292 resultados para chrondrite matrix phases


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Impedance matrix and transfer matrix methods are often used in the analysis of linear dynamical systems. In this paper, general relationships between these matrices are derived. The properties of the impedance matrix and the transfer matrix of symmetrical systems, reciprocal systems and conservative systems are investigated. In the process, the following observations are made: (a) symmetrical systems are not a subset of reciprocal systems, as is often misunderstood; (b) the cascading of reciprocal systems again results in a reciprocal system, whereas cascading of symmetrical systems does not necessarily result in a symmetrical system; (c) the determinant of the transfer matrix, being ±1, is a property of both symmetrical systems and reciprocal systems, but this condition, however, is not sufficient to establish either the reciprocity or the symmetry of the system; (d) the impedance matrix of a conservative system is skew-Hermitian.


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The use of NMR spectroscopy of molecules oriented in liquid-crystalline media to study solvent-solute and solute-solute interactions in π-systems such as benzene-chloroform and in charge transfer complexes, for example pyridineiodine, is illustrated. Changes in molecular order and chemical shifts as a result of complexation are employed in such studies. The extraordinary symmetry of C60 has also been investigated by using a mixture of liquid crystals of opposite diamagnetic anisotropies indicating, thereby, negligible solvent-solute/solute-solute interactions.


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Nanocomposites of Al?In, Al?Pb, and Zn?Pb have been prepared and characterized using rapid quenching techniques and the nature of superconducting transitions in them has been studied by resistivity measurements. The precipitated second phases (In and Pb) have particle sizes (d) of a few tens of nanometers such that ?0?d?dmin, where ?0 is the superconducting zero temperature coherence length and dmin is the minimum particle size that supports superconductivity. The onset of superconductivity generally starts in samples with d??0 and progressively other grains with d??0 become superconducting. We suggest that the proximity effect of the matrix plays a significant role. In an Al?In system, even with 40?wt.% In, the zero resistivity state is obtained at T?1.33 times the Tc of Al. But in Al?Pb and Zn?Pb, the zero resistivity state is obtained at T?4 and 5 times the Tc of Al and Zn with only 10�15 wt?% Pb, respectively.


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Evidence of a shape-dependent superheating of entrained nanosized Pb particles in a Zn matrix has been presented. It is shown that size dependence and pressure effects cannot explain the observed differences in melting points. The importance of crystallography and morphology at the microlevel at the interphase interface in controlling interfacial melting has been emphasized in order to explain the melting of entrained particles.


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Interdiffusion study of the Co-Nb system is conducted to determine the diffusion parameters in different phases. The integrated diffusion coefficients at different temperatures are calculated for the Nb2Co7 phase, which has very narrow composition range. The interdiffusion coefficients at different compositions in the NbCo2 Laves phase are determined. The interdiffusion coefficient in this phase decreases with increasing Nb content to the stoichiometric composition. Further, the average interdiffusion coefficient in the N6Co7-mu phase is determined. The activation energies for diffusion in different phases are calculated, providing valuable information regarding the diffusion mechanism. In addition, an experiment using Kirkendall markers is conducted to calculate the relative mobilities of the species.


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The integrated diffusion coefficient of the phases and the tracer diffusion coefficients of the species are determined in the Nb-Si system by the diffusion couple technique. The diffusion rate of Si is found to be faster than that of Nb in both the NbSi2 and Nb5Si3 phases. The possible atomic mechanism of diffusion is discussed based on the crystal structure and on available details of the defect concentration data. The faster diffusion rate of Si in the Nb5Si3 phase is found to be unusual. The growth mechanism of the phases is also discussed on the basis of the data calculated in this study. (C) 2010 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Zinc-10 and 20 wt pct Pb alloys have been rapidly solidified by melt spinning to obtain a very fine scale dispersion of nanometer-sized Pb particles embedded in Zn matrix. The microstructure and crystallography of the Pb particles have been studied using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Each embedded Pb particle is a single crystal, with a truncated hexagonal biprism shape with the 6/mmm Zn matrix point group symmetry surrounded by and { 0001 á },\text { \text10[`\text1] \text0 },\text and { \text10[`\text1] \text1 }0001 1010 and 1011 facets. The Pb particles solidify with a well-defined orientation relationship with the Zn matrix of ( 0001 )Zn ||(111)Pb\text and\text [ \text11[`\text2] \text0 ]Zn| ||[ 1[`1] 0 ]Pb 0001Zn(111)Pb and 1120Zn110Pb . The melting and solidification behavior of the Pb particle have been studied using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The Pb particles solidify with an undercooling of approximately 30 K, by heterogeneous nucleation on the {0001} facets of the surrounding Zn matrix, with an apparent contact angle of 23 deg.


