189 resultados para Sessile Drop


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Analysis of precipitation reactions is extremely important in the technology of production of fine particles from the liquid phase. The control of composition and particle size in precipitation processes requires careful analysis of the several reactions that comprise the precipitation system. Since precipitation systems involve several, rapid ionic dissociation reactions among other slower ones, the faster reactions may be assumed to be nearly at equilibrium. However, the elimination of species, and the consequent reduction of the system of equations, is an aspect of analysis fraught with the possibility of subtle errors related to the violation of conservation principles. This paper shows how such errors may be avoided systematically by relying on the methods of linear algebra. Applications are demonstrated by analyzing the reactions leading to the precipitation of calcium carbonate in a stirred tank reactor as well as in a single emulsion drop. Sample calculations show that supersaturation dynamics can assume forms that can lead to subsequent dissolution of particles that have once been precipitated.


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Experimental results are presented that show that the translational velocities of piston generated vortex rings often undergo oscillations, similar to those recently discovered for drop generated rings. An attempt has been made to minimize uncertainties by utilizing both dye and hydrogen bubbles for visualization and carefully repeating measurements on the same ring and on different realizations under the same nominal piston conditions. The results unambiguously show that under most conditions, both for laminar and turbulent rings and for rings generated from pipes and orifices, the oscillations are present. The present results, together with the earlier results on drop generated rings, give support to the view that translational velocity oscillations are probably an inherent feature of translating vortex ring fields. (C) 1995 American Institute of Physics.


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Cys126 is a completely conserved residue in triosephosphate isomerase that is proximal to the active site but has been ascribed no specific role in catalysis. A previous study of the C126S and C126A mutants of yeast TIM reported substantial catalytic activity for the mutant enzymes, leading to the suggestion that this residue is implicated in folding and stability [Gonzalez-Mondragon E et al. (2004) Biochemistry43, 3255–3263]. We re-examined the role of Cys126 with the Plasmodium falciparum enzyme as a model. Five mutants, C126S, C126A, C126V, C126M, and C126T, were characterized. Crystal structures of the 3-phosphoglycolate-bound C126S mutant and the unliganded forms of the C126S and C126A mutants were determined at a resolution of 1.7–2.1 Å. Kinetic studies revealed an approximately five-fold drop in kcat for the C126S and C126A mutants, whereas an approximately 10-fold drop was observed for the other three mutants. At ambient temperature, the wild-type enzyme and all five mutants showed no concentration dependence of activity. At higher temperatures (> 40 °C), the mutants showed a significant concentration dependence, with a dramatic loss in activity below 15 μm. The mutants also had diminished thermal stability at low concentration, as monitored by far-UV CD. These results suggest that Cys126 contributes to the stability of the dimer interface through a network of interactions involving His95, Glu97, and Arg98, which form direct contacts across the dimer interface.


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Flow of liquid/liquid dispersions have been investigated in a Hele-Shaw cell which contained a thin disk held between two parallel plates. This device offers a well defined flow field and also permits visual observation of the dispersed drop movement. The dispersed drops coalesce with the disk for the systems where the dispersed phase wets the disk surface. The dispersed phase accumulate at the downstream end of the disk and they detach from there as blobs. Through an accurate measurement of accumulated dispersed phase volume, the coalescence rate was determined. The coalescence efficiency in the Hele Shaw cell is determined by dividing the coalescence hate by the undisturbed flow rate of the dispersed phase through an area equal to the projected area of the disk on a plane normal to the flow direction. The coalescence efficiency first increases and then decreases with the flow rate of dispersion. The coalescence rate/disk dimensions increases with the decrease in the disk dimensions. The rate of coalescence increases with the increase in the dispersed drop diameter and it decreases with the increase in the continuous phase viscosity. The presence of surfactants reduces the coalescence rate. All these results are quantitatively explained through a model, which takes into account several important features like various mechanism of drainage, the roles of dispersion and continuous phase viscosities, and the drop deformation.


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A galactose-specific seed lectin was purified from the legume Spatholobus parviflorus and crystallized using the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion technique. The crystals belonged to space group P1, with unit-cell parameters a = 60.998, b = 60.792, c = 78.179 angstrom, alpha = 101.32, beta = 91.38, gamma = 104.32 degrees. X-ray diffraction data were collected under cryoconditions (100 K) to a resolution of 2.04 angstrom using a MAR image-plate detector system mounted on a rotating-anode X-ray (Cu K alpha) generator. Molecular replacement using legume-lectin coordinates as a search model gave a tetrameric structure.


