171 resultados para Stability in organic solvents


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It is shown that a sufficient condition for the asymptotic stability-in-the-large of an autonomous system containing a linear part with transfer function G(jω) and a non-linearity belonging to a class of power-law non-linearities with slope restriction [0, K] in cascade in a negative feedback loop is ReZ(jω)[G(jω) + 1 K] ≥ 0 for all ω where the multiplier is given by, Z(jω) = 1 + αjω + Y(jω) - Y(-jω) with a real, y(t) = 0 for t < 0 and ∫ 0 ∞ |y(t)|dt < 1 2c2, c2 being a constant associated with the class of non-linearity. Any allowable multiplier can be converted to the above form and this form leads to lesser restrictions on the parameters in many cases. Criteria for the case of odd monotonic non-linearities and of linear gains are obtained as limiting cases of the criterion developed. A striking feature of the present result is that in the linear case it reduces to the necessary and sufficient conditions corresponding to the Nyquist criterion. An inequality of the type |R(T) - R(- T)| ≤ 2c2R(0) where R(T) is the input-output cross-correlation function of the non-linearity, is used in deriving the results.


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The association parameter in the diffuswn equaiior, dye fo Wiike one Chong has been interpreted in deferminable properties, thus permitting easily the calculation of the same for unknown systems. The proposed eqyotion a!se holds goods for water as soiute in organic solvenfs. The over-all percentage error remains the sarrse as that of the original equation.


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Reactions of fourteen nucleophiles with the pseudo-acid chloride of o-benzoylbenzoic acid in two solvents have been studied. The nucleophiles that react primarily at the tetrahedral carbon atom to give pseudo derivatives, are weaker than those that react at the carbonyl carbon atom causing opening of the lactone ring. An explanation for this phenomenon is advanced.


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In this paper, an analytical study considering the effect of uncertainties in the seismic analysis of geosynthetic-reinforced soil (GRS) walls is presented. Using limit equilibrium method and assuming sliding wedge failure mechanism, analysis is conducted to evaluate the external stability of GRS walls when subjected to earthquake loads. Target reliability based approach is used to estimate the probability of failure in three modes of failure, viz., sliding, bearing, and eccentricity failure. The properties of reinforced backfill, retained backfill, foundation soil, and geosynthetic reinforcement are treated as random variables. In addition, the uncertainties associated with horizontal seismic acceleration and surcharge load acting on the wall are considered. The optimum length of reinforcement needed to maintain the stability against three modes of failure by targeting various component and system reliability indices is obtained. Studies have also been made to study the influence of various parameters on the seismic stability in three failure modes. The results are compared with those given by first-order second moment method and Monte Carlo simulation methods. In the illustrative example, external stability of the two walls, Gould and Valencia walls, subjected to Northridge earthquake is reexamined.


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In this paper, an analytical study considering the effect of uncertainties in the seismic analysis of geosynthetic-reinforced soil (GRS) walls is presented. Using limit equilibrium method and assuming sliding wedge failure mechanism, analysis is conducted to evaluate the external stability of GRS walls when subjected to earthquake loads. Target reliability based approach is used to estimate the probability of failure in three modes of failure, viz., sliding, bearing, and eccentricity failure. The properties of reinforced backfill, retained backfill, foundation soil, and geosynthetic reinforcement are treated as random variables. In addition, the uncertainties associated with horizontal seismic acceleration and surcharge load acting on the wall are considered. The optimum length of reinforcement needed to maintain the stability against three modes of failure by targeting various component and system reliability indices is obtained. Studies have also been made to study the influence of various parameters on the seismic stability in three failure modes. The results are compared with those given by first-order second moment method and Monte Carlo simulation methods. In the illustrative example, external stability of the two walls, Gould and Valencia walls, subjected to Northridge earthquake is reexamined.


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The titled reaction was effected with iso-amyl nitrite or sodium nitrite, both in cone. H2SO4 at 0-25 degrees C in excellent yields (55-98%). Apart from the mild temperatures employed, organic solvents and reagents can be avoided, and the by-products are CO2 and N-2, so the conditions are environment-friendly. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Propyloxy-substituted piperidine in solution adopts a conformation in which its alkoxy group is equatorially positioned Surprisingly, two conformers of it that do not interconvert in the NMR time scale at room temperature have been found within an octa-acid capsule The serendipitous finding of the axial conformer of propyloxy-substituted piperidine within a supramolecular capsule highlights the value of confined spaces in physical organic chemistry.


