279 resultados para N-Methyl-D-Aspartate


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The proton NMR spectra of N-methylpyrrole oriented in the nematic phases of liquid crystals with positive and negative diamagnetic anisotropies and their mixtures are reported. Geometrical parameters derived from the spectra at the critical point in the mixture of liquid crystals with positive and negative diamagnetic anisotropies, where macroscopic diamagnetic anisotropy vanishes, are similar to those obtained in the solvent with negative diamagnetic anisotropy. However, significant distortions in the molecular structure attributed to solvent effects have been observed in liquid crystals with positive diamagnetic anisotropy. The minimum energy conformation has one C---H of the methyl perpendicular to the ring.


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Microsomes (105,000xg sediment) prepared from induced cells of Image was found to hydroxylate progesterone to 11a-hydroxyprogesterone (11a-OHP) in high yields (85-90% in 30 min.) in the presence of NADPH and O2. The pH optimum for the hydroxylase was found to be 7.7. However, for the isolation of active microsomes grinding of the mycelium should be carried out at pH 8.3. Metyrapone, carbon monoxide, SKF-525A, p-CMB and N-methyl maleimide inhibited the hydroxylase activity indicating the involvement of cytochrome P-450 system. The inhibition of the hydroxylase by cytochrome Image and the presence of high levels of NADPH-cytochrome Image reductase in induced microsomes suggest that the reductase could be one of the components in the hydroxylase system.


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The binding of the fluorescent probes 1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonate and dansyl cadaverine to the sodium salts of cholic, deoxycholic and dehydrocholic acids has been investigated. Enhanced probe solubilisation accompanies aggregation. Monitoring of fluorescence intensities as a function of bile salt concentration permits the detection of primary micelle formation, as well as secondary association. The transition concentrations obtained by fluorescence are in good agreement with values determined for the critical micelle concentrations, by other methods. Differences in the behaviour of cholate and deoxycholate have been noted. Fluorescence polarisation studies of 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene solubilised in bile salt micelles suggest a higher microviscosity for the interior of the deoxycholate micelle as compared to cholate. 1H NMR studies of deoxycholate over the range 1–100 mg/ml suggest that micelle formation leads to a greater immobilisation of the C18 and C19 methyl groups as compared to the C21 methyl group. Well resolved 13C resonances are observed for all three steroids even at high concentration. Both fluorescence and NMR studies confirm that dehydrocholate does not aggregate.


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Empirical potential energy calculations have been carried out to determine the preferred conformations of penicillins and penicillin sulphones and their 1-oxa-1-dethia and 1-carba-1-dethia analogues. With the exception of 1-oxa-1-dethia penicillins, all the other compounds favour C2 and the C3 puckered conformations of their five-membered rings. Replacement of C2 methyl groups by hydrogen atoms as in bisnorpenicillin V or oxidation of sulphur in position 1 as in sulphones, makes the C3 puckered form much less favourable. Addition of an amino-acyl group at the C6 atom, however, makes the C3 puckered form more favoured in penicillin G or V and in 1-carba-1-dethia penicillins. Through the replacement of the sulphur atom at position 1 by an oxygen atom or by a -CH2 group increases the non-planarity of the lactam peptide bond, it significantly affects the relative disposition of the C3 carboxyl group with respect to the β-lactam ring. These conformational differences have been correlated with the biological activities of these compounds. The present study suggests that the conformation of the bicyclic ring system may be more important for initial binding with the crosslinking enzyme(s) involved in the biosynthesis of bacterial cell-wall peptidoglycan and that the mode of binding is influenced by the nature of the side-group at the C6 atom. These studies predict, in agreement with experimental results, that the 1-oxa-1-dethia penicillin nulceus is an inhibitor of penicillianses. The study also suggests that the stereospecificities of the crosslinking enzyme(s) and penicillinases are very similar with regard to the nature of the side-group at the 6 atom and the confirmation of the bicyclic ring system. However, the confirmational requirement for the bicyclic ring system appears to be more specific in the former enzyme than in the latter.


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The transport of glucose and α-methyl glucoside into the fat body of the silkworm, Bombyx mori L., has been studied. Glucose is transported into the tissue by a mechanism similar to facilitated diffusion and α-methyl glucoside by a diffusion process. The uptake of these sugars is neither energy dependent nor coupled to a phosphotransferase system.


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Aspartate transcarbamylase is purified from mung bean seedlings by a series of steps involving manganous sulphate treatment, ammonium sulphate fractionation, DEAE-cellulose chromatography, followed by a second ammonium sulphate fractionation and finally gel filtration on Sephadex-G 100. The enzyme is homogeneous on ultracentrifugation and on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. It functions optimally at 55°C. It has two pH optima, one at 8.0 and the other at 10.2. The enzyme follows Michaelis-Menten kinetics with l-aspartate as the variable substrate. However, it exhibits sigmoid saturation curves at both the pH optima when the concentration of carbamyl phosphate is varied. The enzyme is allosterically inhibited by UMP at both the pH optima. Increasing phosphorylation of the uridine nucleotide decreases the inhibitory effect. The enzyme is desensitized to inhibition by UMP on treatment with p-hydroxymercuribenzoate, gel electrophoresis indicating that the enzyme is dissociated by this treatment; the dissociated enzyme can be reassociated by treatment with 2-mercaptoethanol. The properties of the mung bean enzyme are compared with the enzyme from other sources.