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The processing map for hot working of Al alloy 2014-20vol.%Al2O3 particulate-reinforced cast-plus-extruded composite material has been generated covering the temperature range 300-500 degrees C and the strain rate range 0.001-10 s(-1) based on the dynamic materials model. The efficiency eta of power dissipation given by 2m/(m + 1), where m is the strain rate sensitivity, is plotted as a function of temperature and strain rate to obtain a processing map. A domain of superplasticity has been identified, with a peak efficiency of 62% occurring at 500 degrees C and 0.001 s(-1). The characteristics of this domain have been studied with the help of microstructural evaluation and hot-ductility measurements. Microstructural instability is predicted at higher strain rates above (ls(-1)) and lower temperatures (less than 350 degrees C).


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Presented here, in a vector formulation, is an O(mn2) direct concise algorithm that prunes/identifies the linearly dependent (ld) rows of an arbitrary m X n matrix A and computes its reflexive type minimum norm inverse A(mr)-, which will be the true inverse A-1 if A is nonsingular and the Moore-Penrose inverse A+ if A is full row-rank. The algorithm, without any additional computation, produces the projection operator P = (I - A(mr)- A) that provides a means to compute any of the solutions of the consistent linear equation Ax = b since the general solution may be expressed as x = A(mr)+b + Pz, where z is an arbitrary vector. The rank r of A will also be produced in the process. Some of the salient features of this algorithm are that (i) the algorithm is concise, (ii) the minimum norm least squares solution for consistent/inconsistent equations is readily computable when A is full row-rank (else, a minimum norm solution for consistent equations is obtainable), (iii) the algorithm identifies ld rows, if any, and reduces concerned computation and improves accuracy of the result, (iv) error-bounds for the inverse as well as the solution x for Ax = b are readily computable, (v) error-free computation of the inverse, solution vector, rank, and projection operator and its inherent parallel implementation are straightforward, (vi) it is suitable for vector (pipeline) machines, and (vii) the inverse produced by the algorithm can be used to solve under-/overdetermined linear systems.


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The tracer diffusion coefficients of the elements as well as the integrated interdiffusion coefficients are determined for the Cu3Sn and Cu6Sn5 intermetallic compounds using incremental diffusion couples and Kirkendall marker shift measurements. The activation energies are determined for the former between 498 K and 623 K (225 A degrees C and 350 A degrees C) and for the latter between 423 K and 473 K (150 A degrees C and 200 A degrees C). Sn is found to be a slightly faster diffuser in Cu6Sn5, and Cu is found to be the faster diffuser in Cu3Sn. The results from the incremental couples are used to predict the behavior of a Cu/Sn couple where simultaneous growth of both intermetallics occurs. The waviness at the Cu3Sn/Cu6Sn5 interface and possible reasons for not finding Kirkendall markers in both intermetallics in the Cu/Sn couple are discussed.


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The eigenvalue and eigenstructure assignment procedure has found application in a wide variety of control problems. In this paper a method for assigning eigenstructure to a linear time invariant multi-input system is proposed. The algorithm determines a matrix that has eigenvalues and eigenvectors at the desired locations. It is obtained from the knowledge of the open-loop system and the desired eigenstructure. Solution of the matrix equation, involving unknown controller gams, open-loop system matrices, and desired eigenvalues and eigenvectors, results hi the state feedback controller. The proposed algorithm requires the closed-loop eigenvalues to be different from those of the open-loop case. This apparent constraint can easily be overcome by a negligible shift in the values. Application of the procedure is illustrated through the offset control of a satellite supported, from an orbiting platform, by a flexible tether.


