181 resultados para Mechanisms action


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The Walker sequence, GXXXXGKT, present in all the six subunits of F-1-ATPase exists in a folded form, known as phosphate-binding loop (P-loop). Analysis of the Ramachandran angles showed only small RMS deviation between the nucleotide-bound and nucleotide-free forms. This indicated a good overlap of the backbone loops. The catalytic beta-subunits (chains D, E and F) showed significant changes in the Ramachandran angles and the side chain torsion angles, but not the structural alpha-subunits (chains A, B and C). Most striking among these are the changes associated with Val160 and Gly161 corresponding to a flip in the peptide unit between them when a nucleotide is bound (chains D or F compared to nucleotide-free chain E). The conformational analysis further revealed a hitherto unnoticed hydrogen bond between amide-N of the flipped Gly161 and terminal phosphate-O of the nucleotide. This assigns a role for this conserved amino acid, otherwise ignored, of making an unusual direct interaction between the peptide backbone of the enzyme protein and the incoming nucleotide substrate. Significance of this interaction is enhanced, as it is limited only to the catalytic subunits, and also likely to involve a mechanical rotation of bonds of the peptide unit. Hopefully this is part of the overall events that link the chemical hydrolysis of ATP with the mechanical rotation of this molecule, now famous as tiny molecular motor.


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There have been extensive experimental observations of changes in the apparent rate controlling creep parameters in studies on superplastic materials. The three most common explanations associated with these changes in the stress exponent, n, the activation energy Q and the inverse grain size exponent, p involve the effect of concurrent grain growth, the operation of a threshold stress or transitions in creep mechanisms. Each of these factors may influence experimental creep data in a similar manner. Therefore, a careful analysis of the consequences of all three factors must involve the development of a consistent set of experimental observations in order to adequately distinguish the effects of each. This paper discusses the role of concurrent grain growth, a threshold stress and transitions in creep mechanisms in superplastic materials. Specific attention is given to the analysis of data on superplastic yttria-stabilized zirconia ceramics for which an increase in n has been observed at low applied stresses. It is demonstrated that neither concurrent grain growth nor a threshold stress can account for all the relevant experimental observations in this material. It is concluded that the changes in rate controlling creep parameters are associated with the operation of two distinct sequential mechanisms as part of a grain boundary sliding process.


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Films with Fe–25 at.% Ge composition are deposited by the process of laser ablation on single crystal NaCl and Cu substrates at room temperature. Both the vapor and liquid droplets generated in this process are quenched on the substrate. The microstructures of the embedded droplets show size as well as composition dependence. The hierarchy of phase evolution from amorphous to body-centered cubic (bcc) to DO3 has been observed as a function of size. Some of the medium-sized droplets also show direct formation of ordered DO19 phase from the starting liquid. The evolution of disordered bcc structure in some of the droplets indicates disorder trapping during liquid to solid transformation. The microstructural evolution is analyzed on the basis of heat transfer mechanisms and continuous growth model in the solidifying droplets.


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Photoluminescence (PL) studies were carried out on a-Se and a few Ge20Se80−xBix and Ge20Se70−xBixTe10 bulk glassy semiconductors at 4.2 K with Ar+ laser as excitation source. While a-Se and samples with lesser at% of Bi show fine structured PL with a large Stokes shift, samples with higher at% of Bi did not show any detectable PL. The investigations show at least three radiative recombination transitions. Features extracted by deconvoluting the experimental spectra show that the discrete gap levels associated with the inherent coordination defects are involved in the PL transitions. Absence of PL in samples with higher Bi at% are explained on the basis of nonradiative transition mechanisms. Overall PL mechanism involving gap levels in chalcogenide glasses is illustrated with the help of a configurational coordinate diagram.


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I-V studies indicate a composition dependent switching behavior (Memory or Threshold) in bulk Al20AsxTe80−x glasses, which is determined by the coordination and composition of aluminum. Investigations on temperature and thickness dependence of switching and structural studies on switched samples suggest thermal and electronic mechanisms of switching for the memory and threshold samples, respectively. The present results also show that these samples have a wider composition range of threshold behavior with lower threshold voltages compared to other threshold samples.


