128 resultados para ducation, Higher -- Methodology -- Congresses


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The complex perovskite oxide SrRuO3 shows intriguing transport properties at low temperatures due to the interplay of spin, charge, and orbital degrees of freedom. One of the open questions in this system is regarding the origin and nature of the low-temperature glassy state. In this paper we report on measurements of higher-order statistics of resistance fluctuations performed in epitaxial thin films of SrRuO3 to probe this issue. We observe large low-frequency non-Gaussian resistance fluctuations over a certain temperature range. Our observations are compatible with that of a spin-glass system with properties described by hierarchical dynamics rather than with that of a simple ferromagnet with a large coercivity.


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In arXiv:1310.5713 1] and arXiv:1310.6659 2] a formula was proposed as the entanglement entropy functional for a general higher-derivative theory of gravity, whose lagrangian consists of terms containing contractions of the Riemann tensor. In this paper, we carry out some tests of this proposal. First, we find the surface equation of motion for general four-derivative gravity theory by minimizing the holographic entanglement entropy functional resulting from this proposed formula. Then we calculate the surface equation for the same theory using the generalized gravitational entropy method of arXiv:1304.4926 3]. We find that the two do not match in their entirety. We also construct the holographic entropy functional for quasi-topological gravity, which is a six-derivative gravity theory. We find that this functional gives the correct universal terms. However, as in the R-2 case, the generalized gravitational entropy method applied to this theory does not give exactly the surface equation of motion coming from minimizing the entropy functional.


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Matrix metalloproteinases expression is used as biomarker for various cancers and associated malignancies. Since these proteinases can cleave many intracellular proteins, overexpression tends to be toxic; hence, a challenge to purify them. To overcome these limitations, we designed a protocol where full length pro-MMP2 enzyme was overexpressed in E. coli as inclusion bodies and purified using 6xHis affinity chromatography under denaturing conditions. In one step, the enzyme was purified and refolded directly on the affinity matrix under redox conditions to obtain a bioactive protein. The pro-MMP2 protein was characterized by mass spectrometry, CD spectroscopy, zymography and activity analysis using a simple in-house developed `form invariant' assay, which reports the total MMP2 activity independent of its various forms. The methodology yielded higher yields of bioactive protein compared to other strategies reported till date, and we anticipate that using the protocol, other toxic proteins can also be overexpressed and purified from E. coli and subsequently refolded into active form using a one step renaturation protocol.


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Solder joints in electronic packages undergo thermo-mechanical cycling, resulting in nucleation of micro-cracks, especially at the solder/bond-pad interface, which may lead to fracture of the joints. The fracture toughness of a solder joint depends on material properties, process conditions and service history, as well as strain rate and mode-mixity. This paper reports on a methodology for determining the mixed-mode fracture toughness of solder joints with an interfacial starter-crack, using a modified compact mixed mode (CMM) specimen containing an adhesive joint. Expressions for stress intensity factor (K) and strain energy release rate (G) are developed, using a combination of experiments and finite element (FE) analysis. In this methodology, crack length dependent geometry factors to convert for the modified CMM sample are first obtained via the crack-tip opening displacement (CTOD)-based linear extrapolation method to calculate the under far-field mode I and II conditions (f(1a) and f(2a)), (ii) generation of a master-plot to determine a(c), and (iii) computation of K and G to analyze the fracture behavior of joints. The developed methodology was verified using J-integral calculations, and was also used to calculate experimental fracture toughness values of a few lead-free solder-Cu joints. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This brief presents the capturability analysis of a 3-D Retro-proportional navigation (Retro-PN) guidance law, which uses a negative navigation constant (as against the usual positive one), for intercepting targets having higher speeds than interceptors. This modification makes it possible to achieve collision conditions that were inaccessible to the standard PN law. A modified polar coordinate system, that makes the model more compact, is used in this brief for capturability analysis. In addition to the ratio of the target to interceptor speeds, the directional cosines of the interceptor, and target velocity vectors play a crucial role in the capturability. The existence of nontrivial capture zone of the Retro-PN guidance law and necessary and sufficient conditions, for capturing the target in finite time, are presented. A sufficient condition on the navigation constant is derived to ensure finiteness of the line-of-sight turn rate. The results are more extensive than those available for 2-D engagements, which can be obtained as special cases of this brief. Simulation results are given to support the analytical results.


