195 resultados para cyclic K48-linked di-ubiquitin


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Several covalently linked bisporphyrin systems, free-base (H2P---H2P), hybrid bisporphyrins (Zn---H2P) and Zn(II) dimers (ZnP---ZnP) and their 1:1 molecular complexes with sym 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene have been investigated by optical absorption and emission, and magnetic resonance spectroscopic methods. In these systems, two porphyrin units are linked singly through one of the meso aryl groups via ether linkages of variable length. The bisporphyrins cooperatively bind a molecule of a ?-acceptor; 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene (TNB). The binding constant values vary with interchromophore separation. Maximum binding is observed in the bisporphyrin bearing a two-ether covalent linkage. It is found that TNB quenches the fluorescence of the two porphyrine units in a selective manner. It is suggested that a critical distance between the two porphyrin units is necessary for the observance of maximum cooperative intermolecular binding with an acceptor.


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Rigorous elastic-plastic finite element analysis of joints subjected to cyclic loading is carried out. An incremental-iterative algorithm is developed in a modular form combining elasto-plastic material behaviour and contact stress analysis. For the case of the interference fit, the analysis sequentially carries out insertion of the pin and application of the load on the joint, covering possible initiation of separation (and/or yielding) and progressively the receding/advancing contact at the pin-plate interface. Deformations of both the plate and the pin are considered in the analysis. Numerical examples are presented for the case of an interference fit pin in a large plate under remote cyclic tension, and for an interference fit pin lug joint subjected to cyclic loading. A detailed study is carried out for the latter problem considering the effect of change in contact/separation at the pin-plate interface on local stresses, strains and redistribution of these stresses with the spread of a plastic zone. The results of the study are a useful input for the estimation of the fatigue life of joints. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd


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Three-dimensional structures of the complexes of concanavalin A (ConA) with alpha(1-2) linked mannobiose, triose and tetraose have been generated with the X-ray crystal structure data on native ConA using the CCEM (contact criteria and energy minimization) method. All the constituting mannose residues of the oligosaccharide can reach the primary binding site of ConA (where methyl-alpha-D-mannopyranose binds). However, in all the energetically favoured complexes, either the non-reducing end or middle mannose residues of the oligosaccharide occupy the primary binding site. The middle mannose residues have marginally higher preference over the non-reducing end residue. The sugar binding site of ConA is extended and accommodates at least three alpha(1-2) linked mannose residues. Based on the present calculations two mechanisms have been proposed for the binding of alpha(1-2) linked mannotriose and tetraose to ConA.


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2',3'-cyclic nucleotides are intermediates and substrates of Ribonuclease (RNase)-catalysed reactions. The characterization of the equilibrium conformation as well as the flexibility inherent in these molecules helps in understanding the enzymatic action of RNases. The present study explores parameters like phase angle, glycosydic torsion angle and hydrogen bond to find possible interrelationship between them through Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations on 3'-GMP, 3'-UMP, A>p, G>p, U>p, C>p, GpA>p and UpA>p. Interesting results of the effect of cyclisation and other constraints such as hydrogen bond between certain groups on the equilibrium ribose conformation have emerged from this study.


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Piperidinium tetrathiotungstate has been found to react with a number of 1,n-dihalo compounds to afford the corresponding cyclic disulfides in good yields, under mild reaction conditions. This new methodology has been used as a key step in the synthesis of (+/-)-lipoic acid (35) and asparagusic acid (37).


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The SUMO ligase activity of Mms21/Nse2, a conserved member of the Smc5/6 complex, is required for resisting extrinsically induced genotoxic stress. We report that the Mms21 SUMO ligase activity is also required during the unchallenged mitotic cell cycle in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. SUMO ligase-defective cells were slow growing and spontaneously incurred DNA damage. These cells required caffeine-sensitive Mec1 kinase-dependent checkpoint signaling for survival even in the absence of extrinsically induced genotoxic stress. SUMO ligase-defective cells were sensitive to replication stress and displayed synthetic growth defects with DNA damage checkpoint-defective mutants such as mec1, rad9, and rad24. MMS21 SUMO ligase and mediator of replication checkpoint 1 gene (MRC1) were epistatic with respect to hydroxyurea-induced replication stress or methyl methanesulfonate-induced DNA damage sensitivity. Subjecting Mms21 SUMO ligase-deficient cells to transient replication stress resulted in enhancement of cell cycle progression defects such as mitotic delay and accumulation of hyperploid cells. Consistent with the spontaneous activation of the DNA damage checkpoint pathway observed in the Mms21-mediated sumoylation-deficient cells, enhanced frequency of chromosome breakage and loss was detected in these mutant cells. A mutation in the conserved cysteine 221 that is engaged in coordination of the zinc ion in Loop 2 of the Mms21 SPL-RING E3 ligase catalytic domain resulted in strong replication stress sensitivity and also conferred slow growth and Mec1 dependence to unchallenged mitotically dividing cells. Our findings establish Mms21-mediated sumoylation as a determinant of cell cycle progression and maintenance of chromosome integrity during the unperturbed mitotic cell division cycle in budding yeast.


