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The modular formalism of Rangarajan [J. Electroanal. Chem., 55 (1974) 297] has been applied to the admittance of lipid bilayer membranes. The method leads to equations which clearly show the interrelations between the various partial processes involved in ion transport, and which allow examination of model assumptions without the need for a complete rederivation of the membrane admittance. Explicit expressions are given for both the continuum and single jump models. The former includes the ionic displacement component, important mostly at high frequencies.


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The crystal structures of two ternary metal nucleotide complexes of cobalt, [Co(en)2(H2O)2]-[Co(5?-IMP)2(H2O)4]Cl2·4H2O (1) and [Co(en)2(H2O)2][Co(5?-GMP)2(H2O)4]Cl2·4H2O (2), have been analysed by X-ray diffraction (en = ethylenediamine, 5?-IMP = inosine 5?-monophosphate, and 5?-GMP = guanosine 5?-monophosphate). Both complexes crystallize in the orthorhombic space group C2221 with a= 8.725(1), b= 25.891(5), c= 21.212(5)Å, Z= 4 for (1) and a= 8.733(2), b= 26.169(4), c= 21.288(4)Å, Z= 4 for (2). The structure of (1) was solved by the heavy-atom method, while that of (2) was deduced from (1). The structures were refined to R values of 0.09 and 0.10 for 1 546 and 1 572 reflections for (1) and (2) respectively. The two structures are isomorphous. A novel feature is that the chelate ligand en and the nucleotide are not co-ordinated to the same metal ion. One of the metal ions lying on the two-fold a axis is octahedrally co-ordinated by two chelating en molecules and two water oxygens, while the other on the two-fold b axis is octahedrally co-ordinated by two N(7) atoms of symmetry-related nucleotides in a cis position and four water oxygens. The conformations of the nucleotides are C(2?)-endo, anti, and gauche�gauche. In both (1) and (2) the charge-neutralising chloride ions are disordered in the vacant space between the molecules. These structures bear similarities to the mode of nucleotide co-ordination to PtII complexes of 6-oxopurine nucleotides, which are the proposed models for intrastrand cross-linking in DNA by a metal complex.


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The modular formalism of Rangarajan [J. Electroanal. Chem., 55 (1974) 297] has been applied to the admittance of lipid bilayer membranes. The method leads to equations which clearly show the interrelations between the various partial processes involved in ion transport, and which allow examination of model assumptions without the need for a complete rederivation of the membrane admittance. Explicit expressions are given for both the continuum and single jump models. The former includes the ionic displacement component, important mostly at high frequencies.


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The ternary metal nucleotide complexes [Ni(en)1.3(H2O)1.4(H2O)2][Ni(5?-dGMP)2(en)0.7-(H2O)0.6(H2O)2]·7H2O (1) and [Ni(en)2(H2O)2][Ni(5?-GMP)2(H2O)4]·6H2O (2)(en = ethylenediamine, 5?-dGMP = 2?-deoxyguanosine 5?-monophosphate, 5?-GMP = guanosine 5?-monophosphate) have been prepared and their structures analyzed by X-ray diffraction methods. Both compounds crystallise in the space group C2221 with a= 8.810(1), b= 25.090(4), c= 21.084(1)Å, and Z= 4 for (1) and a= 8.730(1), b= 25.691(4), c= 21.313(5)Å, and Z= 4 for (2). The structures were deduced from the analogous CoIII complexes and refined by full-matrix least-squares methods to final R values of 0.087 and 0.131 for 1 211 and 954 reflections for (1) and (2) respectively. An interesting feature of the deoxyribonucleotide complex (1) is that en is not totally labilized from the metal centre on nucleotide co-ordination, as observed in corresponding ribonucleotide complexes. Apart from extensive intra- and inter-molecular hydrogen bonding, the structures are stabilized by significant intracomplex base�base and base�sugar interactions. The nucleotides in both complexes have an anti base, C(2?)-endo sugar pucker, and gauche�gauche conformation about the C(4?)�C(5?) bond.