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Analysis of 35S labled nucleosides prepared from tRNA of Pseudomonas aeruginosa by phosphocellulose column chromatography, thin layer chromatography and Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography revealed the presence of 2-methylthioribosylzeatin in it. 2iPA, 6-(3-methyl-2-butenylamino)-9-β-D-ribofuranosyl purine; ms-2iPA, 6-(3-methyl-2-butenylamino)-2-methylthio-9-β-D-ribofuranosylpurine; ribosyl-cis-zeatin, 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methyl-cis-2-butenylamino)-9-β-D-ribofuranosylpurine; ribosyl-trans-zeatin, 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methyl-trans-2-butenylamino)-9-β-D-ribofuranosylpurine; ms-ribosylzeatin, 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methyl-2-butenylamino)-2-methylthio-9-β-D-ribofuranosylpurine; s4U2, 4-thiouridine; s2U*, 5-methylaminomethyl-2-thiouridine; s2C, 2-thiocytidine; TLC — thin layer chromatography.


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The polymerization of methyl methacrylate initiated by a mixed ligand complex. [NN′-ethylenebis(salicylideneiminato)](benzoylacetonato)cobalt(III) has been studied in bulk and in benzene at 70° and 80°. The rate of polymerization is proportional to (concentration of the chelate)1/2 and the monomer exponent is close to 1.5. The activation energy and the kinetic and transfer constants are evaluated. A free radical mechanism has been proposed.


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The Stockmayer-Fixman relation was used to evaluate the short range and long range interaction parameters for methyl methacrylate/acrylonitrile copolymers of 0,566 and 0,657 mole fraction of monomeric units of acrylonitrile in the solvents acetonitrile, 2-butanone, dimethyl formamide, and y-butyrolactone, at different temperatures (30, 45, and 60 “C). The values of KO were found to be lower than those of the parent homopolymers, and their values depend on both solvent and temperature. Even negative Ko-values were obtained, in cases in which the Mark Houwink exponent a is nearly unity. The values of the polymer-solvent interaction parameter, x, , are high and close to 0,5, indicating that these solvents are not good. The values of the excess interaction parameter, xAB, are negative and are not affected by temperature. The large extension of these copolymer chains, as exhibited by a and a;-values, can be understood in terms of unusual short range interactions only. Similar results were obtained for some cellulose derivatives.


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Aspartate transcarbamylase is purified from mung bean seedlings by a series of steps involving manganous sulphate treatment, ammonium sulphate fractionation, DEAE-cellulose chromatography, followed by a second ammonium sulphate fractionation and finally gel filtration on Sephadex-G 100. The enzyme is homogeneous on ultracentrifugation and on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. It functions optimally at 55°C. It has two pH optima, one at 8.0 and the other at 10.2. The enzyme follows Michaelis-Menten kinetics with l-aspartate as the variable substrate. However, it exhibits sigmoid saturation curves at both the pH optima when the concentration of carbamyl phosphate is varied. The enzyme is allosterically inhibited by UMP at both the pH optima. Increasing phosphorylation of the uridine nucleotide decreases the inhibitory effect. The enzyme is desensitized to inhibition by UMP on treatment with p-hydroxymercuribenzoate, gel electrophoresis indicating that the enzyme is dissociated by this treatment; the dissociated enzyme can be reassociated by treatment with 2-mercaptoethanol. The properties of the mung bean enzyme are compared with the enzyme from other sources.


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By means of CNDO/2 calculations on N-methyl acetamide, it is shown that the state of minimum energy of the trans-peptide unit is a non-planar conformation, with the NH and NC2α bonds being significantly out of the plane formed by the atoms C1α, C′, O and N.


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Intramolecularly hydrogen bonded conformations of (Aib-Pro)n sequences have been analysed theoretically. Both 4�1 (C10 and 3�1 (C7 hydrogen bonded regular structures are shown to be stereochemically feasible. Conformational energies for the helical structures have been estimated using classical potential energy methods. Both C10 and C7 conformations have very similar energies. Pyrrolidine ring puckering has a pronounced effect on the energies, and only Cγ-endo puckered Pro residues can be accommodated. The theoretical calculations using spectroscopic data suggest that the recently proposed novel 310 helical conformation for benzyloxycarbonyl(Aib-Pro)4-methyl ester is in solution, is indeed energetically and stereochemically favourable.


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C llH22 N 30 + . C2H302, orthorhombic, P2~2~2~, a = 5.511(2), b = 14.588(4), c = 21.109 (4)A, Z = 4. The structure has been solved using MULTAN and refined to R = 0.079 for 993 observed reflections. The fully extended lysine side chain in the molecule is staggered between the main-chain amino and carbonyl groups. The dipeptide molecules in the crystal structure are arranged in twofold helices centred on 21 screw axes. These helices are interconnected through interactions involving the acetate and the side-chain amino groups. Each acetate group bridges two adjacent side-chain amino groups, related by an a translation, giving rise to an infinitely long chain of alternating negatively charged carboxylate and positively charged amino groups.