136 resultados para chiral symmetry


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NMR spectroscopic chiral visualization, unambiguous assignment of peaks pertaining to R and S enantiomers and the subsequent measurement of enantiomeric composition demands a highly resolved spectrum. The method fails when the spectrum is severely overcrowded or highly complex, thereby hampering the determination of enantiomeric excess. In order to circumvent such problems we propose the utility of pure shift spectrum obtained by resolving the chemical shift and coupling information in two orthogonal dimensions. The skew projected spectrum yields singlet's at the respective chemical shift positions, permitting the unravelling of the superimposed spectral transitions for each enantiomer and measurement of enantiomeric composition. (C) 2012 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Lithium L-Ascorbate dihydrate (LLA) is a new metal organic nonlinear optical crystal belonging to the saccharide family. Single crystals of LLA were grown from aqueous solution. Solubility of the crystal has a positive temperature coefficient facilitating growth by slow cooling. Rietveld refinement was used to confirm the phase formation. The crystal has prismatic habit with (010), (001) and (10-1) prominent faces. Thermal analysis shows that the crystal is stable up to 102 degrees C. Transmission spectrum of the crystal extends from 302 nm to 1600 nm. Dielectric spectroscopic analysis revealed Cole Cole behaviour and prominent piezoelectric resonance peaks were observed in the range of 100-200 kHz. Second harmonic generation (SHG) conversion efficiency of up to 2.56 times that of a phase matched KDP crystal was achieved when the (010) plate of LLA single crystal was rotated about the +ve c axis, by 9.4 degrees in the clockwise direction. We also observed SHG conical sections which were attributed to noncollinear phase matching. The observation of the third conical section suggests very high birefringence and large nonlinear coefficients. A detailed study of surface laser damage showed that the crystal has high multiple damage thresholds of 9.7 GW cm(-2) and 42 GW cm(-2) at 1064 nm and 532 nm radiation respectively. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The H-1 NMR spectroscopic discrimination of enantiomers in the solution state and the measurement of enantiomeric composition is most often hindered due to either very small chemical shift differences between the discriminated peaks or severe overlap of transitions from other chemically non-equivalent protons. In addition the use of chiral auxiliaries such as, crown ether and chiral lanthanide shift reagent may often cause enormous line broadening or give little degree of discrimination beyond the crown ether substrate ratio, hampering the discrimination. In circumventing such problems we are proposing the utilization of the difference in the additive values of all the chemical shifts of a scalar coupled spin system. The excitation and detection of appropriate highest quantum coherence yields the measurable difference in the frequencies between two transitions, one pertaining to each enantiomer in the maximum quantum dimension permitting their discrimination and the F-2 cross section at each of these frequencies yields an enantiopure spectrum. The advantage of the utility of the proposed method is demonstrated on several chiral compounds where the conventional one dimensional H-1 NMR spectra fail to differentiate the enantiomers.


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A novel weakly ordered chiral lyotropic alignment medium, derived by the self-assembly of guanosine 5'-monophosphate (5'-GMP) : guanosine for scaling RDCs to desired strengths and for the discrimination of enantiomers, is reported. The preparation of this inexpensive mesophase is straightforward, requires less time (1 h), and is sustainable, reversible and tunable over a wide range of temperature (280-330 K) and concentration.


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We report a special, hitherto-unexplored property of (-)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) as a chiral solvating agent for enantiodiscrimination of alpha-amino acids in the polar solvent DMSO. This phenomenon has been investigated by H-1 NMR spectroscopy. The mechanism of the interaction property of EGCG with alpha-amino acids has been understood as arising out of hydrogen-bonded noncovalent interactions, where the -OH groups of two phenyl rings of EGCG play dominant roles. The conversion of the enantiomeric mixture into diastereomers yielded well-resolved peaks for D and L amino acids permitting the precise measurement of enantiomeric composition. Often one encounters complex situations when the spectra are severely overlapped or partially resolved hampering the testing of enantiopurity and the precise measurement of enantiomeric excess (ee). Though higher concentration of EGCG yielded better discrimination, the use of lower concentration being economical, we have exploited an appropriate 2D NMR experiment in overcoming such problems. Thus, in the present study we have successfully demonstrated the utility of the bioflavonoid (-)-EGCG, a natural product as a chiral solvating agent for the discrimination of large number of alpha-amino acids in a polar solvent DMSO. Another significant advantage of this new chiral sensing agent is that it is a natural product and does not require tedious multistep synthesis unlike many other chiral auxiliaries.