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The hot deformation behaviors of β brass in the temperature range of 550°C to 800°C and α-β brass in the temperature range of 450°C to 800°C have been characterized in the strain rate range of 0.001 to 100 s−1 using processing maps developed on the basis of the Dynamic Materials Model. The map for β brass revealed a domain of superplasticity in the entire temperature range and at strain rates lower than 1 s−1, with a maximum efficiency of power dissipation of about 68 pct. The temperature variation of the efficiency of power dissipation in the domain is similar to that of the diffusion coefficient for zinc in β brass, confirming that the diffusion-accommodated flow controls the superplasticity. The material undergoes microstructural instability in the form of adiabatic shear bands and strain markings at temperatures lower than 700°C and at strain rates higher than 10 s−1. The map for α-β brass revealed a wide domain for processing in the temperature range of 550°C to 800°C and at strain rates lower than 1 s−1, with a maximum efficiency of 54 pct occurring at about 750°C and 0.001 s−1. In the domain, the α phase undergoes dynamic recrystallization and controls the hot deformation of the alloy, while the β phase deforms superplastically. At strain rates greater than 1 s−1, α-β brass exhibits microstructural instabilities manifested as flow rotations at lower temperatures and localized shear bands at higher temperatures.


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The structures of [Nd-2(Acc(6))(H2O)(6)](ClO4)(6) .(H2O)(6) (1) [Er-2(Acc(6))(4)(H2O)(8)](ClO4)(6) .(H2O)(11) (2) and [Ca-5(Acc(6))(12)(H2O)(6)](ClO4)(10).(H2O)(4) (3) (Acc(6) = 1-aminocyclohexane-1-carboxylic acid) have been determined by X-ray crystallography. The lanthanide complexes 1 and 2 are dimeric in which two lanthanide cations are bridged by four carboxylato groups of Acc(6) molecules. In addition, the neodymium complex (1) features the unidentate coordination of the carboxyl group of an Acc(6) molecule in place of a water molecule in the erbium complex (2). The coordination number in both 1 and 2 is eight. The calcium Acc(6) complex (3) is polymeric; three different calcium environments are observed in the asymmetric unit. Two calcium ions are hexa-coordinated and one is hepta-coordinated. Considerable differences are observed between the solid state structures of Ln(III) and Ca-II complexes of Acc(6


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The synthesis of 6-acetyl-2,2-dimethyl-8-methoxychromene (lc), a naturally occurring isomer of encecalin (la)h~s been described startilag from 2,2,6- trimethyl-8-methoxyclaromene (2e) which was obtained from creosol (4) in two steps involving condensation of the phenol with malic acid to the coumarin (3), followed by Grignard reaction with CHaMgI. The transformation of (2e) to the natural product (lc) was effeeted by oxidative dehydrogenation by DDQ of the 6-meth~r function to the formyl group (2f), Grignard reaction to the carbinol (2g) and finally its oxidation to the acetyl moiety (lc), the sequence of the essential steps schematically summarised as : Ar-CHs --* Ar-CHO --* Ar-CH (OH) CHs --* Ar---COCHs.


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A reduction in the heat losses from the top of the gas holder of a biogas plant has been achieved by the simple device of a transparent cover. The heat losses thus prevented have been deployed to heat a water pond formed on the roof of the gas holder. This solar-heated water is mixed with the organic input for ‘ hot-charging ’ of the biogas plant. A thermal analysis of such a solar water-heater ‘ piggy-backing ’ on the gas holder of a biogas plant has been carried out.To test whether the advantages indicated by the thermal analysis can be realised in practice, a biogas plant of the ASTRA design was modified to incorporate a roof-top solar water-heater. The operation of such a modified plant, even under ‘ worst case ’ onditions, shows a significant improvement in the gas yield compared to the unmodified plant. Hence, the innovation reported here may lead to drastic reductions in the sizes and therefore costs of biogas plants. By making the transparent cover assume a tent-shape, the roof-top solar heater can serve the additional function of a solar still to yield distilled water. The biogas plant-cum-solar water-heater-cum-solar still described here is an example of a spatially integrated hybrid device which is extremely cost-effective.