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Photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) provides valuable information on the ionization energies of atoms and molecules. The ionization energy (IE) is given by the relation.hv = IE + T where hv is t h e energy of the radiation and T i s the kinetic energy of the electron. The IEs are directly related to the orbital energies (Koopmans' theorem). By employing UV radiation (HeI. 21.2 eV. or HeII. 40.8 eV). extensive data on the ionization of valence electrons in organic molecules have been obtained in recent years. These studies of UV photoelectron spectroscopy. originated by Turner, have provided a direct probe into the energy levels of organic molecules. Molecular orbital calculations of various degrees of sophistication are generally employed to make assignments of the PES bands. Analysis of the vibrational structure of PES bands has not only provided structural information on the molecular ions, but has also been of value in band assignments. Dewar and co-workers [1, 2) presented summaries of available PES data on organic molecules in 1969 and 1970. Turner et al. [3] published a handbook of Hel spectra of organic molecules in 1970. Since then, a few books [4-7] discussing the principles and applications of UV photoelectron spectroscopy have appeared of which special mention should be made of the recent article by Heilbronner and Maier [7]. There has, however, been no comprehensive review of the vast amount of data on the UV-PES of organic molecules published in the literature since 1970.


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Theoretical calculations of the geminal carbonyl-13C- proton coupling constant, 2J(C′H), in α-amino acids have been carried out using Dirac Vector model and Penney-Dirac bond order formulations. The results indicate that the couplings are dependent on the backbone torsion angle psi (ψ) of the amino acid residues in peptides. The meagre available experimental data seem to support the theoretical findings.


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Raman induced phase conjugation (RIPC) spectroscopy is a relatively new coherent Raman spectroscopic (CRS) technique using optical phase conjugation (OPC), with which complete Raman spectra of transparent media can be obtained. It is a non-degenerate four-wave mixing technique in which two pulsed laser beams at Ω1 and Ω1 ± Δ where A corresponds to a vibrational frequency of a nonlinear medium mix with a third laser beam at Ω1 to generate a fourth beam Ω1 ± Δ, which is nearly phase conjugate to one of the beams at Ω1. With this technique one can measure the ratio of the resonant and nonresonant components of the third-order nonlinear susceptibilities of the nonlinear media. We have used this technique to get Raman spectra of well-known organic solvents like benzene etc., using pulsed Nd: YAG -dye laser systems. We have also studied the effect of delaying one of the interacting beams with respect to the others and the phase conjugate property of RIPC signals.


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The thermodynamics of monodisperse solutions of polymers in the neighborhood of the phase separation temperature is studied by means of Wilson’s recursion relation approach, starting from an effective ϕ4 Hamiltonian derived from a continuum model of a many‐chain system in poor solvents. Details of the chain statistics are contained in the coefficients of the field variables ϕ, so that the parameter space of the Hamiltonian includes the temperature, coupling constant, molecular weight, and excluded volume interaction. The recursion relations are solved under a series of simplifying assumptions, providing the scaling forms of the relevant parameters, which are then used to determine the scaling form of the free energy. The free energy, in turn, is used to calculate the other singular thermodynamic properties of the solution. These are characteristically power laws in the reduced temperature and molecular weight, with the temperature exponents being the same as those of the 3d Ising model. The molecular weight exponents are unique to polymer solutions, and the calculated values compare well with the available experimental data.


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While C60 interacts with aromatic amines such as dimethylaniline in the ground state, C70 does not. Fluorescence spectroscopic studies, including lifetime measurements, show the formation of exciplexes of both C60 and C70 with aromatic amines in nonaromatic solvents such as methylcyclohexane. Exciplexes are however not formed in benzene solvent, due to π—π interaction between benzene and the fullerene. Based on spectroscopic absorption measurements, it is shown that both C60 and C70 do indeed interact with benzene in the ground state.


