173 resultados para Railway level crossing


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A deep‐level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) technique is reported for determining the capture cross‐section activation energy directly. Conventionally, the capture activation energy is obtained from the temperature dependence of the capture cross section. Capture cross‐section measurement is often very doubtful due to many intrinsic errors and is more critical for nonexponential capture kinetics. The essence of this technique is to use an emission pulse to allow the defects to emit electrons and the transient signal from capture process due to a large capture barrier was analyzed, in contrast with the emission signal in conventional DLTS. This technique has been applied for determining the capture barrier for silicon‐related DX centers in AlxGa1−xAs for different AlAs mole fractions.


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A theoretical framework to analyse the interaction of planning and governance on the extent of outgrowth and level of services is proposed. An indicator framework for quantifying sprawl is also proposed and the same is operationalised for Bangalore. The indicators comprise spatial metrics (derived from temporal satellite remote sensing data) and other metrics obtained from a house-hold survey. The interaction of different indicators with respect to the core city and the outgrowth is determined by multi-dimensional scaling. The analysis reveals the underlying similarities (and dissimilarities) that relate with the different governance structures that prevail here. The paper concludes outlining the challenges in addressing urban sprawl while ensuring adequate level of services that planning and governance have to ensure towards achieving sustainable urbanisation.


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We address the problem of estimating instantaneous frequency (IF) of a real-valued constant amplitude time-varying sinusoid. Estimation of polynomial IF is formulated using the zero-crossings of the signal. We propose an algorithm to estimate nonpolynomial IF by local approximation using a low-order polynomial, over a short segment of the signal. This involves the choice of window length to minimize the mean square error (MSE). The optimal window length found by directly minimizing the MSE is a function of the higher-order derivatives of the IF which are not available a priori. However, an optimum solution is formulated using an adaptive window technique based on the concept of intersection of confidence intervals. The adaptive algorithm enables minimum MSE-IF (MMSE-IF) estimation without requiring a priori information about the IF. Simulation results show that the adaptive window zero-crossing-based IF estimation method is superior to fixed window methods and is also better than adaptive spectrogram and adaptive Wigner-Ville distribution (WVD)-based IF estimators for different signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).


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This paper describes the different types of space vector based bus clamped PWM algorithms for three level inverters. A novel bus clamp PWM algorithm for low modulation indices region is also presented. The principles and switching sequences of all the types of bus clamped algorithms for high switching frequency are presented. Synchronized version of the PWM sequences for high power applications where switching frequency is low is also presented. The implementation details on DSP based digital controller and experimental results are presented. The THD of the output waveforms is studied for the entire operating region and is compared with the conventional space vector PWM technique. The bus clamped techniques can be used to reduce the switching losses or to improve the output voltage quality or both.. Different issues dominate depending on the type of application and power rating of the inverters. The results presented in this paper can be used for judicious use of the PWM techniques, which result in improved system efficiency and performance.


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A topology for voltage-space phasor generation equivalent to a five-level inverter for an open-end winding induction motor is presented. The open-end winding induction motor is fed from both ends by two three-level inverters. The three-level inverters are realised by cascading two two-level inverters. This inverter scheme does not experience neutral-point fluctuations. Of the two three-level inverters only one will be switching at any instant in the lower speed ranges. In the multilevel carrier-based SPWM used for the proposed drive, a progressive discrete DC bias depending on the speed range is given to the reference wave to reduce the inverter switchings. The drive is implemented and tested with a 1 HP open-end winding induction motor and experimental results are presented.


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The problem and related earlier work All the above problems involve the passage of a long chain molecule, through a region in space, where the free energy per segment is higher, thus effectively presenting a barrier for the motion of the molecule. This is what we refer to as the Kramers proble...


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In this paper, a new three-phase, five-level inverter topology with a single-dc source is presented. The proposed topology is obtained by cascading a three-level flying capacitor inverter with a flying H-bridge power cell in each phase. This topology has redundant switching states for generating different pole voltages. By selecting appropriate switching states, the capacitor voltages can be balanced instantaneously (as compared to the fundamental) in any direction of the current, irrespective of the load power factor. Another important feature of this topology is that if any H-bridge fails, it can be bypassed and the configuration can still operate as a three-level inverter at its full power rating. This feature improves the reliability of the circuit. A 3-kW induction motor is run with the proposed topology for the full modulation range. The effectiveness of the capacitor balancing algorithm is tested for the full range of speed and during the sudden acceleration of the motor.


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We show that it is possible to change from a subnatural electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) feature to a subnatural electromagnetically induced absorption (EIA) feature in a (degenerate) three-level. system. The change is effected by turning on a second control beam counter-propagating with respect to the first beam. We observe this change in the D-2 line of Rb in a room temperature vapor cell. The observations are supported by density-matrix analysis of the complete sublevel structure including the effect of Doppler averaging, but can be understood qualitatively as arising due to the formation of N-type systems with the two control beams. Since many of the applications of EIT and EIA rely on the anomalous dispersion near the resonances, this introduces a new ability to control the sign of the dispersion. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2012


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In the recent past, there have been enormous efforts to understand effect of drugs on human body. Prior to understand the effect of drugs on human body most of the experiments are carried out on cells or model organisms. Here we present our study on the effect of chemotherapeutic drugs on cancer cells and the acetaminophen (APAP) induced hepatotoxicity in mouse model. Histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDIs) have attracted attention as potential drug molecules for the treatment of cancer. These are the chemotherapeutic drugs which have indirect mechanistic action against cancer cells via acting against histone deacetylases (HDAC). It has been known that different HDAC enzymes are over-expressed in various types of cancers for example; HDAC1 is over expressed in prostate, gastric and breast carcinomas. Therefore, in order to optimise chemotherapy, it is important to determine the efficacy of various classes of HDAC inhibitor drugs against variety of over-expressed HDAC enzymes. In the present study, FTIR microspectroscopy has been employed to predict the acetylation and propionylation brought in by HDIs. The liver plays an important role in cellular metabolism and is highly susceptible to drug toxicity. APAP which is an analgesic and antipyretic drug is extensively used for therapeutic purposes and has become the most common cause of acute liver failure (ALF). In the current study, we have focused to understand APAP induced hepatotoxicity using FTIR microspectroscopy. In the IR spectrum the bands corresponding to glycogen, ester group and were found to be suitable markers to predict liver injury at early time point (0.5hr) due to APAP both in tissue and serum in comparison to standard biochemical assays. Our studies show the potential of FTIR spectroscopy as a rapid, sensitive and non invasive detection technique for future clinical diagnosis.