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Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) has been widely used in the past for fatigue crack growth studies, but this is acceptable only in situations which are within small scale yielding (SSY). In many practical structural components, conditions of SSY could be violated and one has to look for fracture criteria based on elasto-plastic analysis. Crack closure phenomenon, one of the most striking discoveries based on inelastic deformations during crack growth, has significant effect on fatigue crack growth rate. Numerical simulation of this phenomenon is computationally intensive and involved but has been successfully implemented. Stress intensity factors and strain energy release rates lose their meaning, J-integral (or its incremental) values are applicable only in specific situations, whereas alternate path independent integrals have been proposed in the literature for use with elasto-plastic fracture mechanics (EPFM) based criteria. This paper presents certain salient features of two independent finite element (numerical) studies of relevance to fatigue crack growth, where elasto-plastic analysis becomes significant. These problems can only be handled in the current day computational environment, and would have been only a dream just a few years ago.


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The reactions of the mononuclear cyclodiphosphazane complexes, cis-[Mo(CO)(4){cis-[PhNP(OR)](2)}(2)] with [Mo(CO)(4)(nbd)] (nbd = norbornadiene). [Mo(CO)(4)(NHC5H10)(2)] or [MCl(2)(cod)] (cod = cycloocta-1,5-diene) afforded the homobimetallic complexes; [Mo-2(CO)(8){mu-cis-[PhNP(OR)](2)}(2)] (R = C(5)H(4)Me-p 5 or CH2CF3 6) or the heterobimetallic complexes. [Mo-2(CO)(8){mu-cis-[PhNP(OE)](2)}(2)MCl(2)] (R = C(6)H(4)Me-p; M = Pd 7 or Pt 8). In all the above complexes, the two metal moieties are bridged by two cyclodiphosphazane ligands. The reactions of the mononuclear complexes, cis-[M(CO)(4)(A){cis-[PhNP(OC(6)H(4)Me-p)](2)}] with (M'Cl-2(cod)] afforded the trinuclear complexes, cis-[M'Cl-2[M(CO)(4)(A){cis-[PhNP(OC(6)H(4)Me-p)](2)}](2)] (M' = Pd, M = Mo, A = P(OMe)(3) 10; M' = Pt, M = Mo. A = P(OMe)(3) 11; M' = Pd. M = W. A = NHC5H10 12; M' = Pt, M = W. A = NHC5H10 13). The structure of the complex 5 has been determined by single-crystal X-ray crystallography.


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We report a reversible phase transformation of platelet-shaped ZnS nanostructures between wurtzite (WZ) and zinc blende (ZB) phases by reversible insertion/ ejection of dopant Mn(II) ions induced by a thermocyclic process. In a reaction flask loaded with WZ ZnS platelets and Mn molecular precursors, during heating Mn ions are incorporated and change the phase of the host nanostructures to ZB; during cooling Mn ions are spontaneously ejected, returning the host nanoplatelets to the original WZ phase. These reversible changes are monitored for several cycles with PL, EPR, XRD, and HRTEM. Interestingly, the (0001) WZ platelets transform to (110) ZB following a nucleation and growth process triggered by a local increase/depletion of the Mn2+ concentration in the nanocrystals.