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We report the in situ and real-time monitoring of the interconversion of L- and D-alanine-d(3) by alanine racemase from Bacillus stearothermophilus directly observed by H-2 NMR spectroscopy in anisotropic phase. The enantiomers are distinguished by the difference of their H-2 quadrupolar splittings in a chiral liquid crystal containing short DNA fragments. The proof-of-principle, the reliability, and the robustness of this new method is demonstrated by the determination of the turnover rates of the enzyme using the Michaelis Menten model.


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We report on a wafer scale fabrication method of a three-dimensional plasmonic metamaterial with strong chiroptical response in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The system was comprised of metallic nanoparticles arranged in a helical fashion, with high degree of flexibility over the choice of the underlying material, as well as their geometrical parameters. This resulted in exquisite control over the chiroptical properties, most importantly the spectral signature of the circular dichroism. In spite of the large variability in the arrangement, as well as the size and shape of the constituent nanoparticles, the average chiro-optical response of the material remained uniform across the wafer, thus confirming the suitability of this system as a large area chiral metamaterial. By simply heating the substrate for a few minutes, the geometrical properties of the nanoparticles could be altered, thus providing an additional handle towards tailoring the spectral response of this novel material.


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A new family of supramolecular organogelators, based on chiral amino acid derivatives of 2,4,6-trichloro-pyrimidine-5-carbaldehyde, has been synthesized. L-alanine was incorporated as a spacer between the pyrimidine core and long hydrocarbon tails to compare the effect of chirality and hydrogen bonding to that of the achiral analogue. The role of aromatic moiety on the chiral spacer was also investigated by introducing L-phenyl alanine moieties. The presence of intermolecular hydrogen-bonding leading to the chiral self-assembly was probed by concentration-dependent FTIR and UV/Vis spectroscopies, in addition to circular dichroism (CD) studies. Temperature and concentration-dependent CD spectroscopy ascribed to the formation of -sheet-type H-bonded networks. The morphology and the arrangements of the molecules in the freeze-dried gels were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques. Calculation of the length of each molecular system by energy minimization in its extended conformation and comparison with the small-angle XRD pattern reveals that this class of gelator molecules adopts a lamellar organization. Polarized optical microscopy (POM) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) indicate that the solid state phase behavior of these molecules is totally dependent on the choice of their amino acid spacers. Structure-induced aggregation properties based on the H-bonding motifs and the packing of the molecule in three dimensions leading to gelation was elucidated by rheological studies. However, viscoelasticity was shown to depend only marginally on the H-bonding interactions; rather it depends on the packing of the gelators to a greater extent.


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We present a comprehensive study of two of the most experimentally relevant extensions of Kitaev's spinless model of a one-dimensional p-wave superconductor: those involving (i) longer-range hopping and superconductivity and (ii) inhomogeneous potentials. We commence with a pedagogical review of the spinless model and, as a means of characterizing topological phases exhibited by the systems studied here, we introduce bulk topological invariants as well as those derived from an explicit consideration of boundary modes. In time-reversal symmetric systems, we find that the longer range hopping leads to topological phases characterized by multiple Majorana modes. In particular, we investigate a spin model that respects a duality and maps to a fermionic model with multiple Majorana modes; we highlight the connection between these topological phases and the broken symmetry phases in the original spin model. In the presence of time-reversal symmetry breaking terms, we show that the topological phase diagram is characterized by an extended gapless regime. For the case of inhomogeneous potentials, we explore phase diagrams of periodic, quasiperiodic, and disordered systems. We present a detailed mapping between normal state localization properties of such systems and the topological phases of the corresponding superconducting systems. This powerful tool allows us to leverage the analyses of Hofstadter's butterfly and the vast literature on Anderson localization to the question of Majorana modes in superconducting quasiperiodic and disordered systems, respectively. We briefly touch upon the synergistic effects that can be expected in cases where long-range hopping and disorder are both present.


