766 resultados para Stylocheilus Striatus (formerly Longicauda)


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Simultaneous consideration of both performance and reliability issues is important in the choice of computer architectures for real-time aerospace applications. One of the requirements for such a fault-tolerant computer system is the characteristic of graceful degradation. A shared and replicated resources computing system represents such an architecture. In this paper, a combinatorial model is used for the evaluation of the instruction execution rate of a degradable, replicated resources computing system such as a modular multiprocessor system. Next, a method is presented to evaluate the computation reliability of such a system utilizing a reliability graph model and the instruction execution rate. Finally, this computation reliability measure, which simultaneously describes both performance and reliability, is applied as a constraint in an architecture optimization model for such computing systems. Index Terms-Architecture optimization, computation


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Near threshold fatigue crack growth behavior of a high strength steel under different temper levels was investigated. It is found that the observed variations in ΔKth could predominantly be attributed to roughness induced crack closure. The closure-free component of the threshold stress intensity range, ΔKeff,th showed a systematic variation with monotonic yield strength.


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Several techniques are known for searching an ordered collection of data. The techniques and analyses of retrieval methods based on primary attributes are straightforward. Retrieval using secondary attributes depends on several factors. For secondary attribute retrieval, the linear structures—inverted lists, multilists, doubly linked lists—and the recently proposed nonlinear tree structures—multiple attribute tree (MAT), K-d tree (kdT)—have their individual merits. It is shown in this paper that, of the two tree structures, MAT possesses several features of a systematic data structure for external file organisation which make it superior to kdT. Analytic estimates for the complexity of node searchers, in MAT and kdT for several types of queries, are developed and compared.


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This paper presents on overview of the issues in precisely defining, specifying and evaluating the dependability of software, particularly in the context of computer controlled process systems. Dependability is intended to be a generic term embodying various quality factors and is useful for both software and hardware. While the developments in quality assurance and reliability theories have proceeded mostly in independent directions for hardware and software systems, we present here the case for developing a unified framework of dependability—a facet of operational effectiveness of modern technological systems, and develop a hierarchical systems model helpful in clarifying this view. In the second half of the paper, we survey the models and methods available for measuring and improving software reliability. The nature of software “bugs”, the failure history of the software system in the various phases of its lifecycle, the reliability growth in the development phase, estimation of the number of errors remaining in the operational phase, and the complexity of the debugging process have all been considered to varying degrees of detail. We also discuss the notion of software fault-tolerance, methods of achieving the same, and the status of other measures of software dependability such as maintainability, availability and safety.


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New complexes of Lanthanide nitrates with N-(4-methyl-2-pyridyl)-acetamide (4-me-aapH) of the general formulae. [Ln(4-me-aapH)2] [NO3] (where Ln=La=La-Yb and Y)have been synthesized and haracterised by chemical analysis, molar conductivity and physical methods such as infrared, 13C NMR an electronic spectra in the visible region. Molar conductance and infrared data point to the presence to the coordinated nitrates groups. Infrared and 13C NMR data have been interpreted in terms of the coordination of the legand to the metal ion through the oxygen of the secondary amide and nitrogen of the hetrocyclic ring, in a bidentate fashion. Coordination number of ten seems probable for the complexes.


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Composite materials exhibiting different moduli in tension and in compression, commonly called as bimodular composites are being used in many engineering fields. A finite element analysis is carried out for small deflection static behavior of laminated curved beams of bi modulus materials for both solid and hollow circular cross-sections using an iterative procedure. The finite element has 16 d.o.f. and uses the displacement field in terms of first order Hermite in terpolation polynomials. The neutral surface, i.e. the locus of points having zero axial strain is found to vary drastically depending on the loading, lay up schemes and radius of curvature. As il lustrations, plots of the cross-sections of the ruled neutral-surface are presented for some of the investigated cases. Using this element a few problems of curved laminated beams of bimodulus materials are solved for both solid and hollow circular cross-sections.


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This paper is aimed at reviewing the notion of Byzantine-resilient distributed computing systems, the relevant protocols and their possible applications as reported in the literature. The three agreement problems, namely, the consensus problem, the interactive consistency problem, and the generals problem have been discussed. Various agreement protocols for the Byzantine generals problem have been summarized in terms of their performance and level of fault-tolerance. The three classes of Byzantine agreement protocols discussed are the deterministic, randomized, and approximate agreement protocols. Finally, application of the Byzantine agreement protocols to clock synchronization is highlighted.


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Vibrational stability of large flexible structurally damped spacecraft carrying internal angular momentum and undergoing large rigid body rotations is analysed modeling the systems as elastic continua. Initially, analytical solutions to the motion of rigid gyrostats under torque-free conditions are developed. The solutions to the gyrostats modeled as axisymmetric and triaxial spacecraft carrying three and two constant speed momentum wheels, respectively, with spin axes aligned with body principal axes are shown to be complicated. These represent extensions of solutions for simpler cases existing in the literature. Using these solutions and modal analysis, the vibrational equations are reduced to linear ordinary differential equations. Equations with periodically varying coefficients are analysed applying Floquet theory. Study of a few typical beam- and plate-like spacecraft configurations indicate that the introduction of a single reaction wheel into an axisymmetric satellite does not alter the stability criterion. However, introduction of constant speed rotors deteriorates vibrational stability. Effects of structural damping and vehicle inertia ratio are also studied.


