155 resultados para complex analytic signal


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In uplink OFDMA, carrier frequency offsets (CFO) and/or timing offsets (TO) of other users with respect to a desired user can cause multiuser interference (MUI). In practical uplink OFDMA systems (e.g., IEEE 802.16e standard), effect of this MUI is made acceptably small by requiring that frequency/timing alignment be achieved at the receiver with high precision (e.g., CFO must be within 1 % of the subcarrier spacing and TO must be within 1/8th of the cyclic prefix duration in IEEE 802.16e), which is realized using complex closed-loop frequency/timing correction between the transmitter and the receiver. An alternate open-loop approach to handle the MUI induced by large CFOs and TOs is to employ interference cancellation techniques at the receiver. In this paper, we first analytically characterize the degradation in the average output signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) due to the combined effect of large CFOs and TOs in uplink OFDMA. We then propose a parallel interference canceller (PIC) for the mitigation of interference due to CFOs and TOs in this system. We show that the proposed PIC effectively mitigates the performance loss due to CFO/TO induced interference in uplink OFDMA.


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A new ternary iron(III) complex [FeL(dpq)] containing dipyridoquinoxaline (dpq) and 2,2-bis(3,5-di-tert-butyl-2-hydroxybenzyl)aminoacetic acid (H3L) is prepared and structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography. The high-spin complex with a FeN3O3 core shows a quasi-reversible iron(III)/iron(II) redox couple at -0.62 V (vs SCE) in DMF/0.1 M TBAP and a broad visible band at 470 nm in DMF/Tris buffer. Laser photoexcitation of this phenolate (L)-to-iron(III) charge-transfer band at visible wavelengths including red light of >= 630 nm leads to cleavage of supercoiled pUC19 DNA to its nicked circular form via a photoredox pathway forming hydroxyl radicals.


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This paper reports the observation of a reversible disassembly process for a previously reported octanuclear Cu(II) complex with imidazole. To identify the factors responsible for the process, five Cu(II) complexes of different nuclearity with different amino acid-derived tetradentate ligands were structurally characterized. The results show that the coordination geometry preference of Cu(II), the tendency of imidazole to act as in-plane ligand, and H-bonding played important role in the formation and disassembly of the octanuclear complex. A general scheme describing the effect of different amino acid side arms, solvents, and exogenous ligands on the nuclearity of the Cu(II) complexes has been presented. The crystals of the complexes also showed formation of multifaceted networks in the resulting complexes.


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The quantity of fruit consumed by dispersers is highly variable among individuals within plant populations. The outcome Of Such selection operated by firugivores has been examined mostly with respect to changing spatial contexts. The influence of varying temporal contexts on frugivore choice, and their possible demographic and evolutionary consequences is poorly understood. We examined if temporal variation in fruit availability across a hierarchy of nested temporal levels (interannual, intraseasonal, 120 h, 24 h) altered frugivore choice for a complex seed dispersal system in dry tropical forests of southern India. The interactions between Phyllanthus emblica and its primary disperser (ruminants) was mediated by another frugivore (a primate),which made large quantities of fruit available on the ground to ruminants. The direction and strength of crop size and neighborhood effects on this interaction varied with changing temporal contexts.Fruit availability was higher in the first of the two study years, and at the start of the season in both years. Fruit persistence on trees,determined by primate foraging, was influenced by crop size andconspecific neighborhood densities only in the high fruit availability year. Fruit removal by ruminants was influenced by crop size in both years and neighborhood densities only in the high availability year. In both years, these effects were stronger at the start of the season.Intraseasonal reduction in fruit availability diminished inequalities in fruit removal by ruminants and the influence of crop size and fruiting neighborhoods. All trees were not equally attractive to frugivores in a P. emblica population at all points of time. Temporal asymmetry in frugivore-mediated selection could reduce potential for co-evolution between firugivores and plants by diluting selective pressures. Inter-dependencies; formed between disparate animal consumers can add additional levels of complexity to plant-frugivore mutualistic networks and have potential reproductive consequences for specific individuals within populations.


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We present a case study of formal verification of full-wave rectifier for analog and mixed signal designs. We have used the Checkmate tool from CMU [1], which is a public domain formal verification tool for hybrid systems. Due to the restriction imposed by Checkmate it necessitates to make the changes in the Checkmate implementation to implement the complex and non-linear system. Full-wave rectifier has been implemented by using the Checkmate custom blocks and the Simulink blocks from MATLAB from Math works. After establishing the required changes in the Checkmate implementation we are able to efficiently verify, the safety properties of the full-wave rectifier.


