117 resultados para Sand


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Results from interface shear tests on sand-geosynthetic interfaces are examined in light of surface roughness of the interacting geosynthetic material. Three different types of interface shear tests carried out in the frame of direct shear-test setup are compared to understand the effect of parameters like box fixity and symmetry on the interface shear characteristics. Formation of shear bands close to the interface is visualized in the tests and the bands are analyzed using image-segmentation techniques in MATLAB. A woven geotextile with moderate roughness and a geomembrane with minimal roughness are used in the tests. The effect of surface roughness of the geosynthetic material on the formation of shear bands, movement of sand particles, and interface shear parameters are studied and compared through visual observations, image analyses, and image-segmentation techniques.


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We define two general classes of nonabelian sandpile models on directed trees (or arborescences), as models of nonequilibrium statistical physics. Unlike usual applications of the well-known abelian sandpile model, these models have the property that sand grains can enter only through specified reservoirs. In the Trickle-down sandpile model, sand grains are allowed to move one at a time. For this model, we show that the stationary distribution is of product form. In the Landslide sandpile model, all the grains at a vertex topple at once, and here we prove formulas for all eigenvalues, their multiplicities, and the rate of convergence to stationarity. The proofs use wreath products and the representation theory of monoids.


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A comprehensive experimental study has been made on angular sand to investigate various aspects of mechanical behavior. A hollow cylinder torsion testing apparatus is used in this program to apply a range of stress conditions on this angular quartzitic fine sand under monotonic drained shear. The effect of the magnitude and inclination of the principal stresses on an element of sand is studied through these experiments. This magnitude and inclination of the principal stresses are presented as an ``ensemble measure of fabric in sands''. This ensemble measure of fabric in the sands evolves through the shearing process, and reaches the final state, which indeed has a unique fabric. The sand shows significant variation in strength with changing inclination of the principal stresses. The locus of the final stress state in principal stress space is also mapped from these series of experiments. Additional aspects of non-coaxiality, a benchmarking exercise with a few constitutive models is presented here. This experimental approach albeit indirect shows that a unique state which is dependent on the fabric, density and confining stress exists. This suite of experiments provides a well-controlled data set for a clear understanding on the mechanical behavior of sands.


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Densely compacted bentonite or bentonite-sand mixture has been identified as suitable buffer in deep geological repositories as its exceptionally high swelling capacity enables tight contact between the waste canister and surrounding rock. The degree of saturation of the compacted bentonite buffer can increase upon ingress of groundwater from the surrounding rock mass or decrease from evaporation due to high temperature (50-210 degrees C) derived from the waste canister. Available studies indicate that the influence of initial moisture content or degree of saturation on the swell pressure or swell potential of compacted bentonites is unclear. Some studies suggest that initial degree of saturation has an influence, while others suggest that it does not have bearing on the swell pressure of compacted bentonites. This paper examines the influence of initial degree of saturation in montmorillonite voids (termed,S-r,S-MF) on swell pressure of compacted Barmer bentonite-sand mixtures (dry density range: 1.4-2 Mg/m(3)) from micro-structural considerations. The experimental results bring out that, constant dry density specimens that developed similar number of hydration layers upon wetting developed comparable swell pressures and were unaffected by variations in initial S-r,S-MF values. Comparatively, constant dry density specimens that developed dis-similar number of hydration layers upon wetting established different swell pressures and were responsive to variations in initial S-r,S-MF. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Nearly 50% of India's population depends on variants of pit-toilet systems for human waste disposal. Nitrate contamination of groundwater by pit-toilet leachate is a major environmental concern in the country as it sources a major proportion (50-80%) of potable water from aquifers. Therefore, minimizing nitrate contamination of groundwater due to leachate infiltration from pit-toilet systems is essential. Batch and column experiments demonstrated the capability of bentonite-enhanced sand (BES) specimens to reduce nitrate concentrations in synthetic solutions (initial NO3-N concentration = 22.7 mg/L, C/N = 3) by about 85-90% in 10 to 24 hour by a heterotrophic denitrification process. Based on the laboratory results, it is recommended that use of a BES-permeable reactive barrier layer at the base of pit-toilets will facilitate heterotrophic denitrification and mitigate nitrate contamination of the underlying aquifer.