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The application of multilevel control strategies for load-frequency control of interconnected power systems is assuming importance. A large multiarea power system may be viewed as an interconnection of several lower-order subsystems, with possible change of interconnection pattern during operation. The solution of the control problem involves the design of a set of local optimal controllers for the individual areas, in a completely decentralised environment, plus a global controller to provide the corrective signal to account for interconnection effects. A global controller, based on the least-square-error principle suggested by Siljak and Sundareshan, has been applied for the LFC problem. A more recent work utilises certain possible beneficial aspects of interconnection to permit more desirable system performances. The paper reports the application of the latter strategy to LFC of a two-area power system. The power-system model studied includes the effects of excitation system and governor controls. A comparison of the two strategies is also made.


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Cast aluminium alloy-mica particle composites were made by dispersing mica particles in a vortex produced by stirring the liquid Al-4 wt% Cu-1.5 wt% Mg alloy and then casting the melt containing the suspended particles into permanent moulds. Spiral fluidity and casting fluidity of the alloy containing mica particles in suspension were determined. Both the spiral fluidity and the casting fluidity of the base alloy were found to decrease with an increase in volume or weight percent of mica particles (of a given size), and with a decrease in particle size (for a given amount of particles). The fluidities of Al-4 wt% Cu-1.5 wt% Mg alloys containing suspended mica particles were found to correlate very well with the surface area of suspended mica particles. The regression equation for spiral fluidity Y (cm) as a function of surface area of mica particles per gram of spiral X (cm2 g–1) at 700° C was found to be Y=42.62–0.42X with a correlation coefficient of 0.9634. The regression equations for casting fluidity Yprime (cm) as a functiono of surface area of mica particles per gram of fluidity test piece Xprime (cm2 g–1) at 710 and 670° C were found to be Yprime=19.71–0.17Xprime and Yprime=13.52–0.105Xprime with correlation coefficients of 0.9194 and 0.9612 respectively. The percentage decrease in casting fluidity of composite melts containing up to 2.5 wt% mica with a drop in temperature is quite similar to the corresponding decrease in the casting fluidity of base alloy melts (without mica). The change in fluidity due to mica dispersions has been discussed in terms of changes in viscosity of the composite melts. However, the fluidities of these composite alloys containing up to 2.5 wt% mica are adequate for making a variety of simple castings including bearings for which these alloys have been developed.


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The Gibbs energy of formation of V2O3-saturated spinel CoV2O4 has been measured in the temperature range 900–1700 K using a solid state galvanic cell, which can be represented as Pt, Co + CoV2O4 + V2O3/(CaO) ZrO2/Co + CoO, Pt. The standard free energy of formation of cobalt vanadite from component oxides can be represented as CoO (rs) + V2O3 (cor) → CoV2O4 (sp), ΔG° = −30,125 − 5.06T (± 150) J mole−1. Cation mixing on crystallographically nonequivalent sites of the spinel is responsible for the decrease in free energy with increasing temperature. A correlation between “second law” entropies of formation of cubic 2–3 spinels from component oxides with rock salt and corundum structures and cation distribution is presented. Based on the information obtained in this study and trends in the stability of aluminate and chromite spinels, it can be deduced that copper vanadite is unstable.


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The effects of tangential friction at pin—hole interfaces are appropriately modelled for the analysis of fasteners in large composite (orthotropic) plate loaded along its edges. The pin—hole contact could be of interference, clearance or neat fit. When the plate load is monotonically increased, interference fits give rise to receding contact, whereas clearance fits result in advancing contact. In either case, the changing contact situations lead to non-linear moving boundary value problems. The neat fit comes out as a special case in which the contact and separation regions are invariant with the applied load level and so the problem remains linear. The description of boundary conditions in the presence of tangential friction, will depend on whether the problem is one of advancing or receding contact, advancing contact presenting a special problem. A model is developed for the limiting case of a rigid pin and an ideally rough interface (infinitely large friction coefficient). The non-linearity resulting from the continuously varying proportions of contact and separation at the interface, is handled by an “Inverse Formulation” which was successfully applied earlier by the authors for smooth (zero friction) interfacial conditions. The additional difficulty introduced by advancing contact is handled by adopting a “Marching Solution”. The modelling and the procedure are illustrated in respect of symmetric plate load cases. Numerical results are presented bringing out the effects of interfacial friction and plate orthotropy on load-contact relations and plate stresses.


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The catalytic effects of Fe2O3, Ni2O3, MnO2, and Co2O3 transition metal oxides (TMO) on the combustion of polystyrene and carboxyl-terminated polybutadiene were investigated. The order of activity of TMO's was explained by the presence of Co and absence of Fe and Ni in their lattice systems along with a reduced electron-transfer process; in systems which induce the metal ions to enter the lattice, the electron transfer process is much greater. The thermal decomposition of ammonium perchlorate propellants was enhanced to a greater extent by Co2O3 and MnO2 than by Fe2O3 and Ni2O3.


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The fault-tolerant multiprocessor (ftmp) is a bus-based multiprocessor architecture with real-time and fault- tolerance features and is used in critical aerospace applications. A preliminary performance evaluation is of crucial importance in the design of such systems. In this paper, we review stochastic Petri nets (spn) and developspn-based performance models forftmp. These performance models enable efficient computation of important performance measures such as processing power, bus contention, bus utilization, and waiting times.


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A hybrid simulation technique for identification and steady state optimization of a tubular reactor used in ammonia synthesis is presented. The parameter identification program finds the catalyst activity factor and certain heat transfer coefficients that minimize the sum of squares of deviation from simulated and actual temperature measurements obtained from an operating plant. The optimization program finds the values of three flows to the reactor to maximize the ammonia yield using the estimated parameter values. Powell's direct method of optimization is used in both cases. The results obtained here are compared with the plant data.