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Fracture toughness and fracture mechanisms in Al2O3/Al composites are described. The unique flexibility offered by pressureless infiltration of molten Al alloys into porous alumina preforms was utilized to investigate the effect of microstructural scale and matrix properties on the fracture toughness and the shape of the crack resistance curves (R-curves). The results indicate that the observed increment in toughness is due to crack bridging by intact matrix ligaments behind the crack tip. The deformation behavior of the matrix, which is shown to be dependent on the microstructural constraints, is the key parameter that influences both the steady-state toughness and the shape of the R-curves. Previously proposed models based on crack bridging by intact ductile particles in a ceramic matrix have been modified by the inclusion of an experimentally determined plastic constraint factor (P) that determines the deformation of the ductile phase and are shown to be adequate in predicting the toughness increment in the composites. Micromechanical models to predict the crack tip profile and the bridge lengths (L) correlate well with the observed behavior and indicate that the composites can be classified as (i) short-range toughened and (ii) long-range toughened on the basis of their microstructural characteristics.


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We have performed Rietveld refinements on neutron and synchrotron diffraction patterns and density functional calculations on various ferroelectric lead perovskites and on α lead monoxide (litharge). These structural data have allowed to shed some light on lead stereochemistry in these compounds. In particular, we discuss the changing in the lead behaviour between the paraelectric cubic phases and the low temperature anti or ferroelectric phases in Pb2CoWO6 and Pb2MgTeO6 (both incommensurate), in Pb2MgWO6 (antiferroelectric) and in PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3 (relaxor). The possible phase transition mechanisms are reviewed and the bonds are compared to those in the aperiodic structure of α-lead monoxide.


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Conjugated polymers are intensively pursued as candidate materials for emission and detection devices with the optical range of interest determined by the chemical structure. On the other hand the optical range for emission and detection can also be tuned by size selection in semiconductor nanoclusters. The mechanisms for charge generation and separation upon optical excitation, and light emission are different for these systems. Hybrid systems based on these different class of materials reveal interesting electronic and optical properties and add further insight into the individual characteristics of the different components. Multilayer structures and blends of these materials on different substrates were prepared for absorption, photocurrent (Iph), photoluminescence (PL) and electroluminscence (EL) studies. Polymers chosen were derivatives of polythiophene (PT) and polyparaphenylenevinylene (PPV) along with nanoclusters of cadmium sulphide of average size 4.4 nm (CdS-44). The photocurrent spectral response in these systems followed the absorption response around the band edges for each of the components and revealed additional features, which depended on bias voltage, thickness of the layers and interfacial effects. The current-voltage curves showed multi-component features with emission varying for different regimes of voltage. The emission spectral response revealed additive features and is discussed in terms of excitonic mechanisms.


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We present a real-time haptics-aided injection technique for biological cells using miniature compliant mechanisms. Our system consists of a haptic robot operated by a human hand, an XYZ stage for micro-positioning, a camera for image capture, and a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) miniature compliant device that serves the dual purpose of an injecting tool and a force-sensor. In contrast to existing haptics-based micromanipulation techniques where an external force sensor is used, we use visually captured displacements of the compliant mechanism to compute the applied and reaction forces. The human hand can feel the magnified manipulation force through the haptic device in real-time while the motion of the human hand is replicated on the mechanism side. The images are captured using a camera at the rate of 30 frames per second for extracting the displacement data. This is used to compute the forces at the rate of 30 Hz. The force computed in this manner is sent at the rate of 1000 Hz to ensure stable haptic interaction. The haptic cell-manipulation system was tested by injecting into a zebrafish egg cell after validating the technique at a size larger than that of the cell.


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In pay-per click sponsored search auctions which are currently extensively used by search engines, the auction for a keyword involves a certain number of advertisers (say k) competing for available slots (say m) to display their ads. This auction is typically conducted for a number of rounds (say T). There are click probabilities mu_ij associated with agent-slot pairs. The search engine's goal is to maximize social welfare, for example, the sum of values of the advertisers. The search engine does not know the true value of an advertiser for a click to her ad and also does not know the click probabilities mu_ij s. A key problem for the search engine therefore is to learn these during the T rounds of the auction and also to ensure that the auction mechanism is truthful. Mechanisms for addressing such learning and incentives issues have recently been introduced and would be referred to as multi-armed-bandit (MAB) mechanisms. When m = 1,characterizations for truthful MAB mechanisms are available in the literature and it has been shown that the regret for such mechanisms will be O(T^{2/3}). In this paper, we seek to derive a characterization in the realistic but nontrivial general case when m > 1 and obtain several interesting results.