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Males that produce conspicuous mate attraction signals are often at high risk of predation from eavesdropping predators. Females of such species typically search for signalling males and their higher motility may also place them at risk. The relative predation risk faced by males and females in the context of mate-finding using long-distance signals has rarely been investigated. In this study, we show, using a combination of diet analysis and behavioural experiments, that katydid females, who do not produce acoustic signals, are at higher risk of predation from a major bat predator, Megaderma spasma, than calling males. Female katydids were represented in much higher numbers than males in the culled remains beneath roosts of M. spasma. Playback experiments using katydid calls revealed that male calls were approached in only about one-third of the trials overall, whereas tethered, flying katydids were always approached and attacked. Our results question the idea that necessary costs of mate-finding, including risk of predation, are higher in signalling males than in searching females.


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We consider conformal field theories in 1 + 1 dimensions with W-algebra symmetries, deformed by a chemical potential mu for the spin-three current. We show that the order mu(2) correction to the Renyi and entanglement entropies of a single interval in the deformed theory, on the infinite spatial line and at finite temperature, is universal. The correction is completely determined by the operator product expansion of two spin-three currents, and by the expectation values of the stress tensor, its descendants and its composites, evaluated on the n-sheeted Riemann surface branched along the interval. This explains the recently found agreement of the order mu(2) correction across distinct free field CFTs and higher spin black hole solutions holographically dual to CFTs with W symmetry.


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We examine relative entropy in the context of the higher spin/CFT duality. We consider 3D bulk configurations in higher spin gravity which are dual to the vacuum and a high temperature state of a CFT with W-algebra symmetries in the presence of a chemical potential for a higher spin current. The relative entropy between these states is then evaluated using the Wilson line functional for holographic entanglement entropy. In the limit of small entangling intervals, the relative entropy should vanish for a generic quantum system. We confirm this behavior by showing that the difference in the expectation values of the modular Hamiltonian between the states matches with the difference in the entanglement entropy in the short-distance regime. Additionally, we compute the relative entropy of states corresponding to smooth solutions in the SL(2, Z) family with respect to the vacuum.


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The ability of Coupled General Circulation Models (CGCMs) participating in the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change's fourth assessment report (IPCC AR4) for the 20th century climate (20C3M scenario) to simulate the daily precipitation over the Indian region is explored. The skill is evaluated on a 2.5A degrees x 2.5A degrees grid square compared with the Indian Meteorological Department's (IMD) gridded dataset, and every GCM is ranked for each of these grids based on its skill score. Skill scores (SSs) are estimated from the probability density functions (PDFs) obtained from observed IMD datasets and GCM simulations. The methodology takes into account (high) extreme precipitation events simulated by GCMs. The results are analyzed and presented for three categories and six zones. The three categories are the monsoon season (JJASO - June to October), non-monsoon season (JFMAMND - January to May, November, December) and for the entire year (''Annual''). The six precipitation zones are peninsular, west central, northwest, northeast, central northeast India, and the hilly region. Sensitivity analysis was performed for three spatial scales, 2.5A degrees grid square, zones, and all of India, in the three categories. The models were ranked based on the SS. The category JFMAMND had a higher SS than the JJASO category. The northwest zone had higher SSs, whereas the peninsular and hilly regions had lower SS. No single GCM can be identified as the best for all categories and zones. Some models consistently outperformed the model ensemble, and one model had particularly poor performance. Results show that most models underestimated the daily precipitation rates in the 0-1 mm/day range and overestimated it in the 1-15 mm/day range.


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A comprehensive design flow is proposed for the design of Micro Electro Mechanical Systems that are fabricated using SOIMUMPs process. Many of the designers typically do not model the temperature dependency of electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity and convection coefficient, as it is very cumbersome to create/incorporate the same in the existing FEM simulators. Capturing these dependencies is very critical particularly for structures that are electrically actuated. Lookup tables that capture the temperature dependency of electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity and convection coefficient are created. These look up tables are taken as inputs for a commercially available FEM simulator to model the semiconductor behavior. It is demonstrated that when temperature dependency for all the above mentioned parameters is not captured, then the error in estimation of the maximum temperature (for a given structure) could be as high as 30%. Error in the estimated resistance value under the same conditions is as high as 40%. When temperature dependency of the above mentioned parameters is considered then error w.r.t the measured values is less than 5%. It is evident that error in temperature estimates leads to erroneous results from mechanical simulations as well.