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Elephant are considered major drivers of ecosystems, but their effects within small-scale landscape features and on other herbivores still remain unclear. Elephant impact on vegetation has been widely studied in areas where elephant have been present for many years. We therefore examined the combined effect of short-term elephant presence (< 4 years) and hillslope position on tree species assemblages, resource availability, browsing intensity and soil properties. Short-term elephant presence did not affect woody species assemblages, but did affect height distribution, with greater sapling densities in elephant access areas. Overall tree and stem densities were also not affected by elephant. By contrast, slope position affected woody species assemblages, but not height distributions and densities. Variation in species assemblages was statistically best explained by levels of total cations, Zinc, sand and clay. Although elephant and mesoherbivore browsing intensities were unaffected by slope position, we found lower mesoherbivore browsing intensity on crests with high elephant browsing intensity. Thus, elephant appear to indirectly facilitate the survival of saplings, via the displacement of mesoherbivores, providing a window of opportunity for saplings to grow into taller trees. In the short-term, effects of elephant can be minor and in the opposite direction of expectation. In addition, such behavioural displacement promotes recruitment of saplings into larger height classes. The interaction between slope position and elephant effect found here is in contrast with other studies, and illustrates the importance of examining ecosystem complexity as a function of variation in species presence and topography. The absence of a direct effect of elephant on vegetation, but the presence of an effect on mesoherbivore browsing, is relevant for conservation areas especially where both herbivore groups are actively managed.


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Unreinforced masonry (URM) structures that are in need of repair and rehabilitation constitute a significant portion of building stock worldwide. The successful application of fiber-reinforced polymers (FRP) for repair and retrofitting of reinforced-concrete (RC) structures has opened new avenues for strengthening URM structures with FRP materials. The present study analyzes the behavior of FRP-confined masonry prisms under monotonic axial compression. Masonry comprising of burnt clay bricks and cement-sand mortar (generally adopted in the Indian subcontinent) having E-b/E-m ratio less than one is employed in the study. The parameters considered in the study are, (1) masonry bonding pattern, (2) inclination of loading axis to the bed joint, (3) type of FRP (carbon FRP or glass FRP), and (4) grade of FRP fabric. The performance of FRP-confined masonry prisms is compared with unconfined masonry prisms in terms of compressive strength, modulus of elasticity and stress-strain response. The results showed an enhancement in compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, strain at peak stress, and ultimate strain for FRP-confined masonry prisms. The FRP confinement of masonry resulted in reducing the influence of the inclination of the loading axis to the bed joint on the compressive strength and failure pattern. Various analytical models available in the literature for the prediction of compressive strength of FRP-confined masonry are assessed. New coefficients are generated for the analytical model by appending experimental results of the current study with data available in the literature. (C) 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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This paper presents the results of the laboratory model tests and the numerical studies conducted on small diameter PVC pipes, buried in geocell reinforced sand beds. The aim of the study was to evaluate the suitability of the geocell reinforcement in protecting the underground utilities and buried pipelines. In addition to geocells, the efficacy of only geogrid and geocell with additional basal geogrid cases were also studied. A PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride) pipe with external diameter 75 mm and thickness 1.4 mm was used in the experiments. The vehicle tire contact pressure was simulated by applying the pressure on the top of the bed with the help of a steel plate. Results suggest that the use of geocells with additional basal geogrid considerably reduces the deformation of the pipe as compared to other types of reinforcements. Further, the depth of placement of pipe was also varied between 1B to 2B (B is the width of loading plate) below the plate in the presence of geocell with additional basal geogrid. More than 50% reduction in the pressure and more than 40% reduction in the strain values were observed in the presence of reinforcements at different depths as compared to the unreinforced beds. Conversely, the performance of the subgrade soil was also found to be marginally influenced by the position of the pipe, even in the presence of the relatively stiff reinforcement system. Further, experimental results were validated with 3-dimensional numerical studies using FLAC(3D) (Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua in 3D). A good agreement in the measured pipe stain values were observed between the experimental and numerical studies. Numerical studies revealed that the geocells distribute the stresses in the lateral direction and thus reduce the pressure on the pipe. In addition, the results of the 1-g model tests were scaled up to the prototype case of the shallow buried pipeline below the pavement using the appropriate scaling laws. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating gives the age of most recent daylight exposure or heating of samples to >400 degrees C or the formation events of authigenic minerals. These correspond to the age of sedimentation and burial, ages of thermal events like contact heating by lava flows and heating during faulting and sand dyke formation, and the formation of a mineral via chemical precipitation. With the first observation of OSL in 1985, this method now occupies centre stage in Quaternary Geochronology. The use of OSL method for sediments from Himalaya began over three decades ago. The method has since provided chronology for a variety of events, such as past glaciation events, formation ages of river terraces, paleo-lacustrine deposits, landslides, floods, seismic events with substantive new insights into timing and style of geological processes. Theoretically, the dating range of method is present to a Million years, and this critically depends on two factors, viz, luminescence properties of mineral and their radiation environments. The general working range using quartz is 200ka, and using feldspars is up to Brunhes Matuyam Boundary. Extensions beyond this limit are currently being explored.


