395 resultados para Supercomputer Education


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Wave pipelining is a design technique for increasing the throughput of a digital circuit or system without introducing pipelining registers between adjacent combinational logic blocks in the circuit/system. However, this requires balancing of the delays along all the paths from the input to the output which comes the way of its implementation. Static CMOS is inherently susceptible to delay variation with input data, and hence, receives a low priority for wave pipelined digital design. On the other hand, ECL and CML, which are amenable to wave pipelining, lack the compactness and low power attributes of CMOS. In this paper we attempt to exploit wave pipelining in CMOS technology. We use a single generic building block in Normal Process Complementary Pass Transistor Logic (NPCPL), modeled after CPL, to achieve equal delay along all the propagation paths in the logic structure. An 8Ã8 b multiplier is designed using this logic in a 0.8 ?m technology. The carry-save multiplier architecture is modified suitably to support wave pipelining, viz., the logic depth of all the paths are made identical. The 1 mmÃ0.6 mm multiplier core supports a throughput of 400 MHz and dissipates a total power of 0.6 W. We develop simple enhancements to the NPCPL building blocks that allow the multiplier to sustain throughputs in excess of 600 MHz. The methodology can be extended to introduce wave pipelining in other circuits as well


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Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on rigid and flexible framework models of silicalite and a rigid framework model of the aluminophosphate VPI-5 for different sorbate diameters are reported. The sorbate-host interactions are modeled in terms of simple atom-atom Lennard-Jones interactions. The results suggest that the diffusion coefficient exhibits an anomaly as gamma approaches unity. The MD results confirm the existence of a linear regime for sorbate diameters significantly smaller than the channel diameter and an anomalous regime observed for sorbate diameters comparable to the channel diameter. The power spectra obtained by Fourier transformation of the velocity autocorrelation function indicate that there is an increase in the intensity of the low-frequency component for the velocity component parallel to the direction of motion for the sorbate diameter in the anomalous regime. The present results suggest that the diffusion anomaly is observed irrespective of (1) the geometry and topology of the pore structure and (2) the nature of the host material. The results are compared with the work of Derouane and co-workers, who have suggested the existence of ''floating molecules'' on the basis of earlier theoretical and computational approaches.


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A method based on the minimal-spanning tree is extended to a collection of points in three dimensions. Two parameters, the average edge length and its standard deviation characterize the disorder. The structural phase diagram for a monatomic system of particles and the characteristic values for the uniform random distribution of points have been obtained. The method is applied to hard spheres and Lennard-Jones systems. These systems occupy distinct regions in the structural phase diagram. The structure of the Lennard-Jones system approaches that of the defective close-packed arrangements at low temperatures whereas in the liquid regime, it deviates from the close-packed configuration.


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Interactive visualization applications benefit from simplification techniques that generate good-quality coarse meshes from high-resolution meshes that represent the domain. These meshes often contain interesting substructures, called embedded structures, and it is desirable to preserve the topology of the embedded structures during simplification, in addition to preserving the topology of the domain. This paper describes a proof that link conditions, proposed earlier, are sufficient to ensure that edge contractions preserve the topology of the embedded structures and the domain. Excluding two specific configurations, the link conditions are also shown to be necessary for topology preservation. Repeated application of edge contraction on an extended complex produces a coarser representation of the domain and the embedded structures. An extension of the quadric error metric is used to schedule edge contractions, resulting in a good-quality coarse mesh that closely approximates the input domain and the embedded structures.


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A symmetrizer of a nonsymmetric matrix A is the symmetric matrix X that satisfies the equation XA = A(t)X, where t indicates the transpose. A symmetrizer is useful in converting a nonsymmetric eigenvalue problem into a symmetric one which is relatively easy to solve and finds applications in stability problems in control theory and in the study of general matrices. Three designs based on VLSI parallel processor arrays are presented to compute a symmetrizer of a lower Hessenberg matrix. Their scope is discussed. The first one is the Leiserson systolic design while the remaining two, viz., the double pipe design and the fitted diagonal design are the derived versions of the first design with improved performance.