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A thermal model for a conventional biogas plant has been developed in order to understand the heat transfer from the slurry and the gas holder to the surrounding earth and air respectively. The computations have been performed for two conditions : (i) when the slurry is at an ambient temperature of 20°C, and (ii) when it is at 35°C, the optimum temperature for anaerobic fermentation. Under both these conditions, the gas holder is the major “culprit” with regard to heat losses from the biogas plant. The calculations provide an estimate for the heat which has to be supplied by external means to compensate for the net heat losses which occur if the slurry is to be maintained at 35°C. Even if this external supply of heat is realised through (the calorific value of) biogas, there is a net increase in the biogas output, and therefore a net benefit, by operating the plant at 35°C. At this elevated temperature, the cooling effect of adding the influent at ambient temperature is not insignificant. In conclusion, the results of the thermal analysis are used to define a strategy for operating biogas plants at optimum temperatures, or at higher temperatures than the ambient.


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In this paper, the design basis of the conventional Khadi and Village Industries Commission biogas plants has been elucidated. It has been shown that minimisation of the cost of the gas holder alone leads to the narrow and deep digesters of conventional plants. If instead, the total capital cost of the gas holder plus digester is minimised, the optimisation leads to wide and shallow digesters, which are less expensive. To test this alternative, two prototype plants have been designed, constructed and operated. These plants are not only 25–40% cheaper, but their performance is actually slightly better than the conventional plants.


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This paper gives an account of a conventional 5.66 m3/day (200 cubic ft/day) biogas plant which has been instrumented, operated and monitored for 2 1/2 years. The observations regarding input to the plant, sludge and biogas outputs, and conditions inside the digester, have been described. Three salient features stand out. First, the observed average daily gas yield is much less than the rated capacity of the plant. Secondly, the plants show ease of operation and a very slow response to reductions and cessations of dung supply. Thirdly, the unexpectedly marked uniformity of density and temperature inside the digester indicates the almost complete absence of the stratification which is widely believed to take place; hence, biogas plants may be treated as isothermal, ‘ uniform ’ density, most probably imperfectly mixed, fed-batch reactors operating at the mean ambient temperature and the density of water.


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Reaction of 6-Image -butyl-1-bromomethyl-2-(2-tetrahydropyranyloxy)-naphthalene2c with tetrachlorocatechol (TCC) in acetone in presence of K2CO3 gave diastereomers 6c and 7c. A mechanism (Scheme-1) invoking the base induced cleavage of the pyranyl ether 2 to 1,2-naphthoquinone-1-methide 8 as the first step has been postulated. The cleavage of the pyranyl ether linkage in 2 to give dimers 4 and 5 of 1,2-naphthoquinone-1-methide has been demonstrated with different bases. 1,2-Naphthoquinone-1-methide 8, thus generated, undergoes Michael addition with TCC followed by elimination of chloride ions to give a diketone, which further undergoes aldolisation with acetone to give diastereomers 6 and 7. Michael reaction of 8, generated Image from pyranyl ethers 2a-c, with tetrabromocatechol (TBC) under similar-reaction conditions gave the expected monobromo compounds 6h, 6i, 6k, 7n, 7n and 7q. The last step in the proposed mechanism, Image ., aldolisation has also been demonstrated using different ketonic solvents. Thus, reaction of 2a-c with TCC/TBC in diethyl ketone/methyl ethyl ketone under similar reaction conditions gave the expected compounds 6 and 7.


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The aryloxy(alkoxy)cyclotriphosphazenes N3P3(OR)6�m(OC6H4Me-p)n(R = Me, n= 1�3; R = Et or CH2Ph, n= 3) rearrange on heating to give trioxocyclotriphosphazanes; the di- and mono-methoxy derivatives, N3P3(OMe)6�n(OC6H4Me-p)n(n= 4 or 5), yield dioxophosphaz-1-enes and an oxophosphazadiene respectively. The 1H, 13C and 31P NMR data for the starting materials and the products are presented. No evidence has been found for partially rearranged products. The geometrical disposition of the aryloxy groups in the starting material is retained in the rearranged products. Some aspects of the mechanism of the thermal rearrangement are discussed.


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Transition metal ammonium double sulphates (NH4)2M(SO4)2· 6H2O, where M = Fe, Co and Ni react with hydrazine hydrate in air giving crystalline compounds of the general formula (N2H5) [M(N2H3COO)3] H2O. The reaction proceeds through (N2H5)2 M(SO4)2, · 3N2H4, (N2H5)2 [M(OH)4 · (N2H4)2], M(N2H3COO)2 · (N2H4)2 and N2H5 [M(N2 H3 COO)3] intermediates. The reaction sequence is followed by chemical analysis and infrared spectra. A possible reaction mechanism has been suggested.