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We address the problem of high-resolution reconstruction in frequency-domain optical-coherence tomography (FDOCT). The traditional method employed uses the inverse discrete Fourier transform, which is limited in resolution due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. We propose a reconstruction technique based on zero-crossing (ZC) interval analysis. The motivation for our approach lies in the observation that, for a multilayered specimen, the backscattered signal may be expressed as a sum of sinusoids, and each sinusoid manifests as a peak in the FDOCT reconstruction. The successive ZC intervals of a sinusoid exhibit high consistency, with the intervals being inversely related to the frequency of the sinusoid. The statistics of the ZC intervals are used for detecting the frequencies present in the input signal. The noise robustness of the proposed technique is improved by using a cosine-modulated filter bank for separating the input into different frequency bands, and the ZC analysis is carried out on each band separately. The design of the filter bank requires the design of a prototype, which we accomplish using a Kaiser window approach. We show that the proposed method gives good results on synthesized and experimental data. The resolution is enhanced, and noise robustness is higher compared with the standard Fourier reconstruction. (c) 2012 Optical Society of America


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We investigate the impact of the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) and El Nino and the Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on sea level variations in the North Indian Ocean during 1957-2008. Using tide-gauge and altimeter data, we show that IOD and ENSO leave characteristic signatures in the sea level anomalies (SLAs) in the Bay of Bengal. During a positive IOD event, negative SLAs are observed during April-December, with the SLAs decreasing continuously to a peak during September-November. During El Nino, negative SLAs are observed twice (April-December and November-July), with a relaxation between the two peaks. SLA signatures during negative IOD and La Nina events are much weaker. We use a linear, continuously stratified model of the Indian Ocean to simulate their sea level patterns of IOD and ENSO events. We then separate solutions into parts that correspond to specific processes: coastal alongshore winds, remote forcing from the equator via reflected Rossby waves, and direct forcing by interior winds within the bay. During pure IOD events, the SLAs are forced both from the equator and by direct wind forcing. During ENSO events, they are primarily equatorially forced, with only a minor contribution from direct wind forcing. Using a lead/lag covariance analysis between the Nino-3.4 SST index and Indian Ocean wind stress, we derive a composite wind field for a typical El Nino event: the resulting solution has two negative SLA peaks. The IOD and ENSO signatures are not evident off the west coast of India.


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In space application the precision level measurement of cryogenic liquids in the storage tanks is done using triple redundant capacitance level sensor, for control and safety point of view. The linearity of each sensor element depends upon the cylindricity and concentricity of the internal and external electrodes. The complexity of calibrating all sensors together has been addressed by two step calibration methodology which has been developed and used for the calibration of six capacitance sensors. All calibrations are done using Liquid Nitrogen (LN2) as a cryogenic fluid. In the first step of calibration, one of the elements of Liquid Hydrogen (LH2) level sensor is calibrated using 700mm eleven point discrete diode array. Four wire method has been used for the diode array. Thus a linearity curve for a single element of LH2 is obtained. In second step of calibration, using the equation thus obtained for the above sensor, it is considered as a reference for calibrating remaining elements of the same LH2 sensor and other level sensor (either Liquid Oxygen (LOX) or LH2). The elimination of stray capacitance for the capacitance level probes has been attempted. The automatic data logging of capacitance values through GPIB is done using LabVIEW 8.5.


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This study proposes an inverter circuit topology capable of generating multilevel dodecagonal (12-sided polygon) voltage space vectors by the cascaded connection of two-level and three-level inverters. By the proper selection of DC-link voltages and resultant switching states for the inverters, voltage space vectors whose tips lie on three concentric dodecagons, are obtained. A rectifier circuit for the inverter is also proposed, which significantly improves the power factor. The topology offers advantages such as the complete elimination of the fifth and seventh harmonics in phase voltages and an extension of the linear modulation range. In this study, a simple method for the calculation of pulse width modulation timing was presented along with extensive simulation and experimental results in order to validate the proposed concept.


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A new hybrid five-level inverter topology with common-mode voltage (CMV) elimination for induction motor drive is proposed in this paper. This topology has only one dc source, and different voltage levels are generated by using this voltage source along with floating capacitors charged to asymmetrical voltage levels. The pulsewidth modulation (PWM) scheme employed in this topology balances the capacitor voltages at the required levels at any power factor and modulation index while eliminating the CMV. This inverter has good fault-tolerant capability as it can be operated in three-or two-level mode with CMV elimination, in case of any failure in the H-bridges. More voltage levels with CMV elimination can be realized from this topology but only in a limited range of modulation index and power factor. Extensive simulation is done to validate the PWM technique for CMV elimination and balancing of the capacitor voltages. The experimental verification of the proposed inverter-fed induction motor is carried out in the linear modulation and overmodulation regions. The steady-state and transient operations of the drive are verified. The dynamics of the capacitor voltage balancing is also tested. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed topology can be considered for industrial drive applications.