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Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations on an Ar-13 cluster in zeolite L have been carried out at a series of temperatures to understand the rigid-nonrigid transition corresponding to the solid-liquid transition exhibited by the free Ar-13 cluster. The icosahedral geometry of the free cluster is no longer preferred when the cluster is confined in the zeolite. The root-mean-squared pair distance fluctuation, delta, exhibits a sharp, well-defined rigid-nonrigid transition at 17 K as compared to 27 K for the free cluster. Multiple peaks in the distribution of short-time averages of the guest-host interaction energy indicate coexistence of two phases.; It is shown that this transition is associated with the inner atoms becoming mobile at 17 K even while the outer layer atoms, which are in close proximity to the zeolitic wall, continue to be comparatively immobile. This may be contrasted with the melting of large free clusters of 40 or more atoms which exhibit surface melting. Guest-host interactions seem to play a predominant role in determining the properties of confined clusters. We demonstrate that the volume of the cluster increases rather sharply at 17 and 27 K respectively for the confined and the free cluster. Power spectra suggest that the motion of the inner atoms is generally parallel to the atoms which form the cage wall.


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Earlier work has reported the existence of a diffusion anomaly in porous solids at dilute sorbate concentrations. In this work we have carried out molecular dynamics simulations at higher sorbate concetrations. Results indicate the persistence of a diffusion anomaly even at significantly higher sorbate concentrations, which means that this anomaly can be used for separation of mixtures under conditions prevailing in industries.


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Geometry and energy of argon clusters confined in zeolite NaCaA are compared with those of free clusters. Results indicate the possible existence of magic numbers among the confined clusters. Spectra obtained from instantaneous normal mode analysis of free and confined clusters give a larger percentage of imaginary frequencies for the latter indicating that the confined cluster atoms populate the saddle points of the potential energy surface significantly. The variation of the percentage of imaginary frequencies with temperature during melting is akin to the variation of other properties. It is shown that confined clusters might exhibit inverse surface melting, unlike medium-to-large-sized free clusters that exhibit surface melting. Configurational-bias Monte Carte (CBMC) simulations of n-alkanes in zeolites Y and A are reported. CBMC method gives reliable estimates of the properties relating to the conformation of molecules. Changes in the conformational properties of n-butane and other longer n-alkanes such as n-hexane and n-heptane when they are confined in different zeolites are presented. The changes in the conformational properties of n-butane and n-hexane with temperature and concentration is discussed. In general, in zeolite Y as well as A, there is significant enhancement of the gauche population as compared to the pure unconfined fluid.


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This paper investigates the loss of high mass ions due to their initial thermal energy in ion trap mass analyzers. It provides an analytical expression for estimating the percentage loss of ions of a given mass at a particular temperature, in a trap operating under a predetermined set of conditions. The expression we developed can be used to study the loss of ions due to its initial thermal energy in traps which have nonlinear fields as well as those which have linear fields. The expression for the percentage of ions lost is shown to be a function of the temperature of the ensemble of ions, ion mass and ion escape velocity. An analytical expression for the escape velocity has also been derived in terms of the trapping field, drive frequency and ion mass. Because the trapping field is determined by trap design parameters and operating conditions, it has been possible to study the influence of these parameters on ion loss. The parameters investigated include ion temperature, magnitude of the initial potential applied to the ring electrode (which determines the low mass cut-off), trap size, dimensions of apertures in the endcap electrodes and RF drive frequency. Our studies demonstrate that ion loss due to initial thermal energy increases with increase in mass and that, in the traps investigated, ion escape occurs in the radial direction. Reduction in the loss of high mass ions is favoured by lower ion temperatures, increasing low mass cut-off, increasing trap size, and higher RF drive frequencies. However, dimensions of the apertures in the endcap electrodes do not influence ion loss in the range of aperture sizes considered. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The interest in low bit rate video coding has increased considerably. Despite rapid progress in storage density and digital communication system performance, demand for data-transmission bandwidth and storage capacity continue to exceed the capabilities of available technologies. The growth of data-intensive digital audio, video applications and the increased use of bandwidth-limited media such as video conferencing and full motion video have not only sustained the need for efficient ways to encode analog signals, but made signal compression central to digital communication and data-storage technology. In this paper we explore techniques for compression of image sequences in a manner that optimizes the results for the human receiver. We propose a new motion estimator using two novel block match algorithms which are based on human perception. Simulations with image sequences have shown an improved bit rate while maintaining ''image quality'' when compared to conventional motion estimation techniques using the MAD block match criteria.