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Previous studies of complexes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis PanK (MtPanK) with nucleotide diphosphates and non-hydrolysable analogues of nucleoside triphosphates in the presence or the absence of pantothenate established that the enzyme has dual specificity for ATP and GTP, revealed the unusual movement of ligands during enzyme action and provided information on the effect of pantothenate on the location and conformation of the nucleotides at the beginning and the end of enzyme action. The X-ray analyses of the binary complexes of MtPanK with pantothenate, pantothenol and N-nonylpantothenamide reported here demonstrate that in the absence of nucleotide these ligands occupy, with a somewhat open conformation, a location similar to that occupied by phosphopantothenate in the `end' complexes, which differs distinctly from the location of pantothenate in the closed conformation in the ternary `initiation' complexes. The conformation and the location of the nucleotide were also different in the initiation and end complexes. An invariant arginine appears to play a critical role in the movement of ligands that takes place during enzyme action. The work presented here completes the description of the locations and conformations of nucleoside diphosphates and triphosphates and pantothenate in different binary and ternary complexes, and suggests a structural rationale for the movement of ligands during enzyme action. The present investigation also suggests that N-alkylpantothenamides could be phosphorylated by the enzyme in the same manner as pantothenate.


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This work intends to demonstrate the importance of geometrically nonlinear crosssectional analysis of certain composite beam-based four-bar mechanisms in predicting system dynamic characteristics. All component bars of the mechanism are made of fiber reinforced laminates and have thin rectangular cross-sections. They could, in general, be pre-twisted and/or possess initial curvature, either by design or by defect. They are linked to each other by means of revolute joints. We restrict ourselves to linear materials with small strains within each elastic body (beam). Each component of the mechanism is modeled as a beam based on geometrically nonlinear 3-D elasticity theory. The component problems are thus split into 2-D analyses of reference beam cross-sections and nonlinear 1-D analyses along the four beam reference curves. For thin rectangular cross-sections considered here, the 2-D cross-sectional nonlinearity is overwhelming. This can be perceived from the fact that such sections constitute a limiting case between thin-walled open and closed sections, thus inviting the nonlinear phenomena observed in both. The strong elastic couplings of anisotropic composite laminates complicate the model further. However, a powerful mathematical tool called the Variational Asymptotic Method (VAM) not only enables such a dimensional reduction, but also provides asymptotically correct analytical solutions to the nonlinear cross-sectional analysis. Such closed-form solutions are used here in conjunction with numerical techniques for the rest of the problem to predict multi-body dynamic responses, more quickly and accurately than would otherwise be possible. The analysis methodology can be viewed as a three-step procedure: First, the cross-sectional properties of each bar of the mechanism is determined analytically based on an asymptotic procedure, starting from Classical Laminated Shell Theory (CLST) and taking advantage of its thin strip geometry. Second, the dynamic response of the nonlinear, flexible fourbar mechanism is simulated by treating each bar as a 1-D beam, discretized using finite elements, and employing energy-preserving and -decaying time integration schemes for unconditional stability. Finally, local 3-D deformations and stresses in the entire system are recovered, based on the 1-D responses predicted in the previous step. With the model, tools and procedure in place, we shall attempt to identify and investigate a few problems where the cross-sectional nonlinearities are significant. This will be carried out by varying stacking sequences and material properties, and speculating on the dominating diagonal and coupling terms in the closed-form nonlinear beam stiffness matrix. Numerical examples will be presented and results from this analysis will be compared with those available in the literature, for linear cross-sectional analysis and isotropic materials as special cases.


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Novel designs for two-axis, high-resolution, monolithic inertial sensors are presented in this paper. Monolithic, i.e., joint-less single-piece compliant designs are already common in micromachined inertial sensors such as accelerometers and gyroscopes. Here, compliant mechanisms are used not only to achieve de-coupling between motions along two orthogonal axes but also to amplify the displacements of the proof-mass. Sensitivity and resolution capabilities are enhanced because the amplified motion is used for sensing the measurand. A particular symmetric arrangement of displacement-amplifying compliant mechanisms (DaCMs) leads to de-coupled and amplified motion. An existing DaCM and a new topology-optimized DaCM are presented as a building block in the new arrangement. A spring-mass-lever model is presented as a lumped abstraction of the new arrangement. This model is useful for arriving at the optimal parameters of the DaCM and for performing system-level simulation. The new designs improved the performance by a factor of two or more.