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The eigenvalue assignment/pole placement procedure has found application in a wide variety of control problems. The associated literature is rather extensive with a number of techniques discussed to that end. In this paper a method for assigning eigenvalues to a Linear Time Invariant (LTI) single input system is proposed. The algorithm determines a matrix, which has eigenvalues at the desired locations. It is obtained from the knowledge of the open-loop system and the desired eigenvalues. Solution of the matrix equation, involving unknown controller gains, open-loop system matrices and desired eigenvalues, results in the state feedback controller. The proposed algorithm requires the closed-loop eigenvalues to be different from those of the open-loop case. This apparent constraint is easily overcome by a negligible shift in the values. Two examples are considered to verify the proposed algorithm. The first one pertains to the in-plane libration of a Tethered Satellite System (TSS) while the second is concerned with control of the short period dynamics of a flexible airplane. Finally, the method is extended to determine the Controllability Grammian, corresponding to the specified closed-loop eigenvalues, without computing the controller gains.


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The eigenvalue and eigenstructure assignment procedure has found application in a wide variety of control problems. In this paper a method for assigning eigenstructure to a Linear time invariant multi-input system is proposed. The algorithm determines a matrix that has eigenvalues and eigenvectors at the desired locations. It is obtained from the knowledge of the open-loop system and the desired eigenstructure. solution of the matrix equation, involving unknown controller gains, open-loop system matrices, and desired eigenvalues and eigenvectors, results in the state feedback controller. The proposed algorithm requires the closed-loop eigenvalues to be different from those of the open-loop case. This apparent constraint can easily be overcome by a negligible shift in the values. Application of the procedure is illustrated through the offset control of a satellite supported, from an orbiting platform, by a flexible tether,


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The eigenvalue assignment/pole placement procedure has found application in a wide variety of control problems. The associated literature is rather extensive with a number of techniques discussed to that end. In this paper a method for assigning eigenvalues to a Linear Time Invariant (LTI) single input system is proposed. The algorithm determines a matrix, which has eigenvalues at the desired locations. It is obtained from the knowledge of the open-loop system and the desired eigenvalues. Solution of the matrix equation, involving unknown controller gains, open-loop system matrices and desired eigenvalues, results in the state feedback controller. The proposed algorithm requires the closed-loop eigenvalues to be different from those of the open-loop case. This apparent constraint is easily overcome by a negligible shift in the values. Two examples are considered to verify the proposed algorithm. The first one pertains to the in-plane libration of a Tethered Satellite System (TSS) while the second is concerned with control of the short period dynamics of a flexible airplane. Finally, the method is extended to determine the Controllability Grammian, corresponding to the specified closed-loop eigenvalues, without computing the controller gains.


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The reaction between Fe foil and a disc of ilmenite solid solution (Co-0.48 Ni-0.52) TiO3 was studied at 1273 K. At the metal/oxide interface, the displacement reaction, Fe + (Co,Mg)TiO3 = Co + (Fe,Mg)TiO3 occurs, resulting in an ilmenite solid solution containing three divalent cations. Ferrous ions diffuse into the oxide solid solution and cause the precipitation of Co-Fe alloy as discrete particles inside the oxide matrix. The morphology of the product layer was characterized by SEM. Only two phases, alloy and ilmenite, were detected in the reaction zone. This suggests that the local flux condition imposed by ilmenite stoichiometry (Co + Fe + Mg):Ti = 1:1] was satisfied during the reactive diffusion: (J(Co) + J(Fe) + J(Mg)) = J(Ti). The composition of the alloy and the oxide was determined using EPMA as a function of distance in the direction of diffusion. Although Mg does not participate in the displacement reaction, its composition in the ilmenite phase was found to be position dependent inside the reaction zone. The up-hill diffusion of inert Mg is caused by the development of chemical potential gradients as a result of displacement reaction. The evolution of composition gradients inside the reaction zone and the diffusion path in a ternary composition diagram of the system CoTiO3-FeTiO3-MgTiO3 are discussed. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.