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A linear programming problem in an inequality form having a bounded solution is solved error-free using an algorithm that sorts the inequalities, removes the redundant ones, and uses the p-adic arithmetic. (C) Elsevier Science Inc., 1997


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Sufficiently long molecular dynamics simulations have been carried out on spherical monatomic sorbates in NaY zeolite, interacting via simple Lennard-Jones potentials, to investigate the dependence of the levitation effect on the temperature. Simulations carried out in the range 100-300 K suggest that the anomalous peak in the diffusion coefficient (observed when the levitation parameter, gamma, is near unity) decreases in intensity with increase in temperature. The rate of cage-to-cage migrations also exhibits a similar trend. The activation energy obtained from Arrhenius plots is found to exhibit a minimum when the diffusion coefficient is a maximum, corresponding to the gamma approximate to 1 sorbate diameter. In the linear or normal regime, the activation energy increases with increase in sorbate diameter until it shows a sharp decrease in the anomalous regime. Locations and energies of the adsorption sites and their dependence on the sorbate size gives interesting insight into the nature of the underlying potential-energy surface and further explain the observed trend in the activation energy with sorbate size. Cage residence times, tau(c), show little or no change with temperature for the sorbate with diameter corresponding to gamma approximate to 1, whereas there is a significant decrease in tau(c) with increase in temperature for sorbates in the linear regime. The implications of the present study for the separation of mixtures of sorbates are discussed.


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Positions of potential energy minima for spherical monatomic sorbates in zeolite NaY have been identified for different sizes of the sorbate. It is found that for small sorbates (sigma less than or equal to 4.96 Angstrom) there are only six adsorption sites per alpha-cage, which are located close to the inner surface of the alpha-cage. For larger sorbates, additional sites of comparable energies appear close to the 12-ring window which forms the bottleneck for intercage diffusion. Minimum energy paths between these sites have been computed. These suggest that the barriers for both intracage and intercage site-to-site migrations are comparable and decrease with increase in sorbate size. Earlier simulation studies on the diffusion of monatomic sorbates in zeolites indicated that there is a dramatic change in the nature of dependence of D on sorbate size around 4.96 Angstrom, for zeolite NaY. Therefore, the present results suggest that the dependence of D on sorbate size and the changes in the potential energy landscape are correlated. The sorbate-zeolite system is characterized by a flatter potential energy landscape when the sorbate size is large. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-9606(99)51110-0].


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The use of delayed coefficient adaptation in the least mean square (LMS) algorithm has enabled the design of pipelined architectures for real-time transversal adaptive filtering. However, the convergence speed of this delayed LMS (DLMS) algorithm, when compared with that of the standard LMS algorithm, is degraded and worsens with increase in the adaptation delay. Existing pipelined DLMS architectures have large adaptation delay and hence degraded convergence speed. We in this paper, first present a pipelined DLMS architecture with minimal adaptation delay for any given sampling rate. The architecture is synthesized by using a number of function preserving transformations on the signal flow graph representation of the DLMS algorithm. With the use of carry-save arithmetic, the pipelined architecture can support high sampling rates, limited only by the delay of a full adder and a 2-to-1 multiplexer. In the second part of this paper, we extend the synthesis methodology described in the first part, to synthesize pipelined DLMS architectures whose power dissipation meets a specified budget. This low-power architecture exploits the parallelism in the DLMS algorithm to meet the required computational throughput. The architecture exhibits a novel tradeoff between algorithmic performance (convergence speed) and power dissipation. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights resented.


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The design and development of nonresonant edge slot antenna for phased array applications has been presented. The radiating element is a slot cut on the narrow wall of rectangular waveguide (edge slot). The admittance characteristics of the edge slot have been rigorously studied using a novel hybrid method. Nonresonant arrays have been fabricated using the present slot characterization data and the earlier published data. The experimentally measured electrical characteristics of the antenna are presented which clearly brings out the accuracy of the present method.