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We report results of statistical and dynamic analysis of the serrated stress-time curves obtained from compressive constant strain-rate tests on two metallic glass samples with different ductility levels in an effort to extract hidden information in the seemingly irregular serrations. Two distinct types of dynamics are detected in these two alloy samples. The stress-strain curve corresponding to the less ductile Zr65Cu15Ni10Al10 alloy is shown to exhibit a finite correlation dimension and a positive Lyapunov exponent, suggesting that the underlying dynamics is chaotic. In contrast, for the more ductile Cu47.5Zr47.5Al5 alloy, the distributions of stress drop magnitudes and their time durations obey a power-law scaling reminiscent of a self-organized critical state. The exponents also satisfy the scaling relation compatible with self-organized criticality. Possible physical mechanisms contributing to the two distinct dynamic regimes are discussed by drawing on the analogy with the serrated yielding of crystalline samples. The analysis, together with some physical reasoning, suggests that plasticity in the less ductile sample can be attributed to stick-slip of a single shear band, while that of the more ductile sample could be attributed to the simultaneous nucleation of a large number of shear bands and their mutual interactions. (C) 2011 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The moisture absorption and changes in compression strengths in glass-epoxy (G-E composites without and with discrete quantities of graphite powders introduced into the resin mix prior to its spreading on specific glass fabric (layers) during the lay-up (stacking) sequence forms the subject matter of this report. The results point to higher moisture absorption for graphite bearing specimens. The strengths of graphite-free coupons show a continuous decrease, while the filler bearing ones show an initial rise followed by a drop for larger exposure times. Scanning Fractographic features were examined for an understanding of the process. The observations were explained invoking the effect of matrix plasticizing and the role of interfacial regions.


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Polymer degradation in solution has several advantages over melt pyrolysis, The degradation of low-density polyethylene (LDPE) occurs at much lower temperatures in solution (280-360degreesC) than in conventional melt pyrolysis (400-450degreesC). The thermal degradation kinetics of LDPE in solution was investigated in this work. LDPE was dissolved in liquid paraffin and degraded for 3 h at various temperatures (280-360degreesC). Samples were taken at specific times and analyzed with high-pressure liquid chromatography/gel permeation chromatography for the molecular weight distribution (MWD), The time evolution of the MWD was modeled with continuous distribution kinetics. Data indicated that LDPE followed random-chain-scission degradation. The rapid initial drop in molecular weight, observed up to 45 min, was attributed to the presence of weak links in the polymer. The rate coefficients for the breakage of weak and strong links were determined, and the corresponding average activation energies were calculated to be 88 and 24 kJ/mol, respectively. (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons, Inc.


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Finite element analyses of a long hollow cylinder having an axisymmetric circumferential internal edge crack, subjected to convective cooling on the inner surface are performed. The transient thermal stress intensity factor is estimated using a domain version of the J-integral method. The effect of the thickness of the cylinder, crack length, and heat transfer coefficient on the stress intensity factor history are studied. The variations of critical normalized stress intensity factor with crack length-to-thickness ratio for different parameters are presented. The results show that if a small inner surface crack begins to grow, its stress intensity factor will increase with increase in crack length, reach a maximum, and then begin to drop. Based on the results, a fracture-based design methodology for cracked hollow pipes under transient thermal loads is discussed.


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Thickness tapered laminates obtained by terminating a certain number of plies contain resin-rich areas called ‘resin pockets’ near ply drops, where high stress concentrations exist. Study of the effects of ply drops and resin pockets on the tensile behaviour of tapered laminates considering certain important parameters like taper angle, the number of plies dropped, and the fiber orientation is reported here. Estimation of the tensile strength of tapered laminates necessitates accurate determination of the state of stress near the ply-drop region, which is, in general, three-dimensional (3-D) in nature. Recognising the fact that full 3-D finite-element analysis becomes computationally exorbitant, special layered 3-D finite-element analysis is carried out. Laminates with ply drops along only one direction are analysed to elicit the nature of the local bending effects occurring near the ply drops. Complete 3-D Tsai–Wu criterion considering all the six stress components is used to obtain a quick and comparative assessment of the tensile strength of these laminates. High stress concentration zones are identified and the effects of number of plies dropped at a station and resin pocket geometry are illustrated. The mechanism of load transfer near ply drops and the local bending that occurs are described. Susceptibility of ply drop zones to the onset and subsequent growth of delaminations is also brought out.