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We report a reversible phase transformation of platelet-shaped ZnS nanostructures between wurtzite (WZ) and zinc blende (ZB) phases by reversible insertion/ ejection of dopant Mn(II) ions induced by a thermocyclic process. In a reaction flask loaded with WZ ZnS platelets and Mn molecular precursors, during heating Mn ions are incorporated and change the phase of the host nanostructures to ZB; during cooling Mn ions are spontaneously ejected, returning the host nanoplatelets to the original WZ phase. These reversible changes are monitored for several cycles with PL, EPR, XRD, and HRTEM. Interestingly, the (0001) WZ platelets transform to (110) ZB following a nucleation and growth process triggered by a local increase/depletion of the Mn2+ concentration in the nanocrystals.


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Static disorder has recently been implicated in the non-exponential kinetics of the unfolding of single molecules of poly-ubiquitin under a constant force Kuo, Garcia-Manyes, Li, Barel, Lu, Berne, Urbakh, Klafter, and Fernandez, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 107, 11336 (2010)]. In the present paper, it is suggested that dynamic disorder may provide a plausible, alternative description of the experimental observations. This suggestion is made on the basis of a model in which the barrier to chain unfolding is assumed to be modulated by a control parameter r that evolves in a parabolic potential under the action of fractional Gaussian noise according to a generalized Langevin equation. The treatment of dynamic disorder within this model is pursued using Zwanzig's indirect approach to noise averaging Acc. Chem. Res. 23, 148 (1990)]. In conjunction with a self-consistent closure scheme developed by Wilemski and Fixman J. Chem. Phys. 58, 4009 (1973); ibid. 60, 866 (1974)], this approach eventually leads to an expression for the chain unfolding probability that can be made to fit the corresponding experimental data very closely. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics.


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A facile oxidative cleavage of cyclic acetals to their respective esters using an inexpensive reagent system, sodium perborate/acetic anhydride is described.


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In this paper the effects of constant and cyclic power loads on the evolution of interfacial reaction layers in lead-free solder interconnections are presented. Firstly, the differences in the growth behavior of intermetallic compound (IMC) layers at the cathode and anode sides of the interconnections are rationalized. This is done by considering the changes in the intrinsic fluxes of elements owing to electromigration as well as taking into account the fact that the growth of Cu3Sn and Cu6Sn5 are coupled via interfacial reactions. In this way, better understanding of the effect of electron flux on the growth of each individual layer in the Cu-Sn system can be achieved. Secondly, it is shown that there is a distinct difference between steady-state current stressing (constant current, constant temperature) and power cycling with alternating on- and off-cycle periods (accompanied by a change of temperature). The reasons behind the observed differences are subsequently discussed. Finally, special care is taken to ensure that the current densities are chosen in such a way that there is no risk for even partial melting of the solder interconnections.


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The polynuclear copper(II) complex [{Cu2L(O2CC5H4N)}. C2H5OH](x) (1), where H3L is a 1∶2 Schiff base derived from 1,3-diaminopropan-2-ol and salicylaldehyde, has been prepared and structurally characterized. The structure consists of a one-dimensional zigzag chain in which the binuclear [Cu2L](+) units are covalently linked by isonicotinate ligands to give a syndiotactic arrangement of the copper ions protruding outside the chain. In the basic unit, the copper(II) centres are bridged by an alkoxo and a carboxylato ligand, giving a Cu ... Cu distance of 3.492(3) Angstrom and a Cu-O-Cu angle of 130.9(2)degrees. While one copper centre has a square-planar geometry, the other copper is square-pyramidal with the pyridine nitrogen being the axial ligand. The visible electronic spectrum of 1 shows a broad d-d band at 615 nm. The complex shows a rhombic X-band EPR spectral pattern in the polycrystalline phase at 77 K. Magnetic susceptibility measurements in the temperature range 22 to 295 K demonstrate the antiferromagnetic behaviour of 1. A theoretical fit to the magnetic data is based on a model assuming 1 as an equimolar mixture of copper atoms belonging to an antiferromagnetically coupled one-dimensional Heisenberg chain with the other copper atoms outside the chain behaving like paramagnetic centres.


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This paper considers the problem of spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks when the primary user is using Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). For this we develop cooperative sequential detection algorithms that use the autocorrelation property of cyclic prefix (CP) used in OFDM systems. We study the effect of timing and frequency offset, IQ-imbalance and uncertainty in noise and transmit power. We also modify the detector to mitigate the effects of these impairments. The performance of the proposed algorithms is studied via simulations. We show that sequential detection can significantly improve the performance over a fixed sample size detector.