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Reaction of 2-bromomethyl-1-(2′-tetrahydropyranyloxy) benzene 3a with tetrachlorocatechol(TCC) in acetone in presence of anhydrous K2CO3 resulted in the formation of diastereomeric products to which cis- & trans- 6-chloro-8-hydroxy-8-(2-oxopropyl)spiro[9H-benzo[a]xanthen- 9,2′(1′H) benzofuran]-7(8H)-one (7a & 8a) structures were assigned, along with tetrachlorocatechol ethers (5a & 6a). Similar reaction of 3a with tetrabromocatechol(TBC) gave the expected monobromo compounds 7d & 8d along with the ethers 5d & 6d. When the reaction was repeated with substrates 3b–c with TCC/TBC in ketonic solvents(acetone/methyl ethyl ketone), the corresponding compounds 5b–c to 8b–c, 5e–f to 6e–f, 7e–g & 8e–h were obtained. A suitable explanation has been given for the formation of acetonyl compound 6 in this reaction.


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Cross-strand disulfides bridge two cysteines in a registered pair of antiparallel beta-strands. A nonredundant data set comprising 5025 polypeptides containing 2311 disulfides was used to study cross-strand disulfides. Seventy-six cross-strand disulfides were found of which 75 and 1 occurred at non-hydrogen-bonded (NHB) and hydrogen-bonded (HB) registered pairs, respectively. Conformational analysis and modeling studies demonstrated that disulfide formation at HB pairs necessarily requires an extremely rare and positive chi(1) value for at least one of the cysteine residues. Disulfides at HB positions also have more unfavorable steric repulsion with the main chain. Thirteen pairs of disulfides were introduced in NHB and HB pairs in four model proteins: leucine binding protein (LBP), leucine, isoleucine, valine binding protein (LIVBP), maltose binding protein (MBP), and Top7. All mutants LIVBP T247C V331C showed disulfide formation either on purification, or on treatment with oxidants. Protein stability in both oxidized and reduced states of all mutants was measured. Relative to wild type, LBP and MBP mutants were destabilized with respect to chemical denaturation, although the sole exposed NHB LBP mutant showed an increase of 3.1 degrees C in T-m. All Top7 mutants were characterized for stability through guanidinium thiocyanate chemical denaturation. Both exposed and two of the three buried NHB mutants were appreciably stabilized. All four HB Top7 mutants were destabilized (Delta Delta G(0) = -3.3 to -6.7 kcal/mol). The data demonstrate that introduction of cross-strand disulfides at exposed NHB pairs is a robust method of improving protein stability. All four exposed Top7 disulfide mutants showed mild redox activity. Proteins 2011; 79: 244-260. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) studies of poly2-methoxy-5-(2'-ethyl-hexyloxy)-1,4-phenylene vinylene] (MEH-PPV) with varying conjugation, and polyethylene dioxythiophene complexed with polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT-PSS) in different solvents have shown the importance of the role of pi-electron conjugation and solvent-chain interactions in controlling the chain conformation and assembly. In MEH-PPV, by increasing the extent of conjugation from 30 to 100%, the persistence length (l(p)) increases from 20 to 66 angstrom. Moreover, a pronounced second peak in the pair distribution function has been observed in the fully conjugated chain, at larger length scales. This feature indicates that the chain segments tend to self-assemble as the conjugation along the chain increases. In the case of PEDOT-PSS, the chains undergo solvent induced expansion and enhanced chain organization. The clusters formed by chains are better correlated in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) solution than water, as observed in the scattered intensity profiles. The values of radius of gyration and the exponent (water: 2.6, DMSO: 2.31) of power-law decay, obtained from the unified scattering function (Beaucage) analysis, give evidence for chain expansion from compact (in water) to an extended coil in DMSO solutions, which is consistent with the Kratky plot analysis. The mechanism of this transition and the increase in dc conductivity of PEDOT-PSS in DMSO solution are discussed. The onset frequency for the increase in ac conduction, as well as its temperature dependence, probes the extent of the connectivity in the PEDOT-PSS system. The enhanced charge transport in PEDOT-PSS in DMSO is attributed to the extended chain conformation, as observed in the SAXS results.