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Epoxy systems containing HTBN rubber material and reinforced with E-glass fibres, exposed to a fixed time duration in three separate media were subjected to compressive mode of deformation. The yield stress and fractographic features noted on the compression failed samples are reported in this work. The experiment reveals that the seawater exposed sample exhibits a drop in strength compared to dry (unexposed) sample. This kind of drop is maintained if the media is changed from seawater to distilled water. When HCl is included in seawater. the experiment shows a small rise in strength value. These changes have been attributed to various factors like medium ingress into samples assisting interface failure, the larger-sized Cl- influencing the extent of diffusion of medium into system and finally their participation in the deformation phenomena. The fractographic features reveal interface separations that show either scattered debris or a cleaner surface or display a whitish-coated matrix region depending on whether the tests are done on unexposed samples or on ones following the immersion in the media.


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Polymer composites are generally filled with either fibrous or particulate materials to improve the mechanical properties. In choosing the fillers one looks for materials that are inexpensive and available in abundance, in order to realize a cost reduction also. Also, often these fibres/fillers are treated to improve the matrix adhesion and thereby mechanical properties. The present study is focussed on the influence of water ingression in such filler-modified composites and the attendant changes in the compressive properties. The changes in property effected following exposure to aqueous media and the influence interface modification has on the scenario is emphasized in the work. It is seen that for plain epoxy and fly ash filled systems the strengths are increased following exposure to aqueous media. The composites with surface-treated ash particles, on the other hand, record a drop in the values. Modulus values show are increased to varying degree in unfilled and filled systems. The study also includes a fractographic analysis of the tested samples with and without exposure to water.


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The critical micelle concentration (CMC) of several surfactants that contain an NLO chromophore, either at the hydrocarbon tail, or at the hydrophilic headgroup, or even as a counterion, was determined by hyper-Rayleigh scattering (HRS). In all cases, the HRS signal exhibited a similar variation with surfactant concentration, wherein the CMC is inferred from a rather unprecedented drop in the signal intensity. This drop is attributed to the formation of small pre-micellar aggregates, whose concentrations become negligible above CMC. In addition, a probe molecule, which upon protonation yielded a species with significantly enhanced HRS intensity, was developed and its utility for the determination of the CIVIC of simple fatty acids was demonstrated.


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A flow-induced instability in a tube with flexible walls is studied experimentally. Tubes of diameter 0.8 and 1.2 mm are cast in polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) polymer gels, and the catalyst concentration in these gels is varied to obtain shear modulus in the range 17–550 kPa. A pressure drop between the inlet and outlet of the tube is used to drive fluid flow, and the friction factor $f$ is measured as a function of the Reynolds number $Re$. From these measurements, it is found that the laminar flow becomes unstable, and there is a transition to a more complicated flow profile, for Reynolds numbers as low as 500 for the softest gels used here. The nature of the $f$–$Re$ curves is also qualitatively different from that in the flow past rigid tubes; in contrast to the discontinuous increase in the friction factor at transition in a rigid tube, it is found that there is a continuous increase in the friction factor from the laminar value of $16\ensuremath{/} Re$ in a flexible tube. The onset of transition is also detected by a dye-stream method, where a stream of dye is injected into the centre of the tube. It is found that there is a continuous increase of the amplitude of perturbations at the onset of transition in a flexible tube, in contrast to the abrupt disruption of the dye stream at transition in a rigid tube. There are oscillations in the wall of the tube at the onset of transition, which is detected from the laser scattering off the walls of the tube. This indicates that the coupling between the fluid stresses and the elastic stresses in the wall results in an instability of the laminar flow.


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Drop breakup inviscous liquids in agitated vessels occurs in elongational flow around impeller blade edges. The drop size distributions measured over extended periods for impellers of different sizes show that breakup process continues up to 15-20 h, before a steady state is reached. The size distributions evolve in a self-similar way till the steady state is reached. The scaled size distributions vary with impeller size and impeller speed, in contrast with the near universal scaling known for drop breakup in turbulent flows. The steady state size of the largest drop follows inverse scaling with impeller tip velocity. The breadth of the scaled size distributions also shows a monotonic relationship with impeller tip velocity only. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.