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Measurable electrical signal is generated when a gas flows over a variety of solids, including doped semiconductors, even at the modest speed of a few meters per second. The underlying mechanism is an interesting interplay of Bernoulli's principle and the Seebeck effect. The electrical signal depends on the square of Mach number (M) and is proportional to the Seebeck coefficient (S) of the solids. Here we present experimental estimate of the response time of the signal rise and fall process, i.e. how fast the semiconductor materials respond to a steady flow as soon as it is set on or off. A theoretical model is also presented to understand the process and the dependence of the response time on the nature and physical dimensions of the semiconductor material used and they are compared with the experimental observations. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Modern database systems incorporate a query optimizer to identify the most efficient "query execution plan" for executing the declarative SQL queries submitted by users. A dynamic-programming-based approach is used to exhaustively enumerate the combinatorially large search space of plan alternatives and, using a cost model, to identify the optimal choice. While dynamic programming (DP) works very well for moderately complex queries with up to around a dozen base relations, it usually fails to scale beyond this stage due to its inherent exponential space and time complexity. Therefore, DP becomes practically infeasible for complex queries with a large number of base relations, such as those found in current decision-support and enterprise management applications. To address the above problem, a variety of approaches have been proposed in the literature. Some completely jettison the DP approach and resort to alternative techniques such as randomized algorithms, whereas others have retained DP by using heuristics to prune the search space to computationally manageable levels. In the latter class, a well-known strategy is "iterative dynamic programming" (IDP) wherein DP is employed bottom-up until it hits its feasibility limit, and then iteratively restarted with a significantly reduced subset of the execution plans currently under consideration. The experimental evaluation of IDP indicated that by appropriate choice of algorithmic parameters, it was possible to almost always obtain "good" (within a factor of twice of the optimal) plans, and in the few remaining cases, mostly "acceptable" (within an order of magnitude of the optimal) plans, and rarely, a "bad" plan. While IDP is certainly an innovative and powerful approach, we have found that there are a variety of common query frameworks wherein it can fail to consistently produce good plans, let alone the optimal choice. This is especially so when star or clique components are present, increasing the complexity of th- e join graphs. Worse, this shortcoming is exacerbated when the number of relations participating in the query is scaled upwards.


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In this paper, we present an analysis for the bit error rate (BER) performance of space-time block codes (STBC) from generalized complex orthogonal designs for M-PSK modulation. In STBCs from complex orthogonal designs (COD), the norms of the column vectors are the same (e.g., Alamouti code). However, in generalized COD (GCOD), the norms of the column vectors may not necessarily be the same (e.g., the rate-3/5 and rate-7/11 codes by Su and Xia in [1]). STBCs from GCOD are of interest because of the high rates that they can achieve (in [2], it has been shown that the maximum achievable rate for STBCs from GCOD is bounded by 4/5). While the BER performance of STBCs: from COD (e.g., Alamouti code) can be simply obtained from existing analytical expressions for receive diversity with the same diversity order by appropriately scaling the SNR, this can not be done for STBCs from GCOD (because of the unequal norms of the column vectors). Our contribution in this paper is that we derive analytical expressions for the BER performance of any STBC from GCOD. Our BER analysis for the GCOD captures the performance of STBCs from COD as special cases. We validate our results with two STBCs from GCOD reported by Su and Xia in [1], for 5 and 6 transmit antennas (G(5) and G(6) in [1]) with rates 7/11 and 3/5, respectively.


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Crystals of Eu-(Gly-Gly-Gly).(H2O)5.(ClO4)3 are triclinic, spacegroup P1BAR with a = 9.123 (2), b = 11.185 (5), c = 11.426 (2) angstrom; alpha = 90.79 (2), beta = 98.08 (1), gamma = 98.57 (2)-degrees; Z = 2. The europium cation is surrounded by four oxygens from three different peptide units and four oxygens from water molecules. The geometry around the metal is a distorted bi-capped trigonal prism. The peptide backbone conformation in this complex is compared with those in the free peptide and in various metal complexes. Considerable differences are observed between Eu(III) and Ca(II) complexes of triglycine. (C) Munksgaard 1994.