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We discuss here the crucial role of the particle network and its stability on the long-range ion transport in solid liquid composite electrolytes. The solid liquid composite electrolytes chosen for the study here comprise nanometer sized silica (SiO2) particles having various surface chemical functionalities dispersed in nonaqueous lithium salt solutions, viz, lithium perchlorate (LiClO4) in two different polyethylene glycol based solvents. These systems constitute representative examples of an independent class of soft matter electrolytes known as ``soggy sand'' electrolytes, which have tremendous potential in diverse electrochemical devices. The oxide additive acts as a heterogeneous dopant creating free charge carriers and enhancing the local ion transport. For long-range transport, however, a stable spanning particle network is needed. Systematic experimental investigations here reveal that the spatial and time dependent characteristics of the particle network in the liquid solution are nontrivial. The network characteristics are predominantly determined by the chemical makeup of the electrolyte components and the chemical interactions between them. It is noteworthy that in this study the steady state macroscopic ionic conductivity and viscosity of the solid liquid composite electrolyte are observed to be greatly determined by the additive oxide surface chemical functionality, solvent chemical composition, and solvent dielectric constant.


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Geocells are three-dimensional expandable panels with a wide range of applications in geotechnical engineering. A geocell is made up of many internally connected single cells. The current study discusses the joint strength and the wall deformation characteristics of a single cell when it is subjected to uniaxial compression. The study helps to understand the causes for the failure of the single cell in a cellular confinement system. Experimental studies were conducted on single cells with cell pockets filled up with three different infill materials, namely silty clay, sand, and the aggregates. The results of the experimental study revealed that the deformation of the geocell wall decreases with the increase in the friction angle of the infill material. Experimental results were also validated using numerical simulations carried out using Lagrangian analysis software. The experiment and the numerical results were found to be in good agreement with each other. A simple analytical model based on the theory of thin cylinders is also proposed to calculate the accumulated strain of the geocell wall. This model operates under a simple elastic solution framework. The proposed model slightly overestimates the strains as compared with experimental and numerical values. (C) 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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Determination of shear strength of brick-mortar bed joint is critical to overcome the sliding-shear or joint-shear failure in masonry. In the recent past, researchers have attempted to enhance the shear strength and deformation capacity of brick-mortar bed joints by gluing fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composite across the bed joint. FRP composites offer several advantages like high strength-to-weight ratio, and ease of application in terms of labor, time, and reduced curing period. Furthermore, FRP composites are desirable for strengthening old masonry buildings having heritage value because of its minimal interference with the existing architecture. A majority of earlier studies on shear strengthening of masonry available in the literature adopted masonry having the ratio of modulus of elasticity of masonry unit (Emu) to modulus of elasticity of mortar (Em) greater than one. Information related to shear behavior of FRP glued masonry composed of masonry units having Young's modulus lower than mortar is limited. Hence the present study is focused on characterizing the interfacial behavior of brick-mortar bed joint of masonry assemblages composed of solid burnt clay bricks and cement-sand mortar (E-mu/E-m ratio less than one), strengthened with FRP composites. Masonry triplets and prisms with bed joint inclined to loading axis (0 degrees, 30 degrees, 45 degrees, 60 degrees and 90 degrees) are employed in this study. Glass and carbon FRP composites composed of bidirectional FRP fabric with equal density in both directions are used for strengthening masonry. Masonry triplets are glued with glass and carbon FRP composites in two configurations: (1) both faces of the triplet specimens are fully glued with GFRP composites; and (2) both faces of the triplet specimens are glued with GFRP and CFRP composites in strip form. The performance of masonry assemblages strengthened with FRP composites is assessed in terms of gain in shear strength, shear displacement, and postpeak behavior for various configurations and types of FRP composites considered. A semianalytical model is proposed for the prediction of shear strength of masonry bed joints glued with FRP composites. A composite failure envelope consisting of a Coulomb friction model and a compression cap is obtained for unreinforced masonry and GFRP-strengthened masonry based on the test results of masonry triplets and masonry prisms with bed joints having various inclinations to the loading (C) 2015 American Society of Civil Engineers.