exchange mechanism, but this is too simplistic to account for all the observed data. The most curious property of the manganates relates to the high resistivity exhibited in the so-called metallic state. Charge ordering competes with the double-exchange interaction responsible for ferromagnetism and GMR in these materials. The charge-ordered (charge-crystal) insulating state in the rare earth manganates can be melted into a metallic and ferromagnetic charge-liquid state by applying a magnetic field, thus providing a unique case of charge and spin separation in solids. The observation of GMR in Tl2Mn2O7 shows that there can be causes other than double-exchange for the phenomenon.