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The problem of designing high rate, full diversity noncoherent space-time block codes (STBCs) with low encoding and decoding complexity is addressed. First, the notion of g-group encodable and g-group decodable linear STBCs is introduced. Then for a known class of rate-1 linear designs, an explicit construction of fully-diverse signal sets that lead to four-group encodable and four-group decodable differential scaled unitary STBCs for any power of two number of antennas is provided. Previous works on differential STBCs either sacrifice decoding complexity for higher rate or sacrifice rate for lower decoding complexity.


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A set of sufficient conditions to construct lambda-real symbol Maximum Likelihood (ML) decodable STBCs have recently been provided by Karmakar et al. STBCs satisfying these sufficient conditions were named as Clifford Unitary Weight (CUW) codes. In this paper, the maximal rate (as measured in complex symbols per channel use) of CUW codes for lambda = 2(a), a is an element of N is obtained using tools from representation theory. Two algebraic constructions of codes achieving this maximal rate are also provided. One of the constructions is obtained using linear representation of finite groups whereas the other construction is based on the concept of right module algebra over non-commutative rings. To the knowledge of the authors, this is the first paper in which matrices over non-commutative rings is used to construct STBCs. An algebraic explanation is provided for the 'ABBA' construction first proposed by Tirkkonen et al and the tensor product construction proposed by Karmakar et al. Furthermore, it is established that the 4 transmit antenna STBC originally proposed by Tirkkonen et al based on the ABBA construction is actually a single complex symbol ML decodable code if the design variables are permuted and signal sets of appropriate dimensions are chosen.


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In this paper, we present an analysis for the bit error rate (BER) performance of space-time block codes (STBC) from generalized complex orthogonal designs for M-PSK modulation. In STBCs from complex orthogonal designs (COD), the norms of the column vectors are the same (e.g., Alamouti code). However, in generalized COD (GCOD), the norms of the column vectors may not necessarily be the same (e.g., the rate-3/5 and rate-7/11 codes by Su and Xia in [1]). STBCs from GCOD are of interest because of the high rates that they can achieve (in [2], it has been shown that the maximum achievable rate for STBCs from GCOD is bounded by 4/5). While the BER performance of STBCs: from COD (e.g., Alamouti code) can be simply obtained from existing analytical expressions for receive diversity with the same diversity order by appropriately scaling the SNR, this can not be done for STBCs from GCOD (because of the unequal norms of the column vectors). Our contribution in this paper is that we derive analytical expressions for the BER performance of any STBC from GCOD. Our BER analysis for the GCOD captures the performance of STBCs from COD as special cases. We validate our results with two STBCs from GCOD reported by Su and Xia in [1], for 5 and 6 transmit antennas (G(5) and G(6) in [1]) with rates 7/11 and 3/5, respectively.


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In this paper, we present an analysis for the bit error rate (BER) performance of space-time block codes (STBC) from generalized complex orthogonal designs for M-PSK modulation. In STBCs from complex orthogonal designs (COD), the norms of the column vectors are the same (e.g., Alamouti code). However, in generalized COD (GCOD), the norms of the column vectors may not necessarily be the same (e.g., the rate-3/5 and rate-7/11 codes by Su and Xia in [1]). STBCs from GCOD are of interest because of the high rates that they can achieve (in [2], it has been shown that the maximum achievable rate for STBCs from GCOD is bounded by 4/5). While the BER performance of STBCs: from COD (e.g., Alamouti code) can be simply obtained from existing analytical expressions for receive diversity with the same diversity order by appropriately scaling the SNR, this can not be done for STBCs from GCOD (because of the unequal norms of the column vectors). Our contribution in this paper is that we derive analytical expressions for the BER performance of any STBC from GCOD. Our BER analysis for the GCOD captures the performance of STBCs from COD as special cases. We validate our results with two STBCs from GCOD reported by Su and Xia in [1], for 5 and 6 transmit antennas (G(5) and G(6) in [1]) with rates 7/11 and 3/5, respectively.


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The matched filter method for detecting a periodic structure on a surface hidden behind randomness is known to detect up to (r(0)/Lambda) gt;= 0.11, where r(0) is the coherence length of light on scattering from the rough part and 3 is the wavelength of the periodic part of the surface-the above limit being much lower than what is allowed by conventional detection methods. The primary goal of this technique is the detection and characterization of the periodic structure hidden behind randomness without the use of any complicated experimental or computational procedures. This paper examines this detection procedure for various values of the amplitude a of the periodic part beginning from a = 0 to small finite values of a. We thus address the importance of the following quantities: `(a)lambda) `, which scales the amplitude of the periodic part with the wavelength of light, and (r(0))Lambda),in determining the detectability of the intensity peaks.