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We study the structure constants of the N = 1 beta deformed theory perturbatively and at strong coupling. We show that the planar one loop corrections to the structure constants of single trace gauge invariant operators in the scalar sector is determined by the anomalous dimension Hamiltonian. This result implies that 3 point functions of the chiral primaries of the theory do not receive corrections at one loop. We then study the structure constants at strong coupling using the Lunin-Maldacena geometry. We explicitly construct the supergravity mode dual to the chiral primary with three equal U(1) R-charges in the Lunin-Maldacena geometry. We show that the 3 point function of this supergravity mode with semi-classical states representing two other similar chiral primary states but with large U(1) charges to be independent of the beta deformation and identical to that found in the AdS(5) x S-5 geometry. This together with the one-loop result indicate that these structure constants are protected by a non-renormalization theorem. We also show that three point function of U(1) R-currents with classical massive strings is proportional to the R-charge carried by the string solution. This is in accordance with the prediction of the R-symmetry Ward identity.


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The study demonstrates the utility of ternary ion-pair complex formed among BINOL (1,1'-Bi-2-naphthol), a carboxylic acid and an organic base, such as, dimethylpyridine (DMAP), 1,4-diazabicyclo2.2.2]octane (DABCO), as a versatile chiral solvating agent (CSA) for the enantiodiscrimination of carboxylic acids, measurement of enantiomeric excess (ee) and the assignment of absolute configuration of hydroxy acids. The proposed mechanism of ternary complex has wider application for testing the enantiopurity owing to the fact that the binary mixture using BINOL alone does not serve as a solvating agent for their discrimination. In addition, the developed protocol has an excellent utility for the assignment of the absolute configurations of hydroxy acids.


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Visualizing symmetric patterns in the data often helps the domain scientists make important observations and gain insights about the underlying experiment. Detecting symmetry in scalar fields is a nascent area of research and existing methods that detect symmetry are either not robust in the presence of noise or computationally costly. We propose a data structure called the augmented extremum graph and use it to design a novel symmetry detection method based on robust estimation of distances. The augmented extremum graph captures both topological and geometric information of the scalar field and enables robust and computationally efficient detection of symmetry. We apply the proposed method to detect symmetries in cryo-electron microscopy datasets and the experiments demonstrate that the algorithm is capable of detecting symmetry even in the presence of significant noise. We describe novel applications that use the detected symmetry to enhance visualization of scalar field data and facilitate their exploration.


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An in situ approach involving a simple mix and shake method for testing the enantiopurity of primary, secondary and tertiary chiral amines and their derivatives, chiral amino alcohols, by H-1-NMR spectroscopy is developed. The protocol involves the in situ formation of chiral ammonium borate salt from a mixture of C-2 symmetric chiral BINOL, trialkoxyborane and chiral amines. The proposed concept was demonstrated convincingly on a large number of chiral and pro-chiral amines and amino alcohols, and also aids the precise measurement of enantiomeric excess. The protocol can be completed in a couple of minutes directly in the NMR sample tube, without the need for any physical separation.


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Chiral metamaterials can have diverse technological applications, such as engineering strongly twisted local electromagnetic fields for sensitive detection of chiral molecules, negative indices of refraction, broadband circular polarization devices, and many more. These are commonly achieved by arranging a group of noble-metal nanoparticles in a chiral geometry, which, for example, can be a helix, whose chiroptical response originates in the dynamic electromagnetic interactions between the localized plasmon modes of the individual nanoparticles. A key question relevant to the chiroptical response of such materials is the role of plasmon interactions as the constituent particles are brought closer, which is investigated in this paper through theoretical and experimental studies. The results of our theoretical analysis, when the particles are brought in close proximity are dramatic, showing a large red shift and enhancement of the spectral width and a near-exponential rise in the strength of the chiroptical response. These predictions were further confirmed with experimental studies of gold and silver nanoparticles arranged on a helical template, where the role of particle separation could be investigated in a systematic manner. The ``optical chirality'' of the electromagnetic fields in the vicinity of the nanoparticles was estimated to be orders of magnitude larger than what could be achieved in all other nanoplasmonic geometries considered so far, implying the suitability of the experimental system for sensitive detection of chiral molecules.


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We report experimental evidence of a remarkable spontaneous time-reversal symmetry breaking in two-dimensional electron systems formed by atomically confined doping of phosphorus (P) atoms inside bulk crystalline silicon (Si) and germanium (Ge). Weak localization corrections to the conductivity and the universal conductance fluctuations were both found to decrease rapidly with decreasing doping in the Si: P and Ge: P delta layers, suggesting an effect driven by Coulomb interactions. In-plane magnetotransport measurements indicate the presence of intrinsic local spin fluctuations at low doping, providing a microscopic mechanism for spontaneous lifting of the time-reversal symmetry. Our experiments suggest the emergence of a new many-body quantum state when two-dimensional electrons are confined to narrow half-filled impurity bands.