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In the present paper, based on the principles of gauge/gravity duality we analytically compute the shear viscosity to entropy (eta/s) ratio corresponding to the super fluid phase in Einstein Gauss-Bonnet gravity. From our analysis we note that the ratio indeed receives a finite temperature correction below certain critical temperature (T < T-c). This proves the non universality of eta/s ratio in higher derivative theories of gravity. We also compute the upper bound for the Gauss-Bonnet coupling (lambda) corresponding to the symmetry broken phase and note that the upper bound on the coupling does not seem to change as long as we are close to the critical point of the phase diagram. However the corresponding lower bound of the eta/s ratio seems to get modified due to the finite temperature effects.


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We performed Gaussian network model based normal mode analysis of 3-dimensional structures of multiple active and inactive forms of protein kinases. In 14 different kinases, a more number of residues (1095) show higher structural fluctuations in inactive states than those in active states (525), suggesting that, in general, mobility of inactive states is higher than active states. This statistically significant difference is consistent with higher crystallographic B-factors and conformational energies for inactive than active states, suggesting lower stability of inactive forms. Only a small number of inactive conformations with the DFG motif in the ``in'' state were found to have fluctuation magnitudes comparable to the active conformation. Therefore our study reports for the first time, intrinsic higher structural fluctuation for almost all inactive conformations compared to the active forms. Regions with higher fluctuations in the inactive states are often localized to the aC-helix, aG-helix and activation loop which are involved in the regulation and/or in structural transitions between active and inactive states. Further analysis of 476 kinase structures involved in interactions with another domain/protein showed that many of the regions with higher inactive-state fluctuation correspond to contact interfaces. We also performed extensive GNM analysis of (i) insulin receptor kinase bound to another protein and (ii) holo and apo forms of active and inactive conformations followed by multi-factor analysis of variance. We conclude that binding of small molecules or other domains/proteins reduce the extent of fluctuation irrespective of active or inactive forms. Finally, we show that the perceived fluctuations serve as a useful input to predict the functional state of a kinase.


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We study the free fermion theory in 1+1 dimensions deformed by chemical potentials for holomorphic, conserved currents at finite temperature and on a spatial circle. For a spin-three chemical potential mu, the deformation is related at high temperatures to a higher spin black hole in hs0] theory on AdS(3) spacetime. We calculate the order mu(2) corrections to the single interval Renyi and entanglement entropies on the torus using the bosonized formulation. A consistent result, satisfying all checks, emerges upon carefully accounting for both perturbative and winding mode contributions in the bosonized language. The order mu(2) corrections involve integrals that are finite but potentially sensitive to contact term singularities. We propose and apply a prescription for defining such integrals which matches the Hamiltonian picture and passes several non-trivial checks for both thermal corrections and the Renyi entropies at this order. The thermal corrections are given by a weight six quasi-modular form, whilst the Renyi entropies are controlled by quasi-elliptic functions of the interval length with modular weight six. We also point out the well known connection between the perturbative expansion of the partition function in powers of the spin-three chemical potential and the Gross-Taylor genus expansion of large-N Yang-Mills theory on the torus. We note the absence of winding mode contributions in this connection, which suggests qualitatively different entanglement entropies for the two systems.


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Corona is an unavoidable phenomena in high voltage power transmission system, in spite of suitably designed insulator accessories and transmission line hardware. It is a proven fact that the continuous occurrence of corona can subject the polymeric insulator to a severe degradation. Further, moisture in the air has a positive influence on the corona activity. This paper presents the methodology to evaluate the corona performance of the silicone rubber housing material with simultaneous application of cold fog. Analysis conducted after corona treatment by the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) present an interesting results showing a higher hydroxylation of sample surface under the moisture application than in the normal condition for both AC and DC excitation. FTIR spectrum also indicates the presence of nitric acid on the treated surface with coldfog application. Results obtained from SEM analysis are also presented.


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To meet the growing demands of data traffic in long haul communication, it is necessary to efficiently use the low-loss region(C-band) of the optical spectrum, by increasing the no. of optical channels and increasing the bit rate on each channel But narrow pulses occupy higher spectral bandwidth. To circumvent this problem, higher order modulation schemes such as QPSK and QAM can be used to modulate the bits, which increases the spectral efficiency without demanding any extra spectral bandwidth. On the receiver side, to meet a satisfy, a given BER, the received optical signal requires to have minimum OSNR. In our study in this paper, we analyses for different modulation schemes, the OSNR required with and without preamplifier. The theoretical limit of OSNR requirement for a modulation scheme is compared for a given link length by varying the local oscillator (LO) power. Our analysis shows that as we increase the local oscillator (LO) power, the OSNR requirement decreases for a given BER. Also a combination of preamplifier and local oscillator (LO) gives the OSNR closest to theoretical limit.