143 resultados para Magic squares


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The maintenance of chlorine residual is needed at all the points in the distribution system supplied with chlorine as a disinfectant. The propagation and level of chlorine in a distribution system is affected by both bulk and pipe wall reactions. It is well known that the field determination of wall reaction parameter is difficult. The source strength of chlorine to maintain a specified chlorine residual at a target node is also an important parameter. The inverse model presented in the paper determines these water quality parameters, which are associated with different reaction kinetics, either in single or in groups of pipes. The weighted-least-squares method based on the Gauss-Newton minimization technique is used for the estimation of these parameters. The validation and application of the inverse model is illustrated with an example pipe distribution system under steady state. A generalized procedure to handle noisy and bad (abnormal) data is suggested, which can be used to estimate these parameters more accurately. The developed inverse model is useful for water supply agencies to calibrate their water distribution system and to improve their operational strategies to maintain water quality.


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The thermodynamic properties of liquid unsaturated Co--O solutions have been determined by electrochemical measurements using (Y sub 2 O sub 3 )ThO sub 2 as solid electrolyte. The cell can be represented as, Pt. MoO sub 2 + Mo | (Y sub 2 O sub 3 )ThO sub 2 | O sub Co , tungsten, Pt, Emf of the cell was measured as a function of oxygen concentration in liquid Co at 1798, 1873 and 1973K. Least-mean squares regression analysis of the experimental data gives for the free energy of solution of diatomic oxygen in liquid Co Delta G exp 0 sub O(Co) = --84935--7.61 T ( plus/minus 400) J/g-atom and self interaction parameter for oxygen epsilon exp O sub O = --97240/T + 40.52 ( plus/minus 1) where the standard state for O is an infinitely dilute solution in which the activity is equal to atomic percent. The present data are discussed in comparison with those reported in the literature and the phase diagram for the Co--O system. 18 ref.--AA.


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The local structural information in the near-neighbor region of superionic conducting glass (AgBr)0.4(Ag2O)0.3(GeO2)0.3 has been estimated from the anomalous X-ray scattering (AXS) measurements using Ge and Br K absorption edges. The possible atomic arrangements in the near-neighbor region of this glass were obtained by coupling the results with the least-squares variational method so as to reproduce two differential intensity profiles for Ge and Br as well as the ordinary scattering profile. The coordination number of oxygen around Ge is found to be 3.6 at a distance of 0.176 nm, suggesting the GeO4 tetrahedral unit as the probable structural entity in this glass. Moreover, the coordination number of Ag around Br is estimated as 6.3 at a distance of 0.284 nm, suggesting an arrangement similar to that in crystalline AgBr.


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A hybrid simulation technique for identification and steady state optimization of a tubular reactor used in ammonia synthesis is presented. The parameter identification program finds the catalyst activity factor and certain heat transfer coefficients that minimize the sum of squares of deviation from simulated and actual temperature measurements obtained from an operating plant. The optimization program finds the values of three flows to the reactor to maximize the ammonia yield using the estimated parameter values. Powell's direct method of optimization is used in both cases. The results obtained here are compared with the plant data.


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Synthesis of a series of two-dimensional metallamacrocycles via coordination-driven self-assembly of a shape-selective Pt(2)(II)-molecular building unit incorporating carbazole-ethynyl functionality is described. An equimolar (1 : 1) combination of a Pt(2)(II)-organometallic 90 degrees acceptor, 1, with rigid linear ditopic donors (L(a) and L(b)) afforded [4 + 4] self-assembled octanuclear molecular squares, 2 and 3, in quantitative yields, respectively [L(a) = 4,4'-bipyridine; L(b) = trans-1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethylene]. Conversely, a similar treatment of 1 with an amide-based unsymmetrical flexible ditopic donor, L(c), resulted in the formation of a [2 + 2] self-sorted molecular rhomboid (4a) as a single product [L(c) = N-(4-pyridyl)isonicotinamide]. Despite the possibility of several linkage isomeric macrocycles (rhomboid, triangle and square) due to the different connectivity of L(c), the formation of a single and symmetrical molecular rhomboid (4a) as the only product is an interesting observation. All the self-assembled macrocycles (2, 3 and 4a) were fully characterized by multinuclear NMR ((1)H and (31)P) and ESI-MS analysis. Further structural insights about the size and shape of the macrocycles were obtained through energy minimization using density functional theory (DFT) calculations. Decoration of the starting carbazole building unit with Pt-ethynyl functionality enriches the assemblies to be more p-electron rich and luminescent in nature. Macrocycles 2 and 3 could sense the presence of electron deficient nitroaromatics in solution by quenching of the initial intensity upon gradual addition of picric acid (PA). They exhibited the largest quenching response with high selectivity for nitroaromatics compared to several other electron deficient aromatics tested.


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Three algorithms for reactive power optimization are proposed in this paper with three different objective functions. The objectives in the proposed algorithm are to minimize the sum of the squares of the voltage deviations of the load buses, minimization of sum of squares of voltage stability L-indices of load buses (:3L2) algorithm, and also the objective of system real power loss (Ploss) minimization. The approach adopted is an iterative scheme with successive power flow analysis using decoupled technique and solution of the linear programming problem using upper bound optimization technique. Results obtained with all these objectives are compared. The analysis of these objective functions are presented to illustrate their advantages. It is observed comparing different objective functions it is possible to identify critical On Load Tap Changers (OLTCs) that should be made manual to avoid possible voltage instability due to their operation based on voltage improvement criteria under heavy load conditions. These algorithms have been tested under simulated conditions on few test systems. The results obtained on practical systems of 24-node equivalent EHV Indian power network, and for a 205 bus EHV system are presented for illustration purposes.


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Present day power systems are growing in size and complexity of operation with inter connections to neighboring systems, introduction of large generating units, EHV 400/765 kV AC transmission systems, HVDC systems and more sophisticated control devices such as FACTS. For planning and operational studies, it requires suitable modeling of all components in the power system, as the number of HVDC systems and FACTS devices of different type are incorporated in the system. This paper presents reactive power optimization with three objectives to minimize the sum of the squares of the voltage deviations (ve) of the load buses, minimization of sum of squares of voltage stability L-indices of load buses (¿L2), and also the system real power loss (Ploss) minimization. The proposed methods have been tested on typical sample system. Results for Indian 96-bus equivalent system including HVDC terminal and UPFC under normal and contingency conditions are presented.


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In this article, an extension to the total variation diminishing finite volume formulation of the lattice Boltzmann equation method on unstructured meshes was presented. The quadratic least squares procedure is used for the estimation of first-order and second-order spatial gradients of the particle distribution functions. The distribution functions were extrapolated quadratically to the virtual upwind node. The time integration was performed using the fourth-order RungeKutta procedure. A grid convergence study was performed in order to demonstrate the order of accuracy of the present scheme. The formulation was validated for the benchmark two-dimensional, laminar, and unsteady flow past a single circular cylinder. These computations were then investigated for the low Mach number simulations. Further validation was performed for flow past two circular cylinders arranged in tandem and side-by-side. Results of these simulations were extensively compared with the previous numerical data. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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This paper reports investigation of Na2O and ZnO modified borovanadate glasses in the highly modified regime of compositions. These glasses have been prepared by microwave route. Ultraviolet (UV) and visible, infrared (IR), Magic Angle Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (MAS NMR) and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopies have been used to characterize the speciation in the glasses. Together with the variation of properties such as molar volume and glass transition temperatures, spectroscopic data indicate that at high levels of modification, ZnO tends to behave like network former. It is proposed that the observed variation of all the properties can be reasonably well understood with a structural model. The model considers that the modification and speciation in glasses are strongly determined by the hierarchy of group electronegativities. Further, it is proposed that the width of the transitions of glasses obtained under same condition reflects the fragility of the glasses. An empirical expression has been suggested to quantify fragility on the basis of width of the transition regions. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Savitzky-Golay (S-G) filters are finite impulse response lowpass filters obtained while smoothing data using a local least-squares (LS) polynomial approximation. Savitzky and Golay proved in their hallmark paper that local LS fitting of polynomials and their evaluation at the mid-point of the approximation interval is equivalent to filtering with a fixed impulse response. The problem that we address here is, ``how to choose a pointwise minimum mean squared error (MMSE) S-G filter length or order for smoothing, while preserving the temporal structure of a time-varying signal.'' We solve the bias-variance tradeoff involved in the MMSE optimization using Stein's unbiased risk estimator (SURE). We observe that the 3-dB cutoff frequency of the SURE-optimal S-G filter is higher where the signal varies fast locally, and vice versa, essentially enabling us to suitably trade off the bias and variance, thereby resulting in near-MMSE performance. At low signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs), it is seen that the adaptive filter length algorithm performance improves by incorporating a regularization term in the SURE objective function. We consider the algorithm performance on real-world electrocardiogram (ECG) signals. The results exhibit considerable SNR improvement. Noise performance analysis shows that the proposed algorithms are comparable, and in some cases, better than some standard denoising techniques available in the literature.


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We address the classical problem of delta feature computation, and interpret the operation involved in terms of Savitzky- Golay (SG) filtering. Features such as themel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs), obtained based on short-time spectra of the speech signal, are commonly used in speech recognition tasks. In order to incorporate the dynamics of speech, auxiliary delta and delta-delta features, which are computed as temporal derivatives of the original features, are used. Typically, the delta features are computed in a smooth fashion using local least-squares (LS) polynomial fitting on each feature vector component trajectory. In the light of the original work of Savitzky and Golay, and a recent article by Schafer in IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, we interpret the dynamic feature vector computation for arbitrary derivative orders as SG filtering with a fixed impulse response. This filtering equivalence brings in significantly lower latency with no loss in accuracy, as validated by results on a TIMIT phoneme recognition task. The SG filters involved in dynamic parameter computation can be viewed as modulation filters, proposed by Hermansky.


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Purpose: Developing a computationally efficient automated method for the optimal choice of regularization parameter in diffuse optical tomography. Methods: The least-squares QR (LSQR)-type method that uses Lanczos bidiagonalization is known to be computationally efficient in performing the reconstruction procedure in diffuse optical tomography. The same is effectively deployed via an optimization procedure that uses the simplex method to find the optimal regularization parameter. The proposed LSQR-type method is compared with the traditional methods such as L-curve, generalized cross-validation (GCV), and recently proposed minimal residual method (MRM)-based choice of regularization parameter using numerical and experimental phantom data. Results: The results indicate that the proposed LSQR-type and MRM-based methods performance in terms of reconstructed image quality is similar and superior compared to L-curve and GCV-based methods. The proposed method computational complexity is at least five times lower compared to MRM-based method, making it an optimal technique. Conclusions: The LSQR-type method was able to overcome the inherent limitation of computationally expensive nature of MRM-based automated way finding the optimal regularization parameter in diffuse optical tomographic imaging, making this method more suitable to be deployed in real-time. (C) 2013 American Association of Physicists in Medicine. http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.4792459]


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The nucleus of the eukaryotic cell functions amidst active cytoskeletal �laments, but its response to the stresses carried by these �laments is largely unexplored. We report here the results of studies of the translational and rotational dynamics of the nuclei of single �broblast cells, with the e�ects of cell migration suppressed by plating onto �bronectin-coated micro-fabricated patterns. Patterns of the same area but di�erent shapes and/or aspect ratio were used to study the e�ect of cell geometry on the dynamics. On circles, squares and equilateral triangles, the nucleus undergoes persistent rotational motion, while on high-aspect-ratio rectangles of the same area it moves only back and forth. The circle and the triangle showed respectively the largest and the smallest angular speed. We show that our observations can be understood through a hydrodynamic approach in which the nucleus is treated as a highly viscous inclusion residing in a less viscous uid of orientable �laments endowed with active stresses. Lowering actin contractility selectively by introducing blebbistatin at low concentrations drastically reduced the speed and persistence time of the angular motion of the nucleus. Time-lapse imaging of actin revealed a correlated hydrodynamic ow around the nucleus, with pro�le and magnitude consistent with the results of our theoretical approach. Coherent intracellular ows and consequent nuclear rotation thus appear to be a generic property that cells must balance by speci�c mechanisms in order to maintain nuclear homeostasis


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Introduction: For over half a century now, the dopamine hypothesis has provided the most widely accepted heuristic model linking pathophysiology and treatment in schizophrenia. Despite dopaminergic drugs being available for six decades, this system continues to represent a key target in schizophrenia drug discovery. The present article reviews the scientific rationale for dopaminergic medications historically and the shift in our thinking since, which is clearly reflected in the investigational drugs detailed. Areas covered: We searched for investigational drugs using the key words `dopamine,' `schizophrenia,' and `Phase II' in American and European clinical trial registers (clinicaltrials. gov; clinicaltrialsregister.eu), published articles using National Library of Medicine's PubMed database, and supplemented results with a manual search of cross-references and conference abstracts. We provide a brief description of drugs targeting dopamine synthesis, release or metabolism, and receptors (agonists/partial agonists/antagonists). Expert opinion: There are prominent shifts in how we presently conceptualize schizophrenia and its treatment. Current efforts are not as much focused on developing better antipsychotics but, instead, on treatments that can improve other symptom domains, in particular cognitive and negative. This new era in the pharmacotherapy of schizophrenia moves us away from the older `magic bullet' approach toward a strategy fostering polypharmacy and a more individualized approach shaped by the individual's specific symptom profile.


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Real-time object tracking is a critical task in many computer vision applications. Achieving rapid and robust tracking while handling changes in object pose and size, varying illumination and partial occlusion, is a challenging task given the limited amount of computational resources. In this paper we propose a real-time object tracker in l(1) framework addressing these issues. In the proposed approach, dictionaries containing templates of overlapping object fragments are created. The candidate fragments are sparsely represented in the dictionary fragment space by solving the l(1) regularized least squares problem. The non zero coefficients indicate the relative motion between the target and candidate fragments along with a fidelity measure. The final object motion is obtained by fusing the reliable motion information. The dictionary is updated based on the object likelihood map. The proposed tracking algorithm is tested on various challenging videos